Labalette, Thibaud The French Programme: A Development Plan for a Geological Repository for High Level and Long-Lived Waste
LaBorde, Cheryl Implementation of SAP Waste Management System
Lacombe, J. Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Lagos, Leonel Assessment of Soil Moisture and Fixatives Performance in Controlling Wind Erosion of Contaminated Soil at the Hanford Site
Remote Technology for Facility Deactivation and Decommissioning at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Lambert, Richard K. Hydraulic Isolation of Waste Disposal Areas at ORNL
Landais, Patrick French Geological Repository Project for High Level and Long-Lived Waste: Scientific Programme
Landman, Bill Steam Reforming Application for Treatment of DOE Sodium Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory for Idaho Cleanup Project - Status Report
Lang, Roland Automated Store Management for Drum Storage Facility
Langton, Christine Recent Progress in DOE High-Level-Waste Tank Closure
Lapina, Maria Melted Murataite Ceramics Containing Simulated Actinide / Rare Earth Fraction of High Level Waste
LaRock, E. Structural Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Crib Prior to Decontamination and Demolition Using Robot Crawler and High Resolution Photography
Last, George Treatability Test Plan for Deep Vadose Zone Remediation at the Hanford Site's Central Plateau
Lattin, William Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Drum Venting Operations- Operational Experience and Lessons Learned
Shipping Remote Handled Transuranic Waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - An Operational Experience
LaValle, Dean Welding Robot and Remote Handling System for the Yucca Mountain Waste Package Closure System
Lawless, Bill Stakeholder Decision Making on Radioactive Waste Management in the US and UK
Leadbeater, Thomas Simulation of Rate-Related (Dead-Time) Losses in Passive Neutron Multiplicity Counting Systems
Leary, Kevin Application of State and Federal Guidelines for Establishing Alternate Soil Clean-Up Levels for the Protection of Groundwater at the Hanford Site
Lebon, Patrick French Geological Repository Project for High Level and Long-Lived Waste: Scientific Programme
Lee, Chang Min A Study on the Cover Failure in Concrete Structure Following Concrete Deterioration
Lee, Han-Soo CsCl Separation from a LiCl-CsCl Mixture by using a Crystallization Approach
Lee, Jong-Hyeon CsCl Separation from a LiCl-CsCl Mixture by using a Crystallization Approach
Lee, Kun Jae A Study on the Cover Failure in Concrete Structure Following Concrete Deterioration
Lee, Min Soo Development of Tritium Storage and Transport Vessels
Lee, Yoon Hee A Study on the Cover Failure in Concrete Structure Following Concrete Deterioration
Lee, Yoon-Sang CsCl Separation from a LiCl-CsCl Mixture by using a Crystallization Approach
Lehman, Linda Deep Vadose Zone Contamination Due to Releases from Hanford Site Tanks
Leigh, Andy Decommissioning of the Magnox Storage Pond - Gantry Refurbishment System (GRS) Installation
Leigh, Andy Radioactive Waste Plants - Back to the Future
Leita, Jeff Process Improvements to Increase High Level Waste Vitrification Throughout the Defense Waste Processing Facility
Lemieux, Paul Decision Support Tool for the Management of Debris from Radiological Dispersion Devices and Other Incidents of National Significance
LeMone, David Uraniferous Phosphates: Resource. Security Risk, or Contaminant
Lenart, William Integrating Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Characterization Methods to Achieve a Conceptual Site Model for the Shallow Land Disposal Area FUSRAP Site
Lenie, Koen Recent Improvements of the Institutional Radioactive Waste Management System in Slovenia
Lentsch, Ryan Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Full-Scale Test (CSSX FST)
Leone, Teresa Evaluation of Fourier Transform Profilometry for Quantitative Waste Volume Determination under Simulated Hanford Tank Conditions
Levitskaia, Tatiana Raman Based Process Monitor for Continuous Real-Time Analysis of High Level Radioactive Waste Components
Levitt, Marc Development of an Electrical Resistivity Imaging Program for Subsurface Characterization at Hanford
Lewis, Amy Hydraulic Containment of Groundwater at the DOE Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Lewis, Mark Post Barnwell Class B/C - Crisis Avoidance
Liebenberg, Gert The Development of a Mobile Hot Cell Facility for the Conditioning of Spent High Activity Radioactive Sources (SHARS)
Lieberman, Jim Disposal of Large Reactor Components--Rulemaking to Address Funding of Disposal Costs
