Labalette, Thibaud Cigeo, the Project for Geological Disposal Project of Radioactive Waste in France | |
LaBarge, Matthew Los Alamos National Laboratory's 3,706 TRU Waste Campaign - TRU Reclassified Material Disposition Program and Disposal Options at WCS Resulting in Significant Cost and Schedule Savings | |
Labe, Virginie Incorporation of Noble Metals in High Level Waste Borosilicate Glass: Focus on Vitrification Process Developments | |
LaBolle, Eric Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site | |
LaBrier, Daniel Characterization and Thermal Treatment of Carbon-14 on Irradiated Graphite Surfaces | |
Lacombe, Jacques World Premiere Industrial Vitrification of High Level Liquid Waste Produced by Uranium/Molybdenum Fuel Reprocessing in La Hague's Cold Crucible Melter | |
Lacy, Darrell Disposal of U-233 as Low Level Waste at the Nevada Nuclear Security Site | |
Restart of the Yucca Mountain License Application Review Directed by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia | |
Ladirat, Christian Design Principles for Optimizing Nuclear Waste Glass Formulation for Industrial Implementation | |
Lagos, Leonel D&D Knowledge Management Information Tool - 2014 | |
Experimental Testing of Innovative High-Level-Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies | |
Rate of Uranium Release from Calcium Meta-Autunite: Effect of Bicarbonate Solutions on the Dissolution | |
The DOE-FIU Cooperative Agreement – Addressing DOE-EM's Technical Challenges | |
The Effect of Ca Ions on the Removal of U(VI) via In-Situ Ammonia Gas Injection at the Hanford Site 200 Area | |
Waste Information Management System with 2013-14 Waste Streams | |
Laija, Emerald Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA | |
Laine, Heini Repository layout, adaptation to the site characteristics and input to the safety case - the Finnish example | |
Laitinen, Mika Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KB3 Method - 14344 | |
Lalieux, Philippe The Implementing Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Technology Platform (IGD-TP) - Main Achievements to Date and Way Forward | |
Lane, JJ DOE Hanford Network Upgrades and Disaster Recovery Exercise Support the Cleanup Mission Now and Into the Future | |
Langowski, Angelika Dismantling of the Obrigheim NPP Reactor and Waste Management – 14500 | |
Langton, Christine Comparison of Depth Discrete Oxidation Front Results and Reduction Capacity Measurements for Cementitious Waste Forms | |
The Expanded Capabilities of the Cementitious Barriers Partnership Software Toolbox Version 2.0 | |
Larsen, Kevin Removal of Radioactive Waste Tank and Drain Lines from the Whiteshell Laboratories Research and Development Laboratory Complex | |
Larsson, Arne Assessment of Radioactivity Inventory in Swedish LWRs at time of Decommissioning | |
Development and Qualification of Steel Waste Container for ILW to be Disposed in Geological Repository | |
European, Transboundary Projects for Transport, Treatment and Recycling of Large Retired NPP Components in Studsvik | |
Nuclide Distribution in the Metal Recycling Process | |
RPV In-Situ Segmentation Combined with Off-Site Treatment for Volume Reduction and Recycling | |
Larsson, Peter Disposal of LLW/ILW: The Extension of the SFR-Repository for Handling and Disposal of Decommissioning Waste | |
László, Zoltán New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD) | |
Lavallee, Leah Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign | |
Lavender, John Improving Safety and Emergency Preparedness for Storage of Cs/Sr Capsules from Lessons Learned From Fukushima Events | |
Lawrence, Dave Application of the Adaptive Management Concept as Theory Becomes Reality 14340 | |
Laybed, Yassin Simulations in Support of the Salt Defense Disposal Initiative (SDDI): Water and Salt Transport Driven by Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt | |
Layton, Mark Liquid Waste Operations Initiatives in Performance Assessment Evolution | |
Lebedev, Vladimir Summary of Cold Crucible Vitrification Tests Results with Savannah River Site High Level Waste Surrogates | |
Lee, Arim Development of 3D Visualization Technology for Medium-and Large-sized Radioactive Metal Wastes from Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities | |
The Auxiliary Radiation Detector System for Monitoring Radiation Level of the Spent Fuel Pool | |
Lee, Brady Evaluating the Potential for Microbial Iodine Immobilization: Humic Acid Bioremediation | |
Genome-Enabled Systems Approach to Predict Immobilization of Technetium in the Subsurface | |
Lee, Cheo Kyung Permeability and Dispersion Coefficients in Rocks with Fracture Network | |
The Effective Elastic Coefficients of Porous Media with Simple Pore Geometries | |
Lee, Jung Min Development of 3D Visualization Technology for Medium-and Large-sized Radioactive Metal Wastes from Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities | |
Lee, Kearn Evaluating Feed Delivery Performance in Scaled Double Shell Tanks | |
Lee, Michelle (Hope) Evaluating the Potential for Microbial Iodine Immobilization: Humic Acid Bioremediation | |
Genome-Enabled Systems Approach to Predict Immobilization of Technetium in the Subsurface | |
Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints | |
The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA | |
Lee, Ryan Implementation and Performance Testing of a Sensitive Bulk Laundry Monitor for Use in Nuclear Power Stations | |
LeFebvre, Robert Integrated Data and Analysis System for Commercial Used Nuclear Fuel Safety Assessments | |
Lehto, Jukka Interaction of Radionuclides and Colloids Released from Materials Related to the Disposal of SNF | |
Stability of Silica Colloids Released from Injection Grout Silica Sol | |
Leigh, Christi A New Approach for Feature, Event, and Process (FEP) Analysis of UNF/HLW Disposal | |
The Management School of Hard Knocks – The Deepest Learning | |
Lemiere, Gregoire Retrieval and Conditioning of Legacy Radioactive Sludge from the Effluent Treatment Facility at La Hague Plant | |
Lemieux, Paul Integrating Decontamination Strategies into a Waste Estimation Support Tool for Radiological Incidents | |
Lemonnier, Stéphane Incorporation of Noble Metals in High Level Waste Borosilicate Glass: Focus on Vitrification Process Developments | |
Lemont, Florent Organic Waste Treatment by Incineration and Coupled Incineration/Vitrification Process | |
Lemus, Alexey Removing of Equipment of Loop Facilities and Preparation for Dismantling of Core of MR Reactor | |
Lennox, Barry Remote Characterisation Technology for Decomissioning | |
Lerch, Jeff Hanford Site River Corridor Cleanup – Effectiveness of Interim Actions and Transition to Final Actions | |
Levinskas, David Improving Safety and Emergency Preparedness for Storage of Cs/Sr Capsules from Lessons Learned From Fukushima Events | |
Levitan, Bill Building the Community of Practice for Performance and Risk Assessment in Support of Risk-Informed Environmental Management Decisions | |
Levitskaia, Tatiana Inorganic Sorbents for Iodine Removal from Subsurface Plumes | |
Novel Inorganic Complexes for Tc Management in the Tank Waste | |
Properties of Tc(I) Tricarbonyl Derivatives Relevant to Hanford Tank Waste Supernatants | |
Levitt, Marc Improved Three-Dimensional Resistivity Data Acquisition Capabilities at the Hanford Site | |
Lewis, Linda Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99 | |
Lidar, Per Nuclide Distribution in the Metal Recycling Process | |
RPV In-Situ Segmentation Combined with Off-Site Treatment for Volume Reduction and Recycling | |
Lietzow, Jeffrey Implementation of Recommendations from the One System Comparative Evaluation of the Hanford Tank Farms and Waste Treatment Plant Safety Bases | |
Liimatainen, Jyrki In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland | |
Liljenfeldt, Henrik Experimental Comparison between High Purity Germanium and Scintillator Detectors for Determining Burnup, Cooling Time and Decay Heat of Used Nuclear Fuel | |
Lindberg, Antero In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland | |
Lindberg, Claes The Feasibility of Using the KBS-3 Technology for Disposal of US Department of Energy's Used Nuclear Fuel | |
Lindberg, Erik Implementation and Performance Testing of a Sensitive Bulk Laundry Monitor for Use in Nuclear Power Stations | |
Lindberg, Maria Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry | |
From Non-Disposable to Disposable, Treatment of Pyrophoric or Gas Forming Waste Forms for Disposal – 14155 | |
Nuclide Distribution in the Metal Recycling Process | |
Listjak, Martin Decommissioning of Underground Storage Tanks of Liquid Radioactive Waste at the A1 NPP in Slovakia | |
Liu, Chunli A Big Progress at High Level Radioactive Wastes Disposal in China: From Follow Suit to Science Driven | |
Lively, Jeffrey Application of Soil Sorting for Depleted Uranium Fragments | |
The Art & Power of Visual Data Imaging | |
Ljubenov, Vladan Risk Management on Strategic and Operational Level during Decommissioning – First Outcomes of the DRiMa Project at IAEA | |
Lockrem, Larry A Technology for Real-Time Monitoring of VOCs Emanating from the Hanford Tank Farms | |
Lodge, Mike Innovative Treatment of Problematic (Orphan) and Other Organic Wastes: An Excellent Example of International Technology Transfer between the US and the UK | |
Looman, Marc Implementation and Performance Testing of a Sensitive Bulk Laundry Monitor for Use in Nuclear Power Stations | |
Looney, Brian Evapotranspiration and Geochemical Controls on Groundwater Plumes at Arid Sites: Toward Innovative Alternate End-States for Uranium Processing and Tailings Facilities | |
Innovative Strategy for Long Term Monitoring of Metal and Radionuclide Plumes | |
Lopez, Alejandro TENORM Waste Processing and Disposal of Filter Cake | |
Understanding and Managing the Radiological Issues Associated with the Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas | |
Lorentz, Håkan Planning for the Dismantling of the Barsebäck NPP | |
Lucero, Randy Implementation of a Surface Contaminated Object Characterization Program at LANL | |
Lundgren, Klas Assessment of Radioactivity Inventory in Swedish LWRs at time of Decommissioning | |
Lutes, Chris In situ Precipitation of Radionuclides in Groundwater at US DOE Savannah River Site | |
Lutz, Melissa Site Transitions Moving From Cleanup to Long-Term Stewardship | |
MacDonald, Jennifer C. Policy Perspective: Meeting the Challenge of Sustainability | Top |
MacDonell, Margaret Importance of On-Site Meteorological Data for Remedial Action Projects: NFSS Example | |
Macias, Daniel K-27 Program & Project Implementation (Separating Operations Activities from Capital Asset Project) | |
MacKinnon, Robert A Decision Methodology for Prioritizing R&D Supporting Geologic Disposalof SNF/HLW in Salt | |
Mahoney, Mark Development and Implementation of Regulator Approved Sampling and Analysis and Quality Assurance Program Plans for Underground Radioactive Waste Tank Residuals Characterization at the Savannah River Site | |
Maitland, Ryan The UK's Plutonium Stockpile - Early Regulatory Assessment of Credible Options | |
Malama, Bwalya Changes, Approach, and Results for the 2014 WIPP Compliance Recertification Application Performance Assessment | |
Mallick, Pramod Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry | |
The Expanded Capabilities of the Cementitious Barriers Partnership Software Toolbox Version 2.0 | |
Mann, Bruce Sorption (Kd) Measurements in Support of Dose Assessments for Zion Nuclear Station Decommissioning | |
Marble, Justin Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release | |
Marcial, Jose The Effect of Foaming and Silica Dissolution on Melter Feed Rheology during Conversion to Glass | |
Marcos, Nuria Repository layout, adaptation to the site characteristics and input to the safety case - the Finnish example | |
Mariner , Paul Performance Assessment Modeling of a Generic UNF/HLW Repository in Salt | |
Marjavaara, Pieti Customized Bentonite Pellets | |
Designing, Commissioning And Monitoring Of 40% Scale Bentonite Buffer Test | |
Markillie, Jeffrey Laboratory Capabilities for Qualification of Hanford Tank Waste Feed for Treatment and Vitrification | |
Markley, Chris Considerations Related to Human Intrusion in the Context of Disposal of Radioactive Waste - The IAEA HIDRA Project | |
Marra, James Summary of Cold Crucible Vitrification Tests Results with Savannah River Site High Level Waste Surrogates | |
Marra, Sharon Summary of Cold Crucible Vitrification Tests Results with Savannah River Site High Level Waste Surrogates | |
Marsal, François "CIGEO" Geological Disposal for HLW and ILW: A Technical Dialogue Between the Public Expert and Civil Society | |
Marsat, Eric Impermeable Graphite Matrix IGM for the Conditioning of Spent Absorbers at Fukushima | |
Martin, Bruce Estimating Residual Solids Volumes in Underground Storage Tanks | |
Martin, David Commercial Sealed Source Disposal in the U.S.: Progress, Challenges, and Areas for Further Assessment | |
Martin, Guillaume The First International Decennial Appraisal of the Detailed Memory of the Manche Disposal Facility | |
Martin, Ray Implementation and Performance Testing of a Sensitive Bulk Laundry Monitor for Use in Nuclear Power Stations | |
Martino, Jason Operation of a Waste Management Area during Decommissioning | |
Martins, Ken The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA | |
Masik, Steffen Virtual Underground Laboratory for Rock Salt – VIRTUS | |
Mason, John Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium | |
Implementation and Performance Testing of a Sensitive Bulk Laundry Monitor for Use in Nuclear Power Stations | |
Mathison, Tom Colonie FUSRAP Site Two Year Monitored Natural Attenuation Study of Groundwater | |
Mattlin, Ellen Double-Shell Tank System Permit Modification Options to Consider to Support Waste Feed Delivery to the Waste Treatment Plant | |
McCabe, Daniel Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal | |
Development and Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process | |
McCain, Rick Geophysical Logging to Assess Annular Seals in Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the Hanford Site | |
High-Resolution Spectral Gamma Logging for Characterization of Radiological Contaminant Plumes in the Deep Vadose Zone | |
McCall, Ann Äspö International - Role of the Äspö HRL as an International URL | |
Improving Credibility and Competence in Geological Disposal through International Co-Operation and Initiatives | |
McCombie, Charles Effects of Fukushima on Global Nuclear Development | |
Towards a European Regional Geological Repository | |
McCoy, Frank Implementation of Recommendations from the One System Comparative Evaluation of the Hanford Tank Farms and Waste Treatment Plant Safety Bases | |
McCullum, Rod Yucca Mountain Licensing in a Post-Blue Ribbon Commission World | |
McDaniel, Dwayne Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of High Level Waste Plug Formation | |
Experimental Testing of Innovative High-Level-Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies | |
McDonald, Kulvinder The UK's Plutonium Stockpile - Early Regulatory Assessment of Credible Options | |
McEaddy, Monica Improving Five-Year Reviews at Federal Facility Superfund Sites | |
McKelvie, Jennifer Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel – An Update on the Status of the Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process | |
McKenney, Christepher How Long is Too Long? | |
McKirdy, Bruce Improving Credibility and Competence in Geological Disposal through International Co-Operation and Initiatives | |
McMahon, William Performance Assessment for the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility, Hanford Site, Washington | |
McNeil, Ella Optimizing a National Transportation Program for Efficiency and Effectiveness | |
McNeill, Michael Improved Three-Dimensional Resistivity Data Acquisition Capabilities at the Hanford Site | |
McNiven, Steven Nuclear Industry Study on the Feasibility of Standardized Transportation, Aging and Disposal Canisters for Used Nuclear Fuel | |
Medakovic, Sasa Risk Management on Strategic and Operational Level during Decommissioning – First Outcomes of the DRiMa Project at IAEA | |
Meess, Daniel High-level Waste Storage Project Utilizes Modified SNF Dry Storage Design | |
Meeussen, Johannes Understanding the Impact of Model Assumptions on Estimating Constituent Leaching during Disposal of Cementitious Waste Forms | |
Mehta, Sunil Performance Assessment for the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility, Hanford Site, Washington | |
Risk and Performance Analyses Supporting Closure of Waste Management Area C at the Hanford Site in Southeast Washington | |
Meiners, Steve International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials | |
Meira Castro, Ana Cristina Radiation Dose Rates and Exposure Associated to Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM) at Locations of a Portuguese Coal-Fired Power Plant | |
Mejias, Katherine Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium | |
Meldrum, Phil A Trial of 4D Cross-Borehole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK | |
The Ground Environment Management Scheme (GEMS): Technologies for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK | |
Melvin, Al Pathway to Arizona's Nuclear Future | |
Melzer, Joerg Development, Analyses and Validation of Finite Element Model of FSC 2005 | |
Menniti, Adrienne The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA | |
Mertz, Carol Irreversible Wash Aid Additive for Mitigation of Urban, Radioactive Contaminations | |
Mertz, Joshua Development of a Reactive Transport Model for the Optimization of Ion Specific Media Used at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant | |
Mesnil, Christian World Premiere Industrial Vitrification of High Level Liquid Waste Produced by Uranium/Molybdenum Fuel Reprocessing in La Hague's Cold Crucible Melter | |
Metlyaev, Evgeny Russian Experience in Regulatory Supervision of the Uranium Mine and Milling Legacy Sites | |
Meyer, Kevin ISOCS Waste Measurement Applications at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory | |
Meyers, Peter Efficiencies and Optimization of Weak Based Anion IX Resin for Groundwater Hexavalent Chromium Removal at Hanford | |
Michaluk, Craig Benefits of a Dedicated Decommissioning Team for the B300 Project at Whiteshell Laboratories | |
Miera, Felix Double-Shell Tank System Permit Modification Options to Consider to Support Waste Feed Delivery to the Waste Treatment Plant | |
Milian, Laurence Sorption (Kd) Measurements in Support of Dose Assessments for Zion Nuclear Station Decommissioning | |
Miller, Charles Efficiencies and Optimization of Weak Based Anion IX Resin for Groundwater Hexavalent Chromium Removal at Hanford | |
Miller, Donald Comparison of Depth Discrete Oxidation Front Results and Reduction Capacity Measurements for Cementitious Waste Forms | |
Radioactive Demonstration of Mineralized Waste Forms Made from Hanford Low Activity Waste (Tank SX-105 and AN-103) by Fluidized Bed Steam Reformation (FBSR) | |
Miller, Neil Importance of On-Site Meteorological Data for Remedial Action Projects: NFSS Example | |
Millings, Margaret Evapotranspiration and Geochemical Controls on Groundwater Plumes at Arid Sites: Toward Innovative Alternate End-States for Uranium Processing and Tailings Facilities | |
Innovative Strategy for Long Term Monitoring of Metal and Radionuclide Plumes | |
Millsap, William Radiological Assessment for the Removal of Legacy BPA Power Lines/ Components that Cross the Hanford Site | |
Mimura, Hitoshi Estimation of Permeability Changes Due to Contact with Highly Alkaline Ca-Rich Solution by Micro Flow-Cell of Granite Chip | |
Raman Spectra of Calcium Silicate Hydrates Sorbing Iodine Ions in Saline Groundwater | |
The Influence of Calcium Ions on Migration of Colloidal Silicic Acid in the Presence of Solid Phase | |
Minichan, Rick Comparison of Depth Discrete Oxidation Front Results and Reduction Capacity Measurements for Cementitious Waste Forms | |
Missimer, David Radioactive Demonstration of Mineralized Waste Forms Made from Hanford Low Activity Waste (Tank SX-105 and AN-103) by Fluidized Bed Steam Reformation (FBSR) | |
Mistry, Amar Development, Analyses and Validation of Finite Element Model of FSC 2005 | |
Mitsui, Takashi Cutting Performance of Remote Fiber Laser Cutting System for Dismantling HLW Glass Melter | |
Miura, Noriaki Cutting Performance of Remote Fiber Laser Cutting System for Dismantling HLW Glass Melter | |
Miura, Yasuhiko Cutting Performance of Remote Fiber Laser Cutting System for Dismantling HLW Glass Melter | |
Moeller, Kai The IAEA Activities in the End-of-Life Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources | |
Mönig, Jörg A New Approach for Feature, Event, and Process (FEP) Analysis of UNF/HLW Disposal | |
New Methodology for Realistic Integration of Sorption Processes Safety Assessments - 14153 | |
Monken Fernandes, Horst International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials | |
Montgomery, Brad Managing Changed Conditions/Activities—D&D of the Paducah US DOE C-340 Metals Reduction Complex | |
Waste Management Lessons Learned from the Paducah C-340 Metals Reduction Complex D&D | |
Montgomery, Fred Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99 | |
Montgomery, John GEMS 2.0 | |
Moon, Jei-Kwon Removal of Salt-Soluble Fission Products from the Metal Product of the Electrolytic Reduction Process | |
Moon, Joo Hyun Development of 3D Visualization Technology for Medium-and Large-sized Radioactive Metal Wastes from Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities | |
Development of Re-Packaged Drum Radioactivity Estimation Method | |
The Auxiliary Radiation Detector System for Monitoring Radiation Level of the Spent Fuel Pool | |
Moore, James Colonie FUSRAP Site Two Year Monitored Natural Attenuation Study of Groundwater | |
Moren, Rick The Evolution of LTS at Hanford | |
Morgan, David Sodium Separation from Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste via Distillation | |
Morgan, Tom Characterization and Certification of Plutonium Isentropic Compression Experiment (Pu-ICE) Containment Vessels for Shipment and Emplacement at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). LA-UR-13-26085 | |
Morgans, Donna Identification of Major Risk Drivers and Contaminants of Potential Concern for a Complex Groundwater Aquifer | |
Morimoto, Yasuyuki Actual Results of D&D in Uranium Refining and Conversion Plant | |
Morris, Edgar Waste Management System Architecture Evaluations | |
Morse, John Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA | |
Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints | |
The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA | |
Web-Based Geographic Information System Tool for Accessing Hanford Site Environmental Data | |
Morse, Megan Development and Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process | |
Moulton, David Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release | |
Mousseau, Vince Performance Assessment Modeling of a Generic UNF/HLW Repository in Salt | |
Moya, Deanna Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of High Level Waste Plug Formation | |
Moyers, Rick Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99 | |
Mudra, Josef Experiences in the Field of Radioactive Materials Seizures in the Czech Republic | |
Mueller, Christian Virtual Underground Laboratory for Rock Salt – VIRTUS | |
Mueller, Lars Assessment Strategy of Numerical Analyses of RAM Package Components | |
Mueller, Walter Impermeable Graphite Matrix IGM for the Conditioning of Spent Absorbers at Fukushima | |
Mui, Travis Preliminary Design Concepts for a Deep Borehole Disposal Re-Packaging Facility | |
Müller, Karsten Dynamic Penetration Tests on Shock Absorbing Damping Concrete_14166 | |
Experimental Investigation of RAM Packages Impact Limiters | |
Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal | |
Murdoch, Lawrence Development of a Reactive Transport Model for the Optimization of Ion Specific Media Used at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant | |
Musgrave, Mark Contaminated Waste Minimisation Using Chemical Extraction Technology - 14316 | |
Musolff, Andre Experimental Investigation of RAM Packages Impact Limiters | |
Myers, Jeff Innovative Field Monitoring: Legacy Successes and the Future of Long-term Monitoring | |
Remote Environmental Monitoring: Applying Automated Sampling to Produce Real-Time Data for Long-Term Monitoring Cost Savings and Compliance Assurance | |
Myers, Scott 618-10 Burial Ground: Vertical Pipe Units Remediation | |
Expediting Closeout of a Major US DOE Contract: The Washington Closure Hanford / US DOE-RL Closeout Office Avoidance Plan | |
Removal of the 340 Vault from the Hanford 300 Area using Disodium Phosphate | |
Nagelschmidt, Sven Numerical Analysis of Cask Accident Scenarios in Storage Facilities | Top |
Test Results and Analyses in Terms of Aging Mechanisms of Metal Seals in Casks for Dry Storage of SNF | |
Nakazawa, Dante Non-Destructive Assay Applications Using Temperature-Stabilized Large Volume CeBr Detectors | |
Nash, Charles Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal | |
Development and Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process | |
Radioactive Demonstration of Mineralized Waste Forms Made from Hanford Low Activity Waste (Tank SX-105 and AN-103) by Fluidized Bed Steam Reformation (FBSR) | |
Neacsu, Elena Present Status of the Closure Plan for Radioactive Waste National Repository from Baita, Bihor, Romania | |
Negin, Charles In Situ Decommissioning Lessons Learned | |
In Situ Decommissioning Project Risk Management | |
Nelson, Kathy Characterization and Thermal Treatment of Carbon-14 on Irradiated Graphite Surfaces | |
Nelson, Roger How Does The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Benefit From International Cooperation? | |
Novel Design Models of Container Configurations to Increase Efficiency of Disposal of Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant | |
Simulations in Support of the Salt Defense Disposal Initiative (SDDI): Water and Salt Transport Driven by Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt | |
The Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI): Current Status and Future Plans | |
WIPP Status and Plans – 2014 | |
Nelson, Ron Plateau Remediation Company – Going Green with an Automated Procedure System | |
Nelson, Shea Coupled Vadose Zone/Saturated Zone Models for Nearfield Analyses | |
The Effects of Site Complexity on Model Performance – Long-term Groundwater Performance Assessment | |
Neshem, Dean Efficiencies and Optimization of Weak Based Anion IX Resin for Groundwater Hexavalent Chromium Removal at Hanford | |
Neumann, Martin Development of a Wood Material Model for Impact Limiters of Transport Packages | |
Neumeyer, Tino Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal | |
Nevarez, Richard Translating the Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) Data into Risk Management Criteria and into a Risk Ranking Process for Disposition Projects – 14135 | |
Nickless, David Key Factors in Successful Execution of the LANL 3,706 m3 TRU Waste Campaign | |
Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign | |
Nieder-Westermann, Gerald R&D on the Feasibility of Operating a Geological Disposal Facility for High-Level and Long-Lived Radioactive Waste in Belgium- Further Development of Operational Concept | |
Niemi, Belinda Implementation of Recommendations from the One System Comparative Evaluation of the Hanford Tank Farms and Waste Treatment Plant Safety Bases | |
Niemiaho, Suvi Interaction of Radionuclides and Colloids Released from Materials Related to the Disposal of SNF | |
Nigam, Hitesh The Feasibility of Using the KBS-3 Technology for Disposal of US Department of Energy's Used Nuclear Fuel | |
Niibori, Yuichi Estimation of Permeability Changes Due to Contact with Highly Alkaline Ca-Rich Solution by Micro Flow-Cell of Granite Chip | |
Raman Spectra of Calcium Silicate Hydrates Sorbing Iodine Ions in Saline Groundwater | |
The Influence of Calcium Ions on Migration of Colloidal Silicic Acid in the Presence of Solid Phase | |
Nilsson, Kersti In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland | |
Nilsson, Lennart Reactor Internals Segmentation Experience in the Nordic Region | |
Nonnet, Helene Incorporation of Noble Metals in High Level Waste Borosilicate Glass: Focus on Vitrification Process Developments | |
Norden, Maria WM2014_SSM | |
Normani, Stefano Hydrogeologic Simulations of a Deep Seated Groundwater System: Bruce Nuclear Site | |
Noseck, Ulrich New Methodology for Realistic Integration of Sorption Processes Safety Assessments - 14153 | |
Nutt, William Preliminary Design Concepts for a Deep Borehole Disposal Re-Packaging Facility | |
Preliminary Evaluation of Dual-Purpose Canister Disposal Alternatives | |
Waste Management System Architecture Evaluations | |
Nyitrai, Károly New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD) | |
O'Brien, Luke Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry | Top |
O'Connor, Stephen Optimizing a National Transportation Program for Efficiency and Effectiveness | |
O'Conor, Letitia Improving Five-Year Reviews at Federal Facility Superfund Sites | |
O'Sullivan, Patrick International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials | |
Risk Management on Strategic and Operational Level during Decommissioning – First Outcomes of the DRiMa Project at IAEA | |
Oates, Berta National Analytical Management Program (NAMP) Education and Training in Radiochemistry via Public Webinars | |
Oehmigen, Steffen Dismantling and Release of Large Metallic Components at the GNS Premises in Duisburg on the Example of a CASTOR S1 Container | |
Oldal, Ottó New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD) | |
Oldiges, Olaf Development, Analyses and Validation of Finite Element Model of FSC 2005 | |
Olin, Markus Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KB3 Method - 14344 | |
Olsson, Olle Resolved and Remaining Issues for KBS-3 – SKB's Research, Development and Demonstration Programme 2013 | |
Site Selection and Licensing - Challenges in Building and Maintaining Trust over Many Years | |
Onagi, Dwayne Operation of a Waste Management Area during Decommissioning | |
Oostrom, Mart Flux-Based Evaluation of Perched-Water in the Deep Vadose Zone at the Hanford Site | |
Technical Basis for Contaminated Pore-Water Extraction from the Vadose Zone | |
Oowaki, Katsura Cutting Performance of Remote Fiber Laser Cutting System for Dismantling HLW Glass Melter | |
Orr, Robin Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry | |
Österberg, Carl From Non-Disposable to Disposable, Treatment of Pyrophoric or Gas Forming Waste Forms for Disposal – 14155 | Top |
Otterbein, János Selective Separation of Radionuclides from NPP Evaporator Bottom Residue | Top |
Ouzounian, Gérald Cigeo, the Project for Geological Disposal Project of Radioactive Waste in France | |
French Radioactive Waste Management: a Sustainable Approach | |
Owen, Anthony Selecting Nuclear-Powered Submarines in Australia: Nuclear Waste Considerations | |
Oxby, Lucy A Trial of 4D Cross-Borehole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK | |
Paik, Ingle Implementation of Recommendations from the One System Comparative Evaluation of the Hanford Tank Farms and Waste Treatment Plant Safety Bases | Top |
Palmu, Marjatta Nordic Full-Scale Demonstrations of Tunnel Plugging Technologies for Repository Conditions | |
Palonen, Erkki Next Target Operating License: Challenges in Building Facilities for Spent Fuel Disposal | |
Paltemaa, Risto 14244 Regulatory Oversight of Disposal Facility Construction and Component Fabrication (heinonen) | |
Regulatory Review and Assessment of the 2012 Construction License Application for an SNF Disposal Facility at Olkiluoto, Finland | |
Pancake, Daniel Nuclear Footprint Reduction at Argonne National Laboratory - Out with the Old (Material), In with the New (Mission) | |
Overcoming Challenges to Dispose of a Shielded Container at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant | |
Parashar, Rishi Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site | |
Park, Chan Hee Development of 3D Visualization Technology for Medium-and Large-sized Radioactive Metal Wastes from Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities | |
The Auxiliary Radiation Detector System for Monitoring Radiation Level of the Spent Fuel Pool | |
Park, Seung-Kook Removal of Salt-Soluble Fission Products from the Metal Product of the Electrolytic Reduction Process | |
Parker, Andrew An Evaluation of Electrokinetic Transport of Radioactive Species through Concrete for Application as a Non-Destructive In Situ Remediation Technique - 14102 | |
Parker, Danny Pore Water Extraction Test Near SX Tank Farm at the Hanford Site, Washington, USA | |
Parker, Kent Evaluating the Potential for Microbial Iodine Immobilization: Humic Acid Bioremediation | |
Parmenter, Andy Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel – An Update on the Status of the Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process | |
Parson, Jenelle Dose Rate Profile Surrounding a Waste Repository | |
Passard, Christian Performance Assessment of a Correction Matrix Effect Method Based on a H-3 Drum Monitor on a DDT Measurement Station for the Assay of Fissile Mass in Large-Size Drums | |
Patek, Gábor New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD) | |
Selective Separation of Radionuclides from NPP Evaporator Bottom Residue | |
Patel, Romani Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of High Level Waste Plug Formation | |
