Waste Management Symposia 2014

Author Index



























Labalette, Thibaud
Cigeo, the Project for Geological Disposal Project of Radioactive Waste in France

LaBarge, Matthew
Los Alamos National Laboratory's 3,706 TRU Waste Campaign - TRU Reclassified Material Disposition Program and Disposal Options at WCS Resulting in Significant Cost and Schedule Savings

Labe, Virginie
Incorporation of Noble Metals in High Level Waste Borosilicate Glass: Focus on Vitrification Process Developments

LaBolle, Eric
Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site

LaBrier, Daniel
Characterization and Thermal Treatment of Carbon-14 on Irradiated Graphite Surfaces

Lacombe, Jacques
World Premiere Industrial Vitrification of High Level Liquid Waste Produced by Uranium/Molybdenum Fuel Reprocessing in La Hague's Cold Crucible Melter

Lacy, Darrell
Disposal of U-233 as Low Level Waste at the Nevada Nuclear Security Site

Restart of the Yucca Mountain License Application Review Directed by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia

Ladirat, Christian
Design Principles for Optimizing Nuclear Waste Glass Formulation for Industrial Implementation

Lagos, Leonel
D&D Knowledge Management Information Tool - 2014

Experimental Testing of Innovative High-Level-Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies

Rate of Uranium Release from Calcium Meta-Autunite: Effect of Bicarbonate Solutions on the Dissolution

The DOE-FIU Cooperative Agreement – Addressing DOE-EM's Technical Challenges

The Effect of Ca Ions on the Removal of U(VI) via In-Situ Ammonia Gas Injection at the Hanford Site 200 Area

Waste Information Management System with 2013-14 Waste Streams

Laija, Emerald
Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA

Laine, Heini
Repository layout, adaptation to the site characteristics and input to the safety case - the Finnish example

Laitinen, Mika
Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KB3 Method - 14344

Lalieux, Philippe
The Implementing Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Technology Platform (IGD-TP) - Main Achievements to Date and Way Forward

Lane, JJ
DOE Hanford Network Upgrades and Disaster Recovery Exercise Support the Cleanup Mission Now and Into the Future

Langowski, Angelika
Dismantling of the Obrigheim NPP Reactor and Waste Management – 14500

Langton, Christine
Comparison of Depth Discrete Oxidation Front Results and Reduction Capacity Measurements for Cementitious Waste Forms

The Expanded Capabilities of the Cementitious Barriers Partnership Software Toolbox Version 2.0

Larsen, Kevin
Removal of Radioactive Waste Tank and Drain Lines from the Whiteshell Laboratories Research and Development Laboratory Complex

Larsson, Arne
Assessment of Radioactivity Inventory in Swedish LWRs at time of Decommissioning

Development and Qualification of Steel Waste Container for ILW to be Disposed in Geological Repository

European, Transboundary Projects for Transport, Treatment and Recycling of Large Retired NPP Components in Studsvik

Nuclide Distribution in the Metal Recycling Process

RPV In-Situ Segmentation Combined with Off-Site Treatment for Volume Reduction and Recycling

Larsson, Peter
Disposal of LLW/ILW: The Extension of the SFR-Repository for Handling and Disposal of Decommissioning Waste

László, Zoltán
New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD)

Lavallee, Leah
Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign

Lavender, John
Improving Safety and Emergency Preparedness for Storage of Cs/Sr Capsules from Lessons Learned From Fukushima Events

Lawrence, Dave
Application of the Adaptive Management Concept as Theory Becomes Reality 14340

Laybed, Yassin
Simulations in Support of the Salt Defense Disposal Initiative (SDDI): Water and Salt Transport Driven by Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt

Layton, Mark
Liquid Waste Operations Initiatives in Performance Assessment Evolution

Lebedev, Vladimir
Summary of Cold Crucible Vitrification Tests Results with Savannah River Site High Level Waste Surrogates

Lee, Arim
Development of 3D Visualization Technology for Medium-and Large-sized Radioactive Metal Wastes from Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities

The Auxiliary Radiation Detector System for Monitoring Radiation Level of the Spent Fuel Pool

Lee, Brady
Evaluating the Potential for Microbial Iodine Immobilization: Humic Acid Bioremediation

Genome-Enabled Systems Approach to Predict Immobilization of Technetium in the Subsurface

Lee, Cheo Kyung
Permeability and Dispersion Coefficients in Rocks with Fracture Network

The Effective Elastic Coefficients of Porous Media with Simple Pore Geometries

Lee, Jung Min
Development of 3D Visualization Technology for Medium-and Large-sized Radioactive Metal Wastes from Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities

Lee, Kearn
Evaluating Feed Delivery Performance in Scaled Double Shell Tanks

Lee, Michelle (Hope)
Evaluating the Potential for Microbial Iodine Immobilization: Humic Acid Bioremediation

Genome-Enabled Systems Approach to Predict Immobilization of Technetium in the Subsurface

Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints

The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA

Lee, Ryan
Implementation and Performance Testing of a Sensitive Bulk Laundry Monitor for Use in Nuclear Power Stations

LeFebvre, Robert
Integrated Data and Analysis System for Commercial Used Nuclear Fuel Safety Assessments

Lehto, Jukka
Interaction of Radionuclides and Colloids Released from Materials Related to the Disposal of SNF

Stability of Silica Colloids Released from Injection Grout Silica Sol

Leigh, Christi
A New Approach for Feature, Event, and Process (FEP) Analysis of UNF/HLW Disposal

The Management School of Hard Knocks – The Deepest Learning

Lemiere, Gregoire
Retrieval and Conditioning of Legacy Radioactive Sludge from the Effluent Treatment Facility at La Hague Plant

Lemieux, Paul
Integrating Decontamination Strategies into a Waste Estimation Support Tool for Radiological Incidents

Lemonnier, Stéphane
Incorporation of Noble Metals in High Level Waste Borosilicate Glass: Focus on Vitrification Process Developments

Lemont, Florent
Organic Waste Treatment by Incineration and Coupled Incineration/Vitrification Process

Lemus, Alexey
Removing of Equipment of Loop Facilities and Preparation for Dismantling of Core of MR Reactor

Lennox, Barry
Remote Characterisation Technology for Decomissioning

Lerch, Jeff
Hanford Site River Corridor Cleanup – Effectiveness of Interim Actions and Transition to Final Actions

Levinskas, David
Improving Safety and Emergency Preparedness for Storage of Cs/Sr Capsules from Lessons Learned From Fukushima Events

Levitan, Bill
Building the Community of Practice for Performance and Risk Assessment in Support of Risk-Informed Environmental Management Decisions

Levitskaia, Tatiana
Inorganic Sorbents for Iodine Removal from Subsurface Plumes

Novel Inorganic Complexes for Tc Management in the Tank Waste

Properties of Tc(I) Tricarbonyl Derivatives Relevant to Hanford Tank Waste Supernatants

Levitt, Marc
Improved Three-Dimensional Resistivity Data Acquisition Capabilities at the Hanford Site

Lewis, Linda
Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99

Lidar, Per
Nuclide Distribution in the Metal Recycling Process

RPV In-Situ Segmentation Combined with Off-Site Treatment for Volume Reduction and Recycling

Lietzow, Jeffrey
Implementation of Recommendations from the One System Comparative Evaluation of the Hanford Tank Farms and Waste Treatment Plant Safety Bases

Liimatainen, Jyrki
In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland

Liljenfeldt, Henrik
Experimental Comparison between High Purity Germanium and Scintillator Detectors for Determining Burnup, Cooling Time and Decay Heat of Used Nuclear Fuel

Lindberg, Antero
In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland

Lindberg, Claes
The Feasibility of Using the KBS-3 Technology for Disposal of US Department of Energy's Used Nuclear Fuel

Lindberg, Erik
Implementation and Performance Testing of a Sensitive Bulk Laundry Monitor for Use in Nuclear Power Stations

Lindberg, Maria
Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry

From Non-Disposable to Disposable, Treatment of Pyrophoric or Gas Forming Waste Forms for Disposal – 14155

Nuclide Distribution in the Metal Recycling Process

Listjak, Martin
Decommissioning of Underground Storage Tanks of Liquid Radioactive Waste at the A1 NPP in Slovakia

Liu, Chunli
A Big Progress at High Level Radioactive Wastes Disposal in China: From Follow Suit to Science Driven

Lively, Jeffrey
Application of Soil Sorting for Depleted Uranium Fragments

The Art & Power of Visual Data Imaging

Ljubenov, Vladan
Risk Management on Strategic and Operational Level during Decommissioning – First Outcomes of the DRiMa Project at IAEA

Lockrem, Larry
A Technology for Real-Time Monitoring of VOCs Emanating from the Hanford Tank Farms

Lodge, Mike
Innovative Treatment of Problematic (Orphan) and Other Organic Wastes: An Excellent Example of International Technology Transfer between the US and the UK

Looman, Marc
Implementation and Performance Testing of a Sensitive Bulk Laundry Monitor for Use in Nuclear Power Stations

Looney, Brian
Evapotranspiration and Geochemical Controls on Groundwater Plumes at Arid Sites: Toward Innovative Alternate End-States for Uranium Processing and Tailings Facilities

Innovative Strategy for Long Term Monitoring of Metal and Radionuclide Plumes

Lopez, Alejandro
TENORM Waste Processing and Disposal of Filter Cake

Understanding and Managing the Radiological Issues Associated with the Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas

Lorentz, Håkan
Planning for the Dismantling of the Barsebäck NPP

Lucero, Randy
Implementation of a Surface Contaminated Object Characterization Program at LANL

Lundgren, Klas
Assessment of Radioactivity Inventory in Swedish LWRs at time of Decommissioning

Lutes, Chris
In situ Precipitation of Radionuclides in Groundwater at US DOE Savannah River Site

Lutz, Melissa
Site Transitions Moving From Cleanup to Long-Term Stewardship

MacDonald, Jennifer C.
Policy Perspective: Meeting the Challenge of Sustainability


MacDonell, Margaret
Importance of On-Site Meteorological Data for Remedial Action Projects: NFSS Example

Macias, Daniel
K-27 Program & Project Implementation (Separating Operations Activities from Capital Asset Project)