Lindner, Jeff Modeling of Unsaturated Saltcake Dissolution for S-109 Simulant
Liu, Chung-King Double-Shell Tank Integrity Project High Level Waste Chemistry Optimization
Lober, Robert Challenges for Deep Vadose Zone Remediation at the Hanford Site
Deep Vadose Zone Contamination Due to Releases from Hanford Site Tanks
Lombardo, Andrew J. Measuring and Modeling Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material: Interpreting the Relationship Between the Natural Radionuclides Present
Londe, Louis Fluid (Air/Water) Cushion Transportation Technology for Emplacing Heavy Canisters Into Horizontal Disposal Drifts
Repository Drift Backfilling Demonstrator
Long, Zhiling Evaluation of Fourier Transform Profilometry for Quantitative Waste Volume Determination under Simulated Hanford Tank Conditions
Lopukh, Dmitry Advanced Modeling of Cold Crucible Induction Melting for Process Optimization and Control
Lott, Sheila It Just Keeps Getting Better - TRU Waste Inventory
Lovasic, Zvonko International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Update on Spent Fuel Management Activities with Focus on Reprocessing
Lowry, Nancy Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Compliance Issues in the 21st Century: Poorly Recognized and Potentially Devastating
Lucas, Mark Designing a New Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility for Los Alamos National Laboratory to Update Treatment Technologies and Meet Current Regulatory Requirements
Luey, Ja-Kael Design of the Demonstration Bulk Vitrification System for the Supplemental Treatment of Low Activity Tank Waste at Hanford
Luna, Robert Survey of Costs Arising From Potential Radionuclide Scattering Events
Macaluso, Corinne Development of the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management National Transportation Plan
MacDonell, Margaret Risk-Based Information to Support the Evaluation of Management Options for Cesium and Strontium Capsules at the Hanford Site
Mackley, Rob In-Situ Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection: Pilot-Scale Treatability Test at the 300 Area, Hanford Site
Maddrell, Ewan Progress in the Assessment of Waste Forms for the Immobilisation of UK Civil Plutonium
Magette, Thomas Disposal of Large Reactor Components--Rulemaking to Address Funding of Disposal Costs
Evaluation of Three Sites for Siting Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Facilities
Magnuson, Jon Integration of Omics Technologies for Characterization of Complex Microbial Ecosystems
Mahoney, Lenna Large-Scale Testing of Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Holdup in Process Vessels in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant
Mali, Tadej Recent Improvements of the Institutional Radioactive Waste Management System in Slovenia
Malkoske, Grant An Industry Approach to Sealed Source Management at the End of Useful Life
Mann, Frederick Deep Vadose Zone Contamination Due to Releases from Hanford Site Tanks
Maric, Dubravko Evaluation of Incident Risks in a Repository for Radioactive Waste
Marra, James Current Progress and Future Plans for the US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program
Evaluation of Impurity Extremes in Plutonium-Loaded Lanthanide Borosilicate Glass
Marra, Sharon Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Martin, Paul Example of a Risk-Based Disposal Approval: Solidification of Hanford Site Transuranic Waste
Martynov, Alexander Advanced Modeling of Cold Crucible Induction Melting for Process Optimization and Control
Mason, Brad Steam Reforming Application for Treatment of DOE Sodium Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory for Idaho Cleanup Project - Status Report
Mason, J. Steam Reforming Technology Demonstration for Conversion of DOE Sodium-Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory into a Leach Resistant Alkali Aluminosilicate Waste Form
Matela, Karel FRJ-1 Research Reactor (MERLIN) Makes Way for a "Green Field" - Milestones on the Road to Paradise Regained
Mather, J. Douglas Solvated Electron Technology TM Non-Thermal Alternative to Waste Incineration
Mattlin, E. Structural Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Crib Prior to Decontamination and Demolition Using Robot Crawler and High Resolution Photography
Matyas, Josef Hanford's Supplemental Treatment Project: Full-Scale Integrated Testing of In-Container-Vitrification and a 10,000 Liter Dryer
Method to Reduce Molten Salt Penetration into Bulk Vitrification Refractory Materials
May, Tom Dewatering Treatment Scale-Up Testing Results of Hanford Tank Wastes
McCombie, Charles Birds of a Feather & Developments towards Shared, Regional Geological Disposal in the EU?
