
HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management

February 24 -28, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona

2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management

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Rackham, James
Measurement of the U235 Content of Concreted Waste Drums 
Radu, Maria
Current Status of the Romanian National Deep Geological Repository Program  
Rael, David
Retrofit of an Engineered Gloveport to a Los Alamos National Laboratory's Plutonium Facility Glovebox 
Rauret, Gemma
Plastic Scintillators: A Powerful Tool to Reduce Mixed Waste 
Radiochemical Sensor for Continuous and Remote Liquid Effluents Monitoring 
Ray, David
Evaluating Operational Irregularities at Hanford's Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility 
Raymond, Richard
Significant Progress in the Deployment of New Technologies for the Retrieval of Hanford Radioactive Waste Storage Tanks  
Redus, Kenneth
Rapid Response Risk Assessment Turnaround System (R3ATS) 
Reed, John
Vitrification Assistance Program: International Co-operation on Vitrification Technology 
Regens, Larry
Spatial Estimation of Populations at Risk from RDD Terrorism Incidents 
Rehmann, Michelle
Paths Forward: Current International and US Initiatives to Support More Sustainable Options for Uranium Production 
Reible, Danny
Effectively Managing Risks of Contaminated Sediments 
Remias, Vladimir
Lessons Learned from RAW Treatment in Slovak Republic - Minimization for Final Disposal 
The Technological Aspects of Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment 
Richards, Emily
Uranium Plume Treatability Demonstration at the Hanford Site 300 Area: Development of Polyphosphate Remediation Technology for In-Situ Stabilization of Uranium 
Rieske, Dave
Hydraulic Containment of Groundwater at the DOE Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant 
Riggins, Michael
Recommendation for the Lower Limit of the Waste Shear Strength (Parameter BOREHOLE : TAUFAIL) 
Riley, Andrew
Widening the Envelope of UK HLW Vitrification - Experimental Studies with High Waste Loadings and New Product Formulations on a Full Scale Non-Active Vitrification Plant 
Roach, Jay
Advanced Assay Systems for Radionuclide Contamination in Soils  
Advanced Modeling of Cold Crucible Induction Melting for Process Optimization and Control 
Robertson, Owen
Evaluating Operational Irregularities at Hanford's Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility 
Rockhold, Mark
Sr-90 Immobilization by Infiltration of a Ca-Citrate-PO4 Solution into the Hanford 100-N Area Vadose Zone 
Rodgers, Molly
Decision Support Tool for the Management of Debris from Radiological Dispersion Devices and Other Incidents of National Significance 
Rodriguez, Carmen
Method to Reduce Molten Salt Penetration into Bulk Vitrification Refractory Materials  
Roelant, David
Design and Testing of a Solid-Liquid Interface Monitor for High-Level Waste Tanks 
Qualification of Innovative High Level Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies  
Roesener, W. Scott
Steam Reforming Application for Treatment of DOE Sodium Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory for Idaho Cleanup Project - Status Report 
Rogers, Donna
Development of a Characterized Radiation Field for Evaluating Sensor Performance 
Rogers, Johnathan
Solvated Electron Technology TM Non-Thermal Alternative to Waste Incineration  
Rogers, Phillip
Development of Vadose-Zone Hydraulic-Parameter Values 
Rohay, Alan
Technical Basis for Certification of Seismic Design Criteria for the Waste Treatment Plant - Hanford, Washington  
Romanato, Luiz
Safe Advantage on Dry Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage 
Rood, Caitlin
Paths Forward: Current International and US Initiatives to Support More Sustainable Options for Uranium Production 
Roos, Allen
Communicating Potential Risks of Uncontrolled Site Development at a FUSRAP Site 
Ross, Alec
Mixed Oxide Fresh Fuel Package Auxiliary Equipment 
Roth, Guenther
Cold Test Operation of the German VEK Vitrification Plant 
Rowley, Blaine
Supplemental Groundwater Remediation Technologies to Protect the Columbia River at Hanford, WA - An Update 
Ryan, Kevin
Steam Reforming Technology Demonstration for Conversion of DOE Sodium-Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory into a Leach Resistant Alkali Aluminosilicate Waste Form  
Ryan, Michael T.
