Waste Management Symposia 2015



Session 083 - Global Experience of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) for Nuclear Waste Geologic Repositories



Session Co-Chairs:   Thomas Klein (USA)
Russell Patterson (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Russell Patterson (USA)
Additional Organizer(s):   Thomas Klein (USA)
Abraham Van Luik (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Thomas Klein (USA)




Paper Title


Ethical Considerations for Developing Repository Warning Messages to the Future - 16152
Abraham Van Luik, US DOE (USA); Thomas Klein, AECOM - Technical Services- WIPP (USA); Gregory Sahd, US DOE (USA)


Key Information File for Radioactive Waste Repositories – Preliminary Tests - 16169
Jean-Noël Dumont, Andra (France); Sofie Tunbrant, SKB (Sweden); Simon Wisbey, Radioactive Waste Management Limited (United Kingdom); Pierre-Henri De La Codre, Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) (France); Abraham Van Luik, US DOE (USA)


There is Nothing Here for You: Passive Institutional Controls and Preemptive Resource Exploitation - 16197
Robert Watson, AECOM - URS (USA); John Callicoat, AECOM-URS Corporation (USA); Andy Ward, US DOE (USA)


A Conceptual World Information Library (WIL) and Land Use Information System (LUIS) - 16181
Russell Patterson, US DOE (USA); Thomas Klein, AECOM - Technical Services- WIPP (USA); Mindy Toothman, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); John Callicoat, AECOM-URS Corporation (USA)


Millennial Time Capsules as a Promising Means for Preserving Records for Future Generations - 16542
Claudio Pescatore, Private Practice Consultant (France); Abraham Van Luik, US DOE (USA)


As Permanent as Practicable: The Reality of Permanent Markers - