Abkowitz, Mark An Integrated Tool for Evaluating Pre-Closure Operational Performance of the Yucca Mountain Waste Management System
Abubucker, C. P. Stakeholder Decision Making on Radioactive Waste Management in the US and UK
Abuku, Toshiaka Treatment of Asbestos Wastes Using the GeoMelt® Vitrification Process
Adams, Vince Closeout of the Melton Valley Completion Project
Engineering and Technology Roadmap
Remediation of the Melton Valley Watershed at ORNL: An Accelerated Closure Success Story
Adkins, Brannen Feasibility Evaluation and Retrofit Plan for Cold Crucible Induction Melter Deployment in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at Savannah River Site
Agnew, Stephen Endpointtool: An Excel®-Based Workbook for Hanford Tank Waste Treatment Planning
Agrinenko, Valentina Training Activities on Radioactive Waste Management at Moscow SIA "Radon": Experience, Practice, Theory
Ahn, Do-Hee Development of Tritium Storage and Transport Vessels
Akins, Michael Radioactive Waste Incineration: Status Report
Albright, William Evaluating Operational Irregularities at Hanford's Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility
Monitoring the Performance of an Alternative Landfill Cover at the Monticello, Utah, Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Site
Alecksen, Tyler Recovery of Depleted Uranium Fragments from Soil
Alexander, Donald Assessing Technological Readiness and Maturity of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant
Technology Readiness Assessment of Department of Energy Waste Processing Facilities: Lessons Learned, Next Steps
Technology Readiness Assessment of US DOE Waste Processing Facilities: When is a Technology Ready for Insertion?
Al-Mughrabi, M.A. The Development of a Mobile Hot Cell Facility for the Conditioning of Spent High Activity Radioactive Sources (SHARS)
Aloy, Albert Current Progress and Future Plans for the US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program
Improved Alumina Loading in High-Level Waste Glasses
Alvarez, Eloisa Passive and Active Neutron Matrix Correction for Heterogeneous Distributions Utilizing the Neutron Imaging Technique
Alzheimer, Jim Large-Scale Testing of Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Holdup in Process Vessels in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant
Amaria, Navroze Steam Reforming Application for Treatment of DOE Sodium Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory for Idaho Cleanup Project - Status Report
Ambrifi, Alessandro Passive and Active Neutron Matrix Correction for Heterogeneous Distributions Utilizing the Neutron Imaging Technique
Ammerman, Douglas Mixed Oxide Fresh Fuel Package Auxiliary Equipment
Anderson, Keith Lessons Learned for Construction and Waste Water Management at Radioactive Waste Closure Site
Anderson, Luke Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Drum Venting Operations- Operational Experience and Lessons Learned
Anderson, Michael Decontamination of Hot Cells and Hot Pipe Tunnel at NASA's Plum Brook Reactor Facility
Endpointtool: An Excel®-Based Workbook for Hanford Tank Waste Treatment Planning
Anderson, Scott Shipping Remote Handled Transuranic Waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - An Operational Experience
Anderson, Tom Potential for Radionuclide Redistribution Due to Biotic Intrusion: Aboveground Biomass Study at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for the Closure of Material Disposal Area G
Aoki, Kazuhiro Durable Media for Long-Term Preservation of Geological Repository Records
Aoyama, Yoshio Thermal Pretreatment for TRU Waste Sorting
Arima, Tatsumi Experimental Study on the pH of Pore Water in Compacted Bentonite Under Reducing Conditions with Electromigration.