MacKinnon, Robert
A Decision Methodology for Prioritizing R&D Supporting Geologic Disposal of SNF/HLW in Salt

Mahoney, Mark
Development and Implementation of Regulator Approved Sampling and Analysis and Quality Assurance Program Plans for Underground Radioactive Waste Tank Residuals Characterization at the Savannah River Site

Maitland, Ryan
The UK's Plutonium Stockpile - Early Regulatory Assessment of Credible Options

Malama, Bwalya
Changes, Approach, and Results for the 2014 WIPP Compliance Recertification Application Performance Assessment

Mallick, Pramod
Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry

The Expanded Capabilities of the Cementitious Barriers Partnership Software Toolbox Version 2.0

Mann, Bruce
Sorption (Kd) Measurements in Support of Dose Assessments for Zion Nuclear Station Decommissioning

Marble, Justin
Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release

Marcial, Jose
The Effect of Foaming and Silica Dissolution on Melter Feed Rheology during Conversion to Glass

Marcos, Nuria
Repository layout, adaptation to the site characteristics and input to the safety case - the Finnish example

Mariner , Paul
Performance Assessment Modeling of a Generic UNF/HLW Repository in Salt

Marjavaara, Pieti
Customized Bentonite Pellets

Designing, Commissioning And Monitoring Of 40% Scale Bentonite Buffer Test

Markillie, Jeffrey
Laboratory Capabilities for Qualification of Hanford Tank Waste Feed for Treatment and Vitrification

Markley, Chris
Considerations Related to Human Intrusion in the Context of Disposal of Radioactive Waste - The IAEA HIDRA Project

Marra, James
Summary of Cold Crucible Vitrification Tests Results with Savannah River Site High Level Waste Surrogates

Marra, Sharon
Summary of Cold Crucible Vitrification Tests Results with Savannah River Site High Level Waste Surrogates

Marsal, François
"CIGEO" Geological Disposal for HLW and ILW: A Technical Dialogue Between the Public Expert and Civil Society

Marsat, Eric
Impermeable Graphite Matrix IGM for the Conditioning of Spent Absorbers at Fukushima

Martin, Bruce
Estimating Residual Solids Volumes in Underground Storage Tanks

Martin, David
Commercial Sealed Source Disposal in the U.S.: Progress, Challenges, and Areas for Further Assessment

Martin, Guillaume
The First International Decennial Appraisal of the Detailed Memory of the Manche Disposal Facility

Martin, Ray
Implementation and Performance Testing of a Sensitive Bulk Laundry Monitor for Use in Nuclear Power Stations

Martino, Jason
Operation of a Waste Management Area during Decommissioning

Martins, Ken
The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA

Masik, Steffen
Virtual Underground Laboratory for Rock Salt – VIRTUS

Mason, John
Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium

Implementation and Performance Testing of a Sensitive Bulk Laundry Monitor for Use in Nuclear Power Stations

Mathison, Tom
Colonie FUSRAP Site Two Year Monitored Natural Attenuation Study of Groundwater

Mattlin, Ellen
Double-Shell Tank System Permit Modification Options to Consider to Support Waste Feed Delivery to the Waste Treatment Plant

McCabe, Daniel
Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal

Development and Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process

McCain, Rick
Geophysical Logging to Assess Annular Seals in Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the Hanford Site

High-Resolution Spectral Gamma Logging for Characterization of Radiological Contaminant Plumes in the Deep Vadose Zone

McCall, Ann
Äspö International - Role of the Äspö HRL as an International URL

Improving Credibility and Competence in Geological Disposal through International Co-Operation and Initiatives

McCombie, Charles
Effects of Fukushima on Global Nuclear Development

Towards a European Regional Geological Repository

McCoy, Frank
Implementation of Recommendations from the One System Comparative Evaluation of the Hanford Tank Farms and Waste Treatment Plant Safety Bases

McCullum, Rod
Yucca Mountain Licensing in a Post-Blue Ribbon Commission World

McDaniel, Dwayne
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of High Level Waste Plug Formation

Experimental Testing of Innovative High-Level-Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies

McDonald, Kulvinder
The UK's Plutonium Stockpile - Early Regulatory Assessment of Credible Options

McEaddy, Monica
Improving Five-Year Reviews at Federal Facility Superfund Sites

McKelvie, Jennifer
Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel – An Update on the Status of the Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process

McKenney, Christepher
How Long is Too Long?

McKirdy, Bruce
Improving Credibility and Competence in Geological Disposal through International Co-Operation and Initiatives

McMahon, William
Performance Assessment for the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility, Hanford Site, Washington

McNeil, Ella
Optimizing a National Transportation Program for Efficiency and Effectiveness

McNeill, Michael
Improved Three-Dimensional Resistivity Data Acquisition Capabilities at the Hanford Site

McNiven, Steven
Nuclear Industry Study on the Feasibility of Standardized Transportation, Aging and Disposal Canisters for Used Nuclear Fuel

Medakovic, Sasa
Risk Management on Strategic and Operational Level during Decommissioning – First Outcomes of the DRiMa Project at IAEA

Meess, Daniel
High-level Waste Storage Project Utilizes Modified SNF Dry Storage Design

Meeussen, Johannes
Understanding the Impact of Model Assumptions on Estimating Constituent Leaching during Disposal of Cementitious Waste Forms

Mehta, Sunil
Performance Assessment for the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility, Hanford Site, Washington

Risk and Performance Analyses Supporting Closure of Waste Management Area C at the Hanford Site in Southeast Washington

Meiners, Steve
International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials

Meira Castro, Ana Cristina
Radiation Dose Rates and Exposure Associated to Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM) at Locations of a Portuguese Coal-Fired Power Plant

Mejias, Katherine
Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium

Meldrum, Phil
A Trial of 4D Cross-Borehole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK

The Ground Environment Management Scheme (GEMS): Technologies for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK

Melvin, Al
Pathway to Arizona's Nuclear Future

Melzer, Joerg
Development, Analyses and Validation of Finite Element Model of FSC 2005

Menniti, Adrienne
The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA

Mertz, Carol
Irreversible Wash Aid Additive for Mitigation of Urban, Radioactive Contaminations

Mertz, Joshua
Development of a Reactive Transport Model for the Optimization of Ion Specific Media Used at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant

Mesnil, Christian
World Premiere Industrial Vitrification of High Level Liquid Waste Produced by Uranium/Molybdenum Fuel Reprocessing in La Hague's Cold Crucible Melter

Metlyaev, Evgeny
Russian Experience in Regulatory Supervision of the Uranium Mine and Milling Legacy Sites

Meyer, Kevin
ISOCS Waste Measurement Applications at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Meyers, Peter
Efficiencies and Optimization of Weak Based Anion IX Resin for Groundwater Hexavalent Chromium Removal at Hanford

Michaluk, Craig
Benefits of a Dedicated Decommissioning Team for the B300 Project at Whiteshell Laboratories

Miera, Felix
Double-Shell Tank System Permit Modification Options to Consider to Support Waste Feed Delivery to the Waste Treatment Plant

Milian, Laurence
Sorption (Kd) Measurements in Support of Dose Assessments for Zion Nuclear Station Decommissioning

Miller, Charles
Efficiencies and Optimization of Weak Based Anion IX Resin for Groundwater Hexavalent Chromium Removal at Hanford

Miller, Donald
Comparison of Depth Discrete Oxidation Front Results and Reduction Capacity Measurements for Cementitious Waste Forms

Radioactive Demonstration of Mineralized Waste Forms Made from Hanford Low Activity Waste (Tank SX-105 and AN-103) by Fluidized Bed Steam Reformation (FBSR)

Miller, Neil
Importance of On-Site Meteorological Data for Remedial Action Projects: NFSS Example

Millings, Margaret
Evapotranspiration and Geochemical Controls on Groundwater Plumes at Arid Sites: Toward Innovative Alternate End-States for Uranium Processing and Tailings Facilities

Innovative Strategy for Long Term Monitoring of Metal and Radionuclide Plumes

Millsap, William
Radiological Assessment for the Removal of Legacy BPA Power Lines/ Components that Cross the Hanford Site

Mimura, Hitoshi
Estimation of Permeability Changes Due to Contact with Highly Alkaline Ca-Rich Solution by Micro Flow-Cell of Granite Chip

Raman Spectra of Calcium Silicate Hydrates Sorbing Iodine Ions in Saline Groundwater

The Influence of Calcium Ions on Migration of Colloidal Silicic Acid in the Presence of Solid Phase

Minichan, Rick
Comparison of Depth Discrete Oxidation Front Results and Reduction Capacity Measurements for Cementitious Waste Forms

Missimer, David
Radioactive Demonstration of Mineralized Waste Forms Made from Hanford Low Activity Waste (Tank SX-105 and AN-103) by Fluidized Bed Steam Reformation (FBSR)

Mistry, Amar
Development, Analyses and Validation of Finite Element Model of FSC 2005

Mitsui, Takashi
Cutting Performance of Remote Fiber Laser Cutting System for Dismantling HLW Glass Melter

Miura, Noriaki
Cutting Performance of Remote Fiber Laser Cutting System for Dismantling HLW Glass Melter

Miura, Yasuhiko
Cutting Performance of Remote Fiber Laser Cutting System for Dismantling HLW Glass Melter

Moeller, Kai
The IAEA Activities in the End-of-Life Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources

Mönig, Jörg
A New Approach for Feature, Event, and Process (FEP) Analysis of UNF/HLW Disposal

New Methodology for Realistic Integration of Sorption Processes Safety Assessments - 14153

Monken Fernandes, Horst
International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials

Montgomery, Brad
Managing Changed Conditions/Activities—D&D of the Paducah US DOE C-340 Metals Reduction Complex

Waste Management Lessons Learned from the Paducah C-340 Metals Reduction Complex D&D

Montgomery, Fred
Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99

Montgomery, John
GEMS 2.0

Moon, Jei-Kwon
Removal of Salt-Soluble Fission Products from the Metal Product of the Electrolytic Reduction Process

Moon, Joo Hyun
Development of 3D Visualization Technology for Medium-and Large-sized Radioactive Metal Wastes from Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities

Development of Re-Packaged Drum Radioactivity Estimation Method

The Auxiliary Radiation Detector System for Monitoring Radiation Level of the Spent Fuel Pool

Moore, James
Colonie FUSRAP Site Two Year Monitored Natural Attenuation Study of Groundwater

Moren, Rick
The Evolution of LTS at Hanford

Morgan, David
Sodium Separation from Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste via Distillation

Morgan, Tom
Characterization and Certification of Plutonium Isentropic Compression Experiment (Pu-ICE) Containment Vessels for Shipment and Emplacement at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). LA-UR-13-26085

Morgans, Donna
Identification of Major Risk Drivers and Contaminants of Potential Concern for a Complex Groundwater Aquifer

Morimoto, Yasuyuki
Actual Results of D&D in Uranium Refining and Conversion Plant

Morris, Edgar
Waste Management System Architecture Evaluations

Morse, John
Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA

Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints

The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA

Web-Based Geographic Information System Tool for Accessing Hanford Site Environmental Data

Morse, Megan
Development and Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process

Moulton, David
Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release

Mousseau, Vince
Performance Assessment Modeling of a Generic UNF/HLW Repository in Salt

Moya, Deanna
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of High Level Waste Plug Formation

Moyers, Rick
Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99

Mudra, Josef
Experiences in the Field of Radioactive Materials Seizures in the Czech Republic

Mueller, Christian
Virtual Underground Laboratory for Rock Salt – VIRTUS

Mueller, Lars
Assessment Strategy of Numerical Analyses of RAM Package Components

Mueller, Walter
Impermeable Graphite Matrix IGM for the Conditioning of Spent Absorbers at Fukushima

Mui, Travis
Preliminary Design Concepts for a Deep Borehole Disposal Re-Packaging Facility

Müller, Karsten
Dynamic Penetration Tests on Shock Absorbing Damping Concrete_14166

Experimental Investigation of RAM Packages Impact Limiters

Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal

Murdoch, Lawrence
Development of a Reactive Transport Model for the Optimization of Ion Specific Media Used at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant

Musgrave, Mark
Contaminated Waste Minimisation Using Chemical Extraction Technology - 14316

Musolff, Andre
Experimental Investigation of RAM Packages Impact Limiters

Myers, Jeff
Innovative Field Monitoring: Legacy Successes and the Future of Long-term Monitoring

Remote Environmental Monitoring: Applying Automated Sampling to Produce Real-Time Data for Long-Term Monitoring Cost Savings and Compliance Assurance

Myers, Scott
618-10 Burial Ground: Vertical Pipe Units Remediation

Expediting Closeout of a Major US DOE Contract: The Washington Closure Hanford / US DOE-RL Closeout Office Avoidance Plan

Removal of the 340 Vault from the Hanford 300 Area using Disodium Phosphate

Nagelschmidt, Sven
Numerical Analysis of Cask Accident Scenarios in Storage Facilities


Test Results and Analyses in Terms of Aging Mechanisms of Metal Seals in Casks for Dry Storage of SNF

Nakazawa, Dante
Non-Destructive Assay Applications Using Temperature-Stabilized Large Volume CeBr Detectors

Nash, Charles
Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal

Development and Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process

Radioactive Demonstration of Mineralized Waste Forms Made from Hanford Low Activity Waste (Tank SX-105 and AN-103) by Fluidized Bed Steam Reformation (FBSR)

Neacsu, Elena
Present Status of the Closure Plan for Radioactive Waste National Repository from Baita, Bihor, Romania

Negin, Charles
In Situ Decommissioning Lessons Learned

In Situ Decommissioning Project Risk Management

Nelson, Kathy
Characterization and Thermal Treatment of Carbon-14 on Irradiated Graphite Surfaces

Nelson, Roger
How Does The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Benefit From International Cooperation?

Novel Design Models of Container Configurations to Increase Efficiency of Disposal of Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Simulations in Support of the Salt Defense Disposal Initiative (SDDI): Water and Salt Transport Driven by Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt

The Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI): Current Status and Future Plans

WIPP Status and Plans – 2014

Nelson, Ron
Plateau Remediation Company – Going Green with an Automated Procedure System

Nelson, Shea
Coupled Vadose Zone/Saturated Zone Models for Nearfield Analyses

The Effects of Site Complexity on Model Performance – Long-term Groundwater Performance Assessment

Neshem, Dean
Efficiencies and Optimization of Weak Based Anion IX Resin for Groundwater Hexavalent Chromium Removal at Hanford

Neumann, Martin
Development of a Wood Material Model for Impact Limiters of Transport Packages

Neumeyer, Tino
Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal

Nevarez, Richard
Translating the Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) Data into Risk Management Criteria and into a Risk Ranking Process for Disposition Projects – 14135

Nickless, David
Key Factors in Successful Execution of the LANL 3,706 m3 TRU Waste Campaign

Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign

Nieder-Westermann, Gerald
R&D on the Feasibility of Operating a Geological Disposal Facility for High-Level and Long-Lived Radioactive Waste in Belgium- Further Development of Operational Concept

Niemi, Belinda
Implementation of Recommendations from the One System Comparative Evaluation of the Hanford Tank Farms and Waste Treatment Plant Safety Bases

Niemiaho, Suvi
Interaction of Radionuclides and Colloids Released from Materials Related to the Disposal of SNF

Nigam, Hitesh
The Feasibility of Using the KBS-3 Technology for Disposal of US Department of Energy's Used Nuclear Fuel

Niibori, Yuichi
Estimation of Permeability Changes Due to Contact with Highly Alkaline Ca-Rich Solution by Micro Flow-Cell of Granite Chip

Raman Spectra of Calcium Silicate Hydrates Sorbing Iodine Ions in Saline Groundwater

The Influence of Calcium Ions on Migration of Colloidal Silicic Acid in the Presence of Solid Phase

Nilsson, Kersti
In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland

Nilsson, Lennart
Reactor Internals Segmentation Experience in the Nordic Region

Nonnet, Helene
Incorporation of Noble Metals in High Level Waste Borosilicate Glass: Focus on Vitrification Process Developments

Norden, Maria

Normani, Stefano
Hydrogeologic Simulations of a Deep Seated Groundwater System: Bruce Nuclear Site

Noseck, Ulrich
New Methodology for Realistic Integration of Sorption Processes Safety Assessments - 14153

Nutt, William
Preliminary Design Concepts for a Deep Borehole Disposal Re-Packaging Facility

Preliminary Evaluation of Dual-Purpose Canister Disposal Alternatives

Waste Management System Architecture Evaluations

Nyitrai, Károly
New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD)

O'Brien, Luke
Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry


O'Connor, Stephen
Optimizing a National Transportation Program for Efficiency and Effectiveness

O'Conor, Letitia
Improving Five-Year Reviews at Federal Facility Superfund Sites

O'Sullivan, Patrick
International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials

Risk Management on Strategic and Operational Level during Decommissioning – First Outcomes of the DRiMa Project at IAEA

Oates, Berta
National Analytical Management Program (NAMP) Education and Training in Radiochemistry via Public Webinars

Oehmigen, Steffen
Dismantling and Release of Large Metallic Components at the GNS Premises in Duisburg on the Example of a CASTOR S1 Container

Oldal, Ottó
New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD)

Oldiges, Olaf
Development, Analyses and Validation of Finite Element Model of FSC 2005

Olin, Markus
Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KB3 Method - 14344

Olsson, Olle
Resolved and Remaining Issues for KBS-3 – SKB's Research, Development and Demonstration Programme 2013

Site Selection and Licensing - Challenges in Building and Maintaining Trust over Many Years

Onagi, Dwayne
Operation of a Waste Management Area during Decommissioning

Oostrom, Mart
Flux-Based Evaluation of Perched-Water in the Deep Vadose Zone at the Hanford Site

Technical Basis for Contaminated Pore-Water Extraction from the Vadose Zone

Oowaki, Katsura
Cutting Performance of Remote Fiber Laser Cutting System for Dismantling HLW Glass Melter

Orr, Robin
Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry

Österberg, Carl
From Non-Disposable to Disposable, Treatment of Pyrophoric or Gas Forming Waste Forms for Disposal – 14155


Otterbein, János
Selective Separation of Radionuclides from NPP Evaporator Bottom Residue


Ouzounian, Gérald
Cigeo, the Project for Geological Disposal Project of Radioactive Waste in France

French Radioactive Waste Management: a Sustainable Approach

Owen, Anthony
Selecting Nuclear-Powered Submarines in Australia: Nuclear Waste Considerations

Oxby, Lucy
A Trial of 4D Cross-Borehole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK

Paik, Ingle
Implementation of Recommendations from the One System Comparative Evaluation of the Hanford Tank Farms and Waste Treatment Plant Safety Bases


Palmu, Marjatta
Nordic Full-Scale Demonstrations of Tunnel Plugging Technologies for Repository Conditions

Palonen, Erkki
Next Target Operating License: Challenges in Building Facilities for Spent Fuel Disposal

Paltemaa, Risto
14244 Regulatory Oversight of Disposal Facility Construction and Component Fabrication (heinonen)

Regulatory Review and Assessment of the 2012 Construction License Application for an SNF Disposal Facility at Olkiluoto, Finland

Pancake, Daniel
Nuclear Footprint Reduction at Argonne National Laboratory - Out with the Old (Material), In with the New (Mission)

Overcoming Challenges to Dispose of a Shielded Container at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Parashar, Rishi
Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site

Park, Chan Hee
Development of 3D Visualization Technology for Medium-and Large-sized Radioactive Metal Wastes from Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities

The Auxiliary Radiation Detector System for Monitoring Radiation Level of the Spent Fuel Pool

Park, Seung-Kook
Removal of Salt-Soluble Fission Products from the Metal Product of the Electrolytic Reduction Process

Parker, Andrew
An Evaluation of Electrokinetic Transport of Radioactive Species through Concrete for Application as a Non-Destructive In Situ Remediation Technique - 14102

Parker, Danny
Pore Water Extraction Test Near SX Tank Farm at the Hanford Site, Washington, USA

Parker, Kent
Evaluating the Potential for Microbial Iodine Immobilization: Humic Acid Bioremediation

Parmenter, Andy
Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel – An Update on the Status of the Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process

Parson, Jenelle
Dose Rate Profile Surrounding a Waste Repository

Passard, Christian
Performance Assessment of a Correction Matrix Effect Method Based on a H-3 Drum Monitor on a DDT Measurement Station for the Assay of Fissile Mass in Large-Size Drums

Patek, Gábor
New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD)

Selective Separation of Radionuclides from NPP Evaporator Bottom Residue

Patel, Romani
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of High Level Waste Plug Formation

Patterson, Russell
How Does The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Benefit From International Cooperation?