McCormack, Roger Developing and Qualifying Parameters for Closure Welding Overpacks Containing Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel at Hanford
McCullum, Rod Multipurpose Transportation, Aging and Disposal Canisters for Used Nuclear Fuel: Getting from Here to There and Beyond
McCurdy, Greg Pitfalls of Transparency: Lessons Learned from the Milford Flats Fire
McDaniel, Dwayne Design and Testing of a Solid-Liquid Interface Monitor for High-Level Waste Tanks
Qualification of Innovative High Level Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies
McElroy, Robert A New Neutron Multiplicity Deadtime Scheme
An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site
The Add-A-Source Matrix Calibration of a Large Neutron Box Counter
The Contribution of and Uncertainty Associated with Self-Multiplication when Assaying Plutonium in Waste by Passive Neutron Coincidence Counting
McGehee, Babs Yucca Mountain: How do Global and Federal Initiatives Impact Clark County's Nuclear Waste Program?
McGinley, Suzanne In-Situ Stabilization of Inactive Low Level Waste Pipelines in the Melton Valley Watershed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
McGowan, Brian Vitrification Assistance Program: International Co-operation on Vitrification Technology
McInroy, William It Just Keeps Getting Better - TRU Waste Inventory
McKenney, Dale Improvements in Hanford TRU Program Utilizing Systems Modeling and Analysis
McMahon, William Application of State and Federal Guidelines for Establishing Alternate Soil Clean-Up Levels for the Protection of Groundwater at the Hanford Site
McTaggart, Jerri It Just Keeps Getting Better - TRU Waste Inventory
Menaa, N. A New Neutron Multiplicity Deadtime Scheme
Experimental Determination of the Multiplicity Deadtime Parameter
Miller, Chet Advanced Remediation Technologies
Miller, Lew Technical Basis for Certification of Seismic Design Criteria for the Waste Treatment Plant - Hanford, Washington
Miller, Mark Recovery of Depleted Uranium Fragments from Soil
Miller, Timothy Applications Where Spectral Non-destructive Assay Platform is the Best Practical Means for Radioactive Waste Assay
Miracle, Ann Integration of Omics Technologies for Characterization of Complex Microbial Ecosystems
Miyamoto, Yasuaki Thermal Pretreatment for TRU Waste Sorting
Molokwane, Pulane Biological Removal of Radiocarbon-14 from Irradiated Graphite
Monk, James Long-Term Environmental Monitoring of an Operating Deep Geologic Nuclear Waste Repository
Monts, David L. Evaluation of Fourier Transform Profilometry for Quantitative Waste Volume Determination under Simulated Hanford Tank Conditions
Phytoextraction of Cs and Sr Natural Abundance Isotopes by Indian Mustard (Brassica Juncea) and the Resulting Physiological Changes
Moore, Beth Improving Remedial Effectiveness at US DOE Through Optimization Review and Performance Basis
Morgan, Huw Issues in UK cleanup and decommissioning; a strategic R&D programme
Renewing Skills in Nuclear R&D - Opportunities Arising from the UK's Formation of a National Nuclear Laboratory
Morgan, Simon Measurement of the U235 Content of Concreted Waste Drums
Morse, John Challenges for Deep Vadose Zone Remediation at the Hanford Site
Innovative Direct Push Technologies for Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Trench at DOE's Hanford Site
Treatability Test Plan for Deep Vadose Zone Remediation at the Hanford Site's Central Plateau
Moscato, D. An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site
Moser, Ken Innovative Direct Push Technologies for Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Trench at DOE's Hanford Site
Most, William Opening the Doors at WIPP to RH TRU Waste
WIPP Hazardous Waste Facility Permit Update - 2008
Mowry, R An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site
Mueller, Wilhelm An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site
Mueller, Wolfgang Evaluation of Incident Risks in a Repository for Radioactive Waste
Mullarkey, Paul The Role of Piece Monitors for the Assay of Plutonium Waste in Alpha Plant Decommissioning Operations
Mushkatel, Alvin Hazardous Commodity Flows in Clark County, Nevada
Mushovic, Paul Monitoring the Performance of an Alternative Landfill Cover at the Monticello, Utah, Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Site
Myers, David Development of an Electrical Resistivity Imaging Program for Subsurface Characterization at Hanford
Myler, Craig Assessing Technological Readiness and Maturity of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant
Nakauchi, Hiroaki Treatment of Asbestos Wastes Using the GeoMelt® Vitrification Process
Nakazawa, D. An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site
Narquis, Cliff Generating the Right PCB Data: Determination of Aroclors Versus PCB Congeners
Navis, Irene Hazardous Commodity Flows in Clark County, Nevada
Yucca Mountain: How do Global and Federal Initiatives Impact Clark County's Nuclear Waste Program?