Patterson, Russell How Does The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Benefit From International Cooperation? | |
Overcoming Challenges to Dispose of a Shielded Container at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant | |
WIPP Compliance Recertification Application 2019 (CRA-2019) - Big Changes Coming | |
Pátzay, György New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD) | |
Selective Separation of Radionuclides from NPP Evaporator Bottom Residue | |
Paul, Neepa In Situ Characterization of Mobilization, Dispersion and Re-Settling in Impinging Jet Ballast Tanks with an Acoustic Backscatter System | |
Pauling, Thomas The Future is Now: Experience with Remediating and Managing Groundwater Contamination at Uranium Mill Tailing Sites | |
Paviet, Patricia National Analytical Management Program (NAMP) Education and Training in Radiochemistry via Public Webinars | |
Pavlenko, Vitaly Removing of Equipment of Loop Facilities and Preparation for Dismantling of Core of MR Reactor | |
Pavletich, Joseph Development and Implementation of Regulator Approved Sampling and Analysis and Quality Assurance Program Plans for Underground Radioactive Waste Tank Residuals Characterization at the Savannah River Site | |
Pawel, Stephen GEMS 2.0 | |
Peakall, Jeff In Situ Characterization of Mobilization, Dispersion and Re-Settling in Impinging Jet Ballast Tanks with an Acoustic Backscatter System | |
Measurement and Modelling of Legacy Sludge Separation and Transport Processes | |
Peake, Thomas Integrating Decontamination Strategies into a Waste Estimation Support Tool for Radiological Incidents | |
Pekar, Anton Decommissioning of Underground Storage Tanks of Liquid Radioactive Waste at the A1 NPP in Slovakia | |
Pekour, Mikhail Air Sample Conditioner Helps the Waste Treatment Plant Meet Emissions Standards | |
Pennington, Mark Risk Management in the Execution of Decommissioning Programs: A Comparison Of International Approaches | |
Risk Management on Strategic and Operational Level during Decommissioning – First Outcomes of the DRiMa Project at IAEA | |
Pennock, Jan Improving Safety and Emergency Preparedness for Storage of Cs/Sr Capsules from Lessons Learned From Fukushima Events | |
Peplinskie, Gerard Closed Fuel Can Venting and Hydride Passivation | |
Remediation of Active Liquid Waste Tanks at Chalk River Laboratories, AECL- #14339 | |
Pers, Karin Resolved and Remaining Issues for KBS-3 – SKB's Research, Development and Demonstration Programme 2013 | |
Persson, Ingvar The Division of Responsibilities between the State and Power Companies in the Management of Spent Fuel and Nuclear Waste in Sweden | |
Persson, Rolf Public Involvement and Participation in Site Selection for Spent Nuclear Waste in Sweden | |
Pescatore, Claudio Markers and Deep Geological Repositories – Learning within the OECD/NEA Project on the Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) across Generations | |
Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) across Generations. An Overview of the Eponymous OECD/NEA Project. | |
The International Peer Review under Aegis of the OECD/NEA, of SKB's Post-closure Safety Case for a Spent Fuel Repository in Sweden | |
When Dealing with the Long-Term, Care as to How Terms are Used: Reflections from the OECD/NEA RK&M Project Glossary | |
Peschong, Jon Data Integration with Geospatial Visualization Tools at the Hanford Site | |
DOE Dashboards Eliminate Redundancy, Improve Accuracy, and Speed Decision-Making | |
Web-Based Tool Identifies and Quantifies Potential Cost Savings Measures at the Hanford Site | |
Peters, Thomas P Single Stage Contactor Testing of the Next Generation Solvent Blend | |
Peterson, James Inorganic Sorbents for Iodine Removal from Subsurface Plumes | |
Novel Inorganic Complexes for Tc Management in the Tank Waste | |
Peterson, Joshua Integrated Data and Analysis System for Commercial Used Nuclear Fuel Safety Assessments | |
Peterson, Mark Adaptive Management Facilitates Remedial Decision-Making in the Face of Uncertainty | |
Peterson, Reid Properties of Tc(I) Tricarbonyl Derivatives Relevant to Hanford Tank Waste Supernatants | |
Petrik, Márk New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD) | |
Petrovic, Miroljub (Mike) From Single Storage Canister to Modular Air Cooled Storage (MACSTOR®)-Canadian Solution and Experience in Responsible Spent Fuel Management | |
Phifer, Mark Computation of the Residual Radionuclide Activity within Three Natural Waterways at the Savannah River Site | |
US DOE-EM On-Site Disposal Cell Working Group - Fostering Communication on Performance Assessment Challenges | |
Phillips, Chris Nuclear Industry Study on the Feasibility of Standardized Transportation, Aging and Disposal Canisters for Used Nuclear Fuel | |
Phillips, Elizabeth Frozen Soil Barrier Technology – Facts, The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Barrier | |
Pierce, David Kinetics of Cold-Cap Reactions for Vitrification of Nuclear Waste Glass Based on Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimetry–Thermogravimetry (DSC-TGA) and Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) | |
Pierce, Eric Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints | |
Pierson, Kayla Binary Pitzer Model Parameters for Predicting the Solubility of Key Electrolytes in Hanford Waste | |
Pinet, Olivier Design Principles for Optimizing Nuclear Waste Glass Formulation for Industrial Implementation | |
World Premiere Industrial Vitrification of High Level Liquid Waste Produced by Uranium/Molybdenum Fuel Reprocessing in La Hague's Cold Crucible Melter | |
Pisca, Michal Decommissioning of Underground Storage Tanks of Liquid Radioactive Waste at the A1 NPP in Slovakia | |
Pitkänen, Petteri In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland | |
Plieness, Ray Abandoned Uranium Mines Report to Congress | |
Plumeri, Stéphane Contribution of Metrology to a Qualified Disposal Monitoring System Stable over Centennial Timescales | |
Plung, Dan Expediting Closeout of a Major US DOE Contract: The Washington Closure Hanford / US DOE-RL Closeout Office Avoidance Plan | |
Podlaha, Josef Experiences in the Field of Radioactive Materials Seizures in the Czech Republic | |
Russian Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Repatriation from the Reactor Country to the Russian Federation for Reprocessing | |
Pohlmann, Karl Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site | |
Poirier, Michael Single Stage Contactor Testing of the Next Generation Solvent Blend | |
Pokhitonov, Yury Prospects on Immobilization of Liquid Organic Radwaste with the Use of High Technology Polymers | |
Polley, Mark Remediation of Active Liquid Waste Tanks at Chalk River Laboratories, AECL- #14339 | |
Pope, Arron Geophysical Logging to Assess Annular Seals in Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the Hanford Site | |
High-Resolution Spectral Gamma Logging for Characterization of Radiological Contaminant Plumes in the Deep Vadose Zone | |
Potapov, Victor Ultra-Light Gamma-Camera for Security and Emergency Situation | |
Poteri, Antti In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland | |
Potsyapun, Nadezhda Russian Experience in Regulatory Supervision of the Uranium Mine and Milling Legacy Sites | |
Powell, Brian Development of a Reactive Transport Model for the Optimization of Ion Specific Media Used at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant | |
Powell, Jane Site Transitions Moving From Cleanup to Long-Term Stewardship | |
Powers, Charles Risk Evaluations Differ Depending upon Agency Performing Them: Implications for DOE | |
Preston, Margaret Coupled Vadose Zone/Saturated Zone Models for Nearfield Analyses | |
The Effects of Site Complexity on Model Performance – Long-term Groundwater Performance Assessment | |
Pribanic, Tomas Experimental Testing of Innovative High-Level-Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies | |
Probst, Ulrich Test Results and Analyses in Terms of Aging Mechanisms of Metal Seals in Casks for Dry Storage of SNF | |
Proctor, Megan Evaluation of Potential Cross-Cutting Trends Associated with Incidents at Washington Closure Hanford | |
Prod'homme, Anthony Design Principles for Optimizing Nuclear Waste Glass Formulation for Industrial Implementation | |
Puig, Francesc Waste Management System Architecture Evaluations | |
Puig, Jean Incorporation of Noble Metals in High Level Waste Borosilicate Glass: Focus on Vitrification Process Developments | |
Pullin, Ian CNC Milling as a Decontamination Method for Magnox Pond Skips | |
Pyl, Lincy Detection and Monitoring of Cracks in a Concrete Buffer from DIC and AE Measurements | |
Qiao, Linan Dynamic Penetration Tests on Shock Absorbing Damping Concrete_14166 | Top |
Quercetti, Thomas Experimental Investigation of RAM Packages Impact Limiters | |
Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal | |
Quinn, Robert After the A2: Experiences with a Multi-Energy Approach for Type B Package Shielding | |
Quintero, Walter D&D Knowledge Management Information Tool - 2014 | |
Waste Information Management System with 2013-14 Waste Streams | |
Rabski, Henry Evolution of an Orphaned Source Management Strategy - Canadian Experience | Top |
Raimbault, Philippe When Dealing with the Long-Term, Care as to How Terms are Used: Reflections from the OECD/NEA RK&M Project Glossary | |
Rajala, Pauliina Microbially Induced Corrosion of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel in Alkaline Ground Water - Composition and Metabolic Functionality of Biofilm | |
Rajan, Ramya Probabilistic Design of Landfill Final Cover System | |
Ramsey, Gene Solubility Validation from Boildown Data for Hanford Tank Liquids | |
Randall, Geoff Measurement and Modelling of Legacy Sludge Separation and Transport Processes | |
Rantamäki, Pasi Customized Bentonite Pellets | |
Designed Buffer Components for Finnish KSB-3V Concept | |
Designing, Commissioning And Monitoring Of 40% Scale Bentonite Buffer Test | |
Rapko, Brian Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal | |
Properties of Tc(I) Tricarbonyl Derivatives Relevant to Hanford Tank Waste Supernatants | |
Rascalou , Fréderic Retrieval and Conditioning of Powdery Waste: Investigations Carried out in a Storage Pit to Consolidate Input Data Prior to Conditioning | |
Rasilainen, Kari Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KB3 Method - 14344 | |
KYT2014 – Research Programme to Support Finnish Nuclear Waste Authorities | |
Rasmussen, Len Removal of Radioactive Waste Tank and Drain Lines from the Whiteshell Laboratories Research and Development Laboratory Complex | |
Rast, Rick Overview of Hanford Single-Shell Tank (SST) Structural Integrity | |
Raulio, Mari Microbially Induced Corrosion of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel in Alkaline Ground Water - Composition and Metabolic Functionality of Biofilm | |
Reber, Eric Technical Cooperation for Improving Cradle-to-Grave Control of Sealed Radioactive Sources in the Mediterranean Region | |
Recio, Manuel Technical Cooperation for Improving Cradle-to-Grave Control of Sealed Radioactive Sources in the Mediterranean Region | |
Redfield, Myrna Waste Management Lessons Learned from the Paducah C-340 Metals Reduction Complex D&D | |