Overcoming Challenges to Dispose of a Shielded Container at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

WIPP Compliance Recertification Application 2019 (CRA-2019) - Big Changes Coming

Pátzay, György
New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD)

Selective Separation of Radionuclides from NPP Evaporator Bottom Residue

Paul, Neepa
In Situ Characterization of Mobilization, Dispersion and Re-Settling in Impinging Jet Ballast Tanks with an Acoustic Backscatter System

Pauling, Thomas
The Future is Now: Experience with Remediating and Managing Groundwater Contamination at Uranium Mill Tailing Sites

Paviet, Patricia
National Analytical Management Program (NAMP) Education and Training in Radiochemistry via Public Webinars

Pavlenko, Vitaly
Removing of Equipment of Loop Facilities and Preparation for Dismantling of Core of MR Reactor

Pavletich, Joseph
Development and Implementation of Regulator Approved Sampling and Analysis and Quality Assurance Program Plans for Underground Radioactive Waste Tank Residuals Characterization at the Savannah River Site

Pawel, Stephen
GEMS 2.0

Peakall, Jeff
In Situ Characterization of Mobilization, Dispersion and Re-Settling in Impinging Jet Ballast Tanks with an Acoustic Backscatter System

Measurement and Modelling of Legacy Sludge Separation and Transport Processes

Peake, Thomas
Integrating Decontamination Strategies into a Waste Estimation Support Tool for Radiological Incidents

Pekar, Anton
Decommissioning of Underground Storage Tanks of Liquid Radioactive Waste at the A1 NPP in Slovakia

Pekour, Mikhail
Air Sample Conditioner Helps the Waste Treatment Plant Meet Emissions Standards

Pennington, Mark
Risk Management in the Execution of Decommissioning Programs: A Comparison Of International Approaches

Risk Management on Strategic and Operational Level during Decommissioning – First Outcomes of the DRiMa Project at IAEA

Pennock, Jan
Improving Safety and Emergency Preparedness for Storage of Cs/Sr Capsules from Lessons Learned From Fukushima Events

Peplinskie, Gerard
Closed Fuel Can Venting and Hydride Passivation

Remediation of Active Liquid Waste Tanks at Chalk River Laboratories, AECL- #14339

Pers, Karin
Resolved and Remaining Issues for KBS-3 – SKB's Research, Development and Demonstration Programme 2013

Persson, Ingvar
The Division of Responsibilities between the State and Power Companies in the Management of Spent Fuel and Nuclear Waste in Sweden

Persson, Rolf
Public Involvement and Participation in Site Selection for Spent Nuclear Waste in Sweden

Pescatore, Claudio
Markers and Deep Geological Repositories – Learning within the OECD/NEA Project on the Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) across Generations

Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) across Generations. An Overview of the Eponymous OECD/NEA Project.

The International Peer Review under Aegis of the OECD/NEA, of SKB's Post-closure Safety Case for a Spent Fuel Repository in Sweden

When Dealing with the Long-Term, Care as to How Terms are Used: Reflections from the OECD/NEA RK&M Project Glossary

Peschong, Jon
Data Integration with Geospatial Visualization Tools at the Hanford Site

DOE Dashboards Eliminate Redundancy, Improve Accuracy, and Speed Decision-Making

Web-Based Tool Identifies and Quantifies Potential Cost Savings Measures at the Hanford Site

Peters, Thomas P
Single Stage Contactor Testing of the Next Generation Solvent Blend

Peterson, James
Inorganic Sorbents for Iodine Removal from Subsurface Plumes

Novel Inorganic Complexes for Tc Management in the Tank Waste

Peterson, Joshua
Integrated Data and Analysis System for Commercial Used Nuclear Fuel Safety Assessments

Peterson, Mark
Adaptive Management Facilitates Remedial Decision-Making in the Face of Uncertainty

Peterson, Reid
Properties of Tc(I) Tricarbonyl Derivatives Relevant to Hanford Tank Waste Supernatants

Petrik, Márk
New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD)

Petrovic, Miroljub (Mike)
From Single Storage Canister to Modular Air Cooled Storage (MACSTOR®)-Canadian Solution and Experience in Responsible Spent Fuel Management

Phifer, Mark
Computation of the Residual Radionuclide Activity within Three Natural Waterways at the Savannah River Site

US DOE-EM On-Site Disposal Cell Working Group - Fostering Communication on Performance Assessment Challenges

Phillips, Chris
Nuclear Industry Study on the Feasibility of Standardized Transportation, Aging and Disposal Canisters for Used Nuclear Fuel

Phillips, Elizabeth
Frozen Soil Barrier Technology – Facts, The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Barrier

Pierce, David
Kinetics of Cold-Cap Reactions for Vitrification of Nuclear Waste Glass Based on Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimetry–Thermogravimetry (DSC-TGA) and Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA)

Pierce, Eric
Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints

Pierson, Kayla
Binary Pitzer Model Parameters for Predicting the Solubility of Key Electrolytes in Hanford Waste

Pinet, Olivier
Design Principles for Optimizing Nuclear Waste Glass Formulation for Industrial Implementation

World Premiere Industrial Vitrification of High Level Liquid Waste Produced by Uranium/Molybdenum Fuel Reprocessing in La Hague's Cold Crucible Melter

Pisca, Michal
Decommissioning of Underground Storage Tanks of Liquid Radioactive Waste at the A1 NPP in Slovakia

Pitkänen, Petteri
In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland

Plieness, Ray
Abandoned Uranium Mines Report to Congress

Plumeri, Stéphane
Contribution of Metrology to a Qualified Disposal Monitoring System Stable over Centennial Timescales

Plung, Dan
Expediting Closeout of a Major US DOE Contract: The Washington Closure Hanford / US DOE-RL Closeout Office Avoidance Plan

Podlaha, Josef
Experiences in the Field of Radioactive Materials Seizures in the Czech Republic

Russian Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Repatriation from the Reactor Country to the Russian Federation for Reprocessing

Pohlmann, Karl
Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site

Poirier, Michael
Single Stage Contactor Testing of the Next Generation Solvent Blend

Pokhitonov, Yury
Prospects on Immobilization of Liquid Organic Radwaste with the Use of High Technology Polymers

Polley, Mark
Remediation of Active Liquid Waste Tanks at Chalk River Laboratories, AECL- #14339

Pope, Arron
Geophysical Logging to Assess Annular Seals in Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the Hanford Site

High-Resolution Spectral Gamma Logging for Characterization of Radiological Contaminant Plumes in the Deep Vadose Zone

Potapov, Victor
Ultra-Light Gamma-Camera for Security and Emergency Situation

Poteri, Antti
In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland

Potsyapun, Nadezhda
Russian Experience in Regulatory Supervision of the Uranium Mine and Milling Legacy Sites

Powell, Brian
Development of a Reactive Transport Model for the Optimization of Ion Specific Media Used at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant

Powell, Jane
Site Transitions Moving From Cleanup to Long-Term Stewardship

Powers, Charles
Risk Evaluations Differ Depending upon Agency Performing Them: Implications for DOE

Preston, Margaret
Coupled Vadose Zone/Saturated Zone Models for Nearfield Analyses

The Effects of Site Complexity on Model Performance – Long-term Groundwater Performance Assessment

Pribanic, Tomas
Experimental Testing of Innovative High-Level-Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies

Probst, Ulrich
Test Results and Analyses in Terms of Aging Mechanisms of Metal Seals in Casks for Dry Storage of SNF

Proctor, Megan
Evaluation of Potential Cross-Cutting Trends Associated with Incidents at Washington Closure Hanford

Prod'homme, Anthony
Design Principles for Optimizing Nuclear Waste Glass Formulation for Industrial Implementation

Puig, Francesc
Waste Management System Architecture Evaluations

Puig, Jean
Incorporation of Noble Metals in High Level Waste Borosilicate Glass: Focus on Vitrification Process Developments

Pullin, Ian
CNC Milling as a Decontamination Method for Magnox Pond Skips

Pyl, Lincy
Detection and Monitoring of Cracks in a Concrete Buffer from DIC and AE Measurements

Qiao, Linan
Dynamic Penetration Tests on Shock Absorbing Damping Concrete_14166


Quercetti, Thomas
Experimental Investigation of RAM Packages Impact Limiters

Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal

Quinn, Robert
After the A2: Experiences with a Multi-Energy Approach for Type B Package Shielding

Quintero, Walter
D&D Knowledge Management Information Tool - 2014

Waste Information Management System with 2013-14 Waste Streams

Rabski, Henry
Evolution of an Orphaned Source Management Strategy - Canadian Experience


Raimbault, Philippe
When Dealing with the Long-Term, Care as to How Terms are Used: Reflections from the OECD/NEA RK&M Project Glossary

Rajala, Pauliina
Microbially Induced Corrosion of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel in Alkaline Ground Water - Composition and Metabolic Functionality of Biofilm

Rajan, Ramya
Probabilistic Design of Landfill Final Cover System

Ramsey, Gene
Solubility Validation from Boildown Data for Hanford Tank Liquids

Randall, Geoff
Measurement and Modelling of Legacy Sludge Separation and Transport Processes

Rantamäki, Pasi
Customized Bentonite Pellets

Designed Buffer Components for Finnish KSB-3V Concept

Designing, Commissioning And Monitoring Of 40% Scale Bentonite Buffer Test

Rapko, Brian
Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal

Properties of Tc(I) Tricarbonyl Derivatives Relevant to Hanford Tank Waste Supernatants

Rascalou , Fréderic
Retrieval and Conditioning of Powdery Waste: Investigations Carried out in a Storage Pit to Consolidate Input Data Prior to Conditioning

