Earp, John Radioactive Waste Plants - Back to the Future
Easton, Earl Going the Distance? NRC's Response to the National Academy of Science's Transportation Study
Eden, Louise Modeling of Remediation Technologies at the Performance Assessment Level
Edwards, Richard Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Edwards, Thomas Evaluation of Impurity Extremes in Plutonium-Loaded Lanthanide Borosilicate Glass
Qualification of a Radioactive High Aluminum Glass for Processing in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at the Savannah River Site
Ehn, Ladislav Lessons Learned from RAW Treatment in Slovak Republic - Minimization for Final Disposal
Eigner, Tibor Spent Fuel Storage Operational Experience with Increased Crud Activities
Elliott, Wanda Treatability Test for Removing Technetium 99 from 200 ZP 1 Groundwater, Hanford Site
Ellison, Mark Decommissioning of the Magnox Storage Pond - Gantry Refurbishment System (GRS) Installation
Emin, Jean Luc COEX? Process: Cross-Breeding between Innovation and Industrial Experience
Ensor, Brian A Strategy for Skills to Meet the Demands of Nuclear Decommissioning and Clean Up in the UK
Eriksson, Leif An Update on Waste Control Specialists' 2004 License Application for Safe Disposal of Class A - C Low-Level Radioactive Waste in Texas
Ervin, Pat Characterisation Progress at the Windscale Pile Reactors - Challenges and Results
Escher, Rudolph Rapid Response Risk Assessment Turnaround System (R3ATS)
Eslami, Zahra Waste Segregation Based on Derived Clearance Levels
Espejo, Jose Manuel The Spanish Radioactive Waste Management Plan
Etheridge, John A. Evaluation of Fourier Transform Profilometry for Quantitative Waste Volume Determination under Simulated Hanford Tank Conditions
Evans, Brent Steam Reforming Technology Demonstration for Conversion of DOE Sodium-Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory into a Leach Resistant Alkali Aluminosilicate Waste Form
Evans, Ketra Designing a New Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility for Los Alamos National Laboratory to Update Treatment Technologies and Meet Current Regulatory Requirements
Evans, Louise Experimental Determination of the Multiplicity Deadtime Parameter
Simulation of Rate-Related (Dead-Time) Losses in Passive Neutron Multiplicity Counting Systems
Ewing, Rodney Thermodynamic Properties of Actinide-Zirconium Dioxide Solid-Solutions Relevant for Advanced Nuclear Fuels
Fabjan, Marija Recent Improvements of the Institutional Radioactive Waste Management System in Slovenia
Fairhall, Graham Issues in UK cleanup and decommissioning; a strategic R&D programme
Renewing Skills in Nuclear R&D - Opportunities Arising from the UK's Formation of a National Nuclear Laboratory
Farar, D.R. Recovery of Depleted Uranium Fragments from Soil
Farmer, Dennis Pitfalls of Transparency: Lessons Learned from the Milford Flats Fire
Farr, Charles Recovery of Depleted Uranium Fragments from Soil
Fasten, Wolfgang An Industry Approach to Sealed Source Management at the End of Useful Life
Fatherly, Nicki Formerly Used Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) W. R. Grace Feasibility Study (FS) Alternative Development Process Challenges and Successes
Faulk, Darrin Air Permit Compliance for Waste Retrieval Operations Involving Multi-Unit Emissions
Federov, Denis Melted Murataite Ceramics Containing Simulated Actinide / Rare Earth Fraction of High Level Waste
Fellinger, Terri Selection of an Inhibitor for the Prevention of Sodium Aluminosilicate Scale in the High Level Waste Evaporators at the Savannah River Site
Filbert, Wolfgang A New Approach for Direct Disposal of Spent Fuel into Deep Vertical Boreholes in a Salt Repository
Finewood, Lee Initial Process and Expected Outcomes for Preliminary Identifications of Routes to Yucca Mountains, Nevada
Fink, Samuel Development of a Rotary Microfilter for Radioactive Waste Applications
Development of an Improved Sodium Titanate for the Pretreatment of High Level Nuclear Waste at the SRS
Finster, Molly Addressing Community Concerns About Lead Contamination in Soil: Insights for Site Cleanup
Finucane, Kevin Treatment of Asbestos Wastes Using the GeoMeltŪ Vitrification Process
Fisher, Joanne Development of Strategy for the Management of LLW in the United Kingdom
