Welcome to the WM2008 Symposium CD-ROM.
WM Symposia, Inc. is a non-profit corporation dedicated to education and opportunity, and founded to
provide a forum for discussing and seeking solutions to the safe management of radioactive waste and radioactive materials.
The annual WM conferences, now going into their 36th year, draw some 2,000 persons from throughout the
world and provide significant opportunities for education, professional growth and networking - as well as business opportunities. To learn more about the annual Waste Management
(WM) Conferences and participation as an author, attendee or exhibitor at WM2009 in Phoenix, please visit www.wmsym.org for more information.
This CD contains the Proceedings of WM2008 organized by session. The Proceedings are searchable by
keyword, paper title and session. Papers included on this CD are in Adobe Acrobat format.
In proceeding to view the symposium CD-ROM, you must accept the full terms of the License Agreement.
Please click here to view the License Agreement.
Once you have accepted the terms of the License Agreement, please proceed to the main screen of the proceedings.