Reed, Karen FUSRAP Strategy: A Plan for the Next 10 Years | |
Reeves, Donald "Matt" Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site | |
Reinsdorff, Peter Handling and Treatment of Low Level Waste in a Sorting, Drying and Compaction Facility in Changjiang, NPP unit 1/2 | |
Renevitz, Marisa Data Integration with Geospatial Visualization Tools at the Hanford Site | |
DOE Dashboards Eliminate Redundancy, Improve Accuracy, and Speed Decision-Making | |
Web-Based Tool Identifies and Quantifies Potential Cost Savings Measures at the Hanford Site | |
Reynolds, Jacob Binary Pitzer Model Parameters for Predicting the Solubility of Key Electrolytes in Hanford Waste | |
Rhoades, James Overcoming Challenges to Dispose of a Shielded Container at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant | |
Rhodes, Dominic In Situ Characterization of Mobilization, Dispersion and Re-Settling in Impinging Jet Ballast Tanks with an Acoustic Backscatter System | |
Rice, Hugh Measurement and Modelling of Legacy Sludge Separation and Transport Processes | |
Richardson, John-Patrick An Integrated Approach to the Technical Development and Procurement of the UK's Intermediate Level Waste Containers – 14195 | |
Richmond, Pamela International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials | |
Riggs, Trent Los Alamos National Laboratory's 3,706 TRU Waste Campaign - TRU Reclassified Material Disposition Program and Disposal Options at WCS Resulting in Significant Cost and Schedule Savings | |
Ritter, John Innovative Treatment of Problematic (Orphan) and Other Organic Wastes: An Excellent Example of International Technology Transfer between the US and the UK | |
Roach, Jay The US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program | |
Robb, Kevin Integrated Data and Analysis System for Commercial Used Nuclear Fuel Safety Assessments | |
Robertson, Owen Performance Assessment for the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility, Hanford Site, Washington | |
Robinson, Bruce Simulations in Support of the Salt Defense Disposal Initiative (SDDI): Water and Salt Transport Driven by Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt | |
The Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI): Current Status and Future Plans | |
Robinson, Sharon Tritium Behavior in Zircaloy Cladding from Used Light Water Reactor Fuel Rods | |
Rock, Cynthia Nuclear Footprint Reduction at Argonne National Laboratory - Out with the Old (Material), In with the New (Mission) | |
Overcoming Challenges to Dispose of a Shielded Container at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant | |
Rod, Kerry Development of Decommissioning Strategy for Humboldt Bay Power Plant | |
Rodriguez, Carmen Kinetics of Cold-Cap Reactions for Vitrification of Nuclear Waste Glass Based on Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimetry–Thermogravimetry (DSC-TGA) and Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) | |
Rodriguez, Manuel Identifying and Managing Risks during Decommissioning of Jose Cabrera NPP | |
Rodriguez Chiti, Gabriel Enhanced Recovery Of Radionuclides From Irradiated Graphite by Sulfuric Acid-Graphite Intercalation and Leaching | |
Roe, Julian Using a Full Scale Support Rig to Enhance the Performance of the Waste Vitrification Plant at Sellafield | |
Roelant, David Waste Information Management System with 2013-14 Waste Streams | |
Rohay, Virginia Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA | |
Romanovsky, Valery Prospects on Immobilization of Liquid Organic Radwaste with the Use of High Technology Polymers | |
Romary, Jean-Michel French Radioactive Waste Management: a Sustainable Approach | |
Romero, Michael J. Los Alamos National Laboratory's 3,706 TRU Waste Campaign - TRU Reclassified Material Disposition Program and Disposal Options at WCS Resulting in Significant Cost and Schedule Savings | |
Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign | |
Roncero Martin, Jose Miguel Technical Cooperation for Improving Cradle-to-Grave Control of Sealed Radioactive Sources in the Mediterranean Region | |
Roner, Anthony Increasing Energy Efficiency Through Innovative Delivery Methods | |
Ropponen, Ilkka Testing of New Antimony Selective Media SbTreat at Loviisa NPP, FINLAND | |
Rosen, Jeremy NucLab Marcoule: A Laboratory Facility Dedicated to Support Dismantling Operations | |
Rosenberger, Kent Integration between Performance Assessments Does Not Equal Duplication | |
Ross, Chad W. Sodium Separation from Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste via Distillation | |
Roughan, Kate Looking Toward Sustainable Long-term Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources | |
Rousseau, Ronald W. A Methodology for Monitoring Concentrations of Complex Waste Solutions | |
Rucker, Dale High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site | |
Ruddy, Becky Embedding a Strategy - Changing a Culture | |
Russell, Chuck Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site | |
Russell, Keith Waste Processing Using WCATS with Its Underlying Task-Based Architecture | |
Rustick, Joseph Development of a Dimensionless Number to Assess Risk for LLW Disposal Facilities | |
Ryan, Michael T. Development of a Dimensionless Number to Assess Risk for LLW Disposal Facilities | |
Saanio, Timo Repository layout, adaptation to the site characteristics and input to the safety case - the Finnish example | Top |
Salyer, Randell Newly-Generated, Remote-Handled TRU Characterization and Certification at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico (SAND # 2013-6745A) | |
Sams, Terry Deep Sludge Gas Release Event Analytical Evaluation | |
Discovery of the First Leaking Double-Shell Tank – Hanford Tank 241-AY-102 | |
Samson, Eric The Expanded Capabilities of the Cementitious Barriers Partnership Software Toolbox Version 2.0 | |
Sanborn, Scott Analytical Model Methodology Development and Demonstration of Approach on Used Fuel Performance Characterization for Condition of Normal Transportation | |
Assembly Level Modeling and Transportation Damage Prediction of Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) Cladding | |
Sanchez-Rico Castejon, Maria Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel – An Update on the Status of the Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process | |
Sandén, Torbjörn Inflow Handling during the Emplacement of the Backfill in the KBS-3 Concept | |
Sato, Hisato Status and Future Plan of Decommissioning of the Plutonium Fuel Fabrication Facility | |
Saunders, Danielle Evaluating the Potential for Microbial Iodine Immobilization: Humic Acid Bioremediation | |
Genome-Enabled Systems Approach to Predict Immobilization of Technetium in the Subsurface | |
Saunders, Scott Laboratory Capabilities for Qualification of Hanford Tank Waste Feed for Treatment and Vitrification | |
Scaglione, John Integrated Data and Analysis System for Commercial Used Nuclear Fuel Safety Assessments | |
Preliminary Evaluation of Dual-Purpose Canister Disposal Alternatives | |
Scarborough, Rebecca Emergency Response Planning for Urban Remediation Project | |
Scheibe, Tim Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release | |
Scheidemann, Robert Dynamic Penetration Tests on Shock Absorbing Damping Concrete_14166 | |
Schilling, Olaf Assessment Strategy of Numerical Analyses of RAM Package Components | |
Schofield, John Evaluation of Hanford Single-Shell Waste Tanks Suspected of Water Intrusion | |
Schröder, Jantine Markers and Deep Geological Repositories – Learning within the OECD/NEA Project on the Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) across Generations | |
Schroeders, Wouter Orphan Sources Belgium | |
Schruder, Kristan Risk Management in the Execution of Decommissioning Programs: A Comparison Of International Approaches | |
Schruder, Kristan Risk Management on Strategic and Operational Level during Decommissioning – First Outcomes of the DRiMa Project at IAEA | |
Schubert, Allen Environmental Cleanup of the East Tennessee Technology Park - Year Two - A Status Report | |
Schuhen, Michael Flume Testing of Surrogate Waste Materials Leading to a Recommendation for the Lower Limit for TAUFAIL | |
Schultheisz, Daniel Integrating Decontamination Strategies into a Waste Estimation Support Tool for Radiological Incidents | |
Schunk, János New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD) | |
Schweiger, Michael Characterizing a High-Level Waste Cold Cap via Elemental and Structural Configuration | |
Effect of Sulfate on Rhenium Partitioning during Melting of Low-Activity Waste Glass Feeds | |
Kinetics of Cold-Cap Reactions for Vitrification of Nuclear Waste Glass Based on Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimetry–Thermogravimetry (DSC-TGA) and Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) | |
The Effect of Foaming and Silica Dissolution on Melter Feed Rheology during Conversion to Glass | |
Scott, Barry Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium | |
Sears, Joe A Technology for Real-Time Monitoring of VOCs Emanating from the Hanford Tank Farms | |
Segerud, Per Feedback from José Cabrera Plant Decommissioning Project | |
Reactor Internals Segmentation Experience in the Nordic Region | |
RPV In-Situ Segmentation Combined with Off-Site Treatment for Volume Reduction and Recycling | |
SEGOND, Nathalie AREVA Experiences in Cementation Technologies to Immobilize Radioactive Waste | |
Retrieval and Conditioning of Legacy Radioactive Sludge from the Effluent Treatment Facility at La Hague Plant | |
Seidler, Paul Yucca Mountain Licensing in a Post-Blue Ribbon Commission World | |
Seifert, Rob Managing Changed Conditions/Activities—D&D of the Paducah US DOE C-340 Metals Reduction Complex | |
Waste Management Lessons Learned from the Paducah C-340 Metals Reduction Complex D&D | |
Seiple, Timothy E. Web-Based Geographic Information System Tool for Accessing Hanford Site Environmental Data | |
Seitz, Roger Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release | |
Considerations Related to Human Intrusion in the Context of Disposal of Radioactive Waste - The IAEA HIDRA Project | |
US DOE-EM On-Site Disposal Cell Working Group - Fostering Communication on Performance Assessment Challenges | |
Semenov, Sergey Removing of Equipment of Loop Facilities and Preparation for Dismantling of Core of MR Reactor | |
Semin, Ilya Determination of Components of a Fuel Matrix in Water and in Bottom Slimes in the MR Reactor Ponds in NRC "Kurchatov Institute" | |
Ultra-Light Gamma-Camera for Security and Emergency Situation | |
Serimaa, Ritva Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KB3 Method - 14344 | |
Serne, Jeffrey Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal | |
Setzman, Erik Preparing for Implementation, Construction and Public Support - the Added Value Programme | |
Preservation of Information and Communication With Future Generations | |
Seurat, Philippe The D&D Program of GB1 Gaseous Diffusion Plant | |
Sevougian, S. David A Decision Methodology for Prioritizing R&D Supporting Geologic Disposalof SNF/HLW in Salt | |
A New Approach for Feature, Event, and Process (FEP) Analysis of UNF/HLW Disposal | |
Performance Assessment Modeling of a Generic UNF/HLW Repository in Salt | |