Fisher, John Passive and Active Neutron Matrix Correction for Heterogeneous Distributions Utilizing the Neutron Imaging Technique
Flament, T. Vitrification Assistance Program: International Co-operation on Vitrification Technology
Flanders, Scott Results of a Strategic Assessment of NRC'S Low-Level Radioactive Waste Program
Fleisch, Joachim Cold Test Operation of the German VEK Vitrification Plant
Fondeur, Fernando Development of an Improved Sodium Titanate for the Pretreatment of High Level Nuclear Waste at the SRS
Foote, Martin Long-Term Stability Testing Results for Savannah River Site Organic and Aqueous Wastestreams
Sorbent Testing for the Solidification of Organic Process Wastestreams from the Radiochemical Engineering Development Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Foster, Andrew Safety Improves Dramatically in Fluor Hanford Soil and Groundwater Remediation Project
Fountain, Matt Sodium Recycle Economics for Waste Treatment Plant Operations
Foutz, Walt Solvated Electron Technology TM Non-Thermal Alternative to Waste Incineration
Fox, Kevin Current Progress and Future Plans for the US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program
Evaluation of Impurity Extremes in Plutonium-Loaded Lanthanide Borosilicate Glass
Improved Alumina Loading in High-Level Waste Glasses
Fox, Tad Simulation and Optimization of Large Scale Subsurface Environmental Impacts; Optimal Investigations, Remedial Design and Long Term Monitoring
Frederick, William Integrating Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Characterization Methods to Achieve a Conceptual Site Model for the Shallow Land Disposal Area FUSRAP Site
French, Sean Potential for Radionuclide Redistribution Due to Biotic Intrusion: Aboveground Biomass Study at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for the Closure of Material Disposal Area G
Friedrich, Vilmos Stronger Efforts are Needed to Improve the Control of Radioactive Sources: An IAEA Perspective
Fritz, Brad In-Situ Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection: Pilot-Scale Treatability Test at the 300 Area, Hanford Site
Frost, Matt Implementation of SAP Waste Management System
Frothingham, David Integrating Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Characterization Methods to Achieve a Conceptual Site Model for the Shallow Land Disposal Area FUSRAP Site
Fruchter, John In-Situ Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection: Pilot-Scale Treatability Test at the 300 Area, Hanford Site
Sr-90 Immobilization by Infiltration of a Ca-Citrate-PO4 Solution into the Hanford 100-N Area Vadose Zone
Supplemental Groundwater Remediation Technologies to Protect the Columbia River at Hanford, WA - An Update
Uranium Plume Treatability Demonstration at the Hanford Site 300 Area: Development of Polyphosphate Remediation Technology for In-Situ Stabilization of Uranium
Fujii, Naoki Durable Media for Long-Term Preservation of Geological Repository Records
Gallego, Ron Full Scale Cross-Flow Filter Testing in Support of the Salt Waste Processing Facility Design
Garber, David Process Improvements Result in Highly Successful Cemented Waste Shipping Campaign
Garcia, Jose F. Plastic Scintillators: A Powerful Tool to Reduce Mixed Waste
Radiochemical Sensor for Continuous and Remote Liquid Effluents Monitoring
Garfield, John Design of the Demonstration Bulk Vitrification System for the Supplemental Treatment of Low Activity Tank Waste at Hanford
Hanford's Supplemental Treatment Project: Full-Scale Integrated Testing of In-Container-Vitrification and a 10,000 Liter Dryer
Garisto, Nava Waste Segregation Based on Derived Clearance Levels
Garth, Brian Vitrification Assistance Program: International Co-operation on Vitrification Technology
Geisler, Tom Waste Information Management System: One Year After Web Deployment
Gerber, Michele Safety Improves Dramatically in Fluor Hanford Soil and Groundwater Remediation Project
Gerdes, Kurt Current Progress and Future Plans for the US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program
Improved Alumina Loading in High-Level Waste Glasses
Technology Readiness Assessment of Department of Energy Waste Processing Facilities: Lessons Learned, Next Steps
Technology Readiness Assessment of US DOE Waste Processing Facilities: When is a Technology Ready for Insertion?