Current Regulations and Guidance - New Approaches for Risk-Informed Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management 
Sage, Sondra
Long-Term Environmental Monitoring of an Operating Deep Geologic Nuclear Waste Repository 
Salpas, Peter
On-Site Disposition of Concrete During Decommissioning and Demolition: A Data Quality Objective-Based Approach 
Sanford, Peter
Decommissioning Cost Estimating Factors and Earned Value Integration 
Santos, Joe
A Proposed Framework for Planning Deactivation And Decommissioning Engineering And Design Activities to Meet the Requirements of DOE Order 413.3A, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets - 8134 
Sartelet, Stephane
Vitrification Assistance Program: International Co-operation on Vitrification Technology 
Sarten, Sondra
US DOE and Public Involvement a Key to Successful Clean Up 
Sasaki, Toshiki
Thermal Pretreatment for TRU Waste Sorting 
Scales, Charlie
Progress in the Assessment of Waste Forms for the Immobilisation of UK Civil Plutonium 
Scarborough, Rebecca
Alternative Sample Preparation of Soils for Gamma Spectroscopy 
Schiesswohl, Steve
Post-Closure Land Jurisdiction Transfer to the US Fish and Wildlife Service at Rocky Flats: Surviving the Safari Through Old Records and Other Lessons Learned  
Schlahta, Steve
Raman Based Process Monitor for Continuous Real-Time Analysis of High Level Radioactive Waste Components 
Schneider, Steven
Engineering and Technology Roadmap 
External Technical Reviews in the Environmental Management Program 
Schreiber, Steve
Retrofit of an Engineered Gloveport to a Los Alamos National Laboratory's Plutonium Facility Glovebox 
Schubert, Allen
Environmental Cleanup of the Idaho National Laboratory - Status Report 
Schwaab, Elmar
Cold Test Operation of the German VEK Vitrification Plant 
Schweiger, Michael
Hanford's Supplemental Treatment Project: Full-Scale Integrated Testing of In-Container-Vitrification and a 10,000 Liter Dryer  
Method to Reduce Molten Salt Penetration into Bulk Vitrification Refractory Materials  
Seghers, John
Development of a Safe Technology for the Treatment of Sodium Waste: Early Experience  
Seidler, Wolf
Fluid (Air/Water) Cushion Transportation Technology for Emplacing Heavy Canisters Into Horizontal Disposal Drifts  
Sengar, PBS
Sevigny, Gary
Sodium Recycle Economics for Waste Treatment Plant Operations  
Shafer, David
Pitfalls of Transparency: Lessons Learned from the Milford Flats Fire  
Shaffner, James
Results of a Strategic Assessment of NRC'S Low-Level Radioactive Waste Program 
Shandala, Natalya
Progress in Norwegian-Russian Regulatory Cooperation in Management of the Nuclear Legacy 
Sharpe, Jonathan
Measurement of the U235 Content of Concreted Waste Drums 
The Role of Piece Monitors for the Assay of Plutonium Waste in Alpha Plant Decommissioning Operations 
Shaw, Kevin
In-Situ Stabilization of Inactive Low Level Waste Pipelines in the Melton Valley Watershed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
Sheader, Linda
Monitoring the Performance of an Alternative Landfill Cover at the Monticello, Utah, Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Site 
Shelton-Davis, Colleen
Welding Robot and Remote Handling System for the Yucca Mountain Waste Package Closure System 
Sherick, Mark
Shipping Remote Handled Transuranic Waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - An Operational Experience 
Shoffner, Peggy
Remote Technology for Facility Deactivation and Decommissioning at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
Waste Information Management System: One Year After Web Deployment 
Shon, Jong-Sik
Experiences on a Regulatory Clearance of the Radioactive Wastes at KAERI 
The Treatment Procedure for a Volume Reduction of the Spent HEPA Filters in KAERI 
Shon, Soon-Hwan
Development of Tritium Storage and Transport Vessels 
Short, Rick
Widening the Envelope of UK HLW Vitrification - Experimental Studies with High Waste Loadings and New Product Formulations on a Full Scale Non-Active Vitrification Plant 