Negin, Charles A Proposed Framework for Planning Deactivation And Decommissioning Engineering And Design Activities to Meet the Requirements of DOE Order 413.3A, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets - 8134
US DOE EM's In-Situ Decommissioning Strategy
Nelson, Jody Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance at Rocky Flats: Early Experiences and Lessons Learned
Nelson, Roger Shielded Payload Containers will Enhance the Safety and Efficiency of DOE's Remote Handled Transuranic Waste Operations
Nemer, Martin Prioritization of Technical Content and Impact Assessment for Changes to Performance Assessment at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
Nessa, Syeda Afsarun Experimental Study on the pH of Pore Water in Compacted Bentonite Under Reducing Conditions with Electromigration.
Ng, Chek Beng Soil Activation and Groundwater Contamination at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York
Nichols, Danny Implementation of SAP Waste Management System
Nicolae, Rodica Current Status of the Romanian National Deep Geological Repository Program
Nicolae , Dumitru Current Status of the Romanian National Deep Geological Repository Program
Nicu, Mihaela Romanian Experience in Conditioning of Radium Sources
Nieder-Westermann, Gerald H. Development of Vadose-Zone Hydraulic-Parameter Values
Nieslony, Gregor Approval of Existent Waste Packages and New Package Designs in Preparation for the KONRAD Repository
Nikonov, Boris Melted Murataite Ceramics Containing Simulated Actinide / Rare Earth Fraction of High Level Waste
Niles, Ken Why DOE's Messages on Transportation Don't Resonate with the Public (and What DOE Can Do to Fix the Problem)
Norman, Paul Simulation of Rate-Related (Dead-Time) Losses in Passive Neutron Multiplicity Counting Systems
Norton, O. Perry Evaluation of Fourier Transform Profilometry for Quantitative Waste Volume Determination under Simulated Hanford Tank Conditions
Nyman, May Development of an Improved Sodium Titanate for the Pretreatment of High Level Nuclear Waste at the SRS
Oates, L. Structural Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Crib Prior to Decontamination and Demolition Using Robot Crawler and High Resolution Photography
O'Brien, Patrick Conceptual Approach to Modeling Potential Air Toxics and Radionuclide Airborne Emissions from a Temporary Exhaust System for the 216-Z-9 Crib Removal Action
Oda, Yoshihiro The NUMO Strategy for HLW and TRU Waste Disposal
O'Donnell, Edward Implementation of 10 CFR 20.1406 through Life Cycle Planning for Decommissioning
O'Driscoll, Richard Process Improvements to Increase High Level Waste Vitrification Throughout the Defense Waste Processing Facility
Oertel, Chris Advanced Assay Systems for Radionuclide Contamination in Soils
Offner, Julie Development of the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management National Transportation Plan
Overview of Requirements for Using Overweight and Oversize Vehicles to Ship Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste
Ogiyama, Shinichi Root-Uptake of C-14 Acetic Acid by Various Plants and C-14 Dynamics Surrounding the Experimental Tessera
Oh, Gyu-Hwan CsCl Separation from a LiCl-CsCl Mixture by using a Crystallization Approach
Ohuchi, Jin Durable Media for Long-Term Preservation of Geological Repository Records
Oji, Larry Selection of an Inhibitor for the Prevention of Sodium Aluminosilicate Scale in the High Level Waste Evaporators at the Savannah River Site
Ojovan, Michael Training Activities on Radioactive Waste Management at Moscow SIA "Radon": Experience, Practice, Theory
Okhuysen, Walter P. Evaluation of Fourier Transform Profilometry for Quantitative Waste Volume Determination under Simulated Hanford Tank Conditions
Oldeide, Rune Measurement of the U235 Content of Concreted Waste Drums
Oldiges, Olaf TGC36 A Dual Purpose Cask for the Transport and Interim Storage of Compacted Waste (CSD-C)
Olson, Arlin Steam Reforming Technology Demonstration for Conversion of DOE Sodium-Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory into a Leach Resistant Alkali Aluminosilicate Waste Form
O'Neill, Michael Formerly Used Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) W. R. Grace Feasibility Study (FS) Alternative Development Process Challenges and Successes
Oostrom, Mart Sr-90 Immobilization by Infiltration of a Ca-Citrate-PO4 Solution into the Hanford 100-N Area Vadose Zone
Ordogh, Miklos Spent Fuel Storage Operational Experience with Increased Crud Activities
Orr, Christopher The Role of Piece Monitors for the Assay of Plutonium Waste in Alpha Plant Decommissioning Operations
Ott, William Implementation of 10 CFR 20.1406 through Life Cycle Planning for Decommissioning
Ouzounian, Gérald A Challenge for Radioactive Waste Management: Memory Preservation
French Geological Repository Project for High Level and Long-Lived Waste: Scientific Programme
The French Programme: A Development Plan for a Geological Repository for High Level and Long-Lived Waste
The French Radioactive Waste Disposal System: Which Discussions for Which Decisions?