Giaretta, David Sharing the Information Preservation Burden
Gibbs, Shawn Uraniferous Phosphates: Resource. Security Risk, or Contaminant
Gierszewski, Paul Overview of Ontario Power Generation's proposed Deep Geologic Repository for Low & Intermediate Level Waste at the Bruce Site, Ontario Canada
Gilbert, Rob Pretreatment Engineering Platform-Reducing Technical Risks for the Waste Treatment Plant Pretreatment Facility through Scaled Process Testing
Gilbertson, Mark Engineering and Technology Roadmap
Giles, John Advanced Assay Systems for Radionuclide Contamination in Soils
Girold, Christophe Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Gladden, John A Proposed Framework for Planning Deactivation And Decommissioning Engineering And Design Activities to Meet the Requirements of DOE Order 413.3A, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets - 8134
Glemza, Amy Formerly Used Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) W. R. Grace Feasibility Study (FS) Alternative Development Process Challenges and Successes
Glover, Timothy Process Improvements to Increase High Level Waste Vitrification Throughout the Defense Waste Processing Facility
Gokaltun, Seckin Qualification of Innovative High Level Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies
Goldmann, Louis Developing and Qualifying Parameters for Closure Welding Overpacks Containing Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel at Hanford
Goldston, Sonny Savannah River Site Public and Regulatory Involvement in the CERCLA Low-Level Waste (LLW) Program and Their Effect on Decisions to Dispose of LLW Generated by CERCLA Actions
Savannah River Site Public and Regulatory Involvement in the Inadvertent Disposal of TRU Waste in the E-Area Low-Level Waste (LLW) Trenches
Goodell, Philip Uraniferous Phosphates: Resource. Security Risk, or Contaminant
Gorsuch, Geoffrey Process Improvements Result in Highly Successful Cemented Waste Shipping Campaign
Goswami, Dibakar Options to Cleanup Sitewide Vadose Zone Contamination at the Hanford Site, WA State
Gray, Paul An Industry Approach to Sealed Source Management at the End of Useful Life
Greeves, John Disposal of Large Reactor Components--Rulemaking to Address Funding of Disposal Costs
Gresits, Ivan Spent Fuel Storage Operational Experience with Increased Crud Activities
Gribble, Nick Widening the Envelope of UK HLW Vitrification - Experimental Studies with High Waste Loadings and New Product Formulations on a Full Scale Non-Active Vitrification Plant
Griffith, Andrew Closing the US Fuel Cycle: Siting Considerations For The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Facilities Siting the Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility - 8504
Gross, Michael Status of Planned Change Requests for the WIPP
Gruenewald, Wolfgang Cold Test Operation of the German VEK Vitrification Plant
Grundler, Detlef Evaluation of Incident Risks in a Repository for Radioactive Waste
Gudavalli, Ravi Assessment of Soil Moisture and Fixatives Performance in Controlling Wind Erosion of Contaminated Soil at the Hanford Site
Gueretta, Jeanie Managing Legacy Records for FUSRAP Sites
Guerif, Henri Noel Vitrification Assistance Program: International Co-operation on Vitrification Technology
Guerin, David It Just Keeps Getting Better - TRU Waste Inventory
Gunter, James Spatial Estimation of Populations at Risk from RDD Terrorism Incidents
Gupta, Dinesh Evaluating Operational Irregularities at Hanford's Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility
Guss, Paul Radiological Contingency Planning for the Mars Science Laboratory Launch
Guzman-Leong, Consuelo Large-Scale Testing of Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Holdup in Process Vessels in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant
Hagenow, Peter Approval of Existent Waste Packages and New Package Designs in Preparation for the KONRAD Repository
Halishak, William Decontamination of Hot Cells and Hot Pipe Tunnel at NASA's Plum Brook Reactor Facility
Hambro, Lou Successful Demolition of Historic Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Facilities: Managing the Process to Maximize Recycle Value to Fund Demolition
Hamm, Barbara Low Temperature Aluminum Dissolution of Sludge Waste
Han, Fengxiang X. Phytoextraction of Cs and Sr Natural Abundance Isotopes by Indian Mustard (Brassica Juncea) and the Resulting Physiological Changes
