Waste Management Symposia 2015

Author Index



























Abadie, Pierre-Marie
Cigeo, the French Geological Disposal Facility Project: Preliminary Design (APS) Phase

Abbasi Baharanchi, Ahmadreza
Improving the Accuracy of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Nuclear Waste Mixing using Direct Numerical Simulations

Abdul, Wahed
Progress on Resuming Full Construction on the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant's High-Level Waste Facility

Abe, Hiroko
Radioactive Waste Water Treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Abe, Satoru
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Abkowitz, Mark
Development and Application of a Stakeholder Tool for Assessing Radioactive Transportation (START)

Abrahao, Anthony
Development of Inspection Tools for the AY-102 Double-shell Tank at the Hanford DOE Site

Adkins Jr, Harold
Leak Testing with Simulated Waste of Hanford Tank Farm Valves Utilized for Double Valve Isolation

Adler, David
Brownfields to Brightfields: A Sustainability Initiative at DOE's East Tennessee Technology Park Cleanup

Agnew, Mark
Liquid Waste Cell Decommissioning at the West Valley Demonstration Project

Ahn, Sangmyeon
Introduction on Recently Revised Regulatory Framework Related to Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities in Korea

Akin, Andrew
Molten Salt Oxidation of Ion Exchange and Oils in Carbonate Salts and Evaporator Residue

Ala, Natalyn
Update on Implementing Geological Disposal in the UK

Ali, MD. Idris
Management of Radioactive Wastes and Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources in Bangladesh: Recent Activities and Challenges Ahead

Aly, Alaa
Assessing Cumulative Impacts from Source Units within Hanford's Inner Area

Amcoff, Björn
Treatment of LLW Components for Waste Minimization and Recycling

Anagnostopoulos, Vasileios
The Effect of Bicarbonate on Autunite Dissolution in the Presence of Shewanella Oneidensis under Oxygen Restricted Conditions

Anderson, Elaina
The US Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Intern Program: Developing Next Generation Nuclear Waste Professionals
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Anderson, Kevin
Inspection Technology Advancements for Hanford Double Shell Tank Integrity Verification

Anderson, Scott
Liquid Waste Cell Decommissioning at the West Valley Demonstration Project

Andersson, Eva
Role of Human Intrusion in Decision-Making for Radioactive Waste Disposal - Results of the IAEA HIDRA Project

Ando, Kenichi
Applicability of Wireless Power Transfer for Monitoring Technology of Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal

Angus, Mike
Behavior of Alpha Emitters in Cement

Building Effective Collaborations to Bring Innovation into Waste Management and Decommissioning

Remote Retrieval, Disruption and Processing of Legacy Nuclear Waste

Anton, Fabienne
Experience with the Quality Control of Radioactive Waste Packages for the German Repository Konrad

Antonucci, Pascal
On the Robustness of a Cement-Based Matrix for the Conditioning of Evaporator Concentrates

Aoi, Hiromi
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Appenzeller-Wing, Janet
Cost Savings Resulting from Classified Component Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)

Arakali, Aruna
Integrated Waste Feed Qualification Program for Direct LAW Feed to WTP

Archuleta, Felicia
Status of Electronics Upgrades to the LANL Green is Clean Phoswich Detector Systems

Ard, Kevin
LAWPS Technology Maturation Program and Scaled Testing

Arm, Stuart
Integrated Waste Feed Qualification Program for Direct LAW Feed to WTP

Arnold, Dirk
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Arnold, Mike
Developments that are Making the Versa-Pac Indeed More Versatile (and More Useful to Industry)
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Arnold, Pat
Cost Savings Resulting from Classified Component Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)

Arola, Craig
Online Interactive Reporting of Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation Progress at the Hanford Site, Washington

Arora, Bhavna
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Arvin, Farshad
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Asano, Hidekazu
A New Manufacturing Method of Bentonite Pellets as a Gap Filling Material for HLW Repository

Asano, Takashi
RO Concentrated Water Treatment Equipment for Risk Reduction of Contaminated Water Stored in Tank in Fukushima NPS

Askew, Kevin
Major Achievements of the Springfields Decommissioning Program

Proven Uranium Recovery Solutions for the Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Market

Aucott, Timothy
In-Situ Gamma-Ray Assay of the 235-F Plutonium Fuel Form Facility at the Savannah River Site

Austin, Jonathan
Modelling the Interaction of Corroded Magnox Surfaces with Nuclear Fission Products
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Axler, Greg
Maintenance of Maywood Laboratory Operations Support during Contractor Transition and Replacement of the Project Databases

Axtell, Joseph
Refining Groundwater Monitoring Approaches through an Objectives-Driven Process

Ayame, Yasuo
The Countermeasure for the Noble Metal in the HLW Vitrification - the Behavior of the Needle Shape Ruthenium Particle

The Countermeasure for the Noble Metal in the HLW Vitrification - the Removal Technology of Ru, Rh and Pd from the System
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Ayoola, Olusola
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Bacon, Diana
Impact of High Performance Computing on the Detailed Simulation of Subsurface Flow and Contaminant Transport Using eSTOMP


Low Activity Waste Glass Waste Form Performance Data Package for Hanford Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

Bader, Sven
Transportation Cask for Bare High Burnup UNF

Badke, Catherine
Canada's Nuclear Legacy Liabilities Program - Ten Years of Progress and Achievements

Bahrke, Cheri
Transfer and Transition: Interagency Coordination for Managing Public Lands at UMTRCA Title II Sites in Wyoming

Baide, Dan
Detection and Mitigation of Hanford Site Radioactive Waste Tank Surface Water Intrusion

Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Bailey, Bill
'Top 10' Facility Decommissioning Risks and Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Them

Bailey, Lucy
Preferred Concepts for Disposal of the UK Inventory of Depleted, Natural and Low Enriched Uranium

Role of Human Intrusion in Decision-Making for Radioactive Waste Disposal - Results of the IAEA HIDRA Project

Bailey, Stuart
Conducting Gamma Radiation Surveys on Municipal Roadways in Support of the Port Hope Area Initiative

Baker, Joseph
Survey and Remediation Project at the DOE Bannister Site

Banford, Anthony
Building Effective Collaborations to Bring Innovation into Waste Management and Decommissioning

Preparation of Waste Fingerprints for the Miscellaneous Beta Gamma Waste Feeds to the Box Encapsulation Plant at Sellafield
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Bannochie, Christopher
Mercury Speciation in Savannah River Site High-Level Waste: Determination and Implications for Waste Handling and Disposal

Banos, Antonios
A Novel Approach for the Study of Corrosion and Ageing of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Looking Inside the box; From a Distance.

Barker, Erin
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Barker, Michelle
Evaluation and Application of Phytoremediation at FUSRAP Projects

Niagara Falls Storage Site - Interim Waste Containment Structure

Public Outreach in FUSRAP

Barnes, Martyn
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Barr, Logan
Development and Expansion of Research Facilities to Address the Challenges of the Nuclear Industry
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Barrett, Bill
200 West Pump and Treat: The First Three Years

Baynes, Patrick
Real-Time Three-Dimensional Electrical Geophysical Monitoring of Processes Associated with Subsurface Remediation

Beam, Tom
Direct Feed Low Activity Waste Integrated Permitting

Beamish, Kathryn
Friction Stir Cutting for Decommissioning

Beattie, Clive
Life Cycle Costing in Radioactive Waste Packaging – Reducing Costs whilst Accelerating Clean-Up
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Beaumier, Glenn
Integrated Readiness Activities for the Direct Feed LAW Program

Becker, Dave
Assessing the Performance of Pump-and-Treat Systems

Becker, Dirk-Alexander
Evaluation of Current Knowledge for Building the Dutch Salt Safety Case

Belcher, Wayne
Simulating Regional Groundwater Flow in the Vicinity of the Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada

Bender, Dirk
Decommissioning of the Reactor Pressure Vessels by Remote Controlled Thermal Cutting Segmentation Facilities

Benitez-Navarro, Juan Carlos
Management of Radioactive Wastes and Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources in Bangladesh: Recent Activities and Challenges Ahead

Bennett, David
Issues and Challenges for the Disposal of Solid Radioactive Wastes in the UK

Joint Regulatory Expectations for Land Quality Management at UK Nuclear Sites

Benny, Paul D.
Media Effects on the Recycling of Rhodium from Spent Nuclear Fuel

Benson, Craig H
Effect of Radiation from Low-Level Radioactive Waste Leachate on Antioxidant Depletion in HDPE Geomembrane

Benson, John
Lessons Learned in Implementation of Radiological Investigations of Small-Scale Sites in Port Hope, Ontario

Benson, Peter
Integrated Waste Feed Qualification Program for Direct LAW Feed to WTP

Bentley, Jeffrey
Filtration Improvements in Support of Increased Salt Waste Processing Throughput at the Savannah River Site

Bergh, Niklas
The Importance of Experience Based Decommissioning Planning

Bergmann, David
EnergySolutions Waste Management Disposal Projects in the Peoples Republic of China

Best, Ralph
Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown Sites – An Update

Bettermann, Linus
Inerting of Casks Cavity Atmospheres - The GNS Approach to Treat Hydrogen Generation in Sealed ILW Packages

Beuth, Thomas
Role of Human Intrusion in Decision-Making for Radioactive Waste Disposal - Results of the IAEA HIDRA Project

Bevard, Bruce
Spent Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity Study

Bickford, Erica
Development and Application of a Stakeholder Tool for Assessing Radioactive Transportation (START)

Planning for Future Implementation of Section 180(c) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act: DOE's Policy Implementation Exercise

Biggs, Simon
A Novel Technology for Complex Rheological Measurements

Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Gas Retention and Release from Nuclear Legacy Waste
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Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Bird, Benjamin
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Birgersson, Lars
Views on Long-Term Safety of Deep Borehole Disposal

Birks, David
Accelerating the Decommissioning of the Sellafield Pile Fuel Storage Pond Using Innovative Remote Tooling

Biurrun, Enrique
A National Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste for Iraq

Design and Construction of a Loess-Cement Cushion as an Integral Component of an SL-LILW Repository

Realization of the National Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste in Bulgaria

Update on Construction Planning for the Bulgarian Low and Short-Lived Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Repository
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Black, Doug
Maintenance of Maywood Laboratory Operations Support during Contractor Transition and Replacement of the Project Databases

Black, Kelly
A Paradigm Shift Continued: Structured Decision Making for Sustainable Waste Management: Part 1 – Decision Model Structuring

Black, Leon
Cementitious Grouts for ILW Encapsulation – Hydration & Continuity of Supply within the UK

Black, Paul
A Paradigm Shift Continued: Structured Decision Making for Sustainable Waste Management: Part 1 – Decision Model Structuring

Black, Rob
Benefits of a Full Waste Cost Recovery Program

Development and Maintenance of a Comprehensive Radioactive Waste Management Basis

Blackburn, Jon
Size Reduction of Contaminated Magnox Pond Skips Using Laser Cutting

Blunt, Brent
Regulatory Compliance Strategy for Recovery-Driven Underground Ventilation System Changes

Bobbitt, John
GrayQb Single-Faced Version 2 Open Environment Test

Boe, Timothy
Waste Estimation from a Wide-Area Radiological Incident: The Impact of Geography and Urban Footprint

Bogenberger, Vicki
Improving the Safety Culture by Strengthening Leadership Skills

Boggia, Bill
Dewatering Innovations
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Bogucarska, Tatjana
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Bollingerfehr, Wilhelm
Technical Approach for Retrieving Heat-Generating Waste from Repositories in Salt Formations

Bond, Alexander
Thermo-Hydraulic-Mechanical Modelling of the Full-Scale Emplacement (FE) Experiment at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory

Bondre, Jayant
NUHOMS® EOS: Robust, Advanced and Dual Purpose Dry Storage System

Bonham, Charles
Development of High Alumina Glass Property Data for Hanford High-Level Waste Glass Models

The Effect of Quartz Particle Size and Melt Viscosity on HLW Melter Feed Using Pellet Test response

Boomer, Kayle
Detection and Mitigation of Hanford Site Radioactive Waste Tank Surface Water Intrusion

Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Hanford Single-Shell Tank and Double-Shell Tank Integrity Program

Inspection Technology Advancements for Hanford Double Shell Tank Integrity Verification

Booth, Peter
Approaches for Communicating Technical Information

Improving Workplace Management and Performance – A Lost Art?

Booth, Scott
Integrated Readiness Activities for the Direct Feed LAW Program

Booth, Steven
Data Analysis for NEPA Supplement Analysis of Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building Replacement Project at LANL
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Borak, David
How The US DOE EM Office Engages the Public on Complex Issues

Borchardt, Ralf
Remote Dismantling and Packaging of the RPV and Thermal Shield at the Obrigheim NPP

Bosgiraud, Jean-Michel
Retrieval of HLW for the Cigéo Project - A Practical Retrieval Test Story

Bostick, William
Investigating the Depth of Penetration of Radionuclides in Concrete

Botha, Johannes Andries
A Novel Technology for Complex Rheological Measurements

Bottorff, Shalina
Media Effects on the Recycling of Rhodium from Spent Nuclear Fuel

Boucau, Joseph
Importance of Upfront Preparatory Works for Vessel Internals Segmentation Projects

Boucher, Laurel
Individuals Who Build Solutions Across Organizational Boundaries for Environmental Remediation & Nuclear Waste Disposal

Bourva, Ludovic
An Advanced ISOCS Uncertainty Estimator Tool to Reduce Uncertainties in Waste Characterization Projects

Bower, Jared
Distribution of Documents through the Robatel Technologies Client Portal

Shipping Grossly Dewatered Resins in the RT-100 Type B Transportation Cask

Bower, Will
Development and Expansion of Research Facilities to Address the Challenges of the Nuclear Industry
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Boxall, Colin
Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Real Time Nanogravimetric Monitoring of Corrosion for Nuclear Decommissioning in Simulated Radioactive Environments

Bradburne, Joel
Waste Disposition Methodology at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

Bradley, Eric
DOE Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning
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Brady, Patrick
Safety Case Considerations for Deep Borehole Disposal of Cs/Sr Capsules

Branch, John
High Angle Remediation of Legacy Mercury Contaminated Soil at LANL

Brand, Alexander
In-Situ Gamma-Ray Assay of the 235-F Plutonium Fuel Form Facility at the Savannah River Site

Brandjes, Christopher
Disposition of Chicago Pile 5 (CP-5) Converter Tubes in the 10-160B Cask

Obtaining a Special Administrative License Exemption to Ship the Waste Valley Melter Box

Brasch-Serres, Aurelie
Packaging for Transport of the ILW-LL of EDF First Generation Power Plant Dismantling

Brass, Earl
Facility Improvements and Modifications to Extend the Operational Life of the Modular Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Process

Brendebach, Boris
Expected Waste Streams Originating from the Decommissioning of NPPs: German Situation as Compared to International Standards

Brevot, Romain
Global Solutions through Simulation for Better Decommissioning

Broadbent, Craig
Treatment of LLW Components for Waste Minimization and Recycling

Broberg, Ken
Efforts to Improve Efficiency of Extraction Well Operation at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Lessons Learned Concerning the Onsite Disposal Facility at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Treatment of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Beneath an Occupied Building at The Young - Rainey STAR Center

Bronson, Frazier
An Advanced ISOCS Uncertainty Estimator Tool to Reduce Uncertainties in Waste Characterization Projects

Performance of Canberra TruckScan Waste Assay Measurement System

Broughton, Ronnie
Large Cask, Small Building, AREVA's Safe MLLW Disposal Solution Despite Facility Limitations

Brown, Alan
Humboldt Bay Power Plant Decommissioning Progress Update

Brown, Elvie
Low Activity Waste Glass Waste Form Performance Data Package for Hanford Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

Tin(II)apatite: Synthesis, Characterization, and Challenge with Pertechnetate

Brown, Liam
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Brown, Nigel
Arvia Organics Destruction: An Innovative Treatment Approach for Dioxins, Furans & Other Problematic (Orphan) Organic Wastes

Bruening, Ronald
Demonstration of SuperLig® 605 and SuperLig® 644 in a Regeneration Flow Sheet to Remove Radioactive Strontium and Cesium from Seawater

Bruffey, Stephanie
Analysis of Legacy 85Kr Waste Form Samples

Bruggeman, Jeffrey
WTP Modifications to Support DFLAW: LAW, BOF, Lab

Bruhn, Gerd
Expected Waste Streams Originating from the Decommissioning of NPPs: German Situation as Compared to International Standards

Brunsell, Dennis
AVANTech's Innovative LLW Concentrate Treatment System Reducing Environmental Releases

Bryan, Sam
Technetium Management for Hanford Tank Waste Processing and Disposition

Bryce, David
Crystallization Behavior of Nepheline (Na2O•Al2O3•2SiO2) Based Glasses Designed in Na2O – CaO – Al2O3 – SiO2 System
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Bryson, Christopher
Environmental Characterization Scans Using Sodium-Iodide Gamma Spectroscopy to Determine Ra-226 Concentration in Surface Soil

Buechi, Stephen
Public Outreach in FUSRAP

Buhmann, Dieter
Evaluation of Current Knowledge for Building the Dutch Salt Safety Case

Bunn, Amoret
Application of Field Evaluations of Ecological Resources at Hanford and Other DOE Sites for Consistency of Resource Protection
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Technical Evaluation of Iodine Remediation for 200-UP-1

Burandt, Mary
Direct Feed Low Activity Waste Integrated Permitting

Burger, Joanna
Application of Field Evaluations of Ecological Resources at Hanford and Other DOE Sites for Consistency of Resource Protection
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Burke, Ian T.
Synthesis and Characterisation of Calcium Uranate Particles via an Aqueous Route
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Burnett, Troy
Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Burns, Thomas
Sharing Lessons Learned "Across the Pond" on Two Major Construction Projects: Evaporator D and SWPF - 16050

Burt, David
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Busse, John
Evaluation and Application of Phytoremediation at FUSRAP Projects

Niagara Falls Storage Site - Interim Waste Containment Structure

Public Outreach in FUSRAP

Butler, J Lane
Innovative Approach for Technetium-99 Disposal Reduces Operational Impacts

Büttner, Christian
Optimization of Material Recycling during the Decommissioning Process of Nuclear Power Plants

Butzen, Margaret
Hydrogeologic Lessons Learned from Deep Drilling Projects Applied to Deep Borehole Disposal of Radioactive Wastes

The US Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Intern Program: Developing Next Generation Nuclear Waste Professionals
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Byrnes, Mark
200 West Pump and Treat: The First Three Years

Endpoint Evaluation for 200-PW-1 Operable Unit Soil Vapor Extraction, Hanford Site, Washington

Monitoring Hexavalent Chromium in the Columbia River Hyporheic Zone

Online Interactive Reporting of Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation Progress at the Hanford Site, Washington

Cabble, Kevin
Cost Savings Resulting from Classified Component Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)


Cairns, Martin
Working in Partnership with Industry to Package Waste

Callahan, Shannon
Accelerating the Decommissioning of the Sellafield Pile Fuel Storage Pond Using Innovative Remote Tooling

Callicoat, John
A Conceptual World Information Library (WIL) and Land Use Information System (LUIS)

There is Nothing Here for You: Passive Institutional Controls and Preemptive Resource Exploitation

Calvo, Wilson Aparecido Parejo
Strategic Planning as Competitive Differential Using BSC: a Case Study in CTR/IPEN - USP, Brazil
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Campbell, Brett
Status Update - Installation and Operation of GeoMelt® ICV™ Process in the NNL's Central Laboratory on the Sellafield Site

Campbell, Seth
Overcoming Waste Removal Challenges at Savannah River Site: A Case Study of Tank 15

Cann, Gavin
Cementitious Grouts for ILW Encapsulation – Hydration & Continuity of Supply within the UK

Optimizing Blends of Blast Furnace Slag for the Immobilization of Nuclear Waste

Cao, Charles
Apatite Based Ceramic Waste Forms for Immobilization of Radioactive Iodine, An Overview

Carignan, Joseph
Transitioning a Nuclear Plant from Operations to Decommissioning

Carlson, Clark
LAWPS Technology Maturation Program and Scaled Testing

Carlson, Mark
200 West Pump and Treat: The First Three Years

Carpenter, Cliff
Lessons Learned from FUSRAP

Transition and Transfer of Remediated FUSRAP Sites from USACE to US DOE for Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance

Carrasco, Joaquin
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Carter, Jane
Advancements in the H-Canyon Exhaust Ventilation System Inspections at the Savannah River Site

Carter, Janine
Correction for Turbidity and pH Interference for In Situ Hexavalent Chromium Monitoring
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Carvalho, Alexandre
Effects of Gamma Radiation on Cementitious Materials in Repository Environment

Carvin, Russ
Conservation and Recycling for Radiological-Contaminated Laundry Applications

Case, G. Glenn
Port Hope Area Initiative – Community-Based Concepts Become Reality

Castillo, Darina
Lessons Learned from FUSRAP

The Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project: Optimizing Use of this National Asset to Treat Waste from Other DOE Sites

Castleberry, Jim
Detection and Mitigation of Hanford Site Radioactive Waste Tank Surface Water Intrusion

Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Inspection Technology Advancements for Hanford Double Shell Tank Integrity Verification

Cato, Rebecca
Implementation of Enhanced Attenuation at the US DOE Mound Site OU-1 Landfill: Accelerating Progress and Reducing Costs

Cau dit Coumes, Céline
On the Robustness of a Cement-Based Matrix for the Conditioning of Evaporator Concentrates

Cavanah, Paul
Technology Maturation in Support of DOE 413.3B Project Execution

Centofanti, Lou
The Evolution of Chemical Waste Treatment in the Nuclear Industry

Cha, Jeonghun
A Study on the Temperature Correlation between a Surface of Dry Storage Canister and Spent Fuel Clad