Arm, Stuart Large-Scale Testing of Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Holdup in Process Vessels in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant
Arustamov, Artur Training Activities on Radioactive Waste Management at Moscow SIA "Radon": Experience, Practice, Theory
Ashley, Victoria Issues in UK cleanup and decommissioning; a strategic R&D programme
Awwad, Amer Qualification of Innovative High Level Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies
Badheka, Nilesh Selection of an Inhibitor for the Prevention of Sodium Aluminosilicate Scale in the High Level Waste Evaporators at the Savannah River Site
Bagaasen, Larry Hanford's Supplemental Treatment Project: Full-Scale Integrated Testing of In-Container-Vitrification and a 10,000 Liter Dryer
Method to Reduce Molten Salt Penetration into Bulk Vitrification Refractory Materials
Bagan, Hector Plastic Scintillators: A Powerful Tool to Reduce Mixed Waste
Bailey, Kevin Improvements in Hanford TRU Program Utilizing Systems Modeling and Analysis
Bailey, Vanessa Integration of Omics Technologies for Characterization of Complex Microbial Ecosystems
Baillet, Jean-Paul The French Radioactive Waste Disposal System: Which Discussions for Which Decisions?
Baird, Del Hydraulic Containment of Groundwater at the DOE Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Bajwa, Christopher Going the Distance? NRC's Response to the National Academy of Science's Transportation Study
Baker, Kenneth Recovery of Depleted Uranium Fragments from Soil
Baker, Scott Integration of Omics Technologies for Characterization of Complex Microbial Ecosystems
Baltzer, Rodney An Update on Waste Control Specialists' 2004 License Application for Safe Disposal of Class A - C Low-Level Radioactive Waste in Texas
Barariu, Gheorghe The Optimized Integration of the Decontamination Plan and the Radwaste Management Plan into Decommissioning Plan to the WWR-S Research Reactor from Romania
Bardal, Mike High Level Waste Remote Handling Equipment in the Melter Cave Support Handling System at the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant
Barker, Mary Welding Robot and Remote Handling System for the Yucca Mountain Waste Package Closure System
Barnabas, Istavan Spent Fuel Storage Operational Experience with Increased Crud Activities
Barnes, Allan Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Feasibility Evaluation and Retrofit Plan for Cold Crucible Induction Melter Deployment in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at Savannah River Site
Process Improvements to Increase High Level Waste Vitrification Throughout the Defense Waste Processing Facility
Barnes, Brett Example of a Risk-Based Disposal Approval: Solidification of Hanford Site Transuranic Waste
Barnes, Mark Development of an Improved Sodium Titanate for the Pretreatment of High Level Nuclear Waste at the SRS
Barnes, Steven Pretreatment Engineering Platform-Reducing Technical Risks for the Waste Treatment Plant Pretreatment Facility through Scaled Process Testing
Bartling, Kevin Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Full-Scale Test (CSSX FST)
Full Scale Cross-Flow Filter Testing in Support of the Salt Waste Processing Facility Design
Bates, John Conceptual Approach to Modeling Potential Air Toxics and Radionuclide Airborne Emissions from a Temporary Exhaust System for the 216-Z-9 Crib Removal Action
Batyukhnova, Olga Training Activities on Radioactive Waste Management at Moscow SIA "Radon": Experience, Practice, Theory
Bauer, Corinne Repository Drift Backfilling Demonstrator
Baughman, Timothy C Chemical Sludge Heel Removal at the Savannah River Site F Tank Farm Closure Project
Baynes, Patrick Improvements in Hanford TRU Program Utilizing Systems Modeling and Analysis
Beck, Travis Hanford's Supplemental Treatment Project: Full-Scale Integrated Testing of In-Container-Vitrification and a 10,000 Liter Dryer
Becker, Udo Thermodynamic Properties of Actinide-Zirconium Dioxide Solid-Solutions Relevant for Advanced Nuclear Fuels
Beguin, Kristi Potential for Radionuclide Redistribution Due to Biotic Intrusion: Aboveground Biomass Study at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for the Closure of Material Disposal Area G