Hanson, Michelle Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance at Rocky Flats: Early Experiences and Lessons Learned
Post-Closure Land Jurisdiction Transfer to the US Fish and Wildlife Service at Rocky Flats: Surviving the Safari Through Old Records and Other Lessons Learned
Hanusik, Vaclav Lessons Learned from RAW Treatment in Slovak Republic - Minimization for Final Disposal
Harbour, John Current Progress and Future Plans for the US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program
Harmon, Harry Savannah River Site Tank 48H Waste Treatment Project Technology Readiness Assessment
Harrison, Mike Progress in the Assessment of Waste Forms for the Immobilisation of UK Civil Plutonium
Hart, Andrea D&D Mockup Testing Demonstration - Remediation of Legacy Radioactive Piping and Tank Systems at the Reactor Technology Complex (RTC) (2007)
Oak Ridge D&D Plan 3515 Project - Technology Review (2007) and GammaCam" Technology Demonstration for Characterization of Building 3515 at Oak Ridge (2007)
Hartwell, William Pitfalls of Transparency: Lessons Learned from the Milford Flats Fire
Haverkamp, Bernt Feasibility Study on the Enlargement of the Surface Repository for Low and Intermediate Radioactive Level Waste at Mochovce, Slovak Republic
Hayes, Colin Decision Support Tool for the Management of Debris from Radiological Dispersion Devices and Other Incidents of National Significance
Hays, David USACE FUSRAP Maywood Team Develops a Mechanism to Evaluate Residual Radon Exposure Potential at Vicinity Properties Where Remediation of Accessible Contamination has been Completed
USACE FUSRAP Maywood Team Identifies Challenges and Initiates Alternate Solutions Relating to the Radiochemical Analysis of Borosilicate Fiber Filters for Isotopes of Uranium and Thorium
Heard, Robin Stronger Efforts are Needed to Improve the Control of Radioactive Sources: An IAEA Perspective
Hedges, Mark Decommissioning at the Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston
Hellmut, Karl-Heinz Using Fuzzy Sets for Data Interpretation in Natural Analogue Studies
Henderson, Colin Development of an Electrical Resistivity Imaging Program for Subsurface Characterization at Hanford
Herman, Connie Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Herman, David Development of a Rotary Microfilter for Radioactive Waste Applications
Herrick, Courtney Prediction of the Extent of the Disturbed Rock Zone Around a WIPP Disposal Room, USA
Recommendation for the Lower Limit of the Waste Shear Strength (Parameter BOREHOLE : TAUFAIL)
Hiergesell, Robert Use of a Stochastic Model to Evaluate Uncertainty in a Performance Assessment at the Savannah River Site
Hildebrand, R. Douglas Environmental Sampling and Analysis, Getting It Right!
Risk-Based Information to Support the Evaluation of Management Options for Cesium and Strontium Capsules at the Hanford Site
Hillebrand, Guenter The Decommissioning of the Austrian 10 MW Research Reactor, Results and Lessons Learned, Paper # 8368
Hladky, Eduard Lessons Learned from RAW Treatment in Slovak Republic - Minimization for Final Disposal
Hlopak, William License Stewardship Approach to Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning
Hobbs, David Development of an Improved Sodium Titanate for the Pretreatment of High Level Nuclear Waste at the SRS
Selection of an Inhibitor for the Prevention of Sodium Aluminosilicate Scale in the High Level Waste Evaporators at the Savannah River Site
Hoffman, Dean Siting GNEP at the Savannah River Site: Using Legacy and Infrastructure in a Commercial Energy Park Concept
Hoffman, Elizabeth Evaluation of Impurity Extremes in Plutonium-Loaded Lanthanide Borosilicate Glass
Holcomb, David J Prediction of the Extent of the Disturbed Rock Zone Around a WIPP Disposal Room, USA
Hollebecque, Jean Francois Vitrification Assistance Program: International Co-operation on Vitrification Technology
Holm, Rochelle Innovative Direct Push Technologies for Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Trench at DOE's Hanford Site
Holt, Todd Welding Robot and Remote Handling System for the Yucca Mountain Waste Package Closure System
Holton, Langdon Assessing Technological Readiness and Maturity of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant
Technology Readiness Assessment of Department of Energy Waste Processing Facilities: Lessons Learned, Next Steps
Technology Readiness Assessment of US DOE Waste Processing Facilities: When is a Technology Ready for Insertion?