Chadwick, Chris
Innovative Waste Packaging and Associated Venting/Hydrogen Management

Chambers, Nick
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Chang, Young-Soo
Citizen Science: Potential New Opportunity for Consent-Based Siting Processes

Charboneau, Briant
One System Overview

Chard, Patrick
An Advanced ISOCS Uncertainty Estimator Tool to Reduce Uncertainties in Waste Characterization Projects

Charlier, Frank
Decommissioning of NPP in Europe – Strategies, Risks and Opportunities

Optimization of Material Recycling during the Decommissioning Process of Nuclear Power Plants

Site Selection in Germany - Status of the Evaluation of the Site Selection Law

Chase, Scott
Liquid Waste Cell Decommissioning at the West Valley Demonstration Project

Chatterjee, Syandev
Technetium Management for Hanford Tank Waste Processing and Disposition

Chazot, Mathias
Packaging for Transport of the ILW-LL of EDF First Generation Power Plant Dismantling

Cheah, Wei
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Cheong, Jae hak
Introduction on Recently Revised Regulatory Framework Related to Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities in Korea

Chesnokov, Alexander
Removing of Core Constructions of the MR and RFT Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Chida, Taiji
Alteration Behavior of Granite Minerals Forming Calcium Silicate Hydrate under a Ca-Rich Highly Akaline Condition

Deposition Behavior of Supersaturated Silicic Acid on Ca-type Bentonite in Geological Disposal System

Interaction of Cesium and Barium Ions with Calcium Silicate Hydrate under a Geological Temperature Condition
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Migration Rates of Some Cations in Unsaturated Layer around the Near-Surface Disposal Facilities of Radioactive Wastes

Child, Betsy
Brownfields to Brightfields: A Sustainability Initiative at DOE's East Tennessee Technology Park Cleanup

Healthier Workers Improve Safety, Productivity, and Absenteeism Rates
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Chinnam, R.K
Degradation of Simulated HLW Glass and International Simple Glass Immersed Partially in Water

Low Melting Temperature Glass for Immobilisation of Contaminated Zeolitic Ion Exchangers from Fukushima

Cho, Chun-Hyung
Comparisons of Peak Cladding Temperature and Effective Thermal Conductivity: CFD Simulation on PWR Spent Fuel Assemblies
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Choi, Heui-Joo
Nuclide Release Pathways in and Around a Trench Repository for Radioactive Waste
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Choi, Wang-Kyu
Chemical and Foaming Stability of Foam Decontaminating Agents

Chong, Saehwa
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Analysis of Iodine-Containing Sodalite

Chou, Yeong-Shyung
Development of High Alumina Glass Property Data for Hanford High-Level Waste Glass Models

Christensen, Wynn
Status of Electronics Upgrades to the LANL Green is Clean Phoswich Detector Systems

Christodoulou, Apostolos
Evaluation of Computed Tomography Techniques for Material Identification in Low Level and Intermediate Level Waste

Churchil, Steven
Transitioning from Construction to Startup at WTP from a Plant Engineering Perspective

Clapham, Martin
Design of Removable Shield Modules for Nuclear Plant Applications Using Monte Carlo Modeling

Clark, Alex
Daher-TLI UCSC Wash Process – Lessons Learned from Handling a Legacy Cylinder
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Clark, Andrew
Deep Borehole Disposal Waste Emplacement Mode Cost-Risk Study

Clark, Aurora E.
Media Effects on the Recycling of Rhodium from Spent Nuclear Fuel

Clark, David
Scientific Investigations on the Chemical Reactivity of Los Alamos Remediated Nitrate Salt Wastes

Clark, Gary
Extended Storage of High Burn-up Fuel Cask R&D Project

Clement, Gilles
The New TN-MW® Cask System Focused on Facilities' End-of-Life Waste Management

Clemmens, Jack
Alternative Canister Processing Operations at an Interim Storage Facility

Cleveland, Mark
A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem: Hexavalent Chromium in Landfill Stormwater

Clifford, John
Preparation of Waste Fingerprints for the Miscellaneous Beta Gamma Waste Feeds to the Box Encapsulation Plant at Sellafield
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Clift, Roland
Choosing your Nuclear Fuel Cycle: A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective

Cluever, Joseph
Material Properties and Temperature Effects Quantified for Slurry Wear

Cochran, John
Deep Borehole Disposal Waste Emplacement Mode Cost-Risk Study

Revision of the Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation

Waste Handling and Emplacement Options for Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Deep Boreholes

Cochrane, Jim
Development and Delivery of National Strategic Approaches to Radioactive Waste Management in the UK

Final Surrender of Radioactive Substances (Environmental) Permits on UK Nuclear Licensed Sites
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Joint Regulatory Expectations for Land Quality Management at UK Nuclear Sites

Cole, Matt
Conceptual Study of Fuel Debris Retrieval System for Fukushima Daiichi Reactors

Collins, Anthony
Building Effective Collaborations to Bring Innovation into Waste Management and Decommissioning

Condon, William
One System Overview

Connolly, Kevin
A Parametric Analysis on Factors Affecting Calculations of Estimated Dose Rates from Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipments

Conti-Ramsden, Michael
Arvia Organics Destruction: An Innovative Treatment Approach for Dioxins, Furans & Other Problematic (Orphan) Organic Wastes

Cooke, Gary A.
Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Cooley, Scott
Development of High Alumina Glass Property Data for Hanford High-Level Waste Glass Models

Cooper, Lynn
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Coppens, Erik
On the Robustness of a Cement-Based Matrix for the Conditioning of Evaporator Concentrates

Corkhill, Claire
Behavior of Alpha Emitters in Cement

Costella, Mark
Operational Stewardship Program Development and Execution Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Costelle, Leila
A Novel Approach for the Study of Corrosion and Ageing of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Looking Inside the box; From a Distance.

Couture, Alexander
Design of Removable Shield Modules for Nuclear Plant Applications Using Monte Carlo Modeling

In-Situ Gamma-Ray Assay of the 235-F Plutonium Fuel Form Facility at the Savannah River Site

Covert, Bruce
Managing Low Level Waste at Dounreay

Covert, Ryan
Transitioning from Construction to Startup at WTP from a Plant Engineering Perspective

Cowell, David
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Cowley, Robin
A Novel Technology for Complex Rheological Measurements

Cozzi, Alex
Secondary Waste Form Development and Data Package for Hanford's Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

Crawford, Charles
Mercury Speciation in Savannah River Site High-Level Waste: Determination and Implications for Waste Handling and Disposal

Creed, Richard
Survey and Remediation Project at the DOE Bannister Site

Cruickshank, Herbert
Size Reduction of Contaminated Magnox Pond Skips Using Laser Cutting

Cruickshank, James
Accelerating the Decommissioning of the Sellafield Pile Fuel Storage Pond Using Innovative Remote Tooling

Crum, Jarrod
Technetium Management for Hanford Tank Waste Processing and Disposition

Cumberland, Riley
An Evaluation of Standardized Canisters in the Waste Management System

Curry, Gerald
Safeguarding Nuclear Waste - A Study in Risk Management and Overcoming Significant Challenges

Cusick, Lesley
Change vs. Transformation, Hard Edges to Soft: The Role of Land Use Planning in the Adaptive Reuse of Contaminated Sites

Waste Disposition Methodology at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

Cziep, Kristie
Healthier Workers Improve Safety, Productivity, and Absenteeism Rates
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Dabruck, Jan Philipp
Optimization of Material Recycling during the Decommissioning Process of Nuclear Power Plants


Dam, Scott
Development of a U.S. Rail Transport Capability for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Waste

Dander, David
Groundwater Remediation in a Floodplain Aquifer at Shiprock, New Mexico

Dangol, Sharad
Experimental Seismic Response of Scaled Dry Storage Containers under Identical Loading Conditions

Impact of Slenderness on Dry Storage Cask Seismic Response

Daniel, Joe
Treatment of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Beneath an Occupied Building at The Young - Rainey STAR Center

Darik, Tippetts
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Darnbrough, James
A Novel Approach for the Study of Corrosion and Ageing of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Looking Inside the box; From a Distance.

Davis, James
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Davis, Renee
Integrated Waste Feed Qualification Program for Direct LAW Feed to WTP

Day, Mark
Final Closure of the Maxey Flats Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site

Dayton, Cynthia
Liquid Waste Cell Decommissioning at the West Valley Demonstration Project

De Felice, Pierino
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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De Gregory, John
Robotics Technologies on Knowledge Management Information Tool (KM-IT) Platform

De Jonghe, Candice
A WM Facility for the Processing of Radioactive Materials Arising from the Decommissioning Activities of the Doel Belgian NPP

De La Codre, Pierre-Henri
Key Information File for Radioactive Waste Repositories – Preliminary Tests

Denham, Miles
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Migration and Distribution of Natural Organic Matter Injected into Subsurface Systems

Sustainable Remediation of Radionuclides By a Common Sense Approach to Enhanced Attenuation

Synergetic Interactions between Uranium, Humic Acid, Silica Colloids and SRS Sediments at Variable pH

The Challenge of Moving Science into Practice: Lessons Learned and New Approaches

Waste Disposition Methodology at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

Depauw, Denis
Immediate Dismantling of a Large Fleet of LWR NPPs: Consequences for Spent Fuel and Waste Management

Deschaine, Larry
Simulating and Optimizing Complex Groundwater Restoration Problems Using Parallel Numerical Methods: Theory and Application

Deshkar, Ambar
Crystallization Behavior of Nepheline (Na2O•Al2O3•2SiO2) Based Glasses Designed in Na2O – CaO – Al2O3 – SiO2 System
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DeVaughn, Jeff
High-Resolution Groundwater Investigation at a FUSRAP Site with an Aging Water-Supply Infrastructure

Deyglun, Clément
Characterization of Low Level and Intermediate Nuclear Waste : Improvements in Calorimetric Measurement Combined Radiological Modelling
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Diaz, Peter
Improving the Safety Culture by Strengthening Leadership Skills

Didierlaurent, Régis
UMo Solutions Processing in La Hague Cold Crucible Induction Melter: the Feedback from the First Years of Operation

Diediker, Janet
Technology Maturation in Support of DOE 413.3B Project Execution

Dietzel, Dale
Disposition of Chicago Pile 5 (CP-5) Converter Tubes in the 10-160B Cask

Dima , Alice Mariana
Developing a New National Programme for the Management and Disposal of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste in Romania

Ding, Wei
A Novel Technology for Complex Rheological Measurements

Synthesis and Characterisation of Calcium Uranate Particles via an Aqueous Route
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Dinneen, Doug
WIPP Certification of the Retrieval Box Assay System at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Plant, Idaho

DiPrete, David
In-Situ Gamma-Ray Assay of the 235-F Plutonium Fuel Form Facility at the Savannah River Site

Pursuing Cost Effective Tank Waste Characterization at the Savannah River Site

Dixon, David
The Enhanced Sealing Project, Monitoring a Full-Scale Shaft Seal at Canada's Underground Research Laboratory (2009-2015)

Dixon, Derek
Effect of Feed Composition on Cold-Cap Formation in Laboratory-Scale Melter
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The Effect of Quartz Particle Size and Melt Viscosity on HLW Melter Feed Using Pellet Test response

Dixon, Paul
Applications Using the Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management Toolset

Dogal, Thomas
Liquid Waste Cell Decommissioning at the West Valley Demonstration Project

Dolislager, Fred
Updates to the Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) Freeware Tool
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Donnelly, Jack
Direct Feed Low Activity Waste Integrated Permitting

Direct Feed Low Activity Waste Program Integration

Donnelly, Mark
Accelerating the Decommissioning of the Sellafield Pile Fuel Storage Pond Using Innovative Remote Tooling

Dooley, Kirk
Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Doolittle, William
Sampling Low Level Waste - Building a Program

Dörr, Sabine
Technical Approach for Retrieving Heat-Generating Waste from Repositories in Salt Formations

Downey, Heath
Challenges Conducting a Radiological Site Assessment at a Remote Uranium Mine

Comparison of Laboratory Analytical Methods for Uranium Analysis

Downs, Janelle
Application of Field Evaluations of Ecological Resources at Hanford and Other DOE Sites for Consistency of Resource Protection
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Drucker, Nick
Results of Modeling and Simulation Support to Special Nuclear Material Handling Facility Operations

Duke, Stefan
Cost Savings Resulting from Classified Component Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)

Dumitrescu, Dorin
Solidification Technology for Organic Liquid Waste Combined with Solid Materials from Cernavoda NPP, Romania

Dumont, Bruno
The New TN-MW® Cask System Focused on Facilities' End-of-Life Waste Management

Dumont, Jean-Noël
Key Information File for Radioactive Waste Repositories – Preliminary Tests

Retrieval of HLW for the Cigéo Project - A Practical Retrieval Test Story

Dunaway, Blake
Investigating the Depth of Penetration of Radionuclides in Concrete

Duncan, Garth
Integrated Waste Feed Qualification Program for Direct LAW Feed to WTP

Duncan, Jim
Tin(II)apatite: Synthesis, Characterization, and Challenge with Pertechnetate

Duncan, Randy
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Duque, Natalia
Development of an Integrated Hydrological Model for Simulation of Surface Runoff and Stream Flow in Tims Branch Watershed

Using GIS for Processing, Analysis and Visualization of Hydrological Model Data
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Duran, Leroy
Downgrading Nuclear Facilities to Radiological Facilities

Dymacková, Jana
Molten Salt Oxidation of Ion Exchange and Oils in Carbonate Salts and Evaporator Residue

Eaker, Shannon
Conservation and Recycling for Radiological-Contaminated Laundry Applications


Eccleston, Bradley
Progress Update on the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Pulse-Jet Mixed Vessel Testing Program

Eckerman, Mike
Conservation and Recycling for Radiological-Contaminated Laundry Applications

Economy, Kathleen
Building a Credible and Updated WIPP Performance Assessment - New Knowledge Versus Conservative Assumptions, A Balancing Act

Eddy-Dilek, Carol
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Sustainable Remediation of Radionuclides By a Common Sense Approach to Enhanced Attenuation

The Challenge of Moving Science into Practice: Lessons Learned and New Approaches

Edrei, Maximiliano
Improving the Accuracy of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Nuclear Waste Mixing using Direct Numerical Simulations

Edwards, Lisa
EPRI Project Update on International Nuclear Power Plant Waste Classification

Edwards, Lyndon
Synroc Wasteforms for Immobilization of Advanced Reprocessing Wastes

Edwards, Richard
Evaluation and Impacts of Mercury in the SRS Liquid Waste System

Egarr, Darrell
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Eklund, Anders
Hot Isostatic Pressing of Radioactive Nuclear Waste: The Calcine at INL

Ellis, Nick
Advances in Decommissioning Using Laser Cutting

Enderlin, Carl
Leak Testing with Simulated Waste of Hanford Tank Farm Valves Utilized for Double Valve Isolation

Endo, Yoshihiro
A Study on Vitrification for LLW Radioactive Wastes

Engeman, Jason
Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Leak Testing with Simulated Waste of Hanford Tank Farm Valves Utilized for Double Valve Isolation

England, Jeff
Disposition of Chicago Pile 5 (CP-5) Converter Tubes in the 10-160B Cask

Obtaining a Special Administrative License Exemption to Ship the Waste Valley Melter Box

Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown Sites – An Update

Eriksson, Jens
Applying Freeze Technology for Characterization of Liquids, Sludge and Sediment

Eriksson, Leif G
Rock Salt – A 60-Year-Old U.S. Prodigy for Safe Disposal of HLW

Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Disposal in Finland - Status and Lessons Learned at the End of 2015

U.S. Senate Bill S.854-IS – A Maladjusted Politicized Maze for Consent-Based Siting of New HLW-Repositories

Espinosa, Jose
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Eto, Jiro
Applicability of Wireless Power Transfer for Monitoring Technology of Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal

Evans, N.D.M
Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Fadin, Sergey
Removing of Core Constructions of the MR and RFT Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"


Fairweather, Michael
Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Gas Retention and Release from Nuclear Legacy Waste
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Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Fardoulis, John
Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as a Tool for the Remediation of Radiologically Contaminated Environments

Farhoud, Radwan
The Enhanced Sealing Project, Monitoring a Full-Scale Shaft Seal at Canada's Underground Research Laboratory (2009-2015)

Farr, Jay
Downgrading Nuclear Facilities to Radiological Facilities

Farsani, Ali Maleki
Management of Radioactive Wastes and Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources in Bangladesh: Recent Activities and Challenges Ahead

Fath, Oliver
Remote-Controlled Removal of Bricks from a Reactor Shaft: An Unconventional Approach
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Fatherly, Nicki
Transition and Transfer of Remediated FUSRAP Sites from USACE to US DOE for Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance

Faught, Bill
Online Interactive Reporting of Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation Progress at the Hanford Site, Washington

Faunt, Claudia
Simulating Regional Groundwater Flow in the Vicinity of the Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada

Favara, Paul
SURF: Advances in the Incorporation of Sustainability into Remedial Approaches

Faybishenko, Boris
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Feero, Amie
Detection and Mitigation of Hanford Site Radioactive Waste Tank Surface Water Intrusion

Fekrmandi, Hadi
Development of Inspection Tools for the AY-102 Double-shell Tank at the Hanford DOE Site

Sonar Testing, Imaging and Visualization for Rapid Scan Applications in High-Level Waste Tanks

Feldman, Alex
Recovering New Type of Sources by Off-Site Source Recovery Project for WIPP Disposal

Feldman, Matt
Development of a U.S. Rail Transport Capability for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Waste

Felt, Kristopher
Downhole MCA for High-Resolution Spectral Gamma Logging for Characterization of Radiological Contaminants
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Remote Geophysical Logging at the Hanford Single Shell Tank Farms: Maintaining Efficiency and Reducing Personnel Hazards

Ferreira, Eduardo
Effects of Gamma Radiation on Cementitious Materials in Repository Environment

Ferreira, Robson de Jesus
Radiochemical Method for Characterization of the Filter Cartridges from the IEA-R1 Reactor
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Fialkoff, Marc
Examining Supply Chain Resilience for the Intermodal Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Materials

Field, Richard
Life Extension of Nuclear Plant Facilities through Monitoring and Detailed Analysis

Filbert, Wolfgang
Technical Approach for Retrieving Heat-Generating Waste from Repositories in Salt Formations

Finger, John
Deep Borehole Disposal Waste Emplacement Mode Cost-Risk Study

Finucane, Kevin
Status Update - Installation and Operation of GeoMelt® ICV™ Process in the NNL's Central Laboratory on the Sellafield Site

Fisher, Daniel
Innovative Waste Packaging and Associated Venting/Hydrogen Management

Flach, Greg
Applications Using the Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management Toolset

Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Flanagan, Bryan
300-296 Soil Remediation Project - Innovative Solutions to Overcome Design Challenges

Fletcher, Thomas
PHOENIX – Web-Based Application for Accessing Hanford Tank Monitoring

Ford, Laurie
Upgrade Your Work Plans for Better Performance

Fortner, Jeffrey
An Evaluation of Standardized Canisters in the Waste Management System

Foster, Adam
Applying Freeze Technology for Characterization of Liquids, Sludge and Sediment

Fox, Tad
Simulating and Optimizing Complex Groundwater Restoration Problems Using Parallel Numerical Methods: Theory and Application

Foye, Kevin
Mechanical Failure Modes and Longevity of Geomembranes

Franco, Margareth
Effects of Gamma Radiation on Cementitious Materials in Repository Environment

Francois, Patrice
Immediate Dismantling of a Large Fleet of LWR NPPs: Consequences for Spent Fuel and Waste Management

Frederick, William
Evaluation and Application of Phytoremediation at FUSRAP Projects

High-Resolution Groundwater Investigation at a FUSRAP Site with an Aging Water-Supply Infrastructure

Niagara Falls Storage Site - Interim Waste Containment Structure

Public Outreach in FUSRAP

Freear, Steven
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Freedman, Vicky
Applications Using the Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management Toolset

Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Impact of High Performance Computing on the Detailed Simulation of Subsurface Flow and Contaminant Transport Using eSTOMP

Low Activity Waste Glass Waste Form Performance Data Package for Hanford Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

Freeze, Geoff
Advances in Thermal-Hydrologic Modeling of Nuclear Waste Disposal in Deep Boreholes

Safety Case Considerations for Deep Borehole Disposal of Cs/Sr Capsules

Freshley, Mark
Applications Using the Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management Toolset

Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Performance of a Surface Barrier for Waste Isolation and Flux Reduction at the Hanford Site
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Technical Evaluation of Iodine Remediation for 200-UP-1

Freund, Barbara
Low and Intermediate Active Waste Management in the Federal Republic of Germany

Fujita, Hiten
Alteration Behavior of Granite Minerals Forming Calcium Silicate Hydrate under a Ca-Rich Highly Akaline Condition

Fujiwara, Hiroshi
Behavior of Radioactive Cesium in MSW Thermal Treatment Plant after Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Funk, David
Assessment of Options for the Treatment of Nitrate Salt Wastes at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Scientific Investigations on the Chemical Reactivity of Los Alamos Remediated Nitrate Salt Wastes

Gable, Carl
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements


Gadbury, Casey
Reconsolidated Salt as a Geotechnical Barrier

Gainer, Keith
WIPP Certification of the Retrieval Box Assay System at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Plant, Idaho

Gallagher, Brandon
Magnox Reprocessing TDN Reactors: Utilising 3D Printing and X-Ray Imaging to Re-Design and Test Fluidising Air Nozzles

Gallagher, Martin
The Characterisation and Removal of Water Droplets in High Pressure Water Jetting Nuclear Decontamination

Gallegos, Adam
Calibration of a Passive Neutron Counter with Pu242 Standards

Gallegos, Lucas
Status of Electronics Upgrades to the LANL Green is Clean Phoswich Detector Systems