Shafer, David The Future is Now: Experience with Remediating and Managing Groundwater Contamination at Uranium Mill Tailing Sites | |
Shandala, Nataliya Russian Experience in Regulatory Supervision of the Uranium Mine and Milling Legacy Sites | |
Shelanskey, Steven Development of Decommissioning Strategy for Humboldt Bay Power Plant | |
Shelton, Catherine Perspectives on Interim Storage Solutions of Used Nuclear Fuel in the Long Term | |
Shephard, Eugene From Nuclear/Fossil Fuel Research Facility to Redevelopment | |
Shin, Seong Gyu Development of Re-Packaged Drum Radioactivity Estimation Method | |
Shisha, Anatoly Removing of Equipment of Loop Facilities and Preparation for Dismantling of Core of MR Reactor | |
Shoffner, Peggy D&D Knowledge Management Information Tool - 2014 | |
The DOE-FIU Cooperative Agreement – Addressing DOE-EM's Technical Challenges | |
Waste Information Management System with 2013-14 Waste Streams | |
Shott, Greg Waste Acceptance and Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site | |
Siitari-Kauppi, Marja In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland | |
Simiele, Connie Improving Safety and Emergency Preparedness for Storage of Cs/Sr Capsules from Lessons Learned From Fukushima Events | |
Simirskii, Iurii Determination of Components of a Fuel Matrix in Water and in Bottom Slimes in the MR Reactor Ponds in NRC "Kurchatov Institute" | |
Simmons, Sally Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA | |
The Importance of Micronutrients to Biological Treatment, 200 West Pump and Treat, Hanford Site, Richland, WA | |
Simons, Stefaan Selecting Nuclear-Powered Submarines in Australia: Nuclear Waste Considerations | |
Simpson, Alan Methods for Reduction of the Minimal Detectable Activity in Neutron Assay of High Mass/High Z Objects | |
Simpson, Brett Data Integration with Geospatial Visualization Tools at the Hanford Site | |
DOE Dashboards Eliminate Redundancy, Improve Accuracy, and Speed Decision-Making | |
Web-Based Tool Identifies and Quantifies Potential Cost Savings Measures at the Hanford Site | |
Simpson, Michael Macroeconomic Impacts of an International Repository | |
Sims, Lynn Adaptive Management Facilitates Remedial Decision-Making in the Face of Uncertainty | |
Singledecker, Steven Radioactive Waste Characterization Strategies; Statistical Comparison Dose to Curie and Gamma Spectroscopy Analysis Methods | |
Sinkov, Sergei Properties of Tc(I) Tricarbonyl Derivatives Relevant to Hanford Tank Waste Supernatants | |
Sinton, Gregory Success with Soil Vapor Extraction, 200-PW-1 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Richland, WA | |
Šír, David Experiences in the Field of Radioactive Materials Seizures in the Czech Republic | |
Skålberg, Mats In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland | |
Skorska, Maria Pore Water Extraction Test Near SX Tank Farm at the Hanford Site, Washington, USA | |
Skrzyppek, Juergen Containers for Storage and Transport of Spent Fuel and Waste from the Operations, Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Power Stations | |
Skwarek, Raymond One System Integrated Project Team Progress in Coordinating Hanford Tank Farms and the Waste Treatment Plant | |
Slaathaug, Eric Waste Treatment Planning for Challenging Hanford Tank Waste | |
Smirnov, Igor UNEX-T Solvent for Cs, Sr and Actinides Separation from PUREX Raffinate | |
Smith, Alan Operational Experience with a Robotic Arm for Wet Waste Retrieval at Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Plant | |
Smith, Brenda Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99 | |
Smith, David W. Application of the Adaptive Management Concept as Theory Becomes Reality 14340 | |
Smith, Frank The Expanded Capabilities of the Cementitious Barriers Partnership Software Toolbox Version 2.0 | |
Smith, Gary Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry | |
Smith, Gary L. Consensus Standardization of Slurry Simulant Development Process to Reduce Design Risk within the DOE Complex | |
Smith, Karen International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials | |
Smith, Miles Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign | |
Smith, Tara Characterization and Thermal Treatment of Carbon-14 on Irradiated Graphite Surfaces | |
Sneve, Malgorzata User Interface Features of Information-Analytical System for Radiation Safety of Personnel on the Example of Northwest Center for Radioactive Waste Management "SevRAO" | |
Sociu, Florin Present Status of the Closure Plan for Radioactive Waste National Repository from Baita, Bihor, Romania | |
Sokolnitskaya, Tatyana Absorbers for Removal of Sr-90 from Sea Water at Fukushima Site | |
Sollet, Patrick Contribution of Metrology to a Qualified Disposal Monitoring System Stable over Centennial Timescales | |
Soong, Te-Yang Probabilistic Design of Landfill Final Cover System | |
Spangenberg, Jacob Local Community Involvement - The Swedish Example | |
Spears, Robert Detailed PWR Fuel Rod and Grid Finite Element Analysis to Provide Equivalent Rod Stiffness and Damping and Equivalent Grid Shell Thickness to PWR Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) Assembly | |
Spoerner, Michael Newly-Generated, Remote-Handled TRU Characterization and Certification at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico (SAND # 2013-6745A) | |
Stancu, Alexandru Remote Characterisation Technology for Decomissioning | |
Stanfield, Sean ISOCS Waste Measurement Applications at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory | |
Staroski, Richard Radioactive Waste Characterization Strategies; Statistical Comparison Dose to Curie and Gamma Spectroscopy Analysis Methods | |
Starr, Ken FUSRAP Strategy: A Plan for the Next 10 Years | |
Stassen, Lize Characterization of Uranium Residue from Solid Mo-99 Manufacturing Waste and Development of a Recovery Process using Carbonate Solution | |
Staten, Jane Importance of On-Site Meteorological Data for Remedial Action Projects: NFSS Example | |
Stauffer, Philip Simulations in Support of the Salt Defense Disposal Initiative (SDDI): Water and Salt Transport Driven by Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt | |
The Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI): Current Status and Future Plans | |
Steefel, Carl Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release | |
Stefanko, David Comparison of Depth Discrete Oxidation Front Results and Reduction Capacity Measurements for Cementitious Waste Forms | |
Stefanovsky, Sergey Summary of Cold Crucible Vitrification Tests Results with Savannah River Site High Level Waste Surrogates | |
Steinwarz, Wolfgang Containers for Storage and Transport of Spent Fuel and Waste from the Operations, Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Power Stations | |
Stepanov, Alexey Determination of Components of a Fuel Matrix in Water and in Bottom Slimes in the MR Reactor Ponds in NRC "Kurchatov Institute" | |
Ultra-Light Gamma-Camera for Security and Emergency Situation | |
Stepanov, Vyacheslav Ultra-Light Gamma-Camera for Security and Emergency Situation | |
Stewart, Andrew Waste Offsetting: The Commodification of Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLW) | |
Stockham, Dwight Recovery and Recycling of Aluminum, Copper, and Precious Metals from Dismantled Weapon Components | |
Stockmann, Madlen New Methodology for Realistic Integration of Sorption Processes Safety Assessments - 14153 | |
Stoll, Ralph Macroeconomic Impacts of an International Repository | |
Stone, Timothy Selecting Nuclear-Powered Submarines in Australia: Nuclear Waste Considerations | |
Stouch, James Nuclear Supply Chain: Perspective of a Component and Sub-system Fabricator | |
Strand, Chris Removal of the 340 Vault from the Hanford 300 Area using Disodium Phosphate | |
Strickland, Chris High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site | |
Stroble, J.R. The National Transuranic (TRU) Program | |
Strock, Pierre Performance Assessment of a Correction Matrix Effect Method Based on a H-3 Drum Monitor on a DDT Measurement Station for the Assay of Fissile Mass in Large-Size Drums | |
Strömberg, Bo SSM's Evaluation of the Long-Term Safety of the Proposed Repository for Spent Nuclear Fuel at the Forsmark Site in Sweden: Early Experiences from the Main Review Phase | |
Strong, Warren Newly-Generated, Remote-Handled TRU Characterization and Certification at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico (SAND # 2013-6745A) | |
Stubna, Marian Decommissioning of Underground Storage Tanks of Liquid Radioactive Waste at the A1 NPP in Slovakia | |
Subbarayan, Morgan Probabilistic Design of Landfill Final Cover System | |
Sudduth, Christie Evaluation of Sludge Heel Dissolution Efficiency with Oxalic Acid Cleaning at Savannah River Site | |
Sugitsue, Noritake Actual Results of D&D in Uranium Refining and Conversion Plant | |
Sukhanov, Leonid Immobilization of Liquid Organic and Aqueous Radioactive Waste Decommissioning in Porous Cement Matrix | |
Sullivan, Terry Sorption (Kd) Measurements in Support of Dose Assessments for Zion Nuclear Station Decommissioning | |
Sundell, Reijo ONKALO - From Concept to Reality | |
Suthiram, Janine Characterization of Uranium Residue from Solid Mo-99 Manufacturing Waste and Development of a Recovery Process using Carbonate Solution | |
Suttora, Linda Building the Community of Practice for Performance and Risk Assessment in Support of Risk-Informed Environmental Management Decisions | |
US DOE-EM On-Site Disposal Cell Working Group - Fostering Communication on Performance Assessment Challenges | |
Sviták, František Russian Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Repatriation from the Reactor Country to the Russian Federation for Reprocessing | |
Svoboda, Karel Experiences in the Field of Radioactive Materials Seizures in the Czech Republic | |
Russian Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Repatriation from the Reactor Country to the Russian Federation for Reprocessing | |
Swain, Adam NPP Containment Vent Protection. Why There Is No One-size-fits-all Solution | |
Swanberg, David Low Temperature Waste Form for Supplemental Immobilization of Hanford Low Activity Waste | |
Swartz, Mike Value Engineering Study Yields Immediate Results for Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant | |
Sydnor, Harold Pore Water Extraction Test Near SX Tank Farm at the Hanford Site, Washington, USA | |
Sykes, Eric Hydrogeologic Simulations of a Deep Seated Groundwater System: Bruce Nuclear Site | |
Sykes, Jon Hydrogeologic Simulations of a Deep Seated Groundwater System: Bruce Nuclear Site | |
Szabó, Sándor New Method for the Decontamination of Labyrinth-Seals of Control Rod Drives (CRD) | |
Szilagyi, Andrew In Situ Decommissioning Lessons Learned | |
Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99 | |
Tabor, Cynthia Pore Water Extraction Test Near SX Tank Farm at the Hanford Site, Washington, USA | Top |
Tachiev, Georgio Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of High Level Waste Plug Formation | |
Tagami, Keiko Change of Radiocesium Concentration in Trees Leaves: Two Years' Observation Following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident | |
Concentration Ratios of Radiocesium from Soil to Wild Boar Observed in Fukushima Prefecture | |