Homer, John The Use of Ecological Restoration Principles to Achieve Remedy Protection at the Fernald Preserve and Weldon Spring Sites
Hong, Dae-Seok Experiences on a Regulatory Clearance of the Radioactive Wastes at KAERI
The Treatment Procedure for a Volume Reduction of the Spent HEPA Filters in KAERI
Hong, Sang-Bum Experiences on a Regulatory Clearance of the Radioactive Wastes at KAERI
Hooper, Kevin Successful Demolition of Historic Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Facilities: Managing the Process to Maximize Recycle Value to Fund Demolition
Hoorelbeke, Jean-Michel The French Programme: A Development Plan for a Geological Repository for High Level and Long-Lived Waste
Hoover, James Application of State and Federal Guidelines for Establishing Alternate Soil Clean-Up Levels for the Protection of Groundwater at the Hanford Site
Hopkins, Andrea Conceptual Approach to Modeling Potential Air Toxics and Radionuclide Airborne Emissions from a Temporary Exhaust System for the 216-Z-9 Crib Removal Action
Structural Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Crib Prior to Decontamination and Demolition Using Robot Crawler and High Resolution Photography
The Plutonium Finishing Plant Model for CERCLA Decontamination & Demolition Construction Completion Reporting
TRU-ly Clean - What Does It Mean?
Hopkins, Robert Process Improvements to Increase High Level Waste Vitrification Throughout the Defense Waste Processing Facility
Houghton, David The Use of Transportable Processing Systems for the Treatment of Radioactive Nuclear Wastes
Hrastar, Urska Recent Improvements of the Institutional Radioactive Waste Management System in Slovenia
Hrma, Pavel Method to Reduce Molten Salt Penetration into Bulk Vitrification Refractory Materials
Huckaby, Jim Pretreatment Engineering Platform-Reducing Technical Risks for the Waste Treatment Plant Pretreatment Facility through Scaled Process Testing
Hudson, Ian A Strategy for Skills to Meet the Demands of Nuclear Decommissioning and Clean Up in the UK
Hughes, Karl Measurement of the U235 Content of Concreted Waste Drums
The Use of a Gamma-Ray Imaging Device for In-Cell Assay
Hurley, Bruce Pitfalls of Transparency: Lessons Learned from the Milford Flats Fire
Husain, Aamir Resin Liner Recovery and Over-packing at Ontario Power Generation's Western Waste Management Facility
Hyatt, Jeannette Example of a Risk-Based Disposal Approval: Solidification of Hanford Site Transuranic Waste
Generating the Right PCB Data: Determination of Aroclors Versus PCB Congeners
Hylko, James After Katrina - Restoration and Cleaning of Military Personal Property in the Gulf Coast Region
The Future US Energy Infrastructure - And Who Will Do the Work?
What Employees Need (and Want) to Hear When Justifying the Suspension of a Regulated Metals Plan for the Processing of Drums Containing Metal Turnings
Ibach, Thomas Clearance Measurements Prior to the Shut-Down of ERAM
Idemitsu, Kazuya Experimental Study on the pH of Pore Water in Compacted Bentonite Under Reducing Conditions with Electromigration.
Ikeuchi, Hirotomo Experimental Study on the pH of Pore Water in Compacted Bentonite Under Reducing Conditions with Electromigration.
Inagaki, Yaohiro Experimental Study on the pH of Pore Water in Compacted Bentonite Under Reducing Conditions with Electromigration.