Owens, Michael Office of Legacy Management: A High Performing Organization Effectively and Efficiently Managing the Department of Energy's Legacy Responsibilities
Pace, David Welding Robot and Remote Handling System for the Yucca Mountain Waste Package Closure System
Paek, Seungwoo Development of Tritium Storage and Transport Vessels
Paksy, Andras Modeling of Remediation Technologies at the Performance Assessment Level
Paquette, Douglas Soil Activation and Groundwater Contamination at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York
Pareizs, John Qualification of a Radioactive High Aluminum Glass for Processing in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site
Park, Byoung Yoon Prediction of the Extent of the Disturbed Rock Zone Around a WIPP Disposal Room, USA
Recommendation for the Lower Limit of the Waste Shear Strength (Parameter BOREHOLE : TAUFAIL)
Park, Seong-Won CsCl Separation from a LiCl-CsCl Mixture by using a Crystallization Approach
Park, Sung-Bin CsCl Separation from a LiCl-CsCl Mixture by using a Crystallization Approach
Parker, Kent Uranium Plume Treatability Demonstration at the Hanford Site 300 Area: Development of Polyphosphate Remediation Technology for In-Situ Stabilization of Uranium
Parton, Neil Modeling of Remediation Technologies at the Performance Assessment Level
Pasternak, Alan Assuring Access to Disposal Facilities for Non-DOE Users of Radioactive Materials: Solutions "Outside the Box"
Patric, Jennifer Development of the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management National Transportation Plan
Implementation of Benchmarking Transportation Logistics Practices and Future Benchmarking Organizations
Patterson, Russell It Just Keeps Getting Better - TRU Waste Inventory
Proposed Changes to Simplify Review of the Next WIPP Compliance Recertification Application
Status of Planned Change Requests for the WIPP
The Use of Performance Assessment to Make Regulatory and Operational Changes in an Operating Nuclear Waste Repository
Pavenayotin, Niravun Thermodynamic Properties of Actinide-Zirconium Dioxide Solid-Solutions Relevant for Advanced Nuclear Fuels
Pearson, Sam Resin Liner Recovery and Over-packing at Ontario Power Generation's Western Waste Management Facility
Peecook, Keith Decontamination of the Plum Brook Reactor Facility Hot Cells
Peeler, David Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Current Progress and Future Plans for the US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program
Improved Alumina Loading in High-Level Waste Glasses
Pekar, Anton Lessons Learned from RAW Treatment in Slovak Republic - Minimization for Final Disposal
Penny, Gail Soil Activation and Groundwater Contamination at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York
Penrice, Chris Vitrification Assistance Program: International Co-operation on Vitrification Technology
Peres, Mark Lessons Learned in Operating the Hose-In-Hose System for Transferring Sludge at Hanford's K Basins
Peters, Thomas P. Development of an Improved Sodium Titanate for the Pretreatment of High Level Nuclear Waste at the SRS
Petersen, Scott Supplemental Groundwater Remediation Technologies to Protect the Columbia River at Hanford, WA - An Update
Treatability Test for Removing Technetium 99 from 200 ZP 1 Groundwater, Hanford Site
Treatability Test Plan for Deep Vadose Zone Remediation at the Hanford Site's Central Plateau
Peterson, John Integrating Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Characterization Methods to Achieve a Conceptual Site Model for the Shallow Land Disposal Area FUSRAP Site
Risk-Based Information to Support the Evaluation of Management Options for Cesium and Strontium Capsules at the Hanford Site
The Role of Historical Operations Information for Supporting Remedial Investigation Work at the Former Harshaw Chemical Site
Petroka, D An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site
Pettersson, Stig Fluid (Air/Water) Cushion Transportation Technology for Emplacing Heavy Canisters Into Horizontal Disposal Drifts
Philips, Sasha A New Neutron Multiplicity Deadtime Scheme
An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site
Experimental Determination of the Multiplicity Deadtime Parameter
Simulation of Rate-Related (Dead-Time) Losses in Passive Neutron Multiplicity Counting Systems