Galson, Daniel
Preferred Concepts for Disposal of the UK Inventory of Depleted, Natural and Low Enriched Uranium

Garcia, Sammy
Survey and Remediation Project at the DOE Bannister Site

Garcia-Strickland, Patrick
Mercury Speciation in Savannah River Site High-Level Waste: Determination and Implications for Waste Handling and Disposal

Gardner, W. Payton
Enhanced Performance Assessment Models for Generic Deep Geologic Repositories for High-Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel

Garitte, Benoit
Thermo-Hydraulic-Mechanical Modelling of the Full-Scale Emplacement (FE) Experiment at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory

Garnier, Cedric
The « INFODEM » Information Centre at CEA Marcoule : A Unique Information Tool in Europe about Nuclear Decommissioning

Garrett, Richard
Direct Feed Low Activity Waste Program Integration

Integrated Readiness Activities for the Direct Feed LAW Program

Garrison, Annah
Facility Improvements and Modifications to Extend the Operational Life of the Modular Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Process

Gastl, Christoph
Perspective of Dry Interim Storage of SNF in Germany

Geimer, Raymond
Development and Testing of a First-of-a-Kind Process to Support Commissioning a New Hazard Category 2 Nuclear Facility

Protecting the Columbia River through Removal and Packaging of Radioactive Sludge in Hanford's K Area

Gelfond, Aleksandr
Developments in Type B Casks Activities within EnergySolutions Cask Division

George, James
Alternative Canister Processing Operations at an Interim Storage Facility

George, Mathews
The Joint Convention, Its Global Impact and US Continuing Involvement

Geraldo, Bianca
Radiochemical Method for Characterization of the Filter Cartridges from the IEA-R1 Reactor
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Geringer, Robert Jeffrey
Integrated Systems Analysis for a Regional Deep Borehole Repository for Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel

Gervasio, Vivianaluxa
Development of High Alumina Glass Property Data for Hanford High-Level Waste Glass Models

Gibb, Fergus
Cleaning-Up Hanford: A Deep Borehole Disposal Concept for the Cs/Sr Capsules

Deep Borehole Disposal: Options, Issues and Challenges

Giddings, Bill
Advancements in the H-Canyon Exhaust Ventilation System Inspections at the Savannah River Site

Gil, April
Transfer and Transition: Interagency Coordination for Managing Public Lands at UMTRCA Title II Sites in Wyoming

Gilbert, John
Humboldt Bay Power Plant Decommissioning Progress Update

Gilles, Michael
In-Situ Gamma-Ray Assay of the 235-F Plutonium Fuel Form Facility at the Savannah River Site

Gillespie, Bruce
Calibration of a Passive Neutron Counter with Pu242 Standards

Characterization of Sr-90 Drums at the Hanford 618-10 Burial Ground

Gillis, Jessica
Application of MARSSIM and MARSAME Guidance to Footprint Reduction Projects at a DOE Site
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Girardot, Crystal
Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Hanford Single-Shell Tank and Double-Shell Tank Integrity Program

Glass, Samuel
Inspection Technology Advancements for Hanford Double Shell Tank Integrity Verification

Glassmeyer, Cathy
Efforts to Improve Efficiency of Extraction Well Operation at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Lessons Learned Concerning the Onsite Disposal Facility at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Gletsos, Evangelos
High Angle Remediation of Legacy Mercury Contaminated Soil at LANL

Glibert, Rob
Integrated Readiness Activities for the Direct Feed LAW Program

Glindkamp, Anne
Experience with the Quality Control of Radioactive Waste Packages for the German Repository Konrad

Glodeanu, Florian
Developing a New National Programme for the Management and Disposal of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste in Romania

Gochfeld, Michael
Application of Field Evaluations of Ecological Resources at Hanford and Other DOE Sites for Consistency of Resource Protection
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Godot, Alain
Characterization of Low Level and Intermediate Nuclear Waste : Improvements in Calorimetric Measurement Combined Radiological Modelling
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Goel, Ashutosh
Apatite Based Ceramic Waste Forms for Immobilization of Radioactive Iodine, An Overview

Crystallization Behavior of Nepheline (Na2O•Al2O3•2SiO2) Based Glasses Designed in Na2O – CaO – Al2O3 – SiO2 System
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Effect of B on Crystallization of Li and Na Aluminosilicates

Goessens, Caroline
A WM Facility for the Processing of Radioactive Materials Arising from the Decommissioning Activities of the Doel Belgian NPP

Goetz, Stacy
Developing a New Model to Estimate the Costs to Decommission DOE's Active Facilities

Goetzman, Rudy
High Performance Teams Enable Mission Success for SRNL

Strategic Planning and Decisions Tools to Enhance EM Mission Execution

Gokaltun, Seckin
Improving the Accuracy of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Nuclear Waste Mixing using Direct Numerical Simulations

Golian, Steven
Developing a Remediation Strategy for Hanford's Central Plateau Long-Term Waste Management Area

Golshan, Mina
Regulation of the Shutdown Defueling and Decommissioning Reactors in the United Kingdom

Gomberg, Steven
Development of a Universal Canister for Disposal of High-Level Waste in Deep Boreholes

Gonzalez Herranz, Emiliano
Design and Construction of a Loess-Cement Cushion as an Integral Component of an SL-LILW Repository

Realization of the National Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste in Bulgaria

Update on Construction Planning for the Bulgarian Low and Short-Lived Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Repository
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Good, Morris
Inspection Technology Advancements for Hanford Double Shell Tank Integrity Verification

Gorn, Janet
The Joint Convention, Its Global Impact and US Continuing Involvement

Gorton, Alicia
PHOENIX – Web-Based Application for Accessing Hanford Tank Monitoring

Gosselin, Steve
Material Properties and Temperature Effects Quantified for Slurry Wear

Graf, Anja
Remote-Controlled Removal of Bricks from a Reactor Shaft: An Unconventional Approach
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Graham, Andrew
LaserSnake2 – Remote High Powered Laser Cutting in Confined Hazardous Spaces

Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Graham, Marc
High-Resolution Groundwater Investigation at a FUSRAP Site with an Aging Water-Supply Infrastructure

Gram, Peter
High Angle Remediation of Legacy Mercury Contaminated Soil at LANL

Grant , Ian
Sellafield FGMSP (First Generation Magnox Storage Pond) Additional Sludge Retrieval Project

Gray, Kimberly
Waste Management Approach for a Potential Future U.S. Closed Fuel Cycle

Green, Bryan
Remote-Handled TRU Storage Challenges at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico

Green, David
Transitioning from Construction to Startup at WTP from a Plant Engineering Perspective

Green, Peter
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Greeves, John
Development of an Execution Strategy Analysis (ESA) Capability and Tool for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF)

Siting Radioactive Waste Management Facilities: Successes and Failures

Gregg, Daniel
Synroc Wasteforms for Immobilization of Advanced Reprocessing Wastes

Griffiths, Arron
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Griffiths, Peter
Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Grindstaff, Jeffrey
A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem: Hexavalent Chromium in Landfill Stormwater

Innovative Approach for Technetium-99 Disposal Reduces Operational Impacts

Grindstaff, Joanne
Progress Update for the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Project

Gruetzmacher, Kathleen
Status of Electronics Upgrades to the LANL Green is Clean Phoswich Detector Systems

Grundfelt, Bertil
Views on Long-Term Safety of Deep Borehole Disposal

Gudavalli, Ravi Krishna Prasanth
Development of a Workforce for the Nuclear Industry

Migration and Distribution of Natural Organic Matter Injected into Subsurface Systems

Synergetic Interactions between Uranium, Humic Acid, Silica Colloids and SRS Sediments at Variable pH

Gull, Mike
Sellafield FGMSP (First Generation Magnox Storage Pond) Additional Sludge Retrieval Project

Gunter, Jason
Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Guzman-Leong, Consuelo
Material Properties and Temperature Effects Quantified for Slurry Wear

Haagenstad, Todd
High Angle Remediation of Legacy Mercury Contaminated Soil at LANL


Hadgu, Teklu
Advances in Thermal-Hydrologic Modeling of Nuclear Waste Disposal in Deep Boreholes

Safety Case Considerations for Deep Borehole Disposal of Cs/Sr Capsules

Hafen, Hubert
Decommissioning Experience at Rokkasho; Standing Type Manipulator: A1000S for Dismantling Tasks

Hagenow, Matt
A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem: Hexavalent Chromium in Landfill Stormwater

Hall, Stephen
Correction for Turbidity and pH Interference for In Situ Hexavalent Chromium Monitoring
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Hallam, Keith
A Novel Approach for the Study of Corrosion and Ageing of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Looking Inside the box; From a Distance.

Hallington, Phil

Halliwell, Steve
Evaluation of Computed Tomography Techniques for Material Identification in Low Level and Intermediate Level Waste

Hamel, William
Progress on Resuming Full Construction on the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant's High-Level Waste Facility

Progress Update for the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Project

Waste Treatment & Immobilization Plant, a Leader in the International Glass Community

Hammond, Glenn
Advances in Thermal-Hydrologic Modeling of Nuclear Waste Disposal in Deep Boreholes

Enhanced Performance Assessment Models for Generic Deep Geologic Repositories for High-Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel

Han, Sangsoo
Synthesis of Bismuth Functionalized Grapheme Oxide for Radioactive Iodine Gas Removal
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Han, Soonkyoo
A Study on the Temperature Correlation between a Surface of Dry Storage Canister and Spent Fuel Clad

Hannon, Chris
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Hansen, Frank
Reconsolidated Salt as a Geotechnical Barrier

Hansen, James
Assessing Cumulative Impacts from Source Units within Hanford's Inner Area

Developing a Remediation Strategy for Hanford's Central Plateau Long-Term Waste Management Area

Hanson, Bruce
Synthesis and Characterisation of Calcium Uranate Particles via an Aqueous Route
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Hanus, Gary
Computational and Experimental Examination of Simulated Core Damage and Relocation Dynamics of a BWR Fuel Assembly
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Harbottle, David
A Novel Technology for Complex Rheological Measurements

Gas Retention and Release from Nuclear Legacy Waste
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Harclerode, Melissa
SURF: Advances in the Incorporation of Sustainability into Remedial Approaches

Hardin, Ernest
Advances in Thermal-Hydrologic Modeling of Nuclear Waste Disposal in Deep Boreholes

Deep Borehole Disposal Waste Emplacement Mode Cost-Risk Study

Logistics Modeling of Emplacement Rate and Duration of Operations for Generic Geologic Repository Concepts

Safety Case Considerations for Deep Borehole Disposal of Cs/Sr Capsules

Waste Handling and Emplacement Options for Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Deep Boreholes

Hardy, Stephen
Issues and Challenges for the Disposal of Solid Radioactive Wastes in the UK

Joint Regulatory Expectations for Land Quality Management at UK Nuclear Sites

Harjula, Risto
Testing of New Technetium Selective Media TcTreat
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Harken, Jim
Remote Retrieval, Disruption and Processing of Legacy Nuclear Waste

Harmon, Janice
Direct Feed Low Activity Waste Program Integration

Harris, Alton
The Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project: Optimizing Use of this National Asset to Treat Waste from Other DOE Sites

Hart, Jaap
Evaluation of Current Knowledge for Building the Dutch Salt Safety Case

Hartman, Mary
Monitoring Hexavalent Chromium in the Columbia River Hyporheic Zone

Harvey, Liz
Preferred Concepts for Disposal of the UK Inventory of Depleted, Natural and Low Enriched Uranium

Harvill, Joe
Calibration of a Passive Neutron Counter with Pu242 Standards

Hase, Kazunori
Directional Drilling Technology for HLW Disposal - Outline of the System and its Application
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Hastings, Jeremy
Preparation of Waste Fingerprints for the Miscellaneous Beta Gamma Waste Feeds to the Box Encapsulation Plant at Sellafield
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Haverkamp, Bernt
A National Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste for Iraq

Design and Construction of a Loess-Cement Cushion as an Integral Component of an SL-LILW Repository

Hawthorne, Josh
Cementitious Grouts for ILW Encapsulation – Hydration & Continuity of Supply within the UK

Hay, Scott
Instrument Efficiencies and ISO-7503

Measurement Quality Objective Considerations for Residual Alpha Surface Radioactivity Measurements at Remediation Sites

Haydar, MD. Abu
Management of Radioactive Wastes and Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources in Bangladesh: Recent Activities and Challenges Ahead

Hayes, Colin
Waste Estimation from a Wide-Area Radiological Incident: The Impact of Geography and Urban Footprint

Hayes, Martin
Behavior of Alpha Emitters in Cement

Hayes, Peter
Regulation of the Shutdown Defueling and Decommissioning Reactors in the United Kingdom

Hayes, Thomas R.
Media Effects on the Recycling of Rhodium from Spent Nuclear Fuel

Heath, Maurice
Revision of the Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation

Hebert, Craig
Port Hope Area Initiative – Community-Based Concepts Become Reality

Heckman, Joe
Decommissioning Demonstration – San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station South Yard Facility

Hedin, Gunnar
The Importance of Experience Based Decommissioning Planning

Heilman-Moore, Jayven
Effect of Feed Composition on Cold-Cap Formation in Laboratory-Scale Melter
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The Effect of Quartz Particle Size and Melt Viscosity on HLW Melter Feed Using Pellet Test response

Heller, Richard
Developing a New Model to Estimate the Costs to Decommission DOE's Active Facilities

Helvey, Elizabeth
Citizen Science: Potential New Opportunity for Consent-Based Siting Processes

Planning for Future Implementation of Section 180(c) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act: DOE's Policy Implementation Exercise

Hemelright, David
Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board Adapts to Engage

Henckel, Robert
WTP Modifications to Support DFLAW: LAW, BOF, Lab

Hennig, Wofgang
Status of Electronics Upgrades to the LANL Green is Clean Phoswich Detector Systems

Henry, Brian
A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem: Hexavalent Chromium in Landfill Stormwater

Innovative Approach for Technetium-99 Disposal Reduces Operational Impacts

Henwood, Paul
Standardization of Geophysical Logging Data at the Hanford Site

Herman, Connie
High Performance Teams Enable Mission Success for SRNL

Integration of National Laboratory and Low-Activity Waste Pre-Treatment System Technology Service Providers

Hermann, Laura
The Ambivalent Role of Participants in Nuclear Waste Decisions
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Hermann, Randy
Real-Time Three-Dimensional Electrical Geophysical Monitoring of Processes Associated with Subsurface Remediation

Herold, Philipp
Technical Approach for Retrieving Heat-Generating Waste from Repositories in Salt Formations

Herrera, Sandra
The Effect of Bicarbonate on Autunite Dissolution in the Presence of Shewanella Oneidensis under Oxygen Restricted Conditions

Herrick, Courtney
Impact of Corrections to the Spallings Volume Calculation on Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Performance Assessment
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Hertel, William
Design and Construction of the Paddys Run Streambank Stabilization Project at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Efforts to Improve Efficiency of Extraction Well Operation at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Lessons Learned Concerning the Onsite Disposal Facility at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Herting, Daniel
Crystallization of Sodium Phosphate Dodecahydrate and Re-crystallization to Natrophosphate in Simulated Hanford Nuclear Waste

Hess, Toby
Overcoming Waste Removal Challenges at Savannah River Site: A Case Study of Tank 15

Hill, Katie
Update on SRNL Support of Saltstone Sampling and Analysis

Hilliard, Zachary
Comparison of High Level Waste Glass Feeds Containing Frit and Glass Forming Chemicals

The Effect of Quartz Particle Size and Melt Viscosity on HLW Melter Feed Using Pellet Test response

Hillier, Rebecca
SeeSnake – Radiological Characterisation of Complex Nuclear Spaces

Hilton, Paul
Advances in Decommissioning Using Laser Cutting

LaserSnake2 – Remote High Powered Laser Cutting in Confined Hazardous Spaces

Himmerkus, Felix
Optimized Qualification of Legacy Waste for the Repository Konrad

Hirata, Kensuke
NitroJet®'s Verification Test of Contaminated Water Storage Tank Decontamination in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Hollebecque, Jean Francois
UMo Solutions Processing in La Hague Cold Crucible Induction Melter: the Feedback from the First Years of Operation

Holmes, Reuben
Magnox Reprocessing TDN Reactors: Utilising 3D Printing and X-Ray Imaging to Re-Design and Test Fluidising Air Nozzles

Holmes, Robert
Demonstration of SuperLig® 605 and SuperLig® 644 in a Regeneration Flow Sheet to Remove Radioactive Strontium and Cesium from Seawater

Waste Disposition Methodology at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

Holton, Langdon
Progress on Resolution of Technical Issues at the Hanford Waste Treatment And Immobilization Plant Project

Progress on Resuming Full Construction on the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant's High-Level Waste Facility

Progress Update on the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Pulse-Jet Mixed Vessel Testing Program

Hombach, William
Developing a New Model to Estimate the Costs to Decommission DOE's Active Facilities

Homer, John
Design and Construction of the Paddys Run Streambank Stabilization Project at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Hommel, Steven
Simplifying the Tracking of Waste Disposal Inventories: Process Improvement for Rapid Data Interpretation and Reduced Errors

Hooten, Gwen
Design and Construction of the Paddys Run Streambank Stabilization Project at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Efforts to Improve Efficiency of Extraction Well Operation at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Implementation of Enhanced Attenuation at the US DOE Mound Site OU-1 Landfill: Accelerating Progress and Reducing Costs

Lessons Learned Concerning the Onsite Disposal Facility at the Fernald Preserve, Harrison, Ohio

Hori, Yoichi
Applicability of Wireless Power Transfer for Monitoring Technology of Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal

Horlait, Denis
Synroc Wasteforms for Immobilization of Advanced Reprocessing Wastes

Horton, Lucy
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Hotzel, Stephan
Markers and Beyond: Categorizing Human Intrusion Situations to be Addressed in Sub-surface Marking Concepts

Hough, Gil
Brownfields to Brightfields: A Sustainability Initiative at DOE's East Tennessee Technology Park Cleanup

Waste Disposition Methodology at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

Houghton, David
Low Activity Waste Pretreatment System Conceptual Design Approach

Howell, Theresa
The Success of the River Corridor Closure Project - A Look at the Last 10 Years of Success

Hriljac, J.A
Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Hrma, Pavel
Comparison of High Level Waste Glass Feeds Containing Frit and Glass Forming Chemicals

Effect of Feed Composition on Cold-Cap Formation in Laboratory-Scale Melter
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The Effect of Quartz Particle Size and Melt Viscosity on HLW Melter Feed Using Pellet Test response

Hruska, Donna
How The US DOE EM Office Engages the Public on Complex Issues

Hsieh, Yun-Hao
Synroc Wasteforms for Immobilization of Advanced Reprocessing Wastes

Hsien-Ming, Hsiao
Development of Treatment Process for Radioactive Wastewater Generated from Molybdenum-99 Study

Hu, Chang-Liang
Development of Treatment Process for Radioactive Wastewater Generated from Molybdenum-99 Study

Huang, Eric
The Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project: Optimizing Use of this National Asset to Treat Waste from Other DOE Sites

Hubbard, Tim
Final Closure of the Maxey Flats Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site

Huber, Heinz
Tin(II)apatite: Synthesis, Characterization, and Challenge with Pertechnetate

Huffman, Lori
Direct Feed Low Activity Waste Integrated Permitting

Hughes, Katie
Healthier Workers Improve Safety, Productivity, and Absenteeism Rates
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Hughes, Michael
One System Overview

Humphrey, Betty
Remote-Handled TRU Storage Challenges at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico

Humphry-Baker, Samuel
Synroc Wasteforms for Immobilization of Advanced Reprocessing Wastes

Hunter, Timothy
A Novel Technology for Complex Rheological Measurements

Gas Retention and Release from Nuclear Legacy Waste
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Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Hutchison, Charlie
Degradation of Simulated HLW Glass and International Simple Glass Immersed Partially in Water

Hutton, Chris
Diamond-Based Radiation Detectors for Very High Dose Rate Environments

Hutton, Rick
Environmental Restoration of Diesel-Range Organics from Project Chariot, Cape Thompson, Alaska

Hwang, Il-Soon
Electrorefining of Zircaloy-4 in LiCl-KCl to Decontaminate Irradiated Cladding

Hwang, Young Hwan
A Study on Vitrification for LLW Radioactive Wastes

Hyatt, Jeannette
High Performance Teams Enable Mission Success for SRNL

Strategic Planning and Decisions Tools to Enhance EM Mission Execution

Hyatt, Neil
Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

The Consolidation of Glass-Ceramic Wasteforms by Hot Isostatic Pressing: Sample Optimisation

Ibarra, Luis
Experimental Seismic Response of Scaled Dry Storage Containers under Identical Loading Conditions


Impact of Slenderness on Dry Storage Cask Seismic Response

Idihia, Sabrine
Global Solutions through Simulation for Better Decommissioning

Ikeda, Akira
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Radioactive Waste Water Treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Ilett, Doug
Issues and Challenges for the Disposal of Solid Radioactive Wastes in the UK

Ilie, Gabriela
An Advanced ISOCS Uncertainty Estimator Tool to Reduce Uncertainties in Waste Characterization Projects

Immel, David
GrayQb Single-Faced Version 2 Open Environment Test

Imura, Takehiro
Applicability of Wireless Power Transfer for Monitoring Technology of Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal

Inaba, Takanori
Underwater Laser Cutting Technology

Inose, Koutarou
Underwater Laser Cutting Technology

Irwin, Kim
WTP Modifications to Support DFLAW: LAW, BOF, Lab

Ishikawa, Keiji
Radioactive Waste Water Treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Ivanov, Oleg
Removing of Core Constructions of the MR and RFT Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Iwama, Tatsuya
Computational and Experimental Examination of Simulated Core Damage and Relocation Dynamics of a BWR Fuel Assembly
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Izatt, Conrad
Innovative Waste Packaging and Associated Venting/Hydrogen Management