Inubshi, Kazuyuki Root-Uptake of C-14 Acetic Acid by Various Plants and C-14 Dynamics Surrounding the Experimental Tessera
Ishii, Nobuyoshi The Distribution Coefficients and Gasification Ratios of [1,2-14C] Sodium Acetate for Various Paddy Soils in Japan
Ishikawa, Nao Soil-Soil Solution Distribution Coefficients for Se, Sr, Sn, Sb, and Cs in Japanese Agricultural Soils
Ismail, Ahmed Impact of Proposed Disturbed Rock Zone Conceptual Model Modifications to the 2007 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Performance Assessment on Long-Term Repository Performance
Iverson, Dan Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule
Feasibility Evaluation and Retrofit Plan for Cold Crucible Induction Melter Deployment in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at Savannah River Site
Process Improvements to Increase High Level Waste Vitrification Throughout the Defense Waste Processing Facility
Jagoda, Lynette Large-Scale Testing of Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Holdup in Process Vessels in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant
Janairo, Lisa Why DOE's Messages on Transportation Don't Resonate with the Public (and What DOE Can Do to Fix the Problem)
Jang, Ping-Rey Evaluation of Fourier Transform Profilometry for Quantitative Waste Volume Determination under Simulated Hanford Tank Conditions
Jantzen, Carol Fluidized Bed Steam Reforming (FBSR) Technology for High Organic and Nitrate Waste Streams for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP)
Jaraysi, Moses Deep Vadose Zone Contamination Due to Releases from Hanford Site Tanks
Jeapes, Andrew Renewing Skills in Nuclear R&D - Opportunities Arising from the UK's Formation of a National Nuclear Laboratory
Jencic, Igor Information Strategy of Nuclear Training Centre Ljubljana in the Area of Radioactive Waste Management
Jenkins, Susan Enhanced Public Participation: A State's Perspective
Jeong, Jongtae Estimation of the Transportation Risks for the Spent Fuel in Korea for Various Transportation Scenarios
Ji, Young-Yong Experiences on a Regulatory Clearance of the Radioactive Wastes at KAERI
The Treatment Procedure for a Volume Reduction of the Spent HEPA Filters in KAERI
Jockwer, Norbert Excavation Damaged Zones in Rock Salt Formations
Gas Migration in the Opalinus Clay as a Function of the Gas Pressure
Johnson, Charlie Closeout of the Melton Valley Completion Project
Excavation and Repackaging of Retrievably-Stored, Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste at ORNL
Remediation of the Melton Valley Watershed at ORNL: An Accelerated Closure Success Story
Johnson, Darin Evaluation of Three Sites for Siting Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Facilities
Johnson, Gloria The Effect of Congress' Mandate to Create Greater Efficiencies in the Characterization of Transuranic Waste Through the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Hazardous Waste Facility Permit
Johnson, Robert The Role of Historical Operations Information for Supporting Remedial Investigation Work at the Former Harshaw Chemical Site
Johnston, Frank The Use of Ecological Restoration Principles to Achieve Remedy Protection at the Fernald Preserve and Weldon Spring Sites
Jolly, Rudy High-Level Waste Mechanical Sludge Removal at the Savannah River Site - F-Tank Farm Closure Project
Jones, Angie Successful Demolition of Historic Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Facilities: Managing the Process to Maximize Recycle Value to Fund Demolition
Jones, Mack Solvated Electron Technology TM Non-Thermal Alternative to Waste Incineration
Jordan , Diane Oak Ridge D&D Plan 3515 Project - Technology Review (2007) and GammaCam" Technology Demonstration for Characterization of Building 3515 at Oak Ridge (2007)
Josephson, Gary Pretreatment Engineering Platform-Reducing Technical Risks for the Waste Treatment Plant Pretreatment Facility through Scaled Process Testing
Julius, Jon Hydraulic Isolation of Waste Disposal Areas at ORNL
Jung, Paul Alternative Sample Preparation of Soils for Gamma Spectroscopy
Kageyama, Hitoshi Durable Media for Long-Term Preservation of Geological Repository Records
Kaiser, Linda Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance at Rocky Flats: Early Experiences and Lessons Learned
Kane, Susan Experimental Determination of the Multiplicity Deadtime Parameter
Kang, Il-Sik The Treatment Procedure for a Volume Reduction of the Spent HEPA Filters in KAERI
Kapoor, Ashok An Analytical Tool for Shippers of Radioactive Material and Waste