Shott, Greg
A Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 191 Evaluation of Buried Transuranic Waste at the Nevada Test Site  
Shuller, Lindsay
Thermodynamic Properties of Actinide-Zirconium Dioxide Solid-Solutions Relevant for Advanced Nuclear Fuels 
Shuman, Rob
Potential for Radionuclide Redistribution Due to Biotic Intrusion: Aboveground Biomass Study at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for the Closure of Material Disposal Area G 
Simmons, Fen
Air Permit Compliance for Waste Retrieval Operations Involving Multi-Unit Emissions 
Simonds, Matt
Recovery of Depleted Uranium Fragments from Soil 
Simone, Gianluca
Passive and Active Neutron Matrix Correction for Heterogeneous Distributions Utilizing the Neutron Imaging Technique 
Simonis, Vytautas
Principles on Radiological Characterization of the Unit 1 at Ignalina NPP for Decommissioning Purposes 
Simpson, Alan
Advanced Non-Destructive Assay Systems and Special Instrumentation Requirements for Spent Nuclear Fuel Recycling Facilities 
In-Situ Characterization of Underwater Radioactive Sludge 
Sims, John
Nuclear Site Security in the Event of Terrorist Activity 
Singer, Alois N.
Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Full-Scale Test (CSSX FST) 
Full Scale Cross-Flow Filter Testing in Support of the Salt Waste Processing Facility Design 
Skinner, Kenneth
On-Site Disposition of Concrete During Decommissioning and Demolition: A Data Quality Objective-Based Approach 
Skinner, Ralph
Closeout of the Melton Valley Completion Project 
Excavation and Repackaging of Retrievably-Stored, Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste at ORNL 
Hydraulic Isolation of Waste Disposal Areas at ORNL 
In-Situ Stabilization of Inactive Low Level Waste Pipelines in the Melton Valley Watershed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
Remediation of the Melton Valley Watershed at ORNL: An Accelerated Closure Success Story 
Skokan, Bryan
Decommissioning Cost Estimating Factors and Earned Value Integration 
Skomurski, Frances
Thermodynamic Properties of Actinide-Zirconium Dioxide Solid-Solutions Relevant for Advanced Nuclear Fuels 
Slater, Bryant
Advancing Information Technology in the Waste Management World 
Smalley, Richard C.
Evaluation of Three Sites for Siting Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Facilities 
Smegal, John
Evaluating Operational Irregularities at Hanford's Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility 
Smith, Graham
Progress in Norwegian-Russian Regulatory Cooperation in Management of the Nuclear Legacy 
Smylie, Gary
Advancing Information Technology in the Waste Management World 
Sneve, Malgorzata
Progress in Norwegian-Russian Regulatory Cooperation in Management of the Nuclear Legacy 
Solis, Jorge
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Best Practices Guidelines in the Analysis of Storage Dry Cask 
Song, Kyu-Min
Development of Tritium Storage and Transport Vessels 
SooHoo, Mark
Survey of Costs Arising From Potential Radionuclide Scattering Events 
Spradley, Leah
An Integrated Tool for Evaluating Pre-Closure Operational Performance of the Yucca Mountain Waste Management System 
Spurling, Robert
Hydraulic Isolation of Waste Disposal Areas at ORNL 
Squibb, George
Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance at Rocky Flats: Early Experiences and Lessons Learned 
Sridhar, B.B. Maruthi
Phytoextraction of Cs and Sr Natural Abundance Isotopes by Indian Mustard (Brassica Juncea) and the Resulting Physiological Changes 
Srivastava, Rajiv
Design and Testing of a Solid-Liquid Interface Monitor for High-Level Waste Tanks 
Qualification of Innovative High Level Waste Pipeline Unplugging Technologies  
Stahn, Burkhard
FRJ-1 Research Reactor (MERLIN) Makes Way for a "Green Field" - Milestones on the Road to Paradise Regained  
Stamp, Dave
Passive and Active Neutron Matrix Correction for Heterogeneous Distributions Utilizing the Neutron Imaging Technique 
Stefanovsky, Olga I.