Behan, Chris Stronger Efforts are Needed to Improve the Control of Radioactive Sources: An IAEA Perspective
Belencan, Helen Savannah River Site Public and Regulatory Involvement in the CERCLA Low-Level Waste (LLW) Program and Their Effect on Decisions to Dispose of LLW Generated by CERCLA Actions
Benson, Craig Evaluating Operational Irregularities at Hanford's Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility
Monitoring the Performance of an Alternative Landfill Cover at the Monticello, Utah, Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Site
Berkowitz, Joan Savannah River Site Tank 48H Waste Treatment Project Technology Readiness Assessment
Berman, Herbert Double-Shell Tank Integrity Project High Level Waste Chemistry Optimization
Beverungen, Martin Decommissioning of Large Components as an Example of Steam Generator from DWR Nuclear Power Plants
Bhatt, Raj Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Drum Venting Operations- Operational Experience and Lessons Learned
Bibler, Ned Evaluation of Impurity Extremes in Plutonium-Loaded Lanthanide Borosilicate Glass
Qualification of a Radioactive High Aluminum Glass for Processing in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site
Bickford, Jody Long-Term Stability Testing Results for Savannah River Site Organic and Aqueous Wastestreams
Sorbent Testing for the Solidification of Organic Process Wastestreams from the Radiochemical Engineering Development Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Biles, Kevin Decommissioning at the Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston
Bilson, Beth Air Permit Compliance for Waste Retrieval Operations Involving Multi-Unit Emissions
Integrating Safety and Lessons-Learned Data with Human Performance for Successful Management and Oversight
Bimet, Franck TN International and Its Operational Feedback Regarding the Decommissioning of Obsolete Casks Dedicated to the Transport and/or Storage of Nuclear Raw Materials, Fuel and Used Fuel
Biurrun, Enrique Feasibility Study on the Enlargement of the Surface Repository for Low and Intermediate Radioactive Level Waste at Mochovce, Slovak Republic
Biyani, Rabindra Lessons Learned in Technology Development for Supplemental Treatment of Low-Activity Waste at Hanford
Blachet, Laurent TN International and Its Operational Feedback Regarding the Decommissioning of Obsolete Casks Dedicated to the Transport and/or Storage of Nuclear Raw Materials, Fuel and Used Fuel
Blackford, Ty Innovative Techniques and Technology Application in Management of Remote Handled and Large Size Mixed and Low-Level Waste Forms
Boetsch, Wilma Evaluation of Incident Risks in a Repository for Radioactive Waste
Bolling, David Excavation and Repackaging of Retrievably-Stored, Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste at ORNL
Bollingerfehr, Wilhelm A New Approach for Direct Disposal of Spent Fuel into Deep Vertical Boreholes in a Salt Repository
Bolton, Peter Overview of Requirements for Using Overweight and Oversize Vehicles to Ship Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste
Bond, F. W. Structural Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Crib Prior to Decontamination and Demolition Using Robot Crawler and High Resolution Photography
Bondarkov, Mikhail Current Progress and Future Plans for the US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program
Boniface, Jean-Michel TGC36 A Dual Purpose Cask for the Transport and Interim Storage of Compacted Waste (CSD-C)
Bonilla, Rodolfo (Rudy) Closeout of the Melton Valley Completion Project
Boomer, Kayle Double-Shell Tank Integrity Project High Level Waste Chemistry Optimization
Progress in Hanford's Double-Shell Tank Integrity Project
Bosgiraud, Jean-Michel Fluid (Air/Water) Cushion Transportation Technology for Emplacing Heavy Canisters Into Horizontal Disposal Drifts
Bosko, A. An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site
The Add-A-Source Matrix Calibration of a Large Neutron Box Counter
The Contribution of and Uncertainty Associated with Self-Multiplication when Assaying Plutonium in Waste by Passive Neutron Coincidence Counting