Rasilainen, Kari
Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KB3 Method - 14344

KYT2014 – Research Programme to Support Finnish Nuclear Waste Authorities

Rasmussen, Len
Removal of Radioactive Waste Tank and Drain Lines from the Whiteshell Laboratories Research and Development Laboratory Complex

Rast, Rick
Overview of Hanford Single-Shell Tank (SST) Structural Integrity

Raulio, Mari
Microbially Induced Corrosion of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel in Alkaline Ground Water - Composition and Metabolic Functionality of Biofilm

Reber, Eric
Technical Cooperation for Improving Cradle-to-Grave Control of Sealed Radioactive Sources in the Mediterranean Region

Recio, Manuel
Technical Cooperation for Improving Cradle-to-Grave Control of Sealed Radioactive Sources in the Mediterranean Region

Redfield, Myrna
Waste Management Lessons Learned from the Paducah C-340 Metals Reduction Complex D&D

Reed, Karen
FUSRAP Strategy: A Plan for the Next 10 Years

Reeves, Donald "Matt"
Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site

Reinsdorff, Peter
Handling and Treatment of Low Level Waste in a Sorting, Drying and Compaction Facility in Changjiang, NPP unit 1/2

Renevitz, Marisa
Data Integration with Geospatial Visualization Tools at the Hanford Site

DOE Dashboards Eliminate Redundancy, Improve Accuracy, and Speed Decision-Making

Web-Based Tool Identifies and Quantifies Potential Cost Savings Measures at the Hanford Site

Reynolds, Jacob
Binary Pitzer Model Parameters for Predicting the Solubility of Key Electrolytes in Hanford Waste

Rhoades, James
Overcoming Challenges to Dispose of a Shielded Container at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Rhodes, Dominic
In Situ Characterization of Mobilization, Dispersion and Re-Settling in Impinging Jet Ballast Tanks with an Acoustic Backscatter System

Rice, Hugh
Measurement and Modelling of Legacy Sludge Separation and Transport Processes

Richardson, John-Patrick
An Integrated Approach to the Technical Development and Procurement of the UK's Intermediate Level Waste Containers – 14195

Richmond, Pamela
International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials

Riggs, Trent
Los Alamos National Laboratory's 3,706 TRU Waste Campaign - TRU Reclassified Material Disposition Program and Disposal Options at WCS Resulting in Significant Cost and Schedule Savings

Ritter, John
Innovative Treatment of Problematic (Orphan) and Other Organic Wastes: An Excellent Example of International Technology Transfer between the US and the UK

Roach, Jay
The US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program

Robb, Kevin
Integrated Data and Analysis System for Commercial Used Nuclear Fuel Safety Assessments

Robertson, Owen
Performance Assessment for the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility, Hanford Site, Washington

Robinson, Bruce
Simulations in Support of the Salt Defense Disposal Initiative (SDDI): Water and Salt Transport Driven by Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt

The Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI): Current Status and Future Plans

Robinson, Sharon
Tritium Behavior in Zircaloy Cladding from Used Light Water Reactor Fuel Rods

Rock, Cynthia
Nuclear Footprint Reduction at Argonne National Laboratory - Out with the Old (Material), In with the New (Mission)

Overcoming Challenges to Dispose of a Shielded Container at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Rod, Kerry
Development of Decommissioning Strategy for Humboldt Bay Power Plant

Rodriguez, Carmen
Kinetics of Cold-Cap Reactions for Vitrification of Nuclear Waste Glass Based on Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimetry–Thermogravimetry (DSC-TGA) and Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA)

Rodriguez, Manuel
Identifying and Managing Risks during Decommissioning of Jose Cabrera NPP

Rodriguez Chiti, Gabriel
Enhanced Recovery Of Radionuclides From Irradiated Graphite by Sulfuric Acid-Graphite Intercalation and Leaching

Roe, Julian
Using a Full Scale Support Rig to Enhance the Performance of the Waste Vitrification Plant at Sellafield

Roelant, David
Waste Information Management System with 2013-14 Waste Streams

Rohay, Virginia
Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA

Romanovsky, Valery
Prospects on Immobilization of Liquid Organic Radwaste with the Use of High Technology Polymers

Romary, Jean-Michel
French Radioactive Waste Management: a Sustainable Approach

Romero, Michael J.
Los Alamos National Laboratory's 3,706 TRU Waste Campaign - TRU Reclassified Material Disposition Program and Disposal Options at WCS Resulting in Significant Cost and Schedule Savings

Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign

Roncero Martin, Jose Miguel
Technical Cooperation for Improving Cradle-to-Grave Control of Sealed Radioactive Sources in the Mediterranean Region

Roner, Anthony
Increasing Energy Efficiency Through Innovative Delivery Methods

Ropponen, Ilkka
Testing of New Antimony Selective Media SbTreat at Loviisa NPP, FINLAND

Rosen, Jeremy
NucLab Marcoule: A Laboratory Facility Dedicated to Support Dismantling Operations

Rosenberger, Kent
Integration between Performance Assessments Does Not Equal Duplication

Ross, Chad W.
Sodium Separation from Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste via Distillation

Roughan, Kate
Looking Toward Sustainable Long-term Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources

Rousseau, Ronald W.
A Methodology for Monitoring Concentrations of Complex Waste Solutions

Rucker, Dale
High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site

Ruddy, Becky
Embedding a Strategy - Changing a Culture

Russell, Chuck
Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site

Russell, Keith
Waste Processing Using WCATS with Its Underlying Task-Based Architecture

Rustick, Joseph
Development of a Dimensionless Number to Assess Risk for LLW Disposal Facilities

Ryan, Michael T.
Development of a Dimensionless Number to Assess Risk for LLW Disposal Facilities

Saanio, Timo
Repository layout, adaptation to the site characteristics and input to the safety case - the Finnish example


Salyer, Randell
Newly-Generated, Remote-Handled TRU Characterization and Certification at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico (SAND # 2013-6745A)

Sams, Terry
Deep Sludge Gas Release Event Analytical Evaluation

Discovery of the First Leaking Double-Shell Tank – Hanford Tank 241-AY-102

Samson, Eric
The Expanded Capabilities of the Cementitious Barriers Partnership Software Toolbox Version 2.0

Sanborn, Scott
Analytical Model Methodology Development and Demonstration of Approach on Used Fuel Performance Characterization for Condition of Normal Transportation

Assembly Level Modeling and Transportation Damage Prediction of Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) Cladding

Sanchez-Rico Castejon, Maria
Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel – An Update on the Status of the Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process

Sandén, Torbjörn
Inflow Handling during the Emplacement of the Backfill in the KBS-3 Concept

Sato, Hisato
Status and Future Plan of Decommissioning of the Plutonium Fuel Fabrication Facility

Saunders, Danielle
Evaluating the Potential for Microbial Iodine Immobilization: Humic Acid Bioremediation

Genome-Enabled Systems Approach to Predict Immobilization of Technetium in the Subsurface

Saunders, Scott
Laboratory Capabilities for Qualification of Hanford Tank Waste Feed for Treatment and Vitrification

Scaglione, John
Integrated Data and Analysis System for Commercial Used Nuclear Fuel Safety Assessments

Preliminary Evaluation of Dual-Purpose Canister Disposal Alternatives

Scarborough, Rebecca
Emergency Response Planning for Urban Remediation Project

Scheibe, Tim
Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release

Scheidemann, Robert
Dynamic Penetration Tests on Shock Absorbing Damping Concrete_14166

Schilling, Olaf
Assessment Strategy of Numerical Analyses of RAM Package Components

Schofield, John
Evaluation of Hanford Single-Shell Waste Tanks Suspected of Water Intrusion

Schröder, Jantine
Markers and Deep Geological Repositories – Learning within the OECD/NEA Project on the Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) across Generations

Schroeders, Wouter
Orphan Sources Belgium

Schruder, Kristan
Risk Management in the Execution of Decommissioning Programs: A Comparison Of International Approaches

Schruder, Kristan
Risk Management on Strategic and Operational Level during Decommissioning – First Outcomes of the DRiMa Project at IAEA

Schubert, Allen
Environmental Cleanup of the East Tennessee Technology Park - Year Two - A Status Report

Schuhen, Michael
Flume Testing of Surrogate Waste Materials Leading to a Recommendation for the Lower Limit for TAUFAIL

Schultheisz, Daniel
Integrating Decontamination Strategies into a Waste Estimation Support Tool for Radiological Incidents

Schunk, János
New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD)

Schweiger, Michael
Characterizing a High-Level Waste Cold Cap via Elemental and Structural Configuration

Effect of Sulfate on Rhenium Partitioning during Melting of Low-Activity Waste Glass Feeds

Kinetics of Cold-Cap Reactions for Vitrification of Nuclear Waste Glass Based on Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimetry–Thermogravimetry (DSC-TGA) and Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA)

The Effect of Foaming and Silica Dissolution on Melter Feed Rheology during Conversion to Glass

Scott, Barry
Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium

Sears, Joe
A Technology for Real-Time Monitoring of VOCs Emanating from the Hanford Tank Farms

Segerud, Per
Feedback from José Cabrera Plant Decommissioning Project

Reactor Internals Segmentation Experience in the Nordic Region

RPV In-Situ Segmentation Combined with Off-Site Treatment for Volume Reduction and Recycling

SEGOND, Nathalie
AREVA Experiences in Cementation Technologies to Immobilize Radioactive Waste

Retrieval and Conditioning of Legacy Radioactive Sludge from the Effluent Treatment Facility at La Hague Plant

Seidler, Paul
Yucca Mountain Licensing in a Post-Blue Ribbon Commission World

Seifert, Rob
Managing Changed Conditions/Activities—D&D of the Paducah US DOE C-340 Metals Reduction Complex

Waste Management Lessons Learned from the Paducah C-340 Metals Reduction Complex D&D

Seiple, Timothy E.
Web-Based Geographic Information System Tool for Accessing Hanford Site Environmental Data

Seitz, Roger
Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release

Considerations Related to Human Intrusion in the Context of Disposal of Radioactive Waste - The IAEA HIDRA Project

US DOE-EM On-Site Disposal Cell Working Group - Fostering Communication on Performance Assessment Challenges