Melted Murataite Ceramics Containing Simulated Actinide / Rare Earth Fraction of High Level Waste 
Stefanovsky, Sergey
Current Progress and Future Plans for the US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program 
Melted Murataite Ceramics Containing Simulated Actinide / Rare Earth Fraction of High Level Waste 
Steininger, Walter
Perspectives of Future R&D on HLW Disposal in Germany  
Steinkuhler, Claude
Recent Improvements of the Institutional Radioactive Waste Management System in Slovenia  
Stephens, Alan
Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Full-Scale Test (CSSX FST) 
Full Scale Cross-Flow Filter Testing in Support of the Salt Waste Processing Facility Design 
Stephens, George
On-Site Disposition of Concrete During Decommissioning and Demolition: A Data Quality Objective-Based Approach 
Stewart, Charles
Large-Scale Testing of Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Holdup in Process Vessels in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant 
Stone, Michael
Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule  
Stubna, Marian
Lessons Learned from RAW Treatment in Slovak Republic - Minimization for Final Disposal 
The Technological Aspects of Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment 
Stuhl, Larry
An Analytical Tool for Shippers of Radioactive Material and Waste  
Sturges, Mark
Significant Progress in the Deployment of New Technologies for the Retrieval of Hanford Radioactive Waste Storage Tanks  
Su, Yi
Phytoextraction of Cs and Sr Natural Abundance Isotopes by Indian Mustard (Brassica Juncea) and the Resulting Physiological Changes 
Sucic, Simona
Recent Improvements of the Institutional Radioactive Waste Management System in Slovenia  
Sudon, Juan Sanchez
Feasibility Study on the Enlargement of the Surface Repository for Low and Intermediate Radioactive Level Waste at Mochovce, Slovak Republic 
Sullivan, Terry
Soil Activation and Groundwater Contamination at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 
Using Fuzzy Sets as a Complement to Probabilistic Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities Safety Assessment  
Using Fuzzy Sets for Data Interpretation in Natural Analogue Studies 
Surovchak, Scott
Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance at Rocky Flats: Early Experiences and Lessons Learned 
Sutter, Carolyn
Conceptual Approach to Modeling Potential Air Toxics and Radionuclide Airborne Emissions from a Temporary Exhaust System for the 216-Z-9 Crib Removal Action  
Structural Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Crib Prior to Decontamination and Demolition Using Robot Crawler and High Resolution Photography  
Sutter, Herb
Savannah River Site Tank 48H Waste Treatment Project Technology Readiness Assessment 
Technology Readiness Assessment of Department of Energy Waste Processing Facilities: Lessons Learned, Next Steps 
Technology Readiness Assessment of US DOE Waste Processing Facilities: When is a Technology Ready for Insertion? 