Izatt, Neil
Demonstration of SuperLig® 605 and SuperLig® 644 in a Regeneration Flow Sheet to Remove Radioactive Strontium and Cesium from Seawater

Izatt, Reed
Demonstration of SuperLig® 605 and SuperLig® 644 in a Regeneration Flow Sheet to Remove Radioactive Strontium and Cesium from Seawater

Izatt, Steven
Demonstration of SuperLig® 605 and SuperLig® 644 in a Regeneration Flow Sheet to Remove Radioactive Strontium and Cesium from Seawater

Jackson, Dennis
A Frozen Soil Barrier to Control Groundwater Inflow into Damaged Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station


Jackson, Mildred
Regulatory Compliance of H Retention Basin Using Rhombo Balls

Waste Disposition Methodology at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

Jackson, Ronald
DNAPL Source Area Delineation Using MIP and HPT Technology at Space Launch Complex 16, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL

Jacobs, Andrew
A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem: Hexavalent Chromium in Landfill Stormwater

Innovative Approach for Technetium-99 Disposal Reduces Operational Impacts

Jacobs, John
Regulation of the Shutdown Defueling and Decommissioning Reactors in the United Kingdom

Jäderström, Henrik
An Advanced ISOCS Uncertainty Estimator Tool to Reduce Uncertainties in Waste Characterization Projects

Jain, Vijay
Evaluation and Impacts of Mercury in the SRS Liquid Waste System

James, David
Sampling Low Level Waste - Building a Program

James, Ryan
Demonstration of Wide Area Radiological Decontamination and Mitigation Technologies for Building Structures and Vehicles

Janicki, Mark
Life Cycle Costing in Radioactive Waste Packaging – Reducing Costs whilst Accelerating Clean-Up
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Janski, Sylvain
Using Green's Functions to Compute 3 Dimensional Neutron Flux Maps

Jarrell, Josh
An Evaluation of Standardized Canisters in the Waste Management System

Jarry, Jeff
Downgrading Nuclear Facilities to Radiological Facilities

Jeitner, Christian
Application of Field Evaluations of Ecological Resources at Hanford and Other DOE Sites for Consistency of Resource Protection
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Jellett, Timothy
DNAPL Source Area Delineation Using MIP and HPT Technology at Space Launch Complex 16, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL

Jenkins, Alex
Diamond-Based Radiation Detectors for Very High Dose Rate Environments

Jenks, Jeromy
Leak Testing with Simulated Waste of Hanford Tank Farm Valves Utilized for Double Valve Isolation

Jenni, Karen
Deep Borehole Disposal Waste Emplacement Mode Cost-Risk Study

Jennings, Paul
A Model from the Mind to the Operating Facility

Jennings, Tom
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Jensen, Philip
Coupling the Modeled Structural Transmissibility of a Used Nuclear Fuel Conveyance to Over the Road Data

Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown Sites – An Update

Jerome, Simon
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Jiang, Hao
Spent Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity Study

Jiselmark, Jonatan
Characterization and Clearance of m/s SIGYN

Jo, Hyun-jun
A Study on Vitrification for LLW Radioactive Wastes

Johnson, Chris
A Frozen Soil Barrier to Control Groundwater Inflow into Damaged Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Assessing the Performance of Pump-and-Treat Systems

Endpoint Evaluation for 200-PW-1 Operable Unit Soil Vapor Extraction, Hanford Site, Washington

Technical Evaluation of Iodine Remediation for 200-UP-1

Johnson, Jeffrey N.
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Johnson, Jeremy
Detection and Mitigation of Hanford Site Radioactive Waste Tank Surface Water Intrusion

Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Hanford Single-Shell Tank and Double-Shell Tank Integrity Program

PHOENIX – Web-Based Application for Accessing Hanford Tank Monitoring

Johnson, Mark
Life Cycle Costing in Radioactive Waste Packaging – Reducing Costs whilst Accelerating Clean-Up
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Johnson, Michael
Gas Retention and Release from Nuclear Legacy Waste
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Johnson, Tim
Real-Time Three-Dimensional Electrical Geophysical Monitoring of Processes Associated with Subsurface Remediation

Jones, Adam
Large Cask, Small Building, AREVA's Safe MLLW Disposal Solution Despite Facility Limitations

Jones, Jay
Citizen Science: Potential New Opportunity for Consent-Based Siting Processes

Jones, Paul
Dewatering Innovations
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Jonsson, Graham

Sharing Lessons Learned "Across the Pond" on Two Major Construction Projects: Evaporator D and SWPF - 16050

Jordanov, Marin
Design and Construction of a Loess-Cement Cushion as an Integral Component of an SL-LILW Repository

Update on Construction Planning for the Bulgarian Low and Short-Lived Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Repository
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Joseph, Robert
An Evaluation of Standardized Canisters in the Waste Management System

Jossens, Guillaume
Characterization of Low Level and Intermediate Nuclear Waste : Improvements in Calorimetric Measurement Combined Radiological Modelling
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Jouve, Anne-Cecile
Immediate Dismantling of a Large Fleet of LWR NPPs: Consequences for Spent Fuel and Waste Management

Joyce, James
The Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project: Optimizing Use of this National Asset to Treat Waste from Other DOE Sites

Jubin, Robert
Analysis of Legacy 85Kr Waste Form Samples

Processing and Disposition of Remote-Handled Transuranic Liquid Waste Generated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Judd, Laurie
Arvia Organics Destruction: An Innovative Treatment Approach for Dioxins, Furans & Other Problematic (Orphan) Organic Wastes

Sharing Lessons Learned "Across the Pond" on Two Major Construction Projects: Evaporator D and SWPF - 16050

Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Jung, Chong Hun
Chemical and Foaming Stability of Foam Decontaminating Agents

Jung, Hoan Sung
Radioactive Waste Management in HANARO (High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor)
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Kabel, Joey
Effect of B on Crystallization of Li and Na Aluminosilicates


Kahl, Torsten
Inerting of Casks Cavity Atmospheres - The GNS Approach to Treat Hydrogen Generation in Sealed ILW Packages

Kalinina, Elena
A Literature Review and Compilation of Nuclear WM System Attributes for Use in Multi-Objective System Evaluations

An Evaluation of Alternative Waste Management System Architectures

An Evaluation of Standardized Canisters in the Waste Management System

Logistics Modeling of Emplacement Rate and Duration of Operations for Generic Geologic Repository Concepts

Kalinowski, Thomas
Implementation Guide for the Revised Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation

Sampling Low Level Waste - Building a Program

Kaltsoyannis, Nikolas
Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Embedded Cluster Calculations of Water Adsorption on the UO2 (111) Surface

Modelling the Interaction of Corroded Magnox Surfaces with Nuclear Fission Products
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Water Interactions with Actinide Oxides from First Principles: A Computational Study

Kamoshida, Mamoru
Low Melting Temperature Glass for Immobilisation of Contaminated Zeolitic Ion Exchangers from Fukushima

RO Concentrated Water Treatment Equipment for Risk Reduction of Contaminated Water Stored in Tank in Fukushima NPS

Kanamaru, Taro
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Kaneko, Masaaki
Development of Cement Solidification Technique for Sodium Borate Waste Produced in PWR Plants

Studies on Oxidation Treatment of Spent Ion Exchange Resin

Kang, Gyeong-Uk
Comparisons of Peak Cladding Temperature and Effective Thermal Conductivity: CFD Simulation on PWR Spent Fuel Assemblies
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Kani, Yuko
RO Concentrated Water Treatment Equipment for Risk Reduction of Contaminated Water Stored in Tank in Fukushima NPS

Kaplan, Daniel
Technical Evaluation of Iodine Remediation for 200-UP-1

Karns, Tristan
Investigation of Inorganic Hydrophobic Filter Material for Nuclear Material Transportation and Storage Containers

Kato, Osamu
Corrosion Kinetics of Stainless Steel by Hydrogen Measurement Under Deep Geological Repository Conditions

Katsenovich, Yelena
Characterization of U(VI)-Bearing Precipitates Produced by Ammonia Gas Injection Technology for Unsaturated Sediments

Synergetic Interactions between Uranium, Humic Acid, Silica Colloids and SRS Sediments at Variable pH

The Effect of Bicarbonate on Autunite Dissolution in the Presence of Shewanella Oneidensis under Oxygen Restricted Conditions

Katzman, Danny
ZEM: Integrated Framework for Real-Time Data and Model Analyses for Robust Environmental Management Decision Making

Kautsky, Mark
Environmental Restoration of Diesel-Range Organics from Project Chariot, Cape Thompson, Alaska

Groundwater Remediation in a Floodplain Aquifer at Shiprock, New Mexico

Kawamoto, Katsuya
Behavior of Radioactive Cesium in MSW Thermal Treatment Plant after Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Keefer, Mark
Filtration Improvements in Support of Increased Salt Waste Processing Throughput at the Savannah River Site

Keil, Karen
Evaluation and Application of Phytoremediation at FUSRAP Projects

Niagara Falls Storage Site - Interim Waste Containment Structure

Public Outreach in FUSRAP

Keizur, Alan
Development of an Execution Strategy Analysis (ESA) Capability and Tool for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF)

Kelley, Dennis
Solidification Technology for Organic Liquid Waste Combined with Solid Materials from Cernavoda NPP, Romania

Kelokaski, Pasi
Testing of New Technetium Selective Media TcTreat
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Kennedy, Christopher
Maintenance of Maywood Laboratory Operations Support during Contractor Transition and Replacement of the Project Databases

Kennedy, James
Revision of the Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation

Kent, Norman
Daher-TLI UCSC Wash Process – Lessons Learned from Handling a Legacy Cylinder
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Developments that are Making the Versa-Pac Indeed More Versatile (and More Useful to Industry)
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Kerridge, Andrew
Embedded Cluster Calculations of Water Adsorption on the UO2 (111) Surface

Modelling the Interaction of Corroded Magnox Surfaces with Nuclear Fission Products
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Water Interactions with Actinide Oxides from First Principles: A Computational Study

Ketusky, Edward
Obtaining a Special Administrative License Exemption to Ship the Waste Valley Melter Box

Khan, Ali
Advances in Decommissioning Using Laser Cutting

Size Reduction of Contaminated Magnox Pond Skips Using Laser Cutting

Khan, Mikael
Arvia Organics Destruction: An Innovative Treatment Approach for Dioxins, Furans & Other Problematic (Orphan) Organic Wastes

Kicker, Dwayne
Impact of Corrections to the Spallings Volume Calculation on Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Performance Assessment
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Kiho, Kenzo
Directional Drilling Technology for HLW Disposal - Long Term Monitoring in the Borehole
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Directional Drilling Technology for HLW Disposal - Outline of the System and its Application
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Kim, Cheon-woo
A Study on Vitrification for LLW Radioactive Wastes

Kim, Cho-Rong
Chemical and Foaming Stability of Foam Decontaminating Agents

Kim, Hyungjin
Comparisons of Peak Cladding Temperature and Effective Thermal Conductivity: CFD Simulation on PWR Spent Fuel Assemblies
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Kim, Jungjin
Sorption and Transport Behavior of Cs-137, Sr-90, and Tc-99 on Geological Media in Radioactive Waste Repository, South Korea
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Kim, Karen
EPRI Project Update on International Nuclear Power Plant Waste Classification

Groundwater Monitoring Guidance for Decommissioning Planning

Kim, Ki Hyun
Radioactive Waste Management in HANARO (High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor)
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Kim, Mi Jin
The Effectiveness of Gd Contents of Fuel Basket Wall in UNF Shipping & Storage Cask

Kim, Sungil
Experience on Safety Review of Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Monitoring System for Nuclear Power Plants in Korea
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The Recommendation of Public Engagement Commission on Spent Nuclear Fuel in Korea
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Kim, Won-Seok
Sorption and Transport Behavior of Cs-137, Sr-90, and Tc-99 on Geological Media in Radioactive Waste Repository, South Korea
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Synthesis of Bismuth Functionalized Grapheme Oxide for Radioactive Iodine Gas Removal
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King, Matt
Humboldt Bay Power Plant Decommissioning Progress Update

King, William (Bill)
Corrosion Testing of Carbon Steel Exposed to Sludge Heel Chemical Cleaning Solutions

Kinugasa, Junichiro
Corrosion Kinetics of Stainless Steel by Hydrogen Measurement Under Deep Geological Repository Conditions

Kinugawa, Hiroshi
Applicability of Laser Cutting and Decontamination Technologies for Remote Decommissioning Work

Kirk, Scott
A New Consolidated Storage Facility for Used Nuclear Fuel in Andrews County, Texas

Disposal of Greater than Class C Low-Level Radioactive Waste in Andrews County, Texas

Kirk, Tom
An Advanced ISOCS Uncertainty Estimator Tool to Reduce Uncertainties in Waste Characterization Projects

Kishimoto, Manabu
Applicability of Laser Cutting and Decontamination Technologies for Remote Decommissioning Work

Conceptual Study of Fuel Debris Retrieval System for Fukushima Daiichi Reactors

Observation Technology for Remote Operation in Contaminated Turbid Water

Kitamoto, Yusuke
RO Concentrated Water Treatment Equipment for Risk Reduction of Contaminated Water Stored in Tank in Fukushima NPS

Kitamura, Masafumi
NitroJet®'s Verification Test of Contaminated Water Storage Tank Decontamination in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Klein, Slade
Transportation Cask for Bare High Burnup UNF

Klein, Thomas
A Conceptual World Information Library (WIL) and Land Use Information System (LUIS)

As Permanent as Practicable: The Reality of Permanent Markers

Ethical Considerations for Developing Repository Warning Messages to the Future

Klinger, Jeffrey
Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Klymyshyn, Nicholas
Coupling the Modeled Structural Transmissibility of a Used Nuclear Fuel Conveyance to Over the Road Data

Kmiec, Victoria
Selection and Validation of Alternate Slag Sources for Saltstone Production

Kobayashi, Masato
Applicability of Wireless Power Transfer for Monitoring Technology of Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal

Kobayashi, Ryosuke
A Frozen Soil Barrier to Control Groundwater Inflow into Damaged Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Kobera, Libor
Crystallization Behavior of Nepheline (Na2O•Al2O3•2SiO2) Based Glasses Designed in Na2O – CaO – Al2O3 – SiO2 System
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Kohlgarth, Elke.-D.
Experience with the Quality Control of Radioactive Waste Packages for the German Repository Konrad

Koivula, Risto
Testing of New Technetium Selective Media TcTreat
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Kolyadin, Vyacheslav
Removing of Core Constructions of the MR and RFT Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Korkeakoski, Petri
The Enhanced Sealing Project, Monitoring a Full-Scale Shaft Seal at Canada's Underground Research Laboratory (2009-2015)

Kostelnik, Kevin
The Challenge of Moving Science into Practice: Lessons Learned and New Approaches

Kovar, Petr
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Kovarík , Petr
Molten Salt Oxidation of Ion Exchange and Oils in Carbonate Salts and Evaporator Residue

Krakowiak, Krizysztof
Demonstration of SuperLig® 605 and SuperLig® 644 in a Regeneration Flow Sheet to Remove Radioactive Strontium and Cesium from Seawater

Krause, Gregor
Treatment of LLW Components for Waste Minimization and Recycling

Kremer, John
Design of Removable Shield Modules for Nuclear Plant Applications Using Monte Carlo Modeling

Kreusch, Arleen
Niagara Falls Storage Site - Interim Waste Containment Structure

Public Outreach in FUSRAP

Krieguer, Jean-Marie
Cigeo, the French Geological Disposal Facility Project: Preliminary Design (APS) Phase

Kriikku, Eric
Advancements in the H-Canyon Exhaust Ventilation System Inspections at the Savannah River Site

Kruger, Albert
Development of High Alumina Glass Property Data for Hanford High-Level Waste Glass Models

Ensuring Nuclear Waste Glass Longevity: How Studying Ancient Glasses can Help Predict the Durability of Nuclear Waste Glass
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Technology Development in Support of Accelerating the Waste Treatment Mission

The Effect of Quartz Particle Size and Melt Viscosity on HLW Melter Feed Using Pellet Test response

Waste Treatment & Immobilization Plant, a Leader in the International Glass Community

Kruzic, Michael
'Top 10' Facility Decommissioning Risks and Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Them

Kuate Simo, Eric
Technical Approach for Retrieving Heat-Generating Waste from Repositories in Salt Formations

Kumano, Yumiko
Role of Human Intrusion in Decision-Making for Radioactive Waste Disposal - Results of the IAEA HIDRA Project

Kumar, Rajan
Testing of Novel Application of GOTHIC to Modelling of Hydrogen Distribution in Intermediate Level Waste Storage Facilities

Kuramochi, Hidetoshi
Behavior of Radioactive Cesium in MSW Thermal Treatment Plant after Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Kusumi, Tomoo
NitroJet®'s Verification Test of Contaminated Water Storage Tank Decontamination in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Labador, Evangeline
Developing a New Model to Estimate the Costs to Decommission DOE's Active Facilities


Labalette, Thibaud
Cigeo, the French Geological Disposal Facility Project: Preliminary Design (APS) Phase

Lacey, Thomas
Accelerating the Decommissioning of the Sellafield Pile Fuel Storage Pond Using Innovative Remote Tooling

Lagos, Leonel
Characterization of U(VI)-Bearing Precipitates Produced by Ammonia Gas Injection Technology for Unsaturated Sediments

Development of a Workforce for the Nuclear Industry

Robotics Technologies on Knowledge Management Information Tool (KM-IT) Platform

The Pursuit of Incombustible Fixatives: Mitigating Release of Contaminants in Fire Conditions

Waste Information Management System with 2015-16 Waste Streams

LaGuardia, Thomas
Decommissioning Cost Estimate Uncertainty: What is It, How Do You Deal with It?

Laha, Shonali
The Effect of Bicarbonate on Autunite Dissolution in the Presence of Shewanella Oneidensis under Oxygen Restricted Conditions

Laija, Emerald
200 West Pump and Treat: The First Three Years

Endpoint Evaluation for 200-PW-1 Operable Unit Soil Vapor Extraction, Hanford Site, Washington

Laine, Gregory
Transitioning from Construction to Startup at WTP from a Plant Engineering Perspective

LaMarche, Whitney
Utilization and Application of Kurion Mobile Processing System in Remediation of Radioactively Contaminated Water

Lamouroux, Christine
The New TN-MW® Cask System Focused on Facilities' End-of-Life Waste Management

Landon, Matt
LAWPS Technology Maturation Program and Scaled Testing

Landon, Roger
Direct Feed Low Activity Waste Integrated Permitting

Lang, Jesse
Development of High Alumina Glass Property Data for Hanford High-Level Waste Glass Models

Langett, John
DNAPL Source Area Delineation Using MIP and HPT Technology at Space Launch Complex 16, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL

Lapierre, Robert
Characterization of U(VI)-Bearing Precipitates Produced by Ammonia Gas Injection Technology for Unsaturated Sediments

Larche, Michael
Inspection Technology Advancements for Hanford Double Shell Tank Integrity Verification

Larson, Joel
Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Larsson, Arne
Best Practice on Facility Characterisation from a Material and Waste End-State Perspective

The Importance of Experience Based Decommissioning Planning

Treatment of LLW Components for Waste Minimization and Recycling

Launeau, Frederic
Cigeo, the French Geological Disposal Facility Project: Preliminary Design (APS) Phase

Laurent, Gerard
The New International Project on Irradiated Graphite Processing Approaches (GRAPA)

Lawrence, Angelique
Development of an Integrated Hydrological Model for Simulation of Surface Runoff and Stream Flow in Tims Branch Watershed

Using GIS for Processing, Analysis and Visualization of Hydrological Model Data
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Leary, Kevin
Performance of a Surface Barrier for Waste Isolation and Flux Reduction at the Hanford Site
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Leay, Laura
Development and Expansion of Research Facilities to Address the Challenges of the Nuclear Industry
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Ledoux, Mark
EnergySolutions' Implementation of HM-250

Lee, Art
Online Interactive Reporting of Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation Progress at the Hanford Site, Washington

Lee, Brady
Microbial Influence on Iodine Speciation at the 200 West Hanford Site

Technical Evaluation of Iodine Remediation for 200-UP-1

The Effect of Bicarbonate on Autunite Dissolution in the Presence of Shewanella Oneidensis under Oxygen Restricted Conditions

Lee, Byung Soo
Experience on Safety Review of Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Monitoring System for Nuclear Power Plants in Korea
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Introduction on Recently Revised Regulatory Framework Related to Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities in Korea

Lee, Byungsoo
The Recommendation of Public Engagement Commission on Spent Nuclear Fuel in Korea
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Lee, Cheo Kyung
Flow in and Permeability of Porous Media for Turbulent Flow

Hydraulic Conductivity for Porous Medium with Wavy 3-D Pores

Radioactive Waste Management in HANARO (High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor)
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Lee, Choong Sung
Radioactive Waste Management in HANARO (High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor)
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Lee, Dongmyung
Development of the Licensing Procedure and Regulatory Framework for the Spent Fuel Storage Facility in Korea

Lee, Hee-Jae
The Effectiveness of Gd Contents of Fuel Basket Wall in UNF Shipping & Storage Cask

Lee, Ho Jin
Development of the Licensing Procedure and Regulatory Framework for the Spent Fuel Storage Facility in Korea

Lee, Hojin
The Recommendation of Public Engagement Commission on Spent Nuclear Fuel in Korea
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Lee, Hope
Assessing the Performance of Pump-and-Treat Systems

Microbial Influence on Iodine Speciation at the 200 West Hanford Site

Technical Evaluation of Iodine Remediation for 200-UP-1

The Effect of Bicarbonate on Autunite Dissolution in the Presence of Shewanella Oneidensis under Oxygen Restricted Conditions