Semenov, Sergey
Removing of Equipment of Loop Facilities and Preparation for Dismantling of Core of MR Reactor

Semin, Ilya
Determination of Components of a Fuel Matrix in Water and in Bottom Slimes in the MR Reactor Ponds in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Ultra-Light Gamma-Camera for Security and Emergency Situation

Serimaa, Ritva
Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KB3 Method - 14344

Serne, Jeffrey
Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal

Setzman, Erik
Preparing for Implementation, Construction and Public Support - the Added Value Programme

Preservation of Information and Communication With Future Generations

Seurat, Philippe
The D&D Program of GB1 Gaseous Diffusion Plant

Sevougian, S. David
A Decision Methodology for Prioritizing R&D Supporting Geologic Disposal of SNF/HLW in Salt

A New Approach for Feature, Event, and Process (FEP) Analysis of UNF/HLW Disposal

Performance Assessment Modeling of a Generic UNF/HLW Repository in Salt

Shafer, David
The Future is Now: Experience with Remediating and Managing Groundwater Contamination at Uranium Mill Tailing Sites

Shandala, Nataliya
Russian Experience in Regulatory Supervision of the Uranium Mine and Milling Legacy Sites

Shelanskey, Steven
Development of Decommissioning Strategy for Humboldt Bay Power Plant

Shelton, Catherine
Perspectives on Interim Storage Solutions of Used Nuclear Fuel in the Long Term

Shephard, Eugene
From Nuclear/Fossil Fuel Research Facility to Redevelopment

Shin, Seong Gyu
Development of Re-Packaged Drum Radioactivity Estimation Method

Shisha, Anatoly
Removing of Equipment of Loop Facilities and Preparation for Dismantling of Core of MR Reactor

Shoffner, Peggy
D&D Knowledge Management Information Tool - 2014

The DOE-FIU Cooperative Agreement – Addressing DOE-EM's Technical Challenges

Waste Information Management System with 2013-14 Waste Streams

Shott, Greg
Waste Acceptance and Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site

Siitari-Kauppi, Marja
In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland

Simiele, Connie
Improving Safety and Emergency Preparedness for Storage of Cs/Sr Capsules from Lessons Learned From Fukushima Events

Simirskii, Iurii
Determination of Components of a Fuel Matrix in Water and in Bottom Slimes in the MR Reactor Ponds in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Simmons, Sally
Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA

The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA

Simons, Stefaan
Selecting Nuclear-Powered Submarines in Australia: Nuclear Waste Considerations

Simpson, Alan
Methods for Reduction of the Minimal Detectable Activity in Neutron Assay of High Mass/High Z Objects

Simpson, Brett
Data Integration with Geospatial Visualization Tools at the Hanford Site

DOE Dashboards Eliminate Redundancy, Improve Accuracy, and Speed Decision-Making

Web-Based Tool Identifies and Quantifies Potential Cost Savings Measures at the Hanford Site

Simpson, Michael
Macroeconomic Impacts of an International Repository

Sims, Lynn
Adaptive Management Facilitates Remedial Decision-Making in the Face of Uncertainty

Singledecker, Steven
Radioactive Waste Characterization Strategies; Statistical Comparison Dose to Curie and Gamma Spectroscopy Analysis Methods

Sinkov, Sergei
Properties of Tc(I) Tricarbonyl Derivatives Relevant to Hanford Tank Waste Supernatants

Sinton, Gregory
Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA

Šír, David
Experiences in the Field of Radioactive Materials Seizures in the Czech Republic


Skålberg, Mats
In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland


Skorska, Maria
Pore Water Extraction Test Near SX Tank Farm at the Hanford Site, Washington, USA

Skrzyppek, Juergen
Containers for Storage and Transport of Spent Fuel and Waste from the Operations, Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Power Stations

Skwarek, Raymond
One System Integrated Project Team Progress in Coordinating Hanford Tank Farms and the Waste Treatment Plant

Slaathaug, Eric
Waste Treatment Planning for Challenging Hanford Tank Waste

Smirnov, Igor
UNEX-T Solvent for Cs, Sr and Actinides Separation from PUREX Raffinate

Smith, Alan
Operational Experience with a Robotic Arm for Wet Waste Retrieval at Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Plant

Smith, Brenda
Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99

Smith, David W.
Application of the Adaptive Management Concept as Theory Becomes Reality 14340

Smith, Frank
The Expanded Capabilities of the Cementitious Barriers Partnership Software Toolbox Version 2.0

Smith, Gary
Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry

Smith, Gary L.
Consensus Standardization of Slurry Simulant Development Process to Reduce Design Risk within the DOE Complex

Smith, Karen
International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials

Smith, Miles
Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign

Smith, Tara
Characterization and Thermal Treatment of Carbon-14 on Irradiated Graphite Surfaces

Sneve, Malgorzata
User Interface Features of Information-Analytical System for Radiation Safety of Personnel on the Example of Northwest Center for Radioactive Waste Management "SevRAO"

Sociu, Florin
Present Status of the Closure Plan for Radioactive Waste National Repository from Baita, Bihor, Romania

Sokolnitskaya, Tatyana
Absorbers for Removal of Sr-90 from Sea Water at Fukushima Site

Sollet, Patrick
Contribution of Metrology to a Qualified Disposal Monitoring System Stable over Centennial Timescales

Soong, Te-Yang
Probabilistic Design of Landfill Final Cover System

Spangenberg, Jacob
Local Community Involvement - The Swedish Example

Spears, Robert
Detailed PWR Fuel Rod and Grid Finite Element Analysis to Provide Equivalent Rod Stiffness and Damping and Equivalent Grid Shell Thickness to PWR Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) Assembly

Spoerner, Michael
Newly-Generated, Remote-Handled TRU Characterization and Certification at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico (SAND # 2013-6745A)

Stancu, Alexandru
Remote Characterisation Technology for Decomissioning

Stanfield, Sean
ISOCS Waste Measurement Applications at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Staroski, Richard
Radioactive Waste Characterization Strategies; Statistical Comparison Dose to Curie and Gamma Spectroscopy Analysis Methods

Starr, Ken
FUSRAP Strategy: A Plan for the Next 10 Years

Stassen, Lize
Characterization of Uranium Residue from Solid Mo-99 Manufacturing Waste and Development of a Recovery Process using Carbonate Solution

Staten, Jane
Importance of On-Site Meteorological Data for Remedial Action Projects: NFSS Example

Stauffer, Philip
Simulations in Support of the Salt Defense Disposal Initiative (SDDI): Water and Salt Transport Driven by Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt

The Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI): Current Status and Future Plans

Steefel, Carl
Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release

Stefanko, David
Comparison of Depth Discrete Oxidation Front Results and Reduction Capacity Measurements for Cementitious Waste Forms

Stefanovsky, Sergey
Summary of Cold Crucible Vitrification Tests Results with Savannah River Site High Level Waste Surrogates

Steinwarz, Wolfgang
Containers for Storage and Transport of Spent Fuel and Waste from the Operations, Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Power Stations

Stepanov, Alexey
Determination of Components of a Fuel Matrix in Water and in Bottom Slimes in the MR Reactor Ponds in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Ultra-Light Gamma-Camera for Security and Emergency Situation

Stepanov, Vyacheslav
Ultra-Light Gamma-Camera for Security and Emergency Situation

Stewart, Andrew
Waste Offsetting: The Commodification of Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLW)

Stockham, Dwight
Recovery and Recycling of Aluminum, Copper, and Precious Metals from Dismantled Weapon Components

Stockmann, Madlen
New Methodology for Realistic Integration of Sorption Processes Safety Assessments - 14153

Stoll, Ralph
Macroeconomic Impacts of an International Repository

Stone, Timothy
Selecting Nuclear-Powered Submarines in Australia: Nuclear Waste Considerations

Stouch, James
Nuclear Supply Chain: Perspective of a Component and Sub-system Fabricator

Strand, Chris
Removal of the 340 Vault from the Hanford 300 Area using Disodium Phosphate

Strickland, Chris
High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site

Stroble, J.R.
The National Transuranic (TRU) Program

Strock, Pierre
Performance Assessment of a Correction Matrix Effect Method Based on a H-3 Drum Monitor on a DDT Measurement Station for the Assay of Fissile Mass in Large-Size Drums

Strömberg, Bo
SSM's Evaluation of the Long-Term Safety of the Proposed Repository for Spent Nuclear Fuel at the Forsmark Site in Sweden: Early Experiences from the Main Review Phase

Strong, Warren
Newly-Generated, Remote-Handled TRU Characterization and Certification at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico (SAND # 2013-6745A)

Stubna, Marian
Decommissioning of Underground Storage Tanks of Liquid Radioactive Waste at the A1 NPP in Slovakia

Subbarayan, Morgan
Probabilistic Design of Landfill Final Cover System

Sudduth, Christie
Evaluation of Sludge Heel Dissolution Efficiency with Oxalic Acid Cleaning at Savannah River Site

Sugitsue, Noritake
Actual Results of D&D in Uranium Refining and Conversion Plant

Sukhanov, Leonid
Immobilization of Liquid Organic and Aqueous Radioactive Waste Decommissioning in Porous Cement Matrix

Sullivan, Terry
Sorption (Kd) Measurements in Support of Dose Assessments for Zion Nuclear Station Decommissioning

Sundell, Reijo
ONKALO - From Concept to Reality

Suthiram, Janine
Characterization of Uranium Residue from Solid Mo-99 Manufacturing Waste and Development of a Recovery Process using Carbonate Solution

Suttora, Linda
Building the Community of Practice for Performance and Risk Assessment in Support of Risk-Informed Environmental Management Decisions

US DOE-EM On-Site Disposal Cell Working Group - Fostering Communication on Performance Assessment Challenges

Sviták, František
Russian Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Repatriation from the Reactor Country to the Russian Federation for Reprocessing

Svoboda, Karel
Experiences in the Field of Radioactive Materials Seizures in the Czech Republic

Russian Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Repatriation from the Reactor Country to the Russian Federation for Reprocessing

Swain, Adam
NPP Containment Vent Protection. Why There Is No One-size-fits-all Solution

Swanberg, David
Low Temperature Waste Form for Supplemental Immobilization of Hanford Low Activity Waste