Bourgeois, Tom Steam Reforming Application for Treatment of DOE Sodium Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory for Idaho Cleanup Project - Status Report
Bourva, Ludovic Passive and Active Neutron Matrix Correction for Heterogeneous Distributions Utilizing the Neutron Imaging Technique
Boylan, John Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance at Rocky Flats: Early Experiences and Lessons Learned
Bradford, Anna Results of a Strategic Assessment of NRC'S Low-Level Radioactive Waste Program
Bradford, Jeff Shipping Remote Handled Transuranic Waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - An Operational Experience
Braet, Johan Development of a Safe Technology for the Treatment of Sodium Waste: Early Experience
Bratton, Wes Innovative Direct Push Technologies for Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Trench at DOE's Hanford Site
Bronson, Frazier To Sample or Not to Sample: An Investigation into the Comparative Benefits of Sampling Followed by Laboratory Analysis Versus In-Toto Gamma Spectroscopy for Situations of Non-Uniform Radioactivity Distribution
Brossia, C.S. Double-Shell Tank Integrity Project High Level Waste Chemistry Optimization
Brouns, Tom Technical Basis for Certification of Seismic Design Criteria for the Waste Treatment Plant - Hanford, Washington
Brown, Charlie D&D Mockup Testing Demonstration - Remediation of Legacy Radioactive Piping and Tank Systems at the Reactor Technology Complex (RTC) (2007)
Oak Ridge D&D Plan 3515 Project - Technology Review (2007) and GammaCam" Technology Demonstration for Characterization of Building 3515 at Oak Ridge (2007)
Brown, Christopher Deep Vadose Zone Characterization at the Hanford Site: Accomplishments from the Last Ten Years
Brown, Steven The New Generation of Uranium In Situ Recovery Facilities: Design Improvements Should Reduce Radiological Impacts Relative to First Generation Uranium Solution Mining Plants
Brownridge, Melanie A Strategy for Skills to Meet the Demands of Nuclear Decommissioning and Clean Up in the UK
Bruemmer, Heather Advancing Information Technology in the Waste Management World
Brunsell, Dennis A Remote Absorption Process for Disposal of Evaporate and Reverse Osmosis Concentrates
Bryan, Sam Raman Based Process Monitor for Continuous Real-Time Analysis of High Level Radioactive Waste Components
Bryan, Wes Dewatering Treatment Scale-Up Testing Results of Hanford Tank Wastes
Bryson, Dana Progress in Hanford's Double-Shell Tank Integrity Project
Bunn, Amoret Integration of Omics Technologies for Characterization of Complex Microbial Ecosystems
Burns, Carolyn Sr-90 Immobilization by Infiltration of a Ca-Citrate-PO4 Solution into the Hanford 100-N Area Vadose Zone
Burns, Heather Long-Term Stability Testing Results for Savannah River Site Organic and Aqueous Wastestreams
Byrne-Kelly, Darcy D&D Mockup Testing Demonstration - Remediation of Legacy Radioactive Piping and Tank Systems at the Reactor Technology Complex (RTC) (2007)
Oak Ridge D&D Plan 3515 Project - Technology Review (2007) and GammaCam" Technology Demonstration for Characterization of Building 3515 at Oak Ridge (2007)
Byrnes, Mark Treatability Test for Removing Technetium 99 from 200 ZP 1 Groundwater, Hanford Site
Campbell, Clark Decommissioning at the Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston
Camper, Larry Results of a Strategic Assessment of NRC'S Low-Level Radioactive Waste Program
Cange, Jeff Closeout of the Melton Valley Completion Project
Excavation and Repackaging of Retrievably-Stored, Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste at ORNL
Hydraulic Isolation of Waste Disposal Areas at ORNL
In-Situ Stabilization of Inactive Low Level Waste Pipelines in the Melton Valley Watershed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Remediation of the Melton Valley Watershed at ORNL: An Accelerated Closure Success Story
Cannell, Gary Developing and Qualifying Parameters for Closure Welding Overpacks Containing Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel at Hanford
Cantrel, Eric Development of a Safe Technology for the Treatment of Sodium Waste: Early Experience
Carilli, Jhon A Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 191 Evaluation of Buried Transuranic Waste at the Nevada Test Site
Carpenter, Keith Significant Progress in the Deployment of New Technologies for the Retrieval of Hanford Radioactive Waste Storage Tanks
Carpenter, Michael Advanced Assay Systems for Radionuclide Contamination in Soils
Carr, Eleanor The Role of Piece Monitors for the Assay of Plutonium Waste in Alpha Plant Decommissioning Operations
Carter, Ernie Applications of Molten Wax for Sealing Volcanic Tuff in Waste Repositories
Constructing Hydraulic Barriers in Deep Geologic Formations
Construction of Continuous Flexible Subterranean Hydraulic Barriers in Soil and Rock
Molten Wax as a Dust Control Agent
Waterproofing and Strengthening Volcanic Tuff in Waste Repositories
Carter, Linda Development of the Updated EPA Manual of Protective Action Guides (PAGs) and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents
Carter, Tony Creating a Consortium to Increase Minority and Low-Income Community Participation in Alternative Energy Development, Production and Management
Office of Legacy Management: A High Performing Organization Effectively and Efficiently Managing the Department of Energy's Legacy Responsibilities
Case, Glenn Making Conceptual Design Choices for a Long-Term Waste Management Facility - Environmental Impact and Environmental Performance
Cater, Frank Hydraulic Isolation of Waste Disposal Areas at ORNL
Centner, Baudouin Radioactive Spent Resins Conditioning by the Hot Supercompaction Process at Tihange NPP
Chaput, Ernie Siting GNEP at the Savannah River Site: Using Legacy and Infrastructure in a Commercial Energy Park Concept
Charboneau, Briant Challenges for Deep Vadose Zone Remediation at the Hanford Site
Charton, Patrick A Challenge for Radioactive Waste Management: Memory Preservation
Chepluk, Sergei Advanced Modeling of Cold Crucible Induction Melting for Process Optimization and Control
Chirwa, Evans Biological Removal of Radiocarbon-14 from Irradiated Graphite
Cho, Dong Keun Estimation of the Transportation Risks for the Spent Fuel in Korea for Various Transportation Scenarios
Choi, Heu-Joo Estimation of the Transportation Risks for the Spent Fuel in Korea for Various Transportation Scenarios
Choi, Jong Won Estimation of the Transportation Risks for the Spent Fuel in Korea for Various Transportation Scenarios
Choo, Yeun Hee A Study on the Cover Failure in Concrete Structure Following Concrete Deterioration
Christensen, Candace Potential for Radionuclide Redistribution Due to Biotic Intrusion: Aboveground Biomass Study at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for the Closure of Material Disposal Area G
Christman, Roger Decision Support Tool for the Management of Debris from Radiological Dispersion Devices and Other Incidents of National Significance
Chunglo, Steve Retrofit of an Engineered Gloveport to a Los Alamos National Laboratory's Plutonium Facility Glovebox
Clapham, Martin Advanced Non-Destructive Assay Systems and Special Instrumentation Requirements for Spent Nuclear Fuel Recycling Facilities
In-Situ Characterization of Underwater Radioactive Sludge
Clark, Ray US EPA Radiation Protection Programs for Waste Management and Site Cleanup
Clark, Richard Mixed Oxide Fresh Fuel Package Auxiliary Equipment
Clarke, James An Integrated Tool for Evaluating Pre-Closure Operational Performance of the Yucca Mountain Waste Management System
Clarke, S. Structural Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Crib Prior to Decontamination and Demolition Using Robot Crawler and High Resolution Photography
Clayton, Christopher Managing Legacy Records for FUSRAP Sites
Clayton, Daniel Impact of Proposed Disturbed Rock Zone Conceptual Model Modifications to the 2007 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Performance Assessment on Long-Term Repository Performance
Clements, Thomas Shipping Remote Handled Transuranic Waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - An Operational Experience
Codee, Hans Birds of a Feather & Developments towards Shared, Regional Geological Disposal in the EU?