Lee, Jeongken
Experience on Safety Review of Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Monitoring System for Nuclear Power Plants in Korea
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Lee, JungJoon
Experience on Safety Review of Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Monitoring System for Nuclear Power Plants in Korea
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Introduction on Recently Revised Regulatory Framework Related to Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities in Korea

Lee, Kearn
Impact of High Performance Computing on the Detailed Simulation of Subsurface Flow and Contaminant Transport Using eSTOMP

Lee, Sang Don
Demonstration of Wide Area Radiological Decontamination and Mitigation Technologies for Building Structures and Vehicles

Lee, SeungMin
Effect of Feed Composition on Cold-Cap Formation in Laboratory-Scale Melter
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The Effect of Quartz Particle Size and Melt Viscosity on HLW Melter Feed Using Pellet Test response

Lee, William
Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Degradation of Simulated HLW Glass and International Simple Glass Immersed Partially in Water

Low Melting Temperature Glass for Immobilisation of Contaminated Zeolitic Ion Exchangers from Fukushima

Synroc Wasteforms for Immobilization of Advanced Reprocessing Wastes

Lee, Youn-Myoung
Nuclide Release Pathways in and Around a Trench Repository for Radioactive Waste
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Lefkowitz, Sheldon
Survey and Remediation Project at the DOE Bannister Site

Lefort-Mary, Florence
The New TN-MW® Cask System Focused on Facilities' End-of-Life Waste Management

Leguil, Marc
Retrieval of HLW for the Cigéo Project - A Practical Retrieval Test Story

Lemieux, Paul
Waste Estimation from a Wide-Area Radiological Incident: The Impact of Geography and Urban Footprint

Lemont, Florent
The Elipse Process: An Underwater Plasma Technology for Liquid Treatment

Lemus, Alexey
Removing of Core Constructions of the MR and RFT Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Lenhardt, Duane
High-Resolution Groundwater Investigation at a FUSRAP Site with an Aging Water-Supply Infrastructure

Lennox, Barry
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Leon Vargas, Rocio
Thermal Impact in the Geometrical Settings in Deep Geological Repositories for HLW with Retrievability
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Leonard, Kathleen
300-296 Soil Remediation Project - Innovative Solutions to Overcome Design Challenges

Leslie, Bret
Hydrogeologic Lessons Learned from Deep Drilling Projects Applied to Deep Borehole Disposal of Radioactive Wastes

The US Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Intern Program: Developing Next Generation Nuclear Waste Professionals
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Lettieri, Paola
Choosing your Nuclear Fuel Cycle: A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective

Magnox Reprocessing TDN Reactors: Utilising 3D Printing and X-Ray Imaging to Re-Design and Test Fluidising Air Nozzles

Leveel, Eric
UMo Solutions Processing in La Hague Cold Crucible Induction Melter: the Feedback from the First Years of Operation

Leverd, Pascal
Retrieval of HLW for the Cigéo Project - A Practical Retrieval Test Story

Levitskaia, Tatiana
Technetium Management for Hanford Tank Waste Processing and Disposition

Lewis, Donald
Alternative Canister Processing Operations at an Interim Storage Facility

Li, Ming-Hsu
Thermo-Hydro-Geochemical Evolution Influences on the Concrete Cask in Long-Term Storage Facility of Spent Fuel
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Libens, Antoine
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Lidar, Per
The Importance of Experience Based Decommissioning Planning

Lim, In-Cheol
Radioactive Waste Management in HANARO (High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor)
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Lin, Wen-Sheng
Thermo-Hydro-Geochemical Evolution Influences on the Concrete Cask in Long-Term Storage Facility of Spent Fuel
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Lind, Susan
Operational Stewardship Program Development and Execution Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Lipnikov, Konstantin
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Little, Paul
Preparation of Waste Fingerprints for the Miscellaneous Beta Gamma Waste Feeds to the Box Encapsulation Plant at Sellafield
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Liu, Chen-Wuing
Thermo-Hydro-Geochemical Evolution Influences on the Concrete Cask in Long-Term Storage Facility of Spent Fuel
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Liu, Yung
Training on Transport Security of Nuclear/Radioactive Material for Key Audiences

Lively, Jeffrey
Comparison of Laboratory Analytical Methods for Uranium Analysis

Conducting Gamma Radiation Surveys on Municipal Roadways in Support of the Port Hope Area Initiative

Lloyd, Daniel
Advances in Decommissioning Using Laser Cutting

Loeb, Andreas
Decommissioning of the Reactor Pressure Vessels by Remote Controlled Thermal Cutting Segmentation Facilities

Lomas, Paul
Major Achievements of the Springfields Decommissioning Program

Long, Juliet
Development and Delivery of National Strategic Approaches to Radioactive Waste Management in the UK

Final Surrender of Radioactive Substances (Environmental) Permits on UK Nuclear Licensed Sites
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Issues and Challenges for the Disposal of Solid Radioactive Wastes in the UK

Joint Regulatory Expectations for Land Quality Management at UK Nuclear Sites

Looman, Marc
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Development of a Wide Range Segmented Gamma Scanner for Measuring Radioactive Wastes Arising in the Chinese Nuclear Industry

Looney, Brian
A Frozen Soil Barrier to Control Groundwater Inflow into Damaged Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Development of an Integrated Hydrological Model for Simulation of Surface Runoff and Stream Flow in Tims Branch Watershed

Implementation of Enhanced Attenuation at the US DOE Mound Site OU-1 Landfill: Accelerating Progress and Reducing Costs

Migration and Distribution of Natural Organic Matter Injected into Subsurface Systems

Using GIS for Processing, Analysis and Visualization of Hydrological Model Data
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Lorillon, Yves
Retrieval of HLW for the Cigéo Project - A Practical Retrieval Test Story

Love, Gavin
'Top 10' Facility Decommissioning Risks and Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Them

Lower, Danielle
Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Lowman, Donald
Revision of the Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation

Lucero, Randy
Status of Electronics Upgrades to the LANL Green is Clean Phoswich Detector Systems

Luellen, Jon R.
Assessment of a Hydroxyapatite Permeable Reactive Barrier to Remediate Uranium at the Old Rifle Site, Colorado

Luey, Ja-kael
Utilization and Application of Kurion Mobile Processing System in Remediation of Radioactively Contaminated Water

Lunn, Rebecca
Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Luzi, Lorenzo
Inspection Technology Advancements for Hanford Double Shell Tank Integrity Verification

Mabrouk, Majdi
The Elipse Process: An Underwater Plasma Technology for Liquid Treatment


MacDonell, Margaret
Citizen Science: Potential New Opportunity for Consent-Based Siting Processes

Maciel, Marcos Goes
Radiochemical Method for Characterization of the Filter Cartridges from the IEA-R1 Reactor
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Mackay, Graham
A Novel Technology for Complex Rheological Measurements

Mackay, Marie
Managing Low Level Waste at Dounreay

MacKinnon, Robert
Advances in Thermal-Hydrologic Modeling of Nuclear Waste Disposal in Deep Boreholes

Safety Case Considerations for Deep Borehole Disposal of Cs/Sr Capsules

Mackley, Robert
Refining Groundwater Monitoring Approaches through an Objectives-Driven Process

Maco, Barbara
SURF: Advances in the Incorporation of Sustainability into Remedial Approaches

Maddrell, Ewan
The Consolidation of Glass-Ceramic Wasteforms by Hot Isostatic Pressing: Sample Optimisation

Madl, Larry
Regulatory Compliance Strategy for Recovery-Driven Underground Ventilation System Changes

Máduar, Marcelo Francis
Radiochemical Method for Characterization of the Filter Cartridges from the IEA-R1 Reactor
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Maekawa, Hiromichi
Conceptual Study of Fuel Debris Retrieval System for Fukushima Daiichi Reactors

The Countermeasure for the Noble Metal in the HLW Vitrification - the Behavior of the Needle Shape Ruthenium Particle

The Countermeasure for the Noble Metal in the HLW Vitrification - the Removal Technology of Ru, Rh and Pd from the System
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Maeseto, Tomoharu
Behavior of Radioactive Cesium in MSW Thermal Treatment Plant after Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Mageid, Allaa
An Analysis of Maximum Allowable Radiation Levels in Soil: Comparing Risk Models of International and National Agencies

Magnuson, Matthew
Demonstration of Wide Area Radiological Decontamination and Mitigation Technologies for Building Structures and Vehicles

Maheras, Steven
Development of a U.S. Rail Transport Capability for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Waste

Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown Sites – An Update

Mahmoudi, Noosha
Development of an Integrated Hydrological Model for Simulation of Surface Runoff and Stream Flow in Tims Branch Watershed

Using GIS for Processing, Analysis and Visualization of Hydrological Model Data
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Maina, David
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Mäki, Jussi-Matti
Removal of Trace Amounts of Co-60 from NPP Waste Water Using UV-C Irradiation, TiO2 and CoTreat Inorganic Ion Exchange Media

Makkos, Eszter
Modelling the Interaction of Corroded Magnox Surfaces with Nuclear Fission Products
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Malbrouki, Ridha
Tin(II)apatite: Synthesis, Characterization, and Challenge with Pertechnetate

Malinen, Leena
Removal of Trace Amounts of Co-60 from NPP Waste Water Using UV-C Irradiation, TiO2 and CoTreat Inorganic Ion Exchange Media

Mallion, Adam
LaserSnake2 – Remote High Powered Laser Cutting in Confined Hazardous Spaces

SeeSnake – Radiological Characterisation of Complex Nuclear Spaces

Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Maloir, Denis
A WM Facility for the Processing of Radioactive Materials Arising from the Decommissioning Activities of the Doel Belgian NPP

Malone, Kevin
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Manning, Robin
A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem: Hexavalent Chromium in Landfill Stormwater

Marchand, Michael
The Elipse Process: An Underwater Plasma Technology for Liquid Treatment

Marcial, Jose
Crystallization Behavior of Nepheline (Na2O•Al2O3•2SiO2) Based Glasses Designed in Na2O – CaO – Al2O3 – SiO2 System
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Effect of B on Crystallization of Li and Na Aluminosilicates

Maree, Ahmed
Experimental Seismic Response of Scaled Dry Storage Containers under Identical Loading Conditions

Impact of Slenderness on Dry Storage Cask Seismic Response

Marin, Adriano
Wow Technology's Innovative Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment
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Mariner, Paul
Enhanced Performance Assessment Models for Generic Deep Geologic Repositories for High-Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel

Reevaluation of Actinide(IV)-Humic Complexation in the WIPP Performance Assessment

Markillie, Jeffrey
Transitioning from Construction to Startup at WTP from a Plant Engineering Perspective

Markley, Chris
Role of Human Intrusion in Decision-Making for Radioactive Waste Disposal - Results of the IAEA HIDRA Project

Marks, Pamela
Sharing Lessons Learned "Across the Pond" on Two Major Construction Projects: Evaporator D and SWPF - 16050

Martin, David
Sealed Source Security Challenges and Solutions: The Impact of Increased Commercial Disposal Access

Martin, Donna
Distribution of Documents through the Robatel Technologies Client Portal

Martin, Peter
Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as a Tool for the Remediation of Radiologically Contaminated Environments

Martin, Scott
Conceptual Study of Fuel Debris Retrieval System for Fukushima Daiichi Reactors

Martinez, Luis Gallego
Effects of Gamma Radiation on Cementitious Materials in Repository Environment

Marumo, Júlio Takehiro
Effects of Gamma Radiation on Cementitious Materials in Repository Environment

Radiochemical Method for Characterization of the Filter Cartridges from the IEA-R1 Reactor
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Mason, John
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Development of a Wide Range Segmented Gamma Scanner for Measuring Radioactive Wastes Arising in the Chinese Nuclear Industry

Survey and Remediation Project at the DOE Bannister Site

Massaro, L. Mel
Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown Sites – An Update

Masset, Matthew R.
Evaluation and Application of Phytoremediation at FUSRAP Projects

Niagara Falls Storage Site - Interim Waste Containment Structure

Materazzi, Massimiliano
Magnox Reprocessing TDN Reactors: Utilising 3D Printing and X-Ray Imaging to Re-Design and Test Fluidising Air Nozzles

Mathonat, Christophe
Characterization of Low Level and Intermediate Nuclear Waste : Improvements in Calorimetric Measurement Combined Radiological Modelling
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Matsumoto, Naoyuki
Underwater Laser Cutting Technology

Matsuyama, Kanae
Development of Cement Solidification Technique for Sodium Borate Waste Produced in PWR Plants

Matushek, Martin
Stability of Super Absorbent Polymers in Sodium Nitrate
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Matzie, Regis A.
Hot Isostatic Pressing of Radioactive Nuclear Waste: The Calcine at INL

Mayer, Jodi
Development of High Alumina Glass Property Data for Hanford High-Level Waste Glass Models

McCabe, Daniel
Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Condensate Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process

McCabe, Scott
Comparison of Laboratory Analytical Methods for Uranium Analysis

High-Resolution Groundwater Investigation at a FUSRAP Site with an Aging Water-Supply Infrastructure

McCain, Rick
Downhole MCA for High-Resolution Spectral Gamma Logging for Characterization of Radiological Contaminants
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Standardization of Geophysical Logging Data at the Hanford Site

McCall, Ann
Working in Partnership with Industry to Package Waste

McCarthy, Benjamin
Development of High Alumina Glass Property Data for Hanford High-Level Waste Glass Models

McCauley, Dave
Canada's Nuclear Legacy Liabilities Program - Ten Years of Progress and Achievements

McClellan, Chuck
Remote Geophysical Logging at the Hanford Single Shell Tank Farms: Maintaining Efficiency and Reducing Personnel Hazards

McCloy, John
Crystallization Behavior of Nepheline (Na2O•Al2O3•2SiO2) Based Glasses Designed in Na2O – CaO – Al2O3 – SiO2 System
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Effect of B on Crystallization of Li and Na Aluminosilicates

Ensuring Nuclear Waste Glass Longevity: How Studying Ancient Glasses can Help Predict the Durability of Nuclear Waste Glass
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Hydrothermal Synthesis and Analysis of Iodine-Containing Sodalite

McConnell, Paul
Coupling the Modeled Structural Transmissibility of a Used Nuclear Fuel Conveyance to Over the Road Data

McCrary, Jay
Filtration Improvements in Support of Increased Salt Waste Processing Throughput at the Savannah River Site

McDaniel, Dwayne
Development of Inspection Tools for the AY-102 Double-shell Tank at the Hanford DOE Site

Improving the Accuracy of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Nuclear Waste Mixing using Direct Numerical Simulations

McElroy, Robert
Calibration of a Passive Neutron Counter with Pu242 Standards

McGee, Don
Extended Storage of High Burn-up Fuel Cask R&D Project

McGetrick, Lee
Processing and Disposition of Remote-Handled Transuranic Liquid Waste Generated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

McGrath, Richard
EPRI Software for Estimating Decommissioning Waste Volumes
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Groundwater Monitoring Guidance for Decommissioning Planning

McKeel, Charles
Obtaining a Special Administrative License Exemption to Ship the Waste Valley Melter Box

McKinney, James
Development and Delivery of National Strategic Approaches to Radioactive Waste Management in the UK

McKirdy, Bruce
Update on Implementing Geological Disposal in the UK

McLeod, Richard
Issues and Challenges for the Disposal of Solid Radioactive Wastes in the UK

McLeod, Rick
Grassroots Efforts to Clarify the High-level Waste (HLW) Definition

McNally, Amanda
SURF: Advances in the Incorporation of Sustainability into Remedial Approaches

Waste Disposition Methodology at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

McNamara, Bruce
Thermochemical Reactivity Hazards of TRU-Waste Constituents

McTaggart, Rene
The UK National Policy & Programme for the Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste

Meisner, James
Downhole MCA for High-Resolution Spectral Gamma Logging for Characterization of Radiological Contaminants
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Remote Geophysical Logging at the Hanford Single Shell Tank Farms: Maintaining Efficiency and Reducing Personnel Hazards

Mellor, Matt
SeeSnake – Radiological Characterisation of Complex Nuclear Spaces

Meltzer, Don
Waste Disposition Methodology at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

Mertz, Joshua
Utilization and Application of Kurion Mobile Processing System in Remediation of Radioactively Contaminated Water

Messer, Matthias
Solutions for Disposal of Intermediate Level Waste in the UK

Metcalfe, Doug
Canada's Nuclear Legacy Liabilities Program - Ten Years of Progress and Achievements

Metzler, Donald
The Little Engine that Could: No Project is Too Small for Sustainable Remediation Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Removal Project

Mezyk, Stephen
Media Effects on the Recycling of Rhodium from Spent Nuclear Fuel

Middleton, Rob
The UK National Policy & Programme for the Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste

Miffling, Lewis
Remediation of Occupied Commercial Property Subject to Widespread Radium-226 Contamination - Update from WM2012 Paper

Milelli, Doriana
The Elipse Process: An Underwater Plasma Technology for Liquid Treatment

Miliken, Andrew
Choosing your Nuclear Fuel Cycle: A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective

Magnox Reprocessing TDN Reactors: Utilising 3D Printing and X-Ray Imaging to Re-Design and Test Fluidising Air Nozzles

Miller, Bill
Developing a New National Programme for the Management and Disposal of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste in Romania

Miller, David
Groundwater Remediation in a Floodplain Aquifer at Shiprock, New Mexico

Miller, Ian
Development of an Execution Strategy Analysis (ESA) Capability and Tool for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF)

Miller, Judy
Environmental Restoration of Diesel-Range Organics from Project Chariot, Cape Thompson, Alaska

Miller, Keith
Life Extension of Nuclear Plant Facilities through Monitoring and Detailed Analysis

Opportunities to Reuse and Recycle Redundant Radioisotopes

Miller, Michael
SURF: Advances in the Incorporation of Sustainability into Remedial Approaches

Miller, Michele
Lessons Learned from FUSRAP

Transition and Transfer of Remediated FUSRAP Sites from USACE to US DOE for Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance

Miller, Neil
Evaluation and Application of Phytoremediation at FUSRAP Projects

Niagara Falls Storage Site - Interim Waste Containment Structure

Public Outreach in FUSRAP

Miller, Terry
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Mills, Robert
Preparation of Waste Fingerprints for the Miscellaneous Beta Gamma Waste Feeds to the Box Encapsulation Plant at Sellafield
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Milner, Tim
Application of Modular Design in Abatement of Fuel Element Debris (FED) Liquid Waste Stream

Development of a Holistic Waste Management Flow Sheet for Nuclear New Build in China

Minette, Michael
Thermochemical Reactivity Hazards of TRU-Waste Constituents

Mirsaidov, Ilkhom
Uranium Extraction by Apricot Shell

Mitsui, Takashi
Applicability of Laser Cutting and Decontamination Technologies for Remote Decommissioning Work

Conceptual Study of Fuel Debris Retrieval System for Fukushima Daiichi Reactors

Observation Technology for Remote Operation in Contaminated Turbid Water

Miyakawa, Kimio
Directional Drilling Technology for HLW Disposal - Outline of the System and its Application
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Miyamoto, Shinya
Studies on Oxidation Treatment of Spent Ion Exchange Resin

Molins, Sergi
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Moloney, Barry
Decommissioning of NPP in Europe – Strategies, Risks and Opportunities

Moon, Jei-Kwon
Chemical and Foaming Stability of Foam Decontaminating Agents

Moore, Beth
DOE Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning
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Moore, James
Colonie FUSRAP Site – Radioactive Dust Sampling of Residential and Commercial Properties

Moore, Robert
Assessment of a Hydroxyapatite Permeable Reactive Barrier to Remediate Uranium at the Old Rifle Site, Colorado

Tin(II)apatite: Synthesis, Characterization, and Challenge with Pertechnetate

Moore-Wood, Amanda
Decommissioning Demonstration – San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station South Yard Facility

Moraleda Gamero, Fernando
Design and Construction of a Loess-Cement Cushion as an Integral Component of an SL-LILW Repository

Moren, Rick
Long-Term Stewardship and Streamlined CERCLA Five-Year Review at Hanford

Morgan, Simon
Joint Regulatory Expectations for Land Quality Management at UK Nuclear Sites

Morris, Randall
AK Re-evaluation of Rocky Flats Pond Sludge: Planning for Surprises

Morse, John
200 West Pump and Treat: The First Three Years

Applications Using the Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management Toolset

Performance of a Surface Barrier for Waste Isolation and Flux Reduction at the Hanford Site
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Morton, Mark
'Top 10' Facility Decommissioning Risks and Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Them

Moser, Erin
Microbial Influence on Iodine Speciation at the 200 West Hanford Site

Most, William
Regulatory Compliance Strategy for Recovery-Driven Underground Ventilation System Changes

Motohashi, Tetsuo
Development of Cement Solidification Technique for Sodium Borate Waste Produced in PWR Plants

Moulton, David
Applications Using the Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management Toolset

Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Mueller, Wilhelm
An Advanced ISOCS Uncertainty Estimator Tool to Reduce Uncertainties in Waste Characterization Projects

Muggleton, Scott
High Angle Remediation of Legacy Mercury Contaminated Soil at LANL

Muiter, Bill
Daher-TLI UCSC Wash Process – Lessons Learned from Handling a Legacy Cylinder
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Müller, Herwig
Thermo-Hydraulic-Mechanical Modelling of the Full-Scale Emplacement (FE) Experiment at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory

Murata, Manabu
Directional Drilling Technology for HLW Disposal - Long Term Monitoring in the Borehole
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Murata, Takaaki
Studies on Oxidation Treatment of Spent Ion Exchange Resin

Murayama, Seiichi
Studies on Oxidation Treatment of Spent Ion Exchange Resin

Murphy, Charlie
Developments that are Making the Versa-Pac Indeed More Versatile (and More Useful to Industry)
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Musall, John
In-Situ Gamma-Ray Assay of the 235-F Plutonium Fuel Form Facility at the Savannah River Site