Swartz, Mike
Value Engineering Study Yields Immediate Results for Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant

Sydnor, Harold
Pore Water Extraction Test Near SX Tank Farm at the Hanford Site, Washington, USA

Sykes, Eric
Hydrogeologic Simulations of a Deep Seated Groundwater System: Bruce Nuclear Site

Sykes, Jon
Hydrogeologic Simulations of a Deep Seated Groundwater System: Bruce Nuclear Site

Szabó, Sándor
New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD)

Szilagyi, Andrew
In Situ Decommissioning Lessons Learned

Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99

Tabor, Cynthia
Pore Water Extraction Test Near SX Tank Farm at the Hanford Site, Washington, USA


Tachiev, Georgio
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of High Level Waste Plug Formation

Tagami, Keiko
Change of Radiocesium Concentration in Trees Leaves: Two Years' Observation Following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Concentration Ratios of Radiocesium from Soil to Wild Boar Observed in Fukushima Prefecture

Takahashi, Nobuo
Actual Results of D&D in Uranium Refining and Conversion Plant

Talic, Ammar
Stigma, Fear and Forgiveness: Perspectives on Environmental Legacy and Community Closure Following Remediation Projects

Tamata, Shin
A New Adsorbent for Simultaneous Removal of Cesium and Strontium

Tanaka, Yoshio
Actual Results of D&D in Uranium Refining and Conversion Plant

Taplin, Temeka
Commercial Sealed Source Disposal in the U.S.: Progress, Challenges, and Areas for Further Assessment

Tashiro, Shinsuke
Release Behavior of Radioactive Materials at a Boiling Accident of High Active Liquid Waste in Reprocessing Plants

Taylor-Pashow, Kathryn
Development and Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process

Tchemitcheff, Eric
Evaluation of the Immobilization of Technetium by Incorporation into an Electroless Plated Ternary Alloy

Retrieval and Conditioning of Legacy Radioactive Sludge from the Effluent Treatment Facility at La Hague Plant

Ten Cate, James
Simulations in Support of the Salt Defense Disposal Initiative (SDDI): Water and Salt Transport Driven by Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt

Thakur, Punam
Reasons for Post-closure Monitoring of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Repository .

Theisen, Philip
How Does The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Benefit From International Cooperation?

Thiebaut, Valérie
Retrieval and Conditioning of Powdery Waste: Investigations Carried out in a Storage Pit to Consolidate Input Data Prior to Conditioning

Thien, Mike
Evaluating Feed Delivery Performance in Scaled Double Shell Tanks

Thomas, Brandon
After the A2: Experiences with a Multi-Energy Approach for Type B Package Shielding

Thomas, Ivan
Nuclear Industry Study on the Feasibility of Standardized Transportation, Aging and Disposal Canisters for Used Nuclear Fuel

Thomauske, Bruno
Final Disposal and Retrievability in the German Repository Concept

Site selection in Germany - A Restart

Thomle, Jon
High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site

Thompson, Cyril
Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99

Thompson, Dennis
Embedding a Strategy - Changing a Culture

Thompson, Michael
Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints

Thompson, Wendy
Results of Laboratory Microbial Testing for Enhancing Bioremediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soils at the Hanford Site's 100-N Area

Thomson, Steven
Black Cell Operations - UK National Nuclear Laboratory Experience

Thorpe, Dain
US EPA Superfund Radiation Risk Assessment: A Community Toolkit

Tian, Kuo
Hydraulic Conductivity of Geosynthetic Clay Liners Exposed to Low-Level Radioactive Waste Leachate

Tihey, John
Estimating Residual Solids Volumes in Underground Storage Tanks

Tiljander, Mia
Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KB3 Method - 14344

Timbes, Patrick
Project Planning Integration and Controls Organization Approach Success at East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) Contract, Oak Ridge, TN

Timonen, Jussi
In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland

Tobin, Stephen J.
Experimental Comparison between High Purity Germanium and Scintillator Detectors for Determining Burnup, Cooling Time and Decay Heat of Used Nuclear Fuel

Togneri, Laura
Testing of New Antimony Selective Media SbTreat at Loviisa NPP, FINLAND

Tonkay, Douglas
Innovative Treatment of Problematic (Orphan) and Other Organic Wastes: An Excellent Example of International Technology Transfer between the US and the UK

Tonkó, Csilla
Selective Separation of Radionuclides from NPP Evaporator Bottom Residue

Topkin, James
Characterization of Uranium Residue from Solid Mo-99 Manufacturing Waste and Development of a Recovery Process using Carbonate Solution

Torstenfelt, Börje
Disposal of LLW/ILW: The Extension of the SFR-Repository for Handling and Disposal of Decommissioning Waste

Towner, Antony
Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium

Tozer, Justin
Waste Processing Using WCATS with Its Underlying Task-Based Architecture

Triplett, Mark
Modeling of Electrical Resistivity Data in the Presence of Electrically Conductive Well Casings and Waste Storage Tanks

Web-Based Geographic Information System Tool for Accessing Hanford Site Environmental Data

Truex, Michael
An Integrated Endpoint Approach for Complex Sites

Flux-Based Evaluation of Perched-Water in the Deep Vadose Zone at the Hanford Site

High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site

Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints

Technical Basis for Contaminated Pore-Water Extraction from the Vadose Zone

Tschan, Gerald
Development, Analyses and Validation of Finite Element Model of FSC 2005

Tso, Chi-Fung
Development, Analyses and Validation of Finite Element Model of FSC 2005

Tucker, Brian
Sources of Bias in Environmental Sample Radioisotope Activity Measurements at USACE FUSRAP Maywood Laboratory

Turton, Leonard
GEMS 2.0

Tusa, Esko
Cesium And Strontium Removal With Highly Selective Ion Exchange Media In Fukushima And Cesium Removal With Less Selective Media

Testing of New Antimony Selective Media SbTreat at Loviisa NPP, FINLAND

Tuunanen, Jari
On-Site Disposal of Radioactive Waste as a Part of Finnish Radioactive Waste Management System

Uchida, Shigeo
Change of Radiocesium Concentration in Trees Leaves: Two Years' Observation Following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident


Concentration Ratios of Radiocesium from Soil to Wild Boar Observed in Fukushima Prefecture

Uchiyama, Gunzo
Release Behavior of Radioactive Materials at a Boiling Accident of High Active Liquid Waste in Reprocessing Plants

Uhlemann, Sebastian
A Trial of 4D Cross-Borehole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK

Underwood, Jefferson
NNSA's Risk-Based Nuclear Security Enterprise-wide Facility Disposition Program

Upadhyay, Himanshu
D&D Knowledge Management Information Tool - 2014

Waste Information Management System with 2013-14 Waste Streams

Urland, Charles
In Situ Decommissioning Lessons Learned

Urrutia-Bustos, Andres
Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel – An Update on the Status of the Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process

Vahlund, Fredrik
Disposal of LLW/ILW: The Extension of the SFR-Repository for Handling and Disposal of Decommissioning Waste


Vallance, Charlie
The Use of Divers for the Internal Underwater Segmentation of Steam Generators to Support Decommissioning

Van Cotthem, Alain
Detection and Monitoring of Cracks in a Concrete Buffer from DIC and AE Measurements

Van De Beuken, John
Pathway to Arizona's Nuclear Future

Van der Meersch, Daan
Orphan Sources Belgium

van der Sloot, Hans
Application of the New US EPA Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) to DOE Environmental Management Challenges

Understanding the Impact of Model Assumptions on Estimating Constituent Leaching during Disposal of Cementitious Waste Forms

Van der Wagt - de Groot, Karlijn
Licensing Process For Decommissioning Low Flux Reactor Petten

Van Luik, Abraham
How Does The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Benefit From International Cooperation?

Reasons for Post-closure Monitoring of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Repository .

Van Marcke, Philippe
Detection and Monitoring of Cracks in a Concrete Buffer from DIC and AE Measurements

R&D on the Feasibility of Operating a Geological Disposal Facility for High-Level and Long-Lived Radioactive Waste in Belgium- Further Development of Operational Concept

Van Mason, Eric
Double-Shell Tank System Permit Modification Options to Consider to Support Waste Feed Delivery to the Waste Treatment Plant

van Veen, Walter
Application of the Adaptive Management Concept as Theory Becomes Reality 14340

Varlakov, Andrey
Immobilization of Liquid Organic and Aqueous Radioactive Waste Decommissioning in Porous Cement Matrix

Vaughn, Palmer
Performance Assessment Modeling of a Generic UNF/HLW Repository in Salt

Veilleux, John
Implementation of a Surface Contaminated Object Characterization Program at LANL

Venetz, Theodore
Hanford Double-Shell Tank Extent-of-Condition Construction Review

Vepsäläinen, Mikko
Microbially Induced Corrosion of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel in Alkaline Ground Water - Composition and Metabolic Functionality of Biofilm

Verhoef, Ewoud
Multinational European Nuclear Waste Disposal, Looking Off-Shore

Size Matters, Management of Radioactive Waste in the Netherlands

Towards a European Regional Geological Repository

Vermarien, Elise
Role and significance of scenarios in safety case for LLW disposal at Dessel, Belgium

Versteeg, Roelof
High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site

Vesselinov, Velimir
Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints

Veyer, Catherine
Design Principles for Optimizing Nuclear Waste Glass Formulation for Industrial Implementation

World Premiere Industrial Vitrification of High Level Liquid Waste Produced by Uranium/Molybdenum Fuel Reprocessing in La Hague's Cold Crucible Melter

Vickerd, Meggan
Remediation of Active Liquid Waste Tanks at Chalk River Laboratories, AECL- #14339

Viermann, Joerg
Containers for Storage and Transport of Spent Fuel and Waste from the Operations, Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Power Stations

Vieth, Donald
Introspective Examination of the Issues Associated with the Nuclear Waste Disposal Confidence Situation

Viitanen, Pekka
On-Site Disposal of Radioactive Waste as a Part of Finnish Radioactive Waste Management System

Vinoche, Richard
The D&D Program of GB1 Gaseous Diffusion Plant

Viršek, Sandi
Post Closure Safety Assessment of the Proposed Low and Intermediate Level Waste Repository in Slovenia