Takahashi, Nobuo Actual Results of D&D in Uranium Refining and Conversion Plant | |
Talic, Ammar Stigma, Fear and Forgiveness: Perspectives on Environmental Legacy and Community Closure Following Remediation Projects | |
Tamata, Shin A New Adsorbent for Simultaneous Removal of Cesium and Strontium | |
Tanaka, Yoshio Actual Results of D&D in Uranium Refining and Conversion Plant | |
Taplin, Temeka Commercial Sealed Source Disposal in the U.S.: Progress, Challenges, and Areas for Further Assessment | |
Tashiro, Shinsuke Release Behavior of Radioactive Materials at a Boiling Accident of High Active Liquid Waste in Reprocessing Plants | |
Taylor-Pashow, Kathryn Development and Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process | |
Tchemitcheff, Eric Evaluation of the Immobilization of Technetium by Incorporation into an Electroless Plated Ternary Alloy | |
Retrieval and Conditioning of Legacy Radioactive Sludge from the Effluent Treatment Facility at La Hague Plant | |
Ten Cate, James Simulations in Support of the Salt Defense Disposal Initiative (SDDI): Water and Salt Transport Driven by Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt | |
Thakur, Punam Reasons for Post-closure Monitoring of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Repository . | |
Theisen, Philip How Does The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Benefit From International Cooperation? | |
Thiebaut, Valérie Retrieval and Conditioning of Powdery Waste: Investigations Carried out in a Storage Pit to Consolidate Input Data Prior to Conditioning | |
Thien, Mike Evaluating Feed Delivery Performance in Scaled Double Shell Tanks | |
Thomas, Brandon After the A2: Experiences with a Multi-Energy Approach for Type B Package Shielding | |
Thomas, Ivan Nuclear Industry Study on the Feasibility of Standardized Transportation, Aging and Disposal Canisters for Used Nuclear Fuel | |
Thomauske, Bruno Final Disposal and Retrievability in the German Repository Concept | |
Site selection in Germany - A Restart | |
Thomle, Jon High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site | |
Thompson, Cyril Scintillating Phosphor Spray for Remote Detection of Tc-99 | |
Thompson, Dennis Embedding a Strategy - Changing a Culture | |
Thompson, Michael Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints | |
Thompson, Wendy Results of Laboratory Microbial Testing for Enhancing Bioremediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soils at the Hanford Site's 100-N Area | |
Thomson, Steven Black Cell Operations - UK National Nuclear Laboratory Experience | |
Thorpe, Dain US EPA Superfund Radiation Risk Assessment: A Community Toolkit | |
Tian, Kuo Hydraulic Conductivity of Geosynthetic Clay Liners Exposed to Low-Level Radioactive Waste Leachate | |
Tihey, John Estimating Residual Solids Volumes in Underground Storage Tanks | |
Tiljander, Mia Assessment of Bentonite Characteristics in KB3 Method - 14344 | |
Timbes, Patrick Project Planning Integration and Controls Organization Approach Success at East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) Contract, Oak Ridge, TN | |
Timonen, Jussi In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland | |
Tobin, Stephen J. Experimental Comparison between High Purity Germanium and Scintillator Detectors for Determining Burnup, Cooling Time and Decay Heat of Used Nuclear Fuel | |
Togneri, Laura Testing of New Antimony Selective Media SbTreat at Loviisa NPP, FINLAND | |
Tonkay, Douglas Innovative Treatment of Problematic (Orphan) and Other Organic Wastes: An Excellent Example of International Technology Transfer between the US and the UK | |
Tonkó, Csilla Selective Separation of Radionuclides from NPP Evaporator Bottom Residue | |
Topkin, James Characterization of Uranium Residue from Solid Mo-99 Manufacturing Waste and Development of a Recovery Process using Carbonate Solution | |
Torstenfelt, Börje Disposal of LLW/ILW: The Extension of the SFR-Repository for Handling and Disposal of Decommissioning Waste | |
Towner, Antony Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium | |
Tozer, Justin Waste Processing Using WCATS with Its Underlying Task-Based Architecture | |
Triplett, Mark Modeling of Electrical Resistivity Data in the Presence of Electrically Conductive Well Casings and Waste Storage Tanks | |
Web-Based Geographic Information System Tool for Accessing Hanford Site Environmental Data | |
Truex, Michael An Integrated Endpoint Approach for Complex Sites | |
Flux-Based Evaluation of Perched-Water in the Deep Vadose Zone at the Hanford Site | |
High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site | |
Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints | |
Technical Basis for Contaminated Pore-Water Extraction from the Vadose Zone | |
Tschan, Gerald Development, Analyses and Validation of Finite Element Model of FSC 2005 | |
Tso, Chi-Fung Development, Analyses and Validation of Finite Element Model of FSC 2005 | |
Tucker, Brian Sources of Bias in Environmental Sample Radioisotope Activity Measurements at USACE FUSRAP Maywood Laboratory | |
Turton, Leonard GEMS 2.0 | |
Tusa, Esko Cesium And Strontium Removal With Highly Selective Ion Exchange Media In Fukushima And Cesium Removal With Less Selective Media | |
Testing of New Antimony Selective Media SbTreat at Loviisa NPP, FINLAND | |
Tuunanen, Jari On-Site Disposal of Radioactive Waste as a Part of Finnish Radioactive Waste Management System | |
Uchida, Shigeo Change of Radiocesium Concentration in Trees Leaves: Two Years' Observation Following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident | Top |
Concentration Ratios of Radiocesium from Soil to Wild Boar Observed in Fukushima Prefecture | |
Uchiyama, Gunzo Release Behavior of Radioactive Materials at a Boiling Accident of High Active Liquid Waste in Reprocessing Plants | |
Uhlemann, Sebastian A Trial of 4D Cross-Borehole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK | |
Underwood, Jefferson NNSA's Risk-Based Nuclear Security Enterprise-wide Facility Disposition Program | |
Upadhyay, Himanshu D&D Knowledge Management Information Tool - 2014 | |
Waste Information Management System with 2013-14 Waste Streams | |
Urland, Charles In Situ Decommissioning Lessons Learned | |
Urrutia-Bustos, Andres Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel – An Update on the Status of the Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process | |
Vahlund, Fredrik Disposal of LLW/ILW: The Extension of the SFR-Repository for Handling and Disposal of Decommissioning Waste | Top |
Vallance, Charlie The Use of Divers for the Internal Underwater Segmentation of Steam Generators to Support Decommissioning | |
Van Cotthem, Alain Detection and Monitoring of Cracks in a Concrete Buffer from DIC and AE Measurements | |
Van De Beuken, John Pathway to Arizona's Nuclear Future | |
Van der Meersch, Daan Orphan Sources Belgium | |
van der Sloot, Hans Application of the New US EPA Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) to DOE Environmental Management Challenges | |
Understanding the Impact of Model Assumptions on Estimating Constituent Leaching during Disposal of Cementitious Waste Forms | |
Van der Wagt - de Groot, Karlijn Licensing Process For Decommissioning Low Flux Reactor Petten | |
Van Luik, Abraham How Does The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Benefit From International Cooperation? | |
Reasons for Post-closure Monitoring of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Repository . | |
Van Marcke, Philippe Detection and Monitoring of Cracks in a Concrete Buffer from DIC and AE Measurements | |
R&D on the Feasibility of Operating a Geological Disposal Facility for High-Level and Long-Lived Radioactive Waste in Belgium- Further Development of Operational Concept | |
Van Mason, Eric Double-Shell Tank System Permit Modification Options to Consider to Support Waste Feed Delivery to the Waste Treatment Plant | |
van Veen, Walter Application of the Adaptive Management Concept as Theory Becomes Reality 14340 | |
Varlakov, Andrey Immobilization of Liquid Organic and Aqueous Radioactive Waste Decommissioning in Porous Cement Matrix | |
Vaughn, Palmer Performance Assessment Modeling of a Generic UNF/HLW Repository in Salt | |
Veilleux, John Implementation of a Surface Contaminated Object Characterization Program at LANL | |
Venetz, Theodore Hanford Double-Shell Tank Extent-of-Condition Construction Review | |
Vepsäläinen, Mikko Microbially Induced Corrosion of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel in Alkaline Ground Water - Composition and Metabolic Functionality of Biofilm | |
Verhoef, Ewoud Multinational European Nuclear Waste Disposal, Looking Off-Shore | |
Size Matters, Management of Radioactive Waste in the Netherlands | |
Towards a European Regional Geological Repository | |
Vermarien, Elise Role and significance of scenarios in safety case for LLW disposal at Dessel, Belgium | |
Versteeg, Roelof High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site | |
Vesselinov, Velimir Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints | |
Veyer, Catherine Design Principles for Optimizing Nuclear Waste Glass Formulation for Industrial Implementation | |
World Premiere Industrial Vitrification of High Level Liquid Waste Produced by Uranium/Molybdenum Fuel Reprocessing in La Hague's Cold Crucible Melter | |
Vickerd, Meggan Remediation of Active Liquid Waste Tanks at Chalk River Laboratories, AECL- #14339 | |
Viermann, Joerg Containers for Storage and Transport of Spent Fuel and Waste from the Operations, Decommissioning and Dismantling of Nuclear Power Stations | |
Vieth, Donald Introspective Examination of the Issues Associated with the Nuclear Waste Disposal Confidence Situation | |
Viitanen, Pekka On-Site Disposal of Radioactive Waste as a Part of Finnish Radioactive Waste Management System | |
Vinoche, Richard The D&D Program of GB1 Gaseous Diffusion Plant | |
Viršek, Sandi Post Closure Safety Assessment of the Proposed Low and Intermediate Level Waste Repository in Slovenia | |
Vitali, Jason Evaluation of Sludge Heel Dissolution Efficiency with Oxalic Acid Cleaning at Savannah River Site | |
Voegele, Michael Disposal of U-233 as Low Level Waste at the Nevada Nuclear Security Site | |
Introspective Examination of the Issues Associated with the Nuclear Waste Disposal Confidence Situation | |
Restart of the Yucca Mountain License Application Review Directed by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia | |
Volkovich, Anatoly Determination of Components of a Fuel Matrix in Water and in Bottom Slimes in the MR Reactor Ponds in NRC "Kurchatov Institute" | |
Völzke, Holger Dynamic Penetration Tests on Shock Absorbing Damping Concrete_14166 | |
Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal | |
Numerical Analysis of Cask Accident Scenarios in Storage Facilities | |
Test Results and Analyses in Terms of Aging Mechanisms of Metal Seals in Casks for Dry Storage of SNF | |
Von Berlepsch, Thilo Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Design and Operation of a Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility | |
Technical Design of the National Disposal Facility at Radiana in Bulgaria | |