The Add-A-Source Matrix Calibration of a Large Neutron Box Counter
The Contribution of and Uncertainty Associated with Self-Multiplication when Assaying Plutonium in Waste by Passive Neutron Coincidence Counting
Phillips, Chris The Use of Transportable Processing Systems for the Treatment of Radioactive Nuclear Wastes
Phillips, Elizabeth Oak Ridge D&D Plan 3515 Project - Technology Review (2007) and GammaCam" Technology Demonstration for Characterization of Building 3515 at Oak Ridge (2007)
Picel, Kurt The Role of Historical Operations Information for Supporting Remedial Investigation Work at the Former Harshaw Chemical Site
Picel, Mary Risk-Based Information to Support the Evaluation of Management Options for Cesium and Strontium Capsules at the Hanford Site
Picot, Nathalie TN International and Its Operational Feedback Regarding the Decommissioning of Obsolete Casks Dedicated to the Transport and/or Storage of Nuclear Raw Materials, Fuel and Used Fuel
Pierce, Eric Hanford's Supplemental Treatment Project: Full-Scale Integrated Testing of In-Container-Vitrification and a 10,000 Liter Dryer
Uranium Plume Treatability Demonstration at the Hanford Site 300 Area: Development of Polyphosphate Remediation Technology for In-Situ Stabilization of Uranium
Pike, Jeffrey Low Temperature Aluminum Dissolution of Sludge Waste
Pimenta Mourão, Rogério Experience of Disused Source Management in Latin America
Poirier, Michael Development of a Rotary Microfilter for Radioactive Waste Applications
Development of an Improved Sodium Titanate for the Pretreatment of High Level Nuclear Waste at the SRS
Pokhitonov, Yury The Outlook for Some Fission Products Utilization with the Aim to Immobilize Long-Lived Radionuclides
US Department of Energy's "Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention" Program: Solidification Technologies for Radioactive Waste Treatment in Russia
Polevodov, Boris Advanced Modeling of Cold Crucible Induction Melting for Process Optimization and Control
Poloski, Adam Sodium Recycle Economics for Waste Treatment Plant Operations
Poncet, Bernard Data Assimilation and Dismantling Graphite: A Methodology Customized for Radioactive Inventory Assessment Purposes
Pope, Howard Savannah River Site Public and Regulatory Involvement in the Inadvertent Disposal of TRU Waste in the E-Area Low-Level Waste (LLW) Trenches
Poppeliers, Christian Stakeholder Decision Making on Radioactive Waste Management in the US and UK
Poskas, Povilas Comparison of Candidate Sites for Installation of Landfill Facility at Ignalina NPP Site Using Fuzzy Logic Approach
Principles on Radiological Characterization of the Unit 1 at Ignalina NPP for Decommissioning Purposes
Poskas, Robertas Principles on Radiological Characterization of the Unit 1 at Ignalina NPP for Decommissioning Purposes
Potts, Todd What Employees Need (and Want) to Hear When Justifying the Suspension of a Regulated Metals Plan for the Processing of Drums Containing Metal Turnings
Powell, Jane The Use of Ecological Restoration Principles to Achieve Remedy Protection at the Fernald Preserve and Weldon Spring Sites
Pressler, Rebecca Potential for Radionuclide Redistribution Due to Biotic Intrusion: Aboveground Biomass Study at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for the Closure of Material Disposal Area G
Prevette, Steve Integrating Safety and Lessons-Learned Data with Human Performance for Successful Management and Oversight
Price, John Options to Cleanup Sitewide Vadose Zone Contamination at the Hanford Site, WA State
Prignano, Andrea Example of a Risk-Based Disposal Approval: Solidification of Hanford Site Transuranic Waste
Generating the Right PCB Data: Determination of Aroclors Versus PCB Congeners
Printz, Rudolf FRJ-1 Research Reactor (MERLIN) Makes Way for a "Green Field" - Milestones on the Road to Paradise Regained
Prod'homme, Anthony Vitrification Assistance Program: International Co-operation on Vitrification Technology
Ptashkin, Alexander Melted Murataite Ceramics Containing Simulated Actinide / Rare Earth Fraction of High Level Waste
Pyles, Gary A Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 191 Evaluation of Buried Transuranic Waste at the Nevada Test Site
Quintero, Walter Waste Information Management System: One Year After Web Deployment