Suzuki, Hiroyuki
Root-Uptake of C-14 Acetic Acid by Various Plants and C-14 Dynamics Surrounding the Experimental Tessera  
Swanson, Brad
Full Scale Cross-Flow Filter Testing in Support of the Salt Waste Processing Facility Design 
Swinson, Bryan
Advanced Non-Destructive Assay Systems and Special Instrumentation Requirements for Spent Nuclear Fuel Recycling Facilities 
In-Situ Characterization of Underwater Radioactive Sludge 
Szecsody, Jim
Sr-90 Immobilization by Infiltration of a Ca-Citrate-PO4 Solution into the Hanford 100-N Area Vadose Zone 
Szilagyi, Andrew
A Proposed Framework for Planning Deactivation And Decommissioning Engineering And Design Activities to Meet the Requirements of DOE Order 413.3A, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets - 8134 
US DOE EM's In-Situ Decommissioning Strategy 
Tack, Jeffery
Managing Legacy Records for FUSRAP Sites 
Tagami, Keiko
Soil-Soil Solution Distribution Coefficients for Se, Sr, Sn, Sb, and Cs in Japanese Agricultural Soils  
Takeda, Hiroshi
Root-Uptake of C-14 Acetic Acid by Various Plants and C-14 Dynamics Surrounding the Experimental Tessera  
The Distribution Coefficients and Gasification Ratios of [1,2-14C] Sodium Acetate for Various Paddy Soils in Japan 
Tappen, Jeffrey
Pitfalls of Transparency: Lessons Learned from the Milford Flats Fire  
Tarancon, Alex
Plastic Scintillators: A Powerful Tool to Reduce Mixed Waste 
Radiochemical Sensor for Continuous and Remote Liquid Effluents Monitoring 
Tavares, Al
Ion Exchange Media for Reduction of Liquid Radwaste in Commercial Power Plants 
Taylor, Glenn
Use of a Stochastic Model to Evaluate Uncertainty in a Performance Assessment at the Savannah River Site 
Taylor, Paul
Sorbent Testing for the Solidification of Organic Process Wastestreams from the Radiochemical Engineering Development Center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
Tchemitcheff, Eric
Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule  
Feasibility Evaluation and Retrofit Plan for Cold Crucible Induction Melter Deployment in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at Savannah River Site 
Teal, Joseph
Conceptual Approach to Modeling Potential Air Toxics and Radionuclide Airborne Emissions from a Temporary Exhaust System for the 216-Z-9 Crib Removal Action  
Structural Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Crib Prior to Decontamination and Demolition Using Robot Crawler and High Resolution Photography  
Tedeschi, Allan
Dewatering Treatment Scale-Up Testing Results of Hanford Tank Wastes 
Thaxton, George
Chemical Sludge Heel Removal at the Savannah River Site F Tank Farm Closure Project  
Thiel, Joerg
Evaluation of Incident Risks in a Repository for Radioactive Waste 
Thompson, Bill
Status of Planned Change Requests for the WIPP 
Thompson, Leo
Treatment of Asbestos Wastes Using the GeoMelt® Vitrification Process 
Thompson, Mary
Development of an Improved Sodium Titanate for the Pretreatment of High Level Nuclear Waste at the SRS 
Thompson, Michael
Supplemental Groundwater Remediation Technologies to Protect the Columbia River at Hanford, WA - An Update 
Thompson, Seth
Advancing Information Technology in the Waste Management World 
Thompson, Steven
Initial Results: ISCO for a Large TCE DNAPL Source Area  
Thomson, Malcolm
Nuclear Site Security in the Event of Terrorist Activity 
Thorneloe, Susan
Decision Support Tool for the Management of Debris from Radiological Dispersion Devices and Other Incidents of National Significance 
Thrower, Alexander
Implementation of Benchmarking Transportation Logistics Practices and Future Benchmarking Organizations 
Initial Process and Expected Outcomes for Preliminary Identifications of Routes to Yucca Mountains, Nevada 
Overview of Requirements for Using Overweight and Oversize Vehicles to Ship Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste  
Thurner, Erik
Fluid (Air/Water) Cushion Transportation Technology for Emplacing Heavy Canisters Into Horizontal Disposal Drifts  
Tinsley, Tim
Issues in UK cleanup and decommissioning; a strategic R&D programme 
Tobie, Winfried
Cold Test Operation of the German VEK Vitrification Plant 
Toghiani, Rebecca
Modeling of Unsaturated Saltcake Dissolution for S-109 Simulant 
Tokar, Michael
Results of a Strategic Assessment of NRC'S Low-Level Radioactive Waste Program 
Tortoso, Arlene
Innovative Direct Push Technologies for Characterization of the 216-Z-9 Trench at DOE's Hanford Site  
Treatability Test for Removing Technetium 99 from 200 ZP 1 Groundwater, Hanford Site 
Trigueros, Adolfo
The Spanish Radioactive Waste Management Plan 
Triplett, Mark
Challenges for Deep Vadose Zone Remediation at the Hanford Site 
Trivedi, Divyesh
Modeling of Remediation Technologies at the Performance Assessment Level 
Troescher, Patrick
Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Drum Venting Operations- Operational Experience and Lessons Learned 
Trofimenko, Alexander
Improved Alumina Loading in High-Level Waste Glasses 
Truex, Michael
Treatability Test Plan for Deep Vadose Zone Remediation at the Hanford Site's Central Plateau 
Tsuboya, Takao
Durable Media for Long-Term Preservation of Geological Repository Records  
Tucker, Brian
USACE FUSRAP Maywood Team Identifies Challenges and Initiates Alternate Solutions Relating to the Radiochemical Analysis of Borosilicate Fiber Filters for Isotopes of Uranium and Thorium 
Turnbough, Mark
The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership and the YIMBY Syndrome  
Turner, Doug
Excavation and Repackaging of Retrievably-Stored, Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste at ORNL 
Turner, S.