Kastens, Marilyn Monitoring the Performance of an Alternative Landfill Cover at the Monticello, Utah, Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Site
Keefe, Michael Paths Forward: Current International and US Initiatives to Support More Sustainable Options for Uranium Production
Keefer, Mark Low Temperature Aluminum Dissolution of Sludge Waste
Kehrman, Robert Opening the Doors at WIPP to RH TRU Waste
The Effect of Congress' Mandate to Create Greater Efficiencies in the Characterization of Transuranic Waste Through the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Hazardous Waste Facility Permit
The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership and the YIMBY Syndrome
WIPP Hazardous Waste Facility Permit Update - 2008
Keister, Marsha Implementation of Benchmarking Transportation Logistics Practices and Future Benchmarking Organizations
Kelley, Dennis US Department of Energy's "Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention" Program: Solidification Technologies for Radioactive Waste Treatment in Russia
Kennedy, James Results of a Strategic Assessment of NRC'S Low-Level Radioactive Waste Program
Kifanga, Leonard Experience of Consolidation of Disused Sources in Developing Countries, an African Perspective
Kilda, Raimondas Comparison of Candidate Sites for Installation of Landfill Facility at Ignalina NPP Site Using Fuzzy Logic Approach
Kim, Dong-Sang Hanford's Supplemental Treatment Project: Full-Scale Integrated Testing of In-Container-Vitrification and a 10,000 Liter Dryer
Improved Alumina Loading in High-Level Waste Glasses
Method to Reduce Molten Salt Penetration into Bulk Vitrification Refractory Materials
Kim, Eung-Ho CsCl Separation from a LiCl-CsCl Mixture by using a Crystallization Approach
Kim, In-Tae CsCl Separation from a LiCl-CsCl Mixture by using a Crystallization Approach
Kim, Kwang-Rak Development of Tritium Storage and Transport Vessels
Kirchner, Thomas Long-Term Environmental Monitoring of an Operating Deep Geologic Nuclear Waste Repository
Kirk, Paula Oak Ridge D&D Plan 3515 Project - Technology Review (2007) and GammaCam" Technology Demonstration for Characterization of Building 3515 at Oak Ridge (2007)
Kirkes, Ross The Use of Performance Assessment to Make Regulatory and Operational Changes in an Operating Nuclear Waste Repository
Kirkpatrick, John A New Neutron Multiplicity Deadtime Scheme
Kitayama, Kazumi The NUMO Strategy for HLW and TRU Waste Disposal
Klos, Bruce Conceptual Approach to Modeling Potential Air Toxics and Radionuclide Airborne Emissions from a Temporary Exhaust System for the 216-Z-9 Crib Removal Action
Structural Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Crib Prior to Decontamination and Demolition Using Robot Crawler and High Resolution Photography
Knyazev, Oleg Melted Murataite Ceramics Containing Simulated Actinide / Rare Earth Fraction of High Level Waste
Kojo, Matti Compensations as Means for Local Acceptance - The Case of the Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Eurajoki, Finland
Kolander, Mindy Proposed Changes to Simplify Review of the Next WIPP Compliance Recertification Application
Kolhoff, Andrea The Role of Historical Operations Information for Supporting Remedial Investigation Work at the Former Harshaw Chemical Site
Kollar, William Communicating Potential Risks of Uncontrolled Site Development at a FUSRAP Site
Koller, Wolfgang Automated Store Management for Drum Storage Facility
Kouba, Steve Proposed Changes to Simplify Review of the Next WIPP Compliance Recertification Application
Status of Planned Change Requests for the WIPP
Kover, Miroslav Lessons Learned from RAW Treatment in Slovak Republic - Minimization for Final Disposal
Krahn, Steve Advanced Remediation Technologies
Technology Readiness Assessment of Department of Energy Waste Processing Facilities: Lessons Learned, Next Steps
Technology Readiness Assessment of US DOE Waste Processing Facilities: When is a Technology Ready for Insertion?
Krajc, Tibor Lessons Learned from RAW Treatment in Slovak Republic - Minimization for Final Disposal
The Technological Aspects of Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment
Krieguer, Jean-Marie The French Programme: A Development Plan for a Geological Repository for High Level and Long-Lived Waste
Kristofzski, John Deep Vadose Zone Contamination Due to Releases from Hanford Site Tanks
Kumar, Sunita The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership and the YIMBY Syndrome
Kunze, Volker Clearance Measurements Prior to the Shut-Down of ERAM
Konrad Repository Facing its Construction