No Time Wasted! 25 years COVRA: Radioactive Waste Management in the Netherlands
Coggins, Terry L. Evaluation of Fourier Transform Profilometry for Quantitative Waste Volume Determination under Simulated Hanford Tank Conditions
Coleman, Charles Qualification of a Radioactive High Aluminum Glass for Processing in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site
Coleman, James Process Improvements to Increase High Level Waste Vitrification Throughout the Defense Waste Processing Facility
Coleman, Neil Factors Affecting Radiation Dose from a Hypothetical Extrusive Volcanic Event at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Conca, James Long-Term Environmental Monitoring of an Operating Deep Geologic Nuclear Waste Repository
Connell, Carl Environmental Sampling and Analysis, Getting It Right!
Conway, Sheila Hazardous Commodity Flows in Clark County, Nevada
The Projected Fiscal Impacts to Public Safety Agencies from Shipments of High-Level Nuclear Waste to Yucca Mountain, Nevada: The 2007 Study Findings
Cook, James Recent Progress in DOE High-Level-Waste Tank Closure
Cooley, Scott Hanford's Supplemental Treatment Project: Full-Scale Integrated Testing of In-Container-Vitrification and a 10,000 Liter Dryer
Copeland, Larry After Katrina - Restoration and Cleaning of Military Personal Property in the Gulf Coast Region
Corbin, Robert Endpointtool: An Excel®-Based Workbook for Hanford Tank Waste Treatment Planning
Costantino, Carl Technical Basis for Certification of Seismic Design Criteria for the Waste Treatment Plant - Hanford, Washington
Cournoyer, Michael Retrofit of an Engineered Gloveport to a Los Alamos National Laboratory's Plutonium Facility Glovebox
Couzens, Nigel A Strategy for Skills to Meet the Demands of Nuclear Decommissioning and Clean Up in the UK
Cox, John In-Situ Stabilization of Inactive Low Level Waste Pipelines in the Melton Valley Watershed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Coye, Steven In-Situ Stabilization of Inactive Low Level Waste Pipelines in the Melton Valley Watershed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Coyne, Daniel The Decontamination, Decommissioning and Demolition of the Engineering Test Reactor at the Idaho National Laboratory Site
Crawford, Beverly It Just Keeps Getting Better - TRU Waste Inventory
Crawford, Charles Evaluation of Impurity Extremes in Plutonium-Loaded Lanthanide Borosilicate Glass
Qualification of a Radioactive High Aluminum Glass for Processing in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site
Crawford, Gordon The Use of Transportable Processing Systems for the Treatment of Radioactive Nuclear Wastes
Crisp, Dan Shipping Remote Handled Transuranic Waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - An Operational Experience
Croft, Kevin Welding Robot and Remote Handling System for the Yucca Mountain Waste Package Closure System
Croft, Stephen A New Neutron Multiplicity Deadtime Scheme
A Non-Destructive Investigation of Pu Reference Items used for Calibration
An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site
Experimental Determination of the Multiplicity Deadtime Parameter
Passive and Active Neutron Matrix Correction for Heterogeneous Distributions Utilizing the Neutron Imaging Technique
Simulation of Rate-Related (Dead-Time) Losses in Passive Neutron Multiplicity Counting Systems
The Add-A-Source Matrix Calibration of a Large Neutron Box Counter
The Contribution of and Uncertainty Associated with Self-Multiplication when Assaying Plutonium in Waste by Passive Neutron Coincidence Counting
Cross, Paul Initial Results: ISCO for a Large TCE DNAPL Source Area
Curcio, Joseph Process Improvements Result in Highly Successful Cemented Waste Shipping Campaign
Curtis, Debbie A Non-Destructive Investigation of Pu Reference Items used for Calibration
Czarwinski , Renate Stronger Efforts are Needed to Improve the Control of Radioactive Sources: An IAEA Perspective
Daly, Patrick License Stewardship Approach to Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning
D'Amico, Eric Shipping Remote Handled Transuranic Waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - An Operational Experience
Darr, Bob Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance at Rocky Flats: Early Experiences and Lessons Learned
Darwen, Neil High Level Waste Remote Handling Equipment in the Melter Cave Support Handling System at the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant
Dayton, Cynthia Process Improvements Result in Highly Successful Cemented Waste Shipping Campaign
De Lemos, Francisco Using Fuzzy Sets as a Complement to Probabilistic Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities Safety Assessment
Using Fuzzy Sets for Data Interpretation in Natural Analogue Studies
Delaunay, Milene Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Denton, Mark Dresden NPP Demineralizer Vault Cleanup Project
Deschaine, Larry Simulation and Optimization of Large Scale Subsurface Environmental Impacts; Optimal Investigations, Remedial Design and Long Term Monitoring
Desotell, Lloyd A Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 191 Evaluation of Buried Transuranic Waste at the Nevada Test Site
DeVaughn, Jeffrey The Role of Historical Operations Information for Supporting Remedial Investigation Work at the Former Harshaw Chemical Site
Devgun, Jas A Review of Decommissioning Considerations for New Reactors
Devine, John Savannah River Site Tank 48H Waste Treatment Project Technology Readiness Assessment
The Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island - A Practical Lesson in the Fundamental Importance of Effective Communications
Deyo, Yvonne The Use of Ecological Restoration Principles to Achieve Remedy Protection at the Fernald Preserve and Weldon Spring Sites
Diederich, Richard Radioactive Waste Incineration: Status Report
Diehl, Susan V. Phytoextraction of Cs and Sr Natural Abundance Isotopes by Indian Mustard (Brassica Juncea) and the Resulting Physiological Changes
DiSalvo, Rick Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance at Rocky Flats: Early Experiences and Lessons Learned
Dmitriev, Sergey Training Activities on Radioactive Waste Management at Moscow SIA "Radon": Experience, Practice, Theory
Do Quang, Richard Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Dodd, Ryan Significant Progress in the Deployment of New Technologies for the Retrieval of Hanford Radioactive Waste Storage Tanks
Dogaru, Daniela Regulatory Review of the Safety Case for Siting Licensing of Saligny Low and Intermediate Level Waste Repository
Dogaru, Gheorghe Romanian Experience in Conditioning of Radium Sources
Downey, Heath Alternative Sample Preparation of Soils for Gamma Spectroscopy
Downing, Melinda Creating a Consortium to Increase Minority and Low-Income Community Participation in Alternative Energy Development, Production and Management
Drace, Zoran Training Activities on Radioactive Waste Management at Moscow SIA "Radon": Experience, Practice, Theory
Dragolici, Felicia Romanian Experience in Conditioning of Radium Sources
Drain, Francois COEX? Process: Cross-Breeding between Innovation and Industrial Experience
Drumstas, Giedrius Principles on Radiological Characterization of the Unit 1 at Ignalina NPP for Decommissioning Purposes
Dubois, Jean-Philippe Repository Drift Backfilling Demonstrator
Dunagan, Sean Prioritization of Technical Content and Impact Assessment for Changes to Performance Assessment at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
Duncan, Garth Assessing Technological Readiness and Maturity of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant
Dunning, Donald On-Site Disposition of Concrete During Decommissioning and Demolition: A Data Quality Objective-Based Approach
Durham, Lisa Integrating Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Characterization Methods to Achieve a Conceptual Site Model for the Shallow Land Disposal Area FUSRAP Site
Dussossoy, Jean-Luc Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Dysland, Eric Hanford's Supplemental Treatment Project: Full-Scale Integrated Testing of In-Container-Vitrification and a 10,000 Liter Dryer