Evaluation of Three Sites for Siting Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Facilities 
Twitchell, Chad A.
Design and Implementation of an International Training Program on Repository Development and Management 
Uchida, Shigeo
Root-Uptake of C-14 Acetic Acid by Various Plants and C-14 Dynamics Surrounding the Experimental Tessera  
Soil-Soil Solution Distribution Coefficients for Se, Sr, Sn, Sb, and Cs in Japanese Agricultural Soils  
The Distribution Coefficients and Gasification Ratios of [1,2-14C] Sodium Acetate for Various Paddy Soils in Japan 
Upadhyay, Himanshu
Waste Information Management System: One Year After Web Deployment 
Urbanec, Marián
Lessons Learned from RAW Treatment in Slovak Republic - Minimization for Final Disposal 
Urland, Charles
A Proposed Framework for Planning Deactivation And Decommissioning Engineering And Design Activities to Meet the Requirements of DOE Order 413.3A, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets - 8134 
US DOE EM's In-Situ Decommissioning Strategy 
Uytioco, Elise
Improvements in Hanford TRU Program Utilizing Systems Modeling and Analysis 
Van Soest, Gregory
It Just Keeps Getting Better - TRU Waste Inventory 
Vandergaast, Gerald
Making Conceptual Design Choices for a Long-Term Waste Management Facility - Environmental Impact and Environmental Performance 
Vandergraaf, Tjalle
Communicating Qualitative Risk to a Rural Audience 
Vanderperre, Serge
Radioactive Spent Resins Conditioning by the Hot Supercompaction Process at Tihange NPP 
Varona, Jose
Remote Technology for Facility Deactivation and Decommissioning at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
Venkataraman, Ram
An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site 
Verhoef, Ewoud
Birds of a Feather & Developments towards Shared, Regional Geological Disposal in the EU?  
No Time Wasted! 25 years COVRA: Radioactive Waste Management in the Netherlands 
Vermeul, Vince
In-Situ Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection: Pilot-Scale Treatability Test at the 300 Area, Hanford Site 
Sr-90 Immobilization by Infiltration of a Ca-Citrate-PO4 Solution into the Hanford 100-N Area Vadose Zone 
Uranium Plume Treatability Demonstration at the Hanford Site 300 Area: Development of Polyphosphate Remediation Technology for In-Situ Stabilization of Uranium 
Vesco, David
Remote Technology for Facility Deactivation and Decommissioning at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
Veyer, Catherine
Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) Demonstration Using a Representative Savannah River Site Sludge Simulant on the Large-Size Pilot Platform at the CEA - Marcoule  
Vienna, John
Current Progress and Future Plans for the US DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program 
Improved Alumina Loading in High-Level Waste Glasses 
Vigil, Toby
Retrofit of an Engineered Gloveport to a Los Alamos National Laboratory's Plutonium Facility Glovebox 
Villani, Marcel
An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site 
Experimental Determination of the Multiplicity Deadtime Parameter  
Passive and Active Neutron Matrix Correction for Heterogeneous Distributions Utilizing the Neutron Imaging Technique 
Vinoche, Richard
COEX? Process: Cross-Breeding between Innovation and Industrial Experience 
Volzke, Holger
Approval of Existent Waste Packages and New Package Designs in Preparation for the KONRAD Repository 
Von Bargen, Brian
Safety Improves Dramatically in Fluor Hanford Soil and Groundwater Remediation Project 
Vora, Vishal
Steam Reforming Technology Demonstration for Conversion of DOE Sodium-Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory into a Leach Resistant Alkali Aluminosilicate Waste Form  
Vugrin, Eric