Musat, Aurelia
Solidification Technology for Organic Liquid Waste Combined with Solid Materials from Cernavoda NPP, Romania

Nabbi, Rahim
Optimization of Material Recycling during the Decommissioning Process of Nuclear Power Plants


Nabemoto, Toyonobu
A Study on Vitrification for LLW Radioactive Wastes

Nagai, Chiaki
Applicability of Wireless Power Transfer for Monitoring Technology of Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal

Nagai, Takayuki
The Countermeasure for the Noble Metal in the HLW Vitrification - the Behavior of the Needle Shape Ruthenium Particle

The Countermeasure for the Noble Metal in the HLW Vitrification - the Removal Technology of Ru, Rh and Pd from the System
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Nagtzaam, Gerald
Nuclear Waste Facility Siting: 40 Years of Experience

Nakamura, Noriyoshi
A Frozen Soil Barrier to Control Groundwater Inflow into Damaged Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Nakano, Kunihiko
The Countermeasure for the Noble Metal in the HLW Vitrification - the Behavior of the Needle Shape Ruthenium Particle

The Countermeasure for the Noble Metal in the HLW Vitrification - the Removal Technology of Ru, Rh and Pd from the System
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Nakashima, Hitoshi
A New Manufacturing Method of Bentonite Pellets as a Gap Filling Material for HLW Repository

Napier, Bruce
Technical Evaluation of Iodine Remediation for 200-UP-1

Nargi, Ronald
Transitioning from Construction to Startup at WTP from a Plant Engineering Perspective

Nascimento, Fernando Codelo do
Strategic Planning as Competitive Differential Using BSC: a Case Study in CTR/IPEN - USP, Brazil
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Nash, Charles
Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Condensate Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process

Navarro, Mariano
Update on Construction Planning for the Bulgarian Low and Short-Lived Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Repository
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Neall, Fiona
Preferred Concepts for Disposal of the UK Inventory of Depleted, Natural and Low Enriched Uranium

Negishi, Koji
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Negron, Mike
GrayQb Single-Faced Version 2 Open Environment Test

Neir, Alyssa
Development of an Execution Strategy Analysis (ESA) Capability and Tool for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF)

Nelson, Jerel
'Top 10' Facility Decommissioning Risks and Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Them

Nelson, Roger
What's in WIPP - Packaging TRU Waste to Enhance WIPP's Capacity

Nettleton, Anthony
Recovering New Type of Sources by Off-Site Source Recovery Project for WIPP Disposal

Neuville, John
Filtration Improvements in Support of Increased Salt Waste Processing Throughput at the Savannah River Site

Newman, Andrew
Nuclear Waste Facility Siting: 40 Years of Experience

Nieder-Westermann, Gerald
Design and Construction of a Loess-Cement Cushion as an Integral Component of an SL-LILW Repository

Update on Construction Planning for the Bulgarian Low and Short-Lived Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Repository
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Nielsen, Taylor
Experimental Seismic Response of Scaled Dry Storage Containers under Identical Loading Conditions

Impact of Slenderness on Dry Storage Cask Seismic Response

Niibori, Yuichi
Alteration Behavior of Granite Minerals Forming Calcium Silicate Hydrate under a Ca-Rich Highly Akaline Condition

Deposition Behavior of Supersaturated Silicic Acid on Ca-type Bentonite in Geological Disposal System

Interaction of Cesium and Barium Ions with Calcium Silicate Hydrate under a Geological Temperature Condition
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Migration Rates of Some Cations in Unsaturated Layer around the Near-Surface Disposal Facilities of Radioactive Wastes

Nimmons, Michael
Technical Evaluation of Iodine Remediation for 200-UP-1

Nishi, Takashi
RO Concentrated Water Treatment Equipment for Risk Reduction of Contaminated Water Stored in Tank in Fukushima NPS

Noe, Ron
Daher-TLI UCSC Wash Process – Lessons Learned from Handling a Legacy Cylinder
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Nofchissey, Joni
Groundwater Remediation in a Floodplain Aquifer at Shiprock, New Mexico

Nolan, Mike
Freestanding Liquids in a Resin Disposal Container – How Unidentified Legacy Issues and Decisions Can Affect Current Radwaste Processing Activities

Lessons Learned – New Resin Processing System Selection, Procurement, Delivery, Set-up, Training, and Operation

Nomura, Kazutaka
Behavior of Radioactive Cesium in MSW Thermal Treatment Plant after Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Noronha, Jennifer
NWMO Canadian Used Nuclear Fuel Repository

Noseck, Ulrich
Evaluation of Current Knowledge for Building the Dutch Salt Safety Case

Noshita, Kenji
RO Concentrated Water Treatment Equipment for Risk Reduction of Contaminated Water Stored in Tank in Fukushima NPS

Nottestad, Stacy
Benefits of a Full Waste Cost Recovery Program

Nutt, W. Sam
Citizen Science: Potential New Opportunity for Consent-Based Siting Processes

Nutt, William
An Evaluation of Alternative Waste Management System Architectures

Citizen Science: Potential New Opportunity for Consent-Based Siting Processes

Development of an Execution Strategy Analysis (ESA) Capability and Tool for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF)

Integrated Systems Analysis for a Regional Deep Borehole Repository for Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel

O'Malley, Dan
ZEM: Integrated Framework for Real-Time Data and Model Analyses for Robust Environmental Management Decision Making


O'Sullivan, Patrick
The New International Project on Irradiated Graphite Processing Approaches (GRAPA)

Occhipinti, John
Evaluation and Impacts of Mercury in the SRS Liquid Waste System

Odell, Lawrence
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Development of a Wide Range Segmented Gamma Scanner for Measuring Radioactive Wastes Arising in the Chinese Nuclear Industry

Ohl, Phillip
Status Update - Installation and Operation of GeoMelt® ICV™ Process in the NNL's Central Laboratory on the Sellafield Site

Ohlhof, Ralf
Experience with the Quality Control of Radioactive Waste Packages for the German Repository Konrad

Ojovan, Michael
Addressing the Legacy Waste Challenge – IAEA Activities in Support of Member States

The New International Project on Irradiated Graphite Processing Approaches (GRAPA)

Okabe, Hirofumi
Development of Cement Solidification Technique for Sodium Borate Waste Produced in PWR Plants

Studies on Oxidation Treatment of Spent Ion Exchange Resin

Okamura, Masato
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Oniki, Toshiro
A Study on Vitrification for LLW Radioactive Wastes

Oomura, Hisao
Radioactive Waste Water Treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Oostrom, Mart
Evaluating Contaminant Transport in the Vadose Zone to Support Remedy Decisions at Aqueous-Waste Disposal Sites

Oowaki, Katsura
Applicability of Laser Cutting and Decontamination Technologies for Remote Decommissioning Work

Orr, Robin
Behavior of Alpha Emitters in Cement

Osako, Masahiro
Behavior of Radioactive Cesium in MSW Thermal Treatment Plant after Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Ouzounian, Gérald
Cigeo, the French Geological Disposal Facility Project: Preliminary Design (APS) Phase

Retrieval of HLW for the Cigéo Project - A Practical Retrieval Test Story

Ozutsumi, Takenori
Migration Rates of Some Cations in Unsaturated Layer around the Near-Surface Disposal Facilities of Radioactive Wastes

Page, Jason
Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines


Page, Tom
Progress in Defining the UK Highly Active Storage Tanks Post Operational Clean Out Strategy

Pak, Donald
In-Situ Gamma-Ray Assay of the 235-F Plutonium Fuel Form Facility at the Savannah River Site

Pursuing Cost Effective Tank Waste Characterization at the Savannah River Site

Palethorpe, Steve
Choosing your Nuclear Fuel Cycle: A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective

Palmes, Julia
Perspective of Dry Interim Storage of SNF in Germany

Palonen, Erkki
Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Disposal in Finland - Status and Lessons Learned at the End of 2015

Pancake, Daniel
Disposition of Chicago Pile 5 (CP-5) Converter Tubes in the 10-160B Cask

Pantelides, Chris
Experimental Seismic Response of Scaled Dry Storage Containers under Identical Loading Conditions

Impact of Slenderness on Dry Storage Cask Seismic Response

Paraskevoulakos, Haris
A Novel Approach for the Study of Corrosion and Ageing of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Looking Inside the box; From a Distance.

Pareizs, John
Pursuing Cost Effective Tank Waste Characterization at the Savannah River Site

Park, Jaeyeong
Electrorefining of Zircaloy-4 in LiCl-KCl to Decontaminate Irradiated Cladding

Parks, Joel
Impact of Slenderness on Dry Storage Cask Seismic Response

Patil, Amol
Performance of Canberra TruckScan Waste Assay Measurement System

Patrascoiu, Sorin
Developing a New National Programme for the Management and Disposal of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste in Romania

Patterson, Geoffrey
Validation of the Modeling of Corrosion Driven Expansion in Grouted Wasteforms

Patterson, Russell
A Conceptual World Information Library (WIL) and Land Use Information System (LUIS)

Actinide Containment Safety Case in a TRU/HLW Repository in Salt

As Permanent as Practicable: The Reality of Permanent Markers

Patton, Bradley
Processing and Disposition of Remote-Handled Transuranic Liquid Waste Generated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Pau, George
Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Paul, Debasish
Management of Radioactive Wastes and Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources in Bangladesh: Recent Activities and Challenges Ahead

Paulillo, Andrea
Choosing your Nuclear Fuel Cycle: A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective

Pavlenko, Vitaly
Removing of Core Constructions of the MR and RFT Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Payne, Liam
Diamond-Based Radiation Detectors for Very High Dose Rate Environments

Investigation of the Concentration and Distribution of C14 in Magnox Nuclear Graphite
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Payton, Oliver
Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as a Tool for the Remediation of Radiologically Contaminated Environments

Pazan, Kiara
Migration and Distribution of Natural Organic Matter Injected into Subsurface Systems

Peakall, Jeff
Gas Retention and Release from Nuclear Legacy Waste
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Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Peake, Thomas
Waste Estimation from a Wide-Area Radiological Incident: The Impact of Geography and Urban Footprint

Pedersen, Bent
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Peeler, David
Comparison of High Level Waste Glass Feeds Containing Frit and Glass Forming Chemicals

Ensuring Nuclear Waste Glass Longevity: How Studying Ancient Glasses can Help Predict the Durability of Nuclear Waste Glass
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Pegg, Ian
Building Effective Collaborations to Bring Innovation into Waste Management and Decommissioning

Selection and Validation of Alternate Slag Sources for Saltstone Production

Pelton, Mitch
PHOENIX – Web-Based Application for Accessing Hanford Tank Monitoring

Penney, Ryan
Environmental Characterization Scans Using Sodium-Iodide Gamma Spectroscopy to Determine Ra-226 Concentration in Surface Soil

Pescatore, Claudio
Millennial Time Capsules as a Promising Means for Preserving Records for Future Generations

Peters, Thomas P
Mercury Speciation in Savannah River Site High-Level Waste: Determination and Implications for Waste Handling and Disposal

Petersen, Gordon
An Evaluation of Standardized Canisters in the Waste Management System

Peterson, Dave M.
Groundwater Remediation in a Floodplain Aquifer at Shiprock, New Mexico

Peterson, Jacob
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Analysis of Iodine-Containing Sodalite

Peterson, Reid
Technetium Management for Hanford Tank Waste Processing and Disposition

Peterson, Steven
Examining Supply Chain Resilience for the Intermodal Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Materials

Philippe, Stephane
UMo Solutions Processing in La Hague Cold Crucible Induction Melter: the Feedback from the First Years of Operation

Phillips, Chris
Innovative Solutions for Loading Smaller Standardized Dry Storage Canister Systems for Used Nuclear Fuel

Phillips, Felicia
Healthier Workers Improve Safety, Productivity, and Absenteeism Rates
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Phillips, Lisa
The Joint Convention, Its Global Impact and US Continuing Involvement

Pieczynski, Todd
Obtaining a Special Administrative License Exemption to Ship the Waste Valley Melter Box

Pimblott, Simon
Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Development and Expansion of Research Facilities to Address the Challenges of the Nuclear Industry
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Pinet, Olivier
UMo Solutions Processing in La Hague Cold Crucible Induction Melter: the Feedback from the First Years of Operation

Pino, Christian
Synergetic Interactions between Uranium, Humic Acid, Silica Colloids and SRS Sediments at Variable pH

Pinter, Janos
Simulating and Optimizing Complex Groundwater Restoration Problems Using Parallel Numerical Methods: Theory and Application

Piotrowski, Matt
Development of a Wide Range Segmented Gamma Scanner for Measuring Radioactive Wastes Arising in the Chinese Nuclear Industry

Pittfield, Taryn
Application of Field Evaluations of Ecological Resources at Hanford and Other DOE Sites for Consistency of Resource Protection
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Pletser, Dimitri
Degradation of Simulated HLW Glass and International Simple Glass Immersed Partially in Water

Low Melting Temperature Glass for Immobilisation of Contaminated Zeolitic Ion Exchangers from Fukushima

Plonski, Mike
Instrument Efficiencies and ISO-7503

Plummer, Jean
GrayQb Single-Faced Version 2 Open Environment Test

Plummer, Scott
Overcoming Waste Removal Challenges at Savannah River Site: A Case Study of Tank 15

Pokhitonov, Yury
Spent Fuel Reprocessing Development and Usage of Fishing Products as Starting Precursor for Ceramic Waste-Forms

Polek, Michael
High-Resolution Groundwater Investigation at a FUSRAP Site with an Aging Water-Supply Infrastructure

Poling, Jeanne
Cost Savings Resulting from Classified Component Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)

Macroencapsulation as Manufactured Components for Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)

Poncet, Bernard
Innovative Extension of the EDF Inventory Methodology for Irradiated Graphite Sleeves

Pope, Arron
Downhole MCA for High-Resolution Spectral Gamma Logging for Characterization of Radiological Contaminants
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Remote Geophysical Logging at the Hanford Single Shell Tank Farms: Maintaining Efficiency and Reducing Personnel Hazards

Standardization of Geophysical Logging Data at the Hanford Site

Pope, Ronald
Training on Transport Security of Nuclear/Radioactive Material for Key Audiences

Porter, Craig
From Banned to Allowed: Pathway to Sub-seabed HLW Repositories

Posivak, Edward
IP-2 Steam Generator Lower Assembly Packaging, Transport and Disposal

Potter, Darren
Life Extension of Nuclear Plant Facilities through Monitoring and Detailed Analysis

Validation of the Modeling of Corrosion Driven Expansion in Grouted Wasteforms

Powell, Ashton S.
Media Effects on the Recycling of Rhodium from Spent Nuclear Fuel

Pražák, Petr
Molten Salt Oxidation of Ion Exchange and Oils in Carbonate Salts and Evaporator Residue

Price, Belinda
Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board Adapts to Engage

Price, Laura
Development of a Universal Canister for Disposal of High-Level Waste in Deep Boreholes

Prij, Jan
Evaluation of Current Knowledge for Building the Dutch Salt Safety Case

Primrose, Annette
A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem: Hexavalent Chromium in Landfill Stormwater

Innovative Approach for Technetium-99 Disposal Reduces Operational Impacts

Priyanto, Deni
Canada's Underground Research Laboratory (1980-2014)

The Enhanced Sealing Project, Monitoring a Full-Scale Shaft Seal at Canada's Underground Research Laboratory (2009-2015)

Proctor, Megan
The Success of the River Corridor Closure Project - A Look at the Last 10 Years of Success

Provis, John
Optimizing Blends of Blast Furnace Slag for the Immobilization of Nuclear Waste

Pryor, Dan
Decommissioning of the Reactor Pressure Vessels by Remote Controlled Thermal Cutting Segmentation Facilities

Pultier, Marc
Immediate Dismantling of a Large Fleet of LWR NPPs: Consequences for Spent Fuel and Waste Management

Punshon, Chris
Friction Stir Cutting for Decommissioning

Pyles, Gary
Secondary Waste Form Development and Data Package for Hanford's Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

Quinley, Brian
Conservation and Recycling for Radiological-Contaminated Laundry Applications


Quintero, Walter
Robotics Technologies on Knowledge Management Information Tool (KM-IT) Platform

Waste Information Management System with 2015-16 Waste Streams

Radulescu, Georgeta
A Parametric Analysis on Factors Affecting Calculations of Estimated Dose Rates from Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipments


Ramsey, Amy
Prioritizing and Managing Technology Needs to Meet River Protection Project Mission Objectives
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Rana, Awmna
Using GIS for Processing, Analysis and Visualization of Hydrological Model Data
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Randall, Geoff
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Ray, Jay
Advancements in the H-Canyon Exhaust Ventilation System Inspections at the Savannah River Site

Raymond, David
Conducting Gamma Radiation Surveys on Municipal Roadways in Support of the Port Hope Area Initiative

Reboul, Scott
Pursuing Cost Effective Tank Waste Characterization at the Savannah River Site

Reddick, Julie
Endpoint Evaluation for 200-PW-1 Operable Unit Soil Vapor Extraction, Hanford Site, Washington

Reed, Donald
Actinide Containment Safety Case in a TRU/HLW Repository in Salt

Reed, Karen
Transition and Transfer of Remediated FUSRAP Sites from USACE to US DOE for Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance

Reich, Claudia
Decommissioning Experience at Rokkasho; Standing Type Manipulator: A1000S for Dismantling Tasks

Reich, William
Development of a U.S. Rail Transport Capability for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Waste

Reid, Richard
EPRI Software for Estimating Decommissioning Waste Volumes
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Reigel, Marissa
Mercury Speciation in Savannah River Site High-Level Waste: Determination and Implications for Waste Handling and Disposal

Update on SRNL Support of Saltstone Sampling and Analysis

Reim, Michael
Alternative Canister Processing Operations at an Interim Storage Facility

Reynolds, Jacob
Crystallization of Sodium Phosphate Dodecahydrate and Re-crystallization to Natrophosphate in Simulated Hanford Nuclear Waste

Developing Waste-Driven Design Requirements for Filtration and Ion-Exchange at the Hanford LAWPS Facility

Rhia, Brian
Implementation of Enhanced Attenuation at the US DOE Mound Site OU-1 Landfill: Accelerating Progress and Reducing Costs

Rhodes, Kelly
Completing the Cleanup of the DOE East Tennessee Technology Park Four Years Early

Ribeiro, Tracy
Transfer and Transition: Interagency Coordination for Managing Public Lands at UMTRCA Title II Sites in Wyoming

Rice, Hugh
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Rich, David
Maintenance of Maywood Laboratory Operations Support during Contractor Transition and Replacement of the Project Databases

Richards, David
Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as a Tool for the Remediation of Radiologically Contaminated Environments

Richardson, Ian
Sellafield FGMSP (First Generation Magnox Storage Pond) Additional Sludge Retrieval Project

Richardson, John-Patrick
A Model from the Mind to the Operating Facility

Richey, Dan
300-296 Soil Remediation Project - Innovative Solutions to Overcome Design Challenges

Ridge, Christianne
Revision of the Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation

Rigali, Mark
Assessment of a Hydroxyapatite Permeable Reactive Barrier to Remediate Uranium at the Old Rifle Site, Colorado

Tin(II)apatite: Synthesis, Characterization, and Challenge with Pertechnetate

Riley, Brian
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Analysis of Iodine-Containing Sodalite

Technetium Management for Hanford Tank Waste Processing and Disposition

Rimando, Rodrigo
Technology Development in Support of Accelerating the Waste Treatment Mission

Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Ritter, John
Arvia Organics Destruction: An Innovative Treatment Approach for Dioxins, Furans & Other Problematic (Orphan) Organic Wastes

Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Robbins, Rebecca
Addressing the Legacy Waste Challenge – IAEA Activities in Support of Member States

The New International Project on Irradiated Graphite Processing Approaches (GRAPA)

Roberts, Ben
The Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project: Optimizing Use of this National Asset to Treat Waste from Other DOE Sites

Roberts, Kimberly
Update on SRNL Support of Saltstone Sampling and Analysis

Robinson, Bruce
Assessment of Options for the Treatment of Nitrate Salt Wastes at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Scientific Investigations on the Chemical Reactivity of Los Alamos Remediated Nitrate Salt Wastes

Robinson, Polly
The Little Engine that Could: No Project is Too Small for Sustainable Remediation Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Removal Project

Robinson, Sharon
Processing and Disposition of Remote-Handled Transuranic Liquid Waste Generated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Rock, Cynthia
Disposition of Chicago Pile 5 (CP-5) Converter Tubes in the 10-160B Cask

Rockhold, Mark
Applications Using the Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management Toolset

Impact of High Performance Computing on the Detailed Simulation of Subsurface Flow and Contaminant Transport Using eSTOMP

Rod, Kerry
Humboldt Bay Power Plant Decommissioning Progress Update

Roelant, David
Green & Sustainable Remediation Analysis of a Packed Tower Air Stripper Used to Remediate Groundwater Contaminated with CVOCs
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Sonar Testing, Imaging and Visualization for Rapid Scan Applications in High-Level Waste Tanks

Waste Information Management System with 2015-16 Waste Streams

Rohay, Virginia
Endpoint Evaluation for 200-PW-1 Operable Unit Soil Vapor Extraction, Hanford Site, Washington

Rood, Marc
Conceptual Study of Fuel Debris Retrieval System for Fukushima Daiichi Reactors

Ross, Steven
Coupling the Modeled Structural Transmissibility of a Used Nuclear Fuel Conveyance to Over the Road Data

Preliminary Evaluation of Removing Used Nuclear Fuel from Shutdown Sites – An Update

Rothwell, Peter
Regulation of the Shutdown Defueling and Decommissioning Reactors in the United Kingdom

Rotterman, Yoel
DOE Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning
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Green & Sustainable Remediation Analysis of a Packed Tower Air Stripper Used to Remediate Groundwater Contaminated with CVOCs
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Roussel, Céline
UMo Solutions Processing in La Hague Cold Crucible Induction Melter: the Feedback from the First Years of Operation