Vorauer, Andre Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel – An Update on the Status of the Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process | |
Voss, James Macroeconomic Impacts of an International Repository | |
Selecting Nuclear-Powered Submarines in Australia: Nuclear Waste Considerations | |
Voutilainen, Mikko In-situ Experiments for Investigating the Retention Properties of Rock Matrix in ONKALO , Olkiluoto, Finland | |
Wachter, Joseph ISOCS Waste Measurement Applications at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Top |
Wagner, Steve How to Increase Knowledge of the Existence of a Nuclear Disposal Facility to Future Generations: Knowledge Footprint - A Perspective From an Operational Facility – 14221 | |
Wainwright, Haruko Advanced Simulation Capability For Environmental Management Initial User Release | |
Walker, Stuart US EPA Superfund Counts Per Minute (CPM) Electronic Calculator | |
US EPA Superfund Radiation Risk Assessment: A Community Toolkit | |
Walter, Nelson From Nuclear/Fossil Fuel Research Facility to Redevelopment | |
Nuclear Fuel Site Decommissioning and License Termination | |
Wang, Hong Potential Impact of Interfacial Bonding Efficiency on Used Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity during Normal Transportation | |
Reversal Bending Fatigue Testing on Zry-4 Surrogate Rod | |
Wang, Jy-An Potential Impact of Interfacial Bonding Efficiency on Used Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity during Normal Transportation | |
Reversal Bending Fatigue Testing on Zry-4 Surrogate Rod | |
Washenfelder, Dennis Double-Shell Tank Visual Inspection Changes Resulting from the Tank 241-AY-102 Primary Tank Leak | |
Evaluation of Hanford Single-Shell Waste Tanks Suspected of Water Intrusion | |
Forensic Investigation of Hanford Double-Shell Tank AY-102 Radioactive Waste Leak | |
Hanford Double-Shell Tank Extent-of-Condition Construction Review | |
Overview of Hanford Single-Shell Tank (SST) Structural Integrity | |
Tank 241-AY-102 Liner Corrosion Evaluation | |
Watahiki, Masatoshi Status and Future Plan of Decommissioning of the Plutonium Fuel Fabrication Facility | |
Watson, David J. Web-Based Geographic Information System Tool for Accessing Hanford Site Environmental Data | |
Watson, Kerry Novel Design Models of Container Configurations to Increase Efficiency of Disposal of Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant | |
Watson, Simon Remote Characterisation Technology for Decomissioning | |
Weaver, Douglas The Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI): Current Status and Future Plans | |
Weber, Mike Numerical Analysis of Cask Accident Scenarios in Storage Facilities | |
Weiskettel, Roland Supporting the Largest D&D Project with Innovative Waste Management Approaches Oak Ridge, Tennessee | |
Wellman, Dawn High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site | |
Modeling of Electrical Resistivity Data in the Presence of Electrically Conductive Well Casings and Waste Storage Tanks | |
Rate of Uranium Release from Calcium Meta-Autunite: Effect of Bicarbonate Solutions on the Dissolution | |
Systems-Based Framework for Remediation Endpoints | |
Wells, Beric Consensus Standardization of Slurry Simulant Development Process to Reduce Design Risk within the DOE Complex | |
West, Lori Improving Safety and Emergency Preparedness for Storage of Cs/Sr Capsules from Lessons Learned From Fukushima Events | |
Westsik, Joseph Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal | |
Low Temperature Waste Form for Supplemental Immobilization of Hanford Low Activity Waste | |
White, Devin Centralized Used Fuel Resource for Information Exchange | |
Whitworth, Julia Looking Toward Sustainable Long-term Management of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources | |
Wieczorek, Klaus Virtual Underground Laboratory for Rock Salt – VIRTUS | |
Wiersma, Bruce Administrative and Engineering Controls for the Operation of Ventilation Systems for Underground Radioactive Waste Storage Tanks | |
Wieser, Guenter Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal | |
Wikberg, Peter The Feasibility of Using the KBS-3 Technology for Disposal of US Department of Energy's Used Nuclear Fuel | |
Wikmark, Anna Damaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel; Development of Transport and Intermediate Storage Solutions | |
Wikström, Maria Costing and Financing of the Swedish Waste Management System | |
Wilcox, Brian Benefits of a Dedicated Decommissioning Team for the B300 Project at Whiteshell Laboratories | |
Wild, Elaine Fast Analysis of Chlorinated Phenoxy Herbicides in Environmental Samples by Negative ESI LC-MS/MS | |
Wildernauer, Margaret Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Protective Garments: Reusable vs. Disposable in Radioactive Material Applications | |
Wilkinson, Paul A Trial of 4D Cross-Borehole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK | |
The Ground Environment Management Scheme (GEMS): Technologies for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK | |
Wille, Frank Assessment Strategy of Numerical Analyses of RAM Package Components | |
Development of a Wood Material Model for Impact Limiters of Transport Packages | |
Williams, Ashley Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Inactivation: Approach for Waste Management and Exposure Reduction | |
Williams, Deborah Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign | |
Williams, Michael Single Stage Contactor Testing of the Next Generation Solvent Blend | |
Wilmarth, William Assessment of the Cast Stone Low-Temperature Waste Form Technology Coupled with Technetium Removal | |
Development and Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process | |
Single Stage Contactor Testing of the Next Generation Solvent Blend | |
Wilmot, Roger Role and significance of scenarios in safety case for LLW disposal at Dessel, Belgium | |
Wilson, Eilidh Turning the Surface Contamination Object (SCO) Process into a Production Operation for the Remediation of the TRU Waste as Part of the LANL 3,706 m3 Campaign | |
Wilson, Robert Solubility Validation from Boildown Data for Hanford Tank Liquids | |
Winterholler, Kirk Structured Planning and Preparation Leads to Safe Open-Air Demolition of Contaminated Facility | |
Winters, Mike A Case-Study: Implementation of Independent Final Status Survey in Support of Remediation at a FUSRAP Site | |
Wisbey, Simon Application of Knowledge Management in the UK | |
Witkowski, Ioana Challenges in Disposal of Off-Site Source Recovery Project Sources at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant | |
Wolf, Jens A New Approach for Feature, Event, and Process (FEP) Analysis of UNF/HLW Disposal | |
Wolff, Dietmar Numerical Analysis of Cask Accident Scenarios in Storage Facilities | |
Test Results and Analyses in Terms of Aging Mechanisms of Metal Seals in Casks for Dry Storage of SNF | |
Wong, Melanie An Evaluation of the 2007 Strategic Assessment of the US NRC's Low-Level Waste Regulatory Program | |
Wood, Graeme Design and Performance of a Sensitive Multi-Mode Calorimeter for Single Cell Isothermal or Single and Twin Cell Heat-Flow Measurements of Plutonium or Tritium | |
Wood, Myrian Freeze Technology Applications for the Nuclear Industry, Applicable to VLLW, LLW, ILW as well as in ER and the NORM Industry | |
Using a Full Scale Support Rig to Enhance the Performance of the Waste Vitrification Plant at Sellafield | |
Woolley, Anne 14510 - Severe Accident Management Hierarchy (SAMH) & Resilience Architecture Post Fukushima | |
Worthy, S. Jason Estimating Residual Solids Volumes in Underground Storage Tanks | |
Wrapp, John Supporting the Largest D&D Project with Innovative Waste Management Approaches Oak Ridge, Tennessee | |
Xiong, Qingrong Analysis of Pore Structure Effects on Diffusive Reactive Transport in Bentonite via Pore Network Models | Top |
Xu, Shulan WM2014_SSM | |
Yakovlev, Igor Kazakhstan: Treatment and Safe Disposal of Liquid Radioactive Waste from the BN-350 Reactor Unit at the LRW Processing Facility | Top |
Yamane, Yuichi Release Behavior of Radioactive Materials at a Boiling Accident of High Active Liquid Waste in Reprocessing Plants | |
Yarbrough, Tom Innovative Treatment of Problematic (Orphan) and Other Organic Wastes: An Excellent Example of International Technology Transfer between the US and the UK | |
Yarmak, Edward Frozen Soil Barrier Technology – Facts, The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Barrier | |
Yim, Sung Paal Permeability and Dispersion Coefficients in Rocks with Fracture Network | |
Sorption (Kd) Measurements in Support of Dose Assessments for Zion Nuclear Station Decommissioning | |
Yin, Yong Hydrogeologic Simulations of a Deep Seated Groundwater System: Bruce Nuclear Site | |
Yoshida, Kazuo Release Behavior of Radioactive Materials at a Boiling Accident of High Active Liquid Waste in Reprocessing Plants | |
Young, Carl Radionuclide Contamination from the 1940s in a New York City Park | |
Yu, Charley International Training to Support the Environmental Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials | |
Yucel, Vefa Waste Acceptance and Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site | |
Zaccai, Henri French Radioactive Waste Management: a Sustainable Approach | Top |
Zachara, John High Performance 3D Geophysical Imaging and 4D Time-Lapse Monitoring of Subsurface Contamination and Associated Processes at the Hanford Site | |
Zanife, Tahn Retrieval and Conditioning of Legacy Radioactive Sludge from the Effluent Treatment Facility at La Hague Plant | |
Zarling, John Challenges in Disposal of Off-Site Source Recovery Project Sources at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant | |
Zaw Htway, Myo Permeability and Dispersion Coefficients in Rocks with Fracture Network | |
Zeitler, Todd Changes, Approach, and Results for the 2014 WIPP Compliance Recertification Application Performance Assessment | |
Zelmer, Robert Stigma, Fear and Forgiveness: Perspectives on Environmental Legacy and Community Closure Following Remediation Projects | |
Zencker, Uwe Methodology and Experiences of Experimental Drop and Fire Testing of Radioactive Waste Containers for Final Disposal | |
Numerical Analysis of Cask Accident Scenarios in Storage Facilities | |
Zhang, Ming Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident – A Discussion from a Neutral Point of View | |
Zhang, Yong Radionuclide Containment Properties of Fractured and Faulted Volcanic Tuff Units at the T-Tunnel Complex, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site | |
Zhu, Ming Building the Community of Practice for Performance and Risk Assessment in Support of Risk-Informed Environmental Management Decisions | |
Ziebarth, Cody Closed Fuel Can Venting and Hydride Passivation | |
Ziegler, Joseph Disposal of U-233 as Low Level Waste at the Nevada Nuclear Security Site | |
Restart of the Yucca Mountain License Application Review Directed by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia | |
Zoeger, Norbert Dose Rate Profile Surrounding a Waste Repository | |
Zorzoli, Giovanni Campoverde Decommissioning of Former Controlsonic Deposit | |
Zulauf, Alexander Absorbers for Removal of Sr-90 from Sea Water at Fukushima Site | Top |