Prioritization of Technical Content and Impact Assessment for Changes to Performance Assessment at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)  
Recommendation for the Lower Limit of the Waste Shear Strength (Parameter BOREHOLE : TAUFAIL) 
Vugrin, Kay
Design and Implementation of an International Training Program on Repository Development and Management 
Waggoner, Charles
Development of a Characterized Radiation Field for Evaluating Sensor Performance 
Walnicki, Scott
USACE FUSRAP Maywood Team Develops a Mechanism to Evaluate Residual Radon Exposure Potential at Vicinity Properties Where Remediation of Accessible Contamination has been Completed 
Walton, Zane
Development of Vadose-Zone Hydraulic-Parameter Values 
Wareing, Alan
Development of Strategy for the Management of LLW in the United Kingdom  
Washenfelder, Dennis
Double-Shell Tank Integrity Project High Level Waste Chemistry Optimization  
Progress in Hanford's Double-Shell Tank Integrity Project 
Watson, Kerry
Shipping Remote Handled Transuranic Waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - An Operational Experience 
Waugh, William (Jody)
Monitoring the Performance of an Alternative Landfill Cover at the Monticello, Utah, Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Site 
Webb-Robertson, Bobbie-Jo
Integration of Omics Technologies for Characterization of Complex Microbial Ecosystems 
Wehrmann, Jobst
A New Approach for Direct Disposal of Spent Fuel into Deep Vertical Boreholes in a Salt Repository  
Weigl, Michael
Decommissioning of German Nuclear Research Facilities under the Governance of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research 
Weiner, Ruth
Factors Affecting Radiation Dose from a Hypothetical Extrusive Volcanic Event at Yucca Mountain, Nevada 
Weishaupt, Martin
Cold Test Operation of the German VEK Vitrification Plant 
Wellman, Dawn
In-Situ Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection: Pilot-Scale Treatability Test at the 300 Area, Hanford Site 
Uranium Plume Treatability Demonstration at the Hanford Site 300 Area: Development of Polyphosphate Remediation Technology for In-Situ Stabilization of Uranium 
Wells, Beric
Large-Scale Testing of Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Holdup in Process Vessels in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant 
Welty, Brett
D&D Mockup Testing Demonstration - Remediation of Legacy Radioactive Piping and Tank Systems at the Reactor Technology Complex (RTC) (2007) 
White, Sean
Shielded Payload Containers will Enhance the Safety and Efficiency of DOE's Remote Handled Transuranic Waste Operations 
Whited, Ryan
Results of a Strategic Assessment of NRC'S Low-Level Radioactive Waste Program 
Whitton, John
Stakeholder Decision Making on Radioactive Waste Management in the US and UK 
Wickland, Terry
Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Drum Venting Operations- Operational Experience and Lessons Learned 
Widdop, Michael
Managing Legacy Records for FUSRAP Sites 
Wieczorek, Klaus
Excavation Damaged Zones in Rock Salt Formations 
Gas Migration in the Opalinus Clay as a Function of the Gas Pressure 
Wilkins, Colin
A Non-Destructive Investigation of Pu Reference Items used for Calibration 
Passive and Active Neutron Matrix Correction for Heterogeneous Distributions Utilizing the Neutron Imaging Technique 
Williams, Mark
In-Situ Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection: Pilot-Scale Treatability Test at the 300 Area, Hanford Site 
Williams, Michael
Fluidized Bed Steam Reforming (FBSR) Technology for High Organic and Nitrate Waste Streams for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) 
Williamson, Edward
Calder Hall Cooling Tower Demolition: Landmark Milestone for Decommissioning at Sellafield 
Wilmarth, William
Selection of an Inhibitor for the Prevention of Sodium Aluminosilicate Scale in the High Level Waste Evaporators at the Savannah River Site 
Wilson, Joy
Design of the Demonstration Bulk Vitrification System for the Supplemental Treatment of Low Activity Tank Waste at Hanford 
Wilson, Mark
The Role of Piece Monitors for the Assay of Plutonium Waste in Alpha Plant Decommissioning Operations 
Wingard, Rodney
Enhanced Public Participation: A State's Perspective 
Winston, John
Uraniferous Phosphates: Resource. Security Risk, or Contaminant 
Winterholler, Kirk
D&D Mockup Testing Demonstration - Remediation of Legacy Radioactive Piping and Tank Systems at the Reactor Technology Complex (RTC) (2007) 
Winters, Michael
USACE FUSRAP Maywood Team Develops a Mechanism to Evaluate Residual Radon Exposure Potential at Vicinity Properties Where Remediation of Accessible Contamination has been Completed 
USACE FUSRAP Maywood Team Identifies Challenges and Initiates Alternate Solutions Relating to the Radiochemical Analysis of Borosilicate Fiber Filters for Isotopes of Uranium and Thorium 
Witwer, Keith
Hanford's Supplemental Treatment Project: Full-Scale Integrated Testing of In-Container-Vitrification and a 10,000 Liter Dryer  
Method to Reduce Molten Salt Penetration into Bulk Vitrification Refractory Materials  
Wood, Robert
Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Drum Venting Operations- Operational Experience and Lessons Learned 
Wyatt, Doug
Siting GNEP at the Savannah River Site: Using Legacy and Infrastructure in a Commercial Energy Park Concept 
Yamaguchi, Hiromi
Thermal Pretreatment for TRU Waste Sorting 
Yamazaki, Shigeru
Experimental Study on the pH of Pore Water in Compacted Bentonite Under Reducing Conditions with Electromigration.  
Yapuncich, Frederick
Mixed Oxide Fresh Fuel Package Auxiliary Equipment 
Yarnell, Peter
Ion Exchange Media for Reduction of Liquid Radwaste in Commercial Power Plants 
Yokuda, Satoru
Large-Scale Testing of Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Holdup in Process Vessels in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant 
Yoshimura, Kimitaka
Durable Media for Long-Term Preservation of Geological Repository Records  
Yoshimura, Richard
Survey of Costs Arising From Potential Radionuclide Scattering Events 
Young, B M
An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site 
Young, Joan
Savannah River Site Tank 48H Waste Treatment Project Technology Readiness Assessment 
Youngs, Bob
Technical Basis for Certification of Seismic Design Criteria for the Waste Treatment Plant - Hanford, Washington  
Yucel, Vefa
A Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 191 Evaluation of Buried Transuranic Waste at the Nevada Test Site  
Yudintsev, Sergey
Melted Murataite Ceramics Containing Simulated Actinide / Rare Earth Fraction of High Level Waste 
Zatkulak, Milan
Lessons Learned from RAW Treatment in Slovak Republic - Minimization for Final Disposal 
The Technological Aspects of Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment 
Zehbe, Carsten
FRJ-1 Research Reactor (MERLIN) Makes Way for a "Green Field" - Milestones on the Road to Paradise Regained  
Zelmer, Robert
Making Conceptual Design Choices for a Long-Term Waste Management Facility - Environmental Impact and Environmental Performance 
Zen'kovskaya, Maria
Melted Murataite Ceramics Containing Simulated Actinide / Rare Earth Fraction of High Level Waste 
Zhu, Hank
An Overview of the Integrated Crate Interrogation System (ICIS) for Use at the Savannah River Site 
Zigh, Ghani
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Best Practices Guidelines in the Analysis of Storage Dry Cask 
Zujus, Rimantas
Principles on Radiological Characterization of the Unit 1 at Ignalina NPP for Decommissioning Purposes 



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