Rowley, John
A Model from the Mind to the Operating Facility

Royer, Patrick
PHOENIX – Web-Based Application for Accessing Hanford Tank Monitoring

Rubio, Gustavo
Testing of Novel Application of GOTHIC to Modelling of Hydrogen Distribution in Intermediate Level Waste Storage Facilities

Rueter, Kenneth
Completing the Cleanup of the DOE East Tennessee Technology Park Four Years Early

Runyon, Tim
Planning for Future Implementation of Section 180(c) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act: DOE's Policy Implementation Exercise

Rutherford, Joyce
Joint Regulatory Expectations for Land Quality Management at UK Nuclear Sites

Ryan, Joseph
Low Activity Waste Glass Waste Form Performance Data Package for Hanford Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

Saad, Max
Cost Savings Resulting from Classified Component Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)


Macroencapsulation as Manufactured Components for Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)

Sahd, Gregory
Ethical Considerations for Developing Repository Warning Messages to the Future

Saito, Yuta
Interaction of Cesium and Barium Ions with Calcium Silicate Hydrate under a Geological Temperature Condition
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Sakakibara, Yuji
Underwater Laser Cutting Technology

Sakuragi, Tomofumi
Corrosion Kinetics of Stainless Steel by Hydrogen Measurement Under Deep Geological Repository Conditions

Saleh, Muad
Effect of B on Crystallization of Li and Na Aluminosilicates

Salisbury, Jennifer
Application of Field Evaluations of Ecological Resources at Hanford and Other DOE Sites for Consistency of Resource Protection
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Salo, Benjamin
Testing of New Technetium Selective Media TcTreat
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Samadi, Azadeh (Azi)
Filtration Improvements in Support of Increased Salt Waste Processing Throughput at the Savannah River Site

Samsa, Michael
A Literature Review and Compilation of Nuclear WM System Attributes for Use in Multi-Objective System Evaluations

Sanders, David
Experimental Seismic Response of Scaled Dry Storage Containers under Identical Loading Conditions

Impact of Slenderness on Dry Storage Cask Seismic Response

Sanders, Michele
Investigating the Depth of Penetration of Radionuclides in Concrete

Sanders, Thomas
The Characterisation and Removal of Water Droplets in High Pressure Water Jetting Nuclear Decontamination

Sanderson, Rebecca
Optimizing Blends of Blast Furnace Slag for the Immobilization of Nuclear Waste

Sandru, Adina
Solidification Technology for Organic Liquid Waste Combined with Solid Materials from Cernavoda NPP, Romania

Sanford, Peter
Developing a New Model to Estimate the Costs to Decommission DOE's Active Facilities

Santiago, Erwin
Conducting Gamma Radiation Surveys on Municipal Roadways in Support of the Port Hope Area Initiative

Lessons Learned in Implementation of Radiological Investigations of Small-Scale Sites in Port Hope, Ontario

Saraeva, Natalia
Citizen Science: Potential New Opportunity for Consent-Based Siting Processes

Development of an Execution Strategy Analysis (ESA) Capability and Tool for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF)

Sasagawa, Tsuyoshi
Deposition Behavior of Supersaturated Silicic Acid on Ca-type Bentonite in Geological Disposal System

Saso, Michitaka
Radioactive Waste Water Treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Sato, Ikken
Computational and Experimental Examination of Simulated Core Damage and Relocation Dynamics of a BWR Fuel Assembly
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Sato, Seiichi
Underwater Laser Cutting Technology

Sato, Tatsuaki
Development of Cement Solidification Technique for Sodium Borate Waste Produced in PWR Plants

Sato, Yohei
Development of Cement Solidification Technique for Sodium Borate Waste Produced in PWR Plants

Scales, Charlie
Status Update - Installation and Operation of GeoMelt® ICV™ Process in the NNL's Central Laboratory on the Sellafield Site

Schapell, Bruce
WTP Modifications to Support DFLAW: LAW, BOF, Lab

Schaper, Daniel
Experience with the Quality Control of Radioactive Waste Packages for the German Repository Konrad

Scheele, Randall
Thermochemical Reactivity Hazards of TRU-Waste Constituents

Scherman, Carl
Facility Improvements and Modifications to Extend the Operational Life of the Modular Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Process

Schmidt, Karsten
Remote Dismantling and Packaging of the RPV and Thermal Shield at the Obrigheim NPP

Schmidt, Markus
Documentation of Radioactive Waste Packages for Disposal in the Konrad Repository

Schofield, John
Detection and Mitigation of Hanford Site Radioactive Waste Tank Surface Water Intrusion

Schröder, Thomas J.
Evaluation of Current Knowledge for Building the Dutch Salt Safety Case

Schubert, Allen
Completing the Cleanup of the DOE East Tennessee Technology Park Four Years Early

Schultheisz, Daniel
The Joint Convention, Its Global Impact and US Continuing Involvement

Waste Estimation from a Wide-Area Radiological Incident: The Impact of Geography and Urban Footprint

Schwab, Patrick R.
Development of a U.S. Rail Transport Capability for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Waste

Schwantes, Jon
Thermochemical Reactivity Hazards of TRU-Waste Constituents

Schweiger, Michael
Comparison of High Level Waste Glass Feeds Containing Frit and Glass Forming Chemicals

Development of High Alumina Glass Property Data for Hanford High-Level Waste Glass Models

Effect of Feed Composition on Cold-Cap Formation in Laboratory-Scale Melter
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Ensuring Nuclear Waste Glass Longevity: How Studying Ancient Glasses can Help Predict the Durability of Nuclear Waste Glass
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The Effect of Quartz Particle Size and Melt Viscosity on HLW Melter Feed Using Pellet Test response

Scott, Paul
Large Cask, Small Building, AREVA's Safe MLLW Disposal Solution Despite Facility Limitations

Scott, Thomas
A Novel Approach for the Study of Corrosion and Ageing of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Looking Inside the box; From a Distance.

Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Diamond-Based Radiation Detectors for Very High Dose Rate Environments

Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as a Tool for the Remediation of Radiologically Contaminated Environments

Scully, Pam
Final Closure of the Maxey Flats Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site

Seamans, Jim
WIPP Certification of the Retrieval Box Assay System at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Plant, Idaho

Segerud, Per
Importance of Upfront Preparatory Works for Vessel Internals Segmentation Projects

Seitz, Roger
Role of Human Intrusion in Decision-Making for Radioactive Waste Disposal - Results of the IAEA HIDRA Project

Semenov, Sergey
Removing of Core Constructions of the MR and RFT Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Semin, Ilia
Nuclear Fuel Traces Definition in Storage Ponds of Research VVR-2 and OR Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Sensibaugh, Mike
Conservation and Recycling for Radiological-Contaminated Laundry Applications

Serne, Jeffrey
New Formulation of Cast Stone for Tc Immobilization in Sulfate Rich Secondary Waste Stream

Secondary Waste Form Development and Data Package for Hanford's Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

Technetium Management for Hanford Tank Waste Processing and Disposition

Setegn, Shimelis
Development of an Integrated Hydrological Model for Simulation of Surface Runoff and Stream Flow in Tims Branch Watershed

Using GIS for Processing, Analysis and Visualization of Hydrological Model Data
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Setzman, Erik
Views on Long-Term Safety of Deep Borehole Disposal

Severynse, Thomas
An Evaluation of Standardized Canisters in the Waste Management System

Sevougian, David
Deep Borehole Disposal Waste Emplacement Mode Cost-Risk Study

Enhanced Performance Assessment Models for Generic Deep Geologic Repositories for High-Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel

Shafer, David
Transfer and Transition: Interagency Coordination for Managing Public Lands at UMTRCA Title II Sites in Wyoming

Shah, Hasmukh
Evaluation and Impacts of Mercury in the SRS Liquid Waste System

Mercury Speciation in Savannah River Site High-Level Waste: Determination and Implications for Waste Handling and Disposal

Shahrayar, Yaqoot
Effect of B on Crystallization of Li and Na Aluminosilicates

Sheffield, Ryan
Development of Inspection Tools for the AY-102 Double-shell Tank at the Hanford DOE Site

Shenk, Julia
The Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project: Optimizing Use of this National Asset to Treat Waste from Other DOE Sites

Sheridan, Alisa
Integrated Readiness Activities for the Direct Feed LAW Program

Shidai, Akira
Directional Drilling Technology for HLW Disposal - Long Term Monitoring in the Borehole
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Shin, Hyeong Ki
Electrorefining of Zircaloy-4 in LiCl-KCl to Decontaminate Irradiated Cladding

Shoffner, Peggy
Robotics Technologies on Knowledge Management Information Tool (KM-IT) Platform

The Pursuit of Incombustible Fixatives: Mitigating Release of Contaminants in Fire Conditions

Waste Information Management System with 2015-16 Waste Streams

Shuler, James
Training on Transport Security of Nuclear/Radioactive Material for Key Audiences

Shull, Connor
Obtaining a Special Administrative License Exemption to Ship the Waste Valley Melter Box

Shupe, Kalli
After School Matters Program at the Hanford Site

Shust, Bill
Coupling the Modeled Structural Transmissibility of a Used Nuclear Fuel Conveyance to Over the Road Data

Siddoway, Dave
Remote-Handled TRU Storage Challenges at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico

Silverman, Josh
DOE Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning
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Simiele, Connie
After School Matters Program at the Hanford Site

Simirskii, Iurii
Nuclear Fuel Traces Definition in Storage Ponds of Research VVR-2 and OR Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Removing of Core Constructions of the MR and RFT Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Simmons, Sally
200 West Pump and Treat: The First Three Years

Endpoint Evaluation for 200-PW-1 Operable Unit Soil Vapor Extraction, Hanford Site, Washington

Simner, Steven
Selection and Validation of Alternate Slag Sources for Saltstone Production

Update on SRNL Support of Saltstone Sampling and Analysis

Simpson, Alan
Design of Removable Shield Modules for Nuclear Plant Applications Using Monte Carlo Modeling

In-Situ Gamma-Ray Assay of the 235-F Plutonium Fuel Form Facility at the Savannah River Site

WIPP Certification of the Retrieval Box Assay System at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Plant, Idaho

Simpson, Brett
Utilization and Application of Kurion Mobile Processing System in Remediation of Radioactively Contaminated Water

Sims, Lee
Advancements in the H-Canyon Exhaust Ventilation System Inspections at the Savannah River Site

Sinclair, Philip
Remediation of Occupied Commercial Property Subject to Widespread Radium-226 Contamination - Update from WM2012 Paper

Sinicrope, Joseph
The Pursuit of Incombustible Fixatives: Mitigating Release of Contaminants in Fire Conditions

Sinton, Gregory
Monitoring Hexavalent Chromium in the Columbia River Hyporheic Zone

Sjöblom, Rolf
Ensuring Nuclear Waste Glass Longevity: How Studying Ancient Glasses can Help Predict the Durability of Nuclear Waste Glass
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Skala, Lukas
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Sloma, Tanya
Developments that are Making the Versa-Pac Indeed More Versatile (and More Useful to Industry)
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Slovak, Jiri
Progress of the Czech Republic Deep Geological Repository Program

Smee, Ben
Remediation of Occupied Commercial Property Subject to Widespread Radium-226 Contamination - Update from WM2012 Paper

Smee, Jonathan
Sellafield FGMSP (First Generation Magnox Storage Pond) Additional Sludge Retrieval Project

Smiesko, Ivan
AVANTech's Innovative LLW Concentrate Treatment System Reducing Environmental Releases

Smith, Frank
Pursuing Cost Effective Tank Waste Characterization at the Savannah River Site

Smith, Gary L.
New Formulation of Cast Stone for Tc Immobilization in Sulfate Rich Secondary Waste Stream

Smith, Iain
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Smith, Kevin
Online Interactive Reporting of Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation Progress at the Hanford Site, Washington

Smith, Paul
Investigation of Inorganic Hydrophobic Filter Material for Nuclear Material Transportation and Storage Containers

Smith, Sahid
LAWPS Technology Maturation Program and Scaled Testing

Smoldasova, Jana
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Snyder, Michael
EPRI Software for Estimating Decommissioning Waste Volumes
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Implementation Guide for the Revised Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging and Encapsulation

Sohn, Dong-Seong
The Effectiveness of Gd Contents of Fuel Basket Wall in UNF Shipping & Storage Cask

Sohn, Sungjune
Electrorefining of Zircaloy-4 in LiCl-KCl to Decontaminate Irradiated Cladding

Sok, Sophy
Flow in and Permeability of Porous Media for Turbulent Flow

Solc, Jaroslav
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Soong, Te-Yang
Final Closure of the Maxey Flats Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site

Mechanical Failure Modes and Longevity of Geomembranes

Southern, Scott
Crystallization Behavior of Nepheline (Na2O•Al2O3•2SiO2) Based Glasses Designed in Na2O – CaO – Al2O3 – SiO2 System
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Southworth, Timothy
Characterization of Sr-90 Drums at the Hanford 618-10 Burial Ground

Spatz, Bob
Remote Geophysical Logging at the Hanford Single Shell Tank Farms: Maintaining Efficiency and Reducing Personnel Hazards

Spector, Harold
Niagara Falls Storage Site - Interim Waste Containment Structure

Spence, Matthew
Validation of the Modeling of Corrosion Driven Expansion in Grouted Wasteforms

Sperling, Arthur
Optimization of Material Recycling during the Decommissioning Process of Nuclear Power Plants

Spielmann, Uwe
Inerting of Casks Cavity Atmospheres - The GNS Approach to Treat Hydrogen Generation in Sealed ILW Packages

Spinelli, Nina
Public Participation at the Savannah River Site Citizen Advisory Board Meetings

Spoerner, Michael
Remote-Handled TRU Storage Challenges at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico

Springell, Ross
A Novel Approach for the Study of Corrosion and Ageing of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Looking Inside the box; From a Distance.

Stahlmann , Joachim
Thermal Impact in the Geometrical Settings in Deep Geological Repositories for HLW with Retrievability
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Stanfield, Sean
Calibration of a Passive Neutron Counter with Pu242 Standards

Stanke, Dieter
Decommissioning of the Reactor Pressure Vessels by Remote Controlled Thermal Cutting Segmentation Facilities

Staten, Jane
Evaluation and Application of Phytoremediation at FUSRAP Projects

Niagara Falls Storage Site - Interim Waste Containment Structure

Public Outreach in FUSRAP

Staub, Aaron
Aging Infrastructure: Application of System Health Monitoring at the Defense Waste Processing Facility

Stefanova, Ira
Design and Construction of a Loess-Cement Cushion as an Integral Component of an SL-LILW Repository

Realization of the National Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste in Bulgaria

Update on Construction Planning for the Bulgarian Low and Short-Lived Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Repository
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Stein, Emily
Advances in Thermal-Hydrologic Modeling of Nuclear Waste Disposal in Deep Boreholes

Enhanced Performance Assessment Models for Generic Deep Geologic Repositories for High-Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel

Safety Case Considerations for Deep Borehole Disposal of Cs/Sr Capsules

Steininger, Walter
Future German R&D on HLW Disposal

Steinmetz, Hans-Juergen
The New International Project on Irradiated Graphite Processing Approaches (GRAPA)

Stennett, Martin
The Consolidation of Glass-Ceramic Wasteforms by Hot Isostatic Pressing: Sample Optimisation

Stepanov, Alexey
Nuclear Fuel Traces Definition in Storage Ponds of Research VVR-2 and OR Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Stevens, Howard
Applying Freeze Technology for Characterization of Liquids, Sludge and Sediment

Stevens, Owen
Regulatory Compliance of H Retention Basin Using Rhombo Balls

Stevens, Patrice
Assessment of Options for the Treatment of Nitrate Salt Wastes at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Stewart, Robert
Updates to the Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) Freeware Tool
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Steyer, Stefan
Documentation of Radioactive Waste Packages for Disposal in the Konrad Repository

Stinson, Stuart
Regulatory Compliance of H Retention Basin Using Rhombo Balls

Stirler, Jacob
WIPP Certification of the Retrieval Box Assay System at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Plant, Idaho

Stitt, Camilla
A Novel Approach for the Study of Corrosion and Ageing of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Looking Inside the box; From a Distance.

Stockham, Dwight
Macroencapsulation as Manufactured Components for Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)

Stockton, Tom
A Paradigm Shift Continued: Structured Decision Making for Sustainable Waste Management: Part 1 – Decision Model Structuring

Stoll, Ralph
Development of an Execution Strategy Analysis (ESA) Capability and Tool for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF)

Strange, Robin
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Strysewske, Ronald
Remote Dismantling and Packaging of the RPV and Thermal Shield at the Obrigheim NPP

Su, Jiann
Deep Borehole Disposal Waste Emplacement Mode Cost-Risk Study

Subramanian, Karthik
Integration of National Laboratory and Low-Activity Waste Pre-Treatment System Technology Service Providers

Technology Maturation in Support of DOE 413.3B Project Execution

Sugimori, Toshiaki
Radioactive Waste Water Treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Studies on Oxidation Treatment of Spent Ion Exchange Resin

Sulejmanov, Eduard
Molten Salt Oxidation of Ion Exchange and Oils in Carbonate Salts and Evaporator Residue

Sullivan, Daniel
Obtaining a Special Administrative License Exemption to Ship the Waste Valley Melter Box

Sumiya, Takako
RO Concentrated Water Treatment Equipment for Risk Reduction of Contaminated Water Stored in Tank in Fukushima NPS

Sunaga, Takayuki
Directional Drilling Technology for HLW Disposal - Outline of the System and its Application
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Suran, Jiri
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Surovchak, Scott
Treatment of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Beneath an Occupied Building at The Young - Rainey STAR Center

Susa, Shunsuke
Radioactive Waste Water Treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Suzuki, Atsuo
Performance of Canberra TruckScan Waste Assay Measurement System

Swanberg, David J
Low Activity Waste Glass Waste Form Performance Data Package for Hanford Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

New Formulation of Cast Stone for Tc Immobilization in Sulfate Rich Secondary Waste Stream

Secondary Waste Form Development and Data Package for Hanford's Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

Swartz, Mike
Progression of Safe and Compliant Demolition of Hanford's Plutonium Finishing Plant

Sweetkind, Donald
Simulating Regional Groundwater Flow in the Vicinity of the Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada

Swift, Neil
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Sylvester, Paul
Application of Modular Design in Abatement of Fuel Element Debris (FED) Liquid Waste Stream

Szecsody, Jim
Assessment of a Hydroxyapatite Permeable Reactive Barrier to Remediate Uranium at the Old Rifle Site, Colorado

Szilagyi, Andrew
Use of Multiple Remote Systems for Calcine Retrieval Operations at Idaho

Tabor, Charles
Treatment of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Beneath an Occupied Building at The Young - Rainey STAR Center


Tachibana, Takahiro
A Study on Vitrification for LLW Radioactive Wastes

Tajima, Naoki
Radioactive Waste Water Treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Takahashi, Fumio
RO Concentrated Water Treatment Equipment for Risk Reduction of Contaminated Water Stored in Tank in Fukushima NPS

Takeuchi, Yukio
Behavior of Radioactive Cesium in MSW Thermal Treatment Plant after Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Tanaka, Tatsuya
Applicability of Wireless Power Transfer for Monitoring Technology of Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal

Tansey, William
Development of a Wide Range Segmented Gamma Scanner for Measuring Radioactive Wastes Arising in the Chinese Nuclear Industry

Taplin, Temeka
Sealed Source Security Challenges and Solutions: The Impact of Increased Commercial Disposal Access

Tardiff, Benjamin
Developing Waste-Driven Design Requirements for Filtration and Ion-Exchange at the Hanford LAWPS Facility

Tashiro, Ryo
Alteration Behavior of Granite Minerals Forming Calcium Silicate Hydrate under a Ca-Rich Highly Akaline Condition

Tatar, Florin
Developing a New National Programme for the Management and Disposal of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste in Romania

Tateishi, Tsuyoshi
Corrosion Kinetics of Stainless Steel by Hydrogen Measurement Under Deep Geological Repository Conditions

Taylor, Paul
Processing and Disposition of Remote-Handled Transuranic Liquid Waste Generated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Taylor-Pashow, Kathryn
Initial Testing of Off-Gas Recycle Condensate Liquid from the WTP Low Activity Waste Vitrification Process

Tegner, Bengt
Water Interactions with Actinide Oxides from First Principles: A Computational Study

Temus, Charles
Transportation Cask for Bare High Burnup UNF

Teodorov, Gabriela
Solidification Technology for Organic Liquid Waste Combined with Solid Materials from Cernavoda NPP, Romania

Thatcher, Kate
Thermo-Hydraulic-Mechanical Modelling of the Full-Scale Emplacement (FE) Experiment at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory

Thien, Mike
Integrated Waste Feed Qualification Program for Direct LAW Feed to WTP

Integration of National Laboratory and Low-Activity Waste Pre-Treatment System Technology Service Providers

Prioritizing and Managing Technology Needs to Meet River Protection Project Mission Objectives
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Thomas, Ivan
Innovative Solutions for Loading Smaller Standardized Dry Storage Canister Systems for Used Nuclear Fuel

Thomas, Jay
The New TN-MW® Cask System Focused on Facilities' End-of-Life Waste Management

Thomauske, Bruno
Decommissioning of NPP in Europe – Strategies, Risks and Opportunities

Site Selection in Germany - Status of the Evaluation of the Site Selection Law

Thomle, Jon
Real-Time Three-Dimensional Electrical Geophysical Monitoring of Processes Associated with Subsurface Remediation

Thompson, Dennis
The Importance of Getting it Right – Lessons from the Failure and Subsequent Approval of the LLWR Environmental Safety Case