Vitali, Jason
Evaluation of Sludge Heel Dissolution Efficiency with Oxalic Acid Cleaning at Savannah River Site

Voegele, Michael
Disposal of U-233 as Low Level Waste at the Nevada Nuclear Security Site

Introspective Examination of the Issues Associated with the Nuclear Waste Disposal Confidence Situation

Restart of the Yucca Mountain License Application Review Directed by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia

Volkovich, Anatoly
Determination of Components of a Fuel Matrix in Water and in Bottom Slimes in the MR Reactor Ponds in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Völzke, Holger
Dynamic Penetration Tests on Shock Absorbing Damping Concrete_14166

Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal

Numerical Analysis of Cask Accident Scenarios in Storage Facilities

Test Results and Analyses in Terms of Aging Mechanisms of Metal Seals in Casks for Dry Storage of SNF

Von Berlepsch, Thilo
Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Design and Operation of a Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility

Technical Design of the National Disposal Facility at Radiana in Bulgaria

Vorauer, Andre
Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel – An Update on the Status of the Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process

Voss, James
Macroeconomic Impacts of an International Repository

Selecting Nuclear-Powered Submarines in Australia: Nuclear Waste Considerations

Voutilainen, Mikko
In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland

Wachter, Joseph
ISOCS Waste Measurement Applications at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Wagner, Steve
How to Increase Knowledge of the Existence of a Nuclear Disposal Facility to Future Generations: Knowledge Footprint - A Perspective From an Operational Facility – 14221

Wainwright, Haruko
Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release

Walker, Stuart
US EPA Superfund Counts Per Minute (CPM) Electronic Calculator

US EPA Superfund Radiation Risk Assessment: A Community Toolkit

Walter, Nelson
From Nuclear/Fossil Fuel Research Facility to Redevelopment

Nuclear Fuel Site Decommissioning and License Termination

Wang, Hong
Potential Impact of Interfacial Bonding Efficiency on Used Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity during Normal Transportation

Reversal Bending Fatigue Testing on Zry-4 Surrogate Rod

Wang, Jy-An
Potential Impact of Interfacial Bonding Efficiency on Used Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity during Normal Transportation

Reversal Bending Fatigue Testing on Zry-4 Surrogate Rod

Washenfelder, Dennis
Double-Shell Tank Visual Inspection Changes Resulting from the Tank 241-AY-102 Primary Tank Leak

Evaluation of Hanford Single-Shell Waste Tanks Suspected of Water Intrusion

Forensic Investigation of Hanford Double-Shell Tank AY-102 Radioactive Waste Leak

Hanford Double-Shell Tank Extent-of-Condition Construction Review

Overview of Hanford Single-Shell Tank (SST) Structural Integrity

Tank 241-AY-102 Liner Corrosion Evaluation

Watahiki, Masatoshi
Status and Future Plan of Decommissioning of the Plutonium Fuel Fabrication Facility

Watson, David J.
Web-Based Geographic Information System Tool for Accessing Hanford Site Environmental Data

Watson, Kerry
Novel Design Models of Container Configurations to Increase Efficiency of Disposal of Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Watson, Simon
Remote Characterisation Technology for Decomissioning

Weaver, Douglas
The Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI): Current Status and Future Plans

Weber, Mike
Numerical Analysis of Cask Accident Scenarios in Storage Facilities

Weiskettel, Roland
Supporting the Largest D&D Project with Innovative Waste Management Approaches Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Wellman, Dawn
High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site

Modeling of Electrical Resistivity Data in the Presence of Electrically Conductive Well Casings and Waste Storage Tanks

Rate of Uranium Release from Calcium Meta-Autunite: Effect of Bicarbonate Solutions on the Dissolution

Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints

Wells, Beric
Consensus Standardization of Slurry Simulant Development Process to Reduce Design Risk within the DOE Complex

West, Lori
Improving Safety and Emergency Preparedness for Storage of Cs/Sr Capsules from Lessons Learned From Fukushima Events

Westsik, Joseph
Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal

Low Temperature Waste Form for Supplemental Immobilization of Hanford Low Activity Waste

White, Devin
Centralized Used Fuel Resource for Information Exchange

Whitworth, Julia
Looking Toward Sustainable Long-term Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources

Wieczorek, Klaus
Virtual Underground Laboratory for Rock Salt – VIRTUS

Wiersma, Bruce
Administrative and Engineering Controls for the Operation of Ventilation Systems for Underground Radioactive Waste Storage Tanks

Wieser, Guenter
Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal

Wikberg, Peter
The Feasibility of Using the KBS-3 Technology for Disposal of US Department of Energy's Used Nuclear Fuel

Wikmark, Anna
Damaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel; Development of Transport and Intermediate Storage Solutions

Wikström, Maria
Costing and Financing of the Swedish Waste Management System

Wilcox, Brian
Benefits of a Dedicated Decommissioning Team for the B300 Project at Whiteshell Laboratories

Wild, Elaine
Fast Analysis of Chlorinated Phenoxy Herbicides in Environmental Samples by Negative ESI LC-MS/MS

Wildernauer, Margaret
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Protective Garments: Reusable vs. Disposable in Radioactive Material Applications

Wilkinson, Paul
A Trial of 4D Cross-Borehole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK

The Ground Environment Management Scheme (GEMS): Technologies for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK

Wille, Frank
Assessment Strategy of Numerical Analyses of RAM Package Components

Development of a Wood Material Model for Impact Limiters of Transport Packages

Williams, Ashley
Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Inactivation: Approach for Waste Management and Exposure Reduction

Williams, Deborah
Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign

Williams, Michael
Single Stage Contactor Testing of the Next Generation Solvent Blend

Wilmarth, William
Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal

Development and Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process

Single Stage Contactor Testing of the Next Generation Solvent Blend

Wilmot, Roger
Role and significance of scenarios in safety case for LLW disposal at Dessel, Belgium

Wilson, Eilidh
Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign

Wilson, Robert
Solubility Validation from Boildown Data for Hanford Tank Liquids

Winterholler, Kirk
Structured Planning and Preparation Leads to Safe Open-Air Demolition of Contaminated Facility

Winters, Mike
A Case-Study: Implementation of Independent Final Status Survey in Support of Remediation at a FUSRAP Site

Wisbey, Simon
Application of Knowledge Management in the UK

Witkowski, Ioana
Challenges in Disposal of Off-Site Source Recovery Project Sources at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Wolf, Jens
A New Approach for Feature, Event, and Process (FEP) Analysis of UNF/HLW Disposal

Wolff, Dietmar
Numerical Analysis of Cask Accident Scenarios in Storage Facilities

Test Results and Analyses in Terms of Aging Mechanisms of Metal Seals in Casks for Dry Storage of SNF

Wong, Melanie
An Evaluation of the 2007 Strategic Assessment of the US NRC's Low-Level Waste Regulatory Program

Wood, Graeme
Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium

Wood, Myrian
Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry

Using a Full Scale Support Rig to Enhance the Performance of the Waste Vitrification Plant at Sellafield

Woolley, Anne
14510 - Severe Accident Management Hierarchy (SAMH) & Resilience Architecture Post Fukushima

Worthy, S. Jason
Estimating Residual Solids Volumes in Underground Storage Tanks

Wrapp, John
Supporting the Largest D&D Project with Innovative Waste Management Approaches Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Xiong, Qingrong
Analysis of Pore Structure Effects on Diffusive Reactive Transport in Bentonite via Pore Network Models


Xu, Shulan

Yakovlev, Igor
Kazakhstan: Treatment and Safe Disposal of Liquid Radioactive Waste from the BN-350 Reactor Unit at the LRW Processing Facility


Yamane, Yuichi
Release Behavior of Radioactive Materials at a Boiling Accident of High Active Liquid Waste in Reprocessing Plants

Yarbrough, Tom
Innovative Treatment of Problematic (Orphan) and Other Organic Wastes: An Excellent Example of International Technology Transfer between the US and the UK

Yarmak, Edward
Frozen Soil Barrier Technology – Facts, The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Barrier

Yim, Sung Paal
Permeability and Dispersion Coefficients in Rocks with Fracture Network

Sorption (Kd) Measurements in Support of Dose Assessments for Zion Nuclear Station Decommissioning

Yin, Yong
Hydrogeologic Simulations of a Deep Seated Groundwater System: Bruce Nuclear Site

Yoshida, Kazuo
Release Behavior of Radioactive Materials at a Boiling Accident of High Active Liquid Waste in Reprocessing Plants

Young, Carl
Radionuclide Contamination from the 1940s in a New York City Park

Yu, Charley
International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials

Yucel, Vefa
Waste Acceptance and Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site

Zaccai, Henri
French Radioactive Waste Management: a Sustainable Approach


Zachara, John
High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site

Zanife, Tahn
Retrieval and Conditioning of Legacy Radioactive Sludge from the Effluent Treatment Facility at La Hague Plant

Zarling, John
Challenges in Disposal of Off-Site Source Recovery Project Sources at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Zaw Htway, Myo
Permeability and Dispersion Coefficients in Rocks with Fracture Network

Zeitler, Todd
Changes, Approach, and Results for the 2014 WIPP Compliance Recertification Application Performance Assessment

Zelmer, Robert
Stigma, Fear and Forgiveness: Perspectives on Environmental Legacy and Community Closure Following Remediation Projects

Zencker, Uwe
Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal

Numerical Analysis of Cask Accident Scenarios in Storage Facilities

Zhang, Ming
Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident – A Discussion from a Neutral Point of View

Zhang, Yong
Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site

Zhu, Ming
Building the Community of Practice for Performance and Risk Assessment in Support of Risk-Informed Environmental Management Decisions

Ziebarth, Cody
Closed Fuel Can Venting and Hydride Passivation

Ziegler, Joseph
Disposal of U-233 as Low Level Waste at the Nevada Nuclear Security Site

Restart of the Yucca Mountain License Application Review Directed by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia

Zoeger, Norbert
Dose Rate Profile Surrounding a Waste Repository

Zorzoli, Giovanni
Campoverde Decommissioning of Former Controlsonic Deposit

Zulauf, Alexander
Absorbers for Removal of Sr-90 from Sea Water at Fukushima Site



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