Thompson, Paul
Canada's Underground Research Laboratory (1980-2014)

The Enhanced Sealing Project, Monitoring a Full-Scale Shaft Seal at Canada's Underground Research Laboratory (2009-2015)

Thomson, Chris
Chute Silo ILW Project Berkeley

Thomson, Steven
Progress in Defining the UK Highly Active Storage Tanks Post Operational Clean Out Strategy

Thornber, Stephanie
The Consolidation of Glass-Ceramic Wasteforms by Hot Isostatic Pressing: Sample Optimisation

Thornton, Nigel
Testing of Novel Application of GOTHIC to Modelling of Hydrogen Distribution in Intermediate Level Waste Storage Facilities

Tian, Kuo
Effect of Radiation from Low-Level Radioactive Waste Leachate on Antioxidant Depletion in HDPE Geomembrane

Tinjum, James
Effect of Radiation from Low-Level Radioactive Waste Leachate on Antioxidant Depletion in HDPE Geomembrane

Tinsley, Tim
A Model from the Mind to the Operating Facility

Opportunities to Reuse and Recycle Redundant Radioisotopes

Todd, Terry
Waste Management Approach for a Potential Future U.S. Closed Fuel Cycle

Tonge, Alastair
Utilizing a Novel Acoustic Backscatter Array to Characterize Waste Consolidation and Settling in a Horizontal Flow Clarifier

Toothman, Mindy
A Conceptual World Information Library (WIL) and Land Use Information System (LUIS)

Regulatory Compliance Strategy for Recovery-Driven Underground Ventilation System Changes

Torneby, Michael
Remote-Handled TRU Storage Challenges at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico

Toro, Laszlo
Solidification Technology for Organic Liquid Waste Combined with Solid Materials from Cernavoda NPP, Romania

Toupiol, Sandrine
The New TN-MW® Cask System Focused on Facilities' End-of-Life Waste Management

Tous, Milan
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Towner, Antony
Development of a Wide Range Segmented Gamma Scanner for Measuring Radioactive Wastes Arising in the Chinese Nuclear Industry

Toyohara, Masumitsu
Development of Cement Solidification Technique for Sodium Borate Waste Produced in PWR Plants

Trail, Casey D
An Evaluation of Alternative Waste Management System Architectures

Integrated Systems Analysis for a Regional Deep Borehole Repository for Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel

Trapuzzano, Tim
Conservation and Recycling for Radiological-Contaminated Laundry Applications

Travis, Karl
Cleaning-Up Hanford: A Deep Borehole Disposal Concept for the Cs/Sr Capsules

Trévisan, Isabelle
UMo Solutions Processing in La Hague Cold Crucible Induction Melter: the Feedback from the First Years of Operation

Triplett, Mark
PHOENIX – Web-Based Application for Accessing Hanford Tank Monitoring

Technical Evaluation of Iodine Remediation for 200-UP-1

Trivedi, Divyesh
Real Time Nanogravimetric Monitoring of Corrosion for Nuclear Decommissioning in Simulated Radioactive Environments

Trtilek, Radek
Molten Salt Oxidation of Ion Exchange and Oils in Carbonate Salts and Evaporator Residue

Truex, Michael
A Frozen Soil Barrier to Control Groundwater Inflow into Damaged Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Assessing the Performance of Pump-and-Treat Systems

Endpoint Evaluation for 200-PW-1 Operable Unit Soil Vapor Extraction, Hanford Site, Washington

Evaluating Contaminant Transport in the Vadose Zone to Support Remedy Decisions at Aqueous-Waste Disposal Sites

Refining Groundwater Monitoring Approaches through an Objectives-Driven Process

Technical Evaluation of Iodine Remediation for 200-UP-1

Tucker, Brian
Maintenance of Maywood Laboratory Operations Support during Contractor Transition and Replacement of the Project Databases

Tucker, Graham
Testing of Novel Application of GOTHIC to Modelling of Hydrogen Distribution in Intermediate Level Waste Storage Facilities

Tunbrant, Sofie
Key Information File for Radioactive Waste Repositories – Preliminary Tests

Turner, Steve
WIPP Certification of the Retrieval Box Assay System at the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Plant, Idaho

Turner, William
Development and Delivery of National Strategic Approaches to Radioactive Waste Management in the UK

Issues and Challenges for the Disposal of Solid Radioactive Wastes in the UK

Turrillas, Xabier
Effects of Gamma Radiation on Cementitious Materials in Repository Environment

Tusa, Esko
Testing of New Technetium Selective Media TcTreat
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Tzagkaroulakis, Ioannis
Real Time Nanogravimetric Monitoring of Corrosion for Nuclear Decommissioning in Simulated Radioactive Environments

Tzika, Faidra
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Udall, Greg
SeeSnake – Radiological Characterisation of Complex Nuclear Spaces


Ueno, Shunichiro
The Countermeasure for the Noble Metal in the HLW Vitrification - the Behavior of the Needle Shape Ruthenium Particle

The Countermeasure for the Noble Metal in the HLW Vitrification - the Removal Technology of Ru, Rh and Pd from the System
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Um, Wooyong
New Formulation of Cast Stone for Tc Immobilization in Sulfate Rich Secondary Waste Stream

Secondary Waste Form Development and Data Package for Hanford's Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

Sorption and Transport Behavior of Cs-137, Sr-90, and Tc-99 on Geological Media in Radioactive Waste Repository, South Korea
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Synthesis of Bismuth Functionalized Grapheme Oxide for Radioactive Iodine Gas Removal
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Underwood, Nick
Life Extension of Nuclear Plant Facilities through Monitoring and Detailed Analysis

Validation of the Modeling of Corrosion Driven Expansion in Grouted Wasteforms

Upadhyay, Himanshu
Robotics Technologies on Knowledge Management Information Tool (KM-IT) Platform

Waste Information Management System with 2015-16 Waste Streams

Valdivieso, José Miguel
Importance of Upfront Preparatory Works for Vessel Internals Segmentation Projects


Välimaa, Ilkka
Testing of New Technetium Selective Media TcTreat
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van Ammel, Raf
New High - Throughput Measurement Systems for Radioactive Wastes Segregation and Free Release
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Van Camp, Scott
The Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project: Optimizing Use of this National Asset to Treat Waste from Other DOE Sites

Van den Dungen, Kurt
D&D of the CALLISTO PWR Loop as Part of the Refurbishment of the BR2 Research Reactor

Van Hoesen, Dirk
DOE Oak Ridge Cleanup History – Setting the Stage for Future Success

Van Luik, Abraham
As Permanent as Practicable: The Reality of Permanent Markers

Ethical Considerations for Developing Repository Warning Messages to the Future

Key Information File for Radioactive Waste Repositories – Preliminary Tests

Millennial Time Capsules as a Promising Means for Preserving Records for Future Generations

van Veen, Walter
Lessons Learned in Implementation of Radiological Investigations of Small-Scale Sites in Port Hope, Ontario

Vance, Eric (Lou)
Synroc Wasteforms for Immobilization of Advanced Reprocessing Wastes

Vanderperre, Serge
A WM Facility for the Processing of Radioactive Materials Arising from the Decommissioning Activities of the Doel Belgian NPP

VanderVeer, Brad
Comparison of High Level Waste Glass Feeds Containing Frit and Glass Forming Chemicals

Vanek, Tim
Transfer and Transition: Interagency Coordination for Managing Public Lands at UMTRCA Title II Sites in Wyoming

Vannah, Benjamin
Online Interactive Reporting of Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation Progress at the Hanford Site, Washington

Vasquez, David
Inspection Technology Advancements for Hanford Double Shell Tank Integrity Verification

Veirs, Kirk
Investigation of Inorganic Hydrophobic Filter Material for Nuclear Material Transportation and Storage Containers

Venetz, Theodore
Detection and Mitigation of Hanford Site Radioactive Waste Tank Surface Water Intrusion

Hanford Single-Shell Tank and Double-Shell Tank Integrity Program

Vermuel, Vince
Assessment of a Hydroxyapatite Permeable Reactive Barrier to Remediate Uranium at the Old Rifle Site, Colorado

Vero, Thomas
Liquid Waste Cell Decommissioning at the West Valley Demonstration Project

Vesselinov, Velimir
ZEM: Integrated Framework for Real-Time Data and Model Analyses for Robust Environmental Management Decision Making

Veyer, Catherine
UMo Solutions Processing in La Hague Cold Crucible Induction Melter: the Feedback from the First Years of Operation

Vicente, Roberto
Effects of Gamma Radiation on Cementitious Materials in Repository Environment

Radiochemical Method for Characterization of the Filter Cartridges from the IEA-R1 Reactor
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Vicuna, Mark
Performance of Canberra TruckScan Waste Assay Measurement System

Vieira, Imario
Strategic Planning as Competitive Differential Using BSC: a Case Study in CTR/IPEN - USP, Brazil
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Vienna, John
Development of High Alumina Glass Property Data for Hanford High-Level Waste Glass Models

Waste Management Approach for a Potential Future U.S. Closed Fuel Cycle

Vieru, Gheorghe
The Approach of the Environmental Consequences and Impacts during Transport of Radioactive Materials (RAM)–A Safety Case

Villani, Marcel
Calibration of a Passive Neutron Counter with Pu242 Standards

Vis, Geert-Jan
Evaluation of Current Knowledge for Building the Dutch Salt Safety Case

Vogt, Tobias
Thermo-Hydraulic-Mechanical Modelling of the Full-Scale Emplacement (FE) Experiment at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory

Volkovich, Anatoly
Nuclear Fuel Traces Definition in Storage Ponds of Research VVR-2 and OR Reactors in NRC "Kurchatov Institute"

Von Berlepsch, Thilo
A National Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste for Iraq

Realization of the National Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste in Bulgaria

Voss, James
Development of an Execution Strategy Analysis (ESA) Capability and Tool for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF)

Nuclear Waste Facility Siting: 40 Years of Experience

Siting Radioactive Waste Management Facilities: Successes and Failures

Vreede, Patrick
Characterization and Clearance of m/s SIGYN

Wachter, Joseph
Calibration of a Passive Neutron Counter with Pu242 Standards


Wadin, Maxime
A WM Facility for the Processing of Radioactive Materials Arising from the Decommissioning Activities of the Doel Belgian NPP

Wagner, Jean-Michel
Decommissioning Experience at Rokkasho; Standing Type Manipulator: A1000S for Dismantling Tasks

Wahlquist, Roger
Transitioning from Construction to Startup at WTP from a Plant Engineering Perspective

Wainwright, Haruko
Applications Using the Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management Toolset

Effective Long-term Monitoring Strategies by Integrating Reactive Transport Models and In situ Geochemical Measurements

Waite, David
Synroc Wasteforms for Immobilization of Advanced Reprocessing Wastes

Walkden, Peter
The Magnox Clean-Up Programme - Integrating and Making Best Use of the Supply Chain

Walker, Stuart
An Analysis of Maximum Allowable Radiation Levels in Soil: Comparing Risk Models of International and National Agencies

Evolving Adjustments to External (Gamma) Slope Factors for CERCLA Risk and Dose Assessments: the MCNP Years

US EPA Superfund Radiation Risk and Dose Assessment Models Update: New, Revised, and Upcoming Tools

Wall, Nathalie
Ensuring Nuclear Waste Glass Longevity: How Studying Ancient Glasses can Help Predict the Durability of Nuclear Waste Glass
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Wallace, Drew
Cost Savings Resulting from Classified Component Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)

Walraven, Douglas
Survey and Remediation Project at the DOE Bannister Site

Walter, Nelson
Comparison of Laboratory Analytical Methods for Uranium Analysis

Walton, Zane
Utilization and Application of Kurion Mobile Processing System in Remediation of Radioactively Contaminated Water

Wang, Hong
Spent Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity Study

Wang, Jy-An
Spent Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity Study

Wang, Peng
NitroJet®'s Verification Test of Contaminated Water Storage Tank Decontamination in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Ward, Abigail
Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE)

Ward, Andy
There is Nothing Here for You: Passive Institutional Controls and Preemptive Resource Exploitation

Washenfelder, Dennis
Detection and Mitigation of Hanford Site Radioactive Waste Tank Surface Water Intrusion

Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Hanford Single-Shell Tank and Double-Shell Tank Integrity Program

Watson, David J.
PHOENIX – Web-Based Application for Accessing Hanford Tank Monitoring

Watson, Natalie
Comparison of Laboratory Analytical Methods for Uranium Analysis

Watson, Robert
There is Nothing Here for You: Passive Institutional Controls and Preemptive Resource Exploitation

Watson, Simon
Development and Expansion of Research Facilities to Address the Challenges of the Nuclear Industry
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Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Watters, Dave
Colonie FUSRAP Site – Radioactive Dust Sampling of Residential and Commercial Properties

Weaver, Jamie
Ensuring Nuclear Waste Glass Longevity: How Studying Ancient Glasses can Help Predict the Durability of Nuclear Waste Glass
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Weber, Inge
Best Practice on Facility Characterisation from a Material and Waste End-State Perspective

Wei, Xinyu
Simulating and Optimizing Complex Groundwater Restoration Problems Using Parallel Numerical Methods: Theory and Application

Wei, Zhang
Development of a Wide Range Segmented Gamma Scanner for Measuring Radioactive Wastes Arising in the Chinese Nuclear Industry

Weintrager, Udo
Sellafield FGMSP (First Generation Magnox Storage Pond) Additional Sludge Retrieval Project

Weisenberg, Kerry
Strategies for Decommissioning the Fuel Storage and Reprocessing Complex at Chalk River Laboratories

Wellington, Joseph
Embedded Cluster Calculations of Water Adsorption on the UO2 (111) Surface

Wellman, Dawn
Integration of National Laboratory and Low-Activity Waste Pre-Treatment System Technology Service Providers

Performance of a Surface Barrier for Waste Isolation and Flux Reduction at the Hanford Site
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Wells, Beric
Leak Testing with Simulated Waste of Hanford Tank Farm Valves Utilized for Double Valve Isolation

Wels, Tobias
Experience with the Quality Control of Radioactive Waste Packages for the German Repository Konrad

Wentland, Christopher
An Evaluation of Alternative Waste Management System Architectures

Werner, Stefani
Results of Modeling and Simulation Support to Special Nuclear Material Handling Facility Operations

West, Michael
Design and Development of an Automated Instrument for Measuring Radioactivity in an Excavator Bucket

Westsik, Joseph
New Formulation of Cast Stone for Tc Immobilization in Sulfate Rich Secondary Waste Stream

Secondary Waste Form Development and Data Package for Hanford's Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment

Wheeler, Isabelle
Progress on Resolution of Technical Issues at the Hanford Waste Treatment And Immobilization Plant Project

Progress on Resuming Full Construction on the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant's High-Level Waste Facility

Progress Update on the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Pulse-Jet Mixed Vessel Testing Program

Wheeler, Martin
Direct Feed Low-Activity Waste (DFLAW) Program: Development, Progression and Risk Management

Integrated Readiness Activities for the Direct Feed LAW Program

Whicker, Jeffrey
Application of MARSSIM and MARSAME Guidance to Footprint Reduction Projects at a DOE Site
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Whiteside, Tad
Pursuing Cost Effective Tank Waste Characterization at the Savannah River Site

Whittall, Steven
'Top 10' Facility Decommissioning Risks and Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Them

Wickham, Anthony
The New International Project on Irradiated Graphite Processing Approaches (GRAPA)

Wiersma, Bruce
Corrosion Testing of Carbon Steel Exposed to Sludge Heel Chemical Cleaning Solutions

Wiggins, Arthur
Regulatory Compliance of H Retention Basin Using Rhombo Balls

Wilburn, Scott
Final Closure of the Maxey Flats Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site

Wilke, Marcus
Documentation of Radioactive Waste Packages for Disposal in the Konrad Repository

Wilkinson, Richard
'Top 10' Facility Decommissioning Risks and Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Them

Williams, Benjamin
New Formulation of Cast Stone for Tc Immobilization in Sulfate Rich Secondary Waste Stream

Williams, Edward
Design of Removable Shield Modules for Nuclear Plant Applications Using Monte Carlo Modeling

Williams, Layne
Cost Savings Resulting from Classified Component Disposal at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)

Willis, Kristen
Development and Maintenance of a Comprehensive Radioactive Waste Management Basis

Wilmarth, Bill
Evaluation and Impacts of Mercury in the SRS Liquid Waste System

Mercury Speciation in Savannah River Site High-Level Waste: Determination and Implications for Waste Handling and Disposal

Wilson, Craig
LaserSnake2 – Remote High Powered Laser Cutting in Confined Hazardous Spaces

SeeSnake – Radiological Characterisation of Complex Nuclear Spaces

Wilson, Dave
Sellafield FGMSP (First Generation Magnox Storage Pond) Additional Sludge Retrieval Project

Wilson, Eric
Determination of Erosion/Corrosion Rates in Hanford Tank Farms Radioactive Waste Transfer System Pipelines

Winkler, Cliff
Developing Waste-Driven Design Requirements for Filtration and Ion-Exchange at the Hanford LAWPS Facility

Winspear Roberts, Victoria

Wintczak, Tom
Direct Feed Low-Activity Waste (DFLAW) Program: Development, Progression and Risk Management

Winter, Edwina
Development of a Holistic Waste Management Flow Sheet for Nuclear New Build in China

Winters, Michael
Instrument Efficiencies and ISO-7503

Maintenance of Maywood Laboratory Operations Support during Contractor Transition and Replacement of the Project Databases

Measurement Quality Objective Considerations for Residual Alpha Surface Radioactivity Measurements at Remediation Sites

Wipfli, Christine
A Study of Sodium Silicate Treatment for the U(VI)-Impacted Acidic Groundwater at Savannah River Site's F/H Areas
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Wirth, Holger
Future German R&D on HLW Disposal

Wisbey, Simon
Key Information File for Radioactive Waste Repositories – Preliminary Tests

Markers and Beyond: Categorizing Human Intrusion Situations to be Addressed in Sub-surface Marking Concepts

Wise, Michelle
Preparation of Waste Fingerprints for the Miscellaneous Beta Gamma Waste Feeds to the Box Encapsulation Plant at Sellafield
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Witkowski, Ioana
Recovering New Type of Sources by Off-Site Source Recovery Project for WIPP Disposal

Witwer, Keith
Status Update - Installation and Operation of GeoMelt® ICV™ Process in the NNL's Central Laboratory on the Sellafield Site

Wolf, Jens
Evaluation of Current Knowledge for Building the Dutch Salt Safety Case

Woller, Frantisek
Progress of the Czech Republic Deep Geological Repository Program

Woodbury, Simon
A Novel Technology for Complex Rheological Measurements

Woodcock, Terry
Size Reduction of Contaminated Magnox Pond Skips Using Laser Cutting

Wooley, Theodore (Ted)
Prioritizing and Managing Technology Needs to Meet River Protection Project Mission Objectives
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Woollen, Mary
Citizen Science: Potential New Opportunity for Consent-Based Siting Processes

Wright, Thomas
Mobile Robots and Remote Characterisation Systems for Nuclear Decommissioning

Wrzesinski, Wendell
Direct Feed Low Activity Waste Program Integration

Direct Feed Low-Activity Waste (DFLAW) Program: Development, Progression and Risk Management

One System Overview

Wyrwas, Richard
Corrosion Testing of Carbon Steel Exposed to Sludge Heel Chemical Cleaning Solutions

Yaita, Yumi
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning


Studies on Oxidation Treatment of Spent Ion Exchange Resin

Yamamoto, Seiji
Radioactive Waste Water Treatment for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Yamamoto, Tomoko
NitroJet®'s Verification Test of Contaminated Water Storage Tank Decontamination in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Yamamoto, Yasushi
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Yamasaki, Akito
NitroJet®'s Verification Test of Contaminated Water Storage Tank Decontamination in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Yamashiki, Yosuke
Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as a Tool for the Remediation of Radiologically Contaminated Environments

Yamashita, Yu
Studies on Oxidation Treatment of Spent Ion Exchange Resin

Yan, Yong
Spent Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity Study

Yang, Han-Beom
Chemical and Foaming Stability of Foam Decontaminating Agents

Yang, Youming
Effect of Radiation from Low-Level Radioactive Waste Leachate on Antioxidant Depletion in HDPE Geomembrane

Yim, Sung Paal
Flow in and Permeability of Porous Media for Turbulent Flow

Radioactive Waste Management in HANARO (High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor)
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Yllanes, Gene
Sonar Testing, Imaging and Visualization for Rapid Scan Applications in High-Level Waste Tanks

Yokaichiya, Fabiano
Effects of Gamma Radiation on Cementitious Materials in Repository Environment

Yook, Daesik
A Study on the Temperature Correlation between a Surface of Dry Storage Canister and Spent Fuel Clad

Development of the Licensing Procedure and Regulatory Framework for the Spent Fuel Storage Facility in Korea

Yoon, In-Ho
Chemical and Foaming Stability of Foam Decontaminating Agents

Yoshida, Satoshi
Corrosion Kinetics of Stainless Steel by Hydrogen Measurement Under Deep Geological Repository Conditions

Yoshii, Toshihiro
Development of the Advanced T-OZONTM for PWR Decommissioning

Young, Brian
Performance of Canberra TruckScan Waste Assay Measurement System

Young, Jason
WTP Modifications to Support DFLAW: LAW, BOF, Lab

Young, Robin
Pursuing Cost Effective Tank Waste Characterization at the Savannah River Site

Zeitler, Todd
Impact of Corrections to the Spallings Volume Calculation on Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Performance Assessment
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Zhang, Zhuanfang
Performance of a Surface Barrier for Waste Isolation and Flux Reduction at the Hanford Site
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Zimmerman, Colin
Preparation of Waste Fingerprints for the Miscellaneous Beta Gamma Waste Feeds to the Box Encapsulation Plant at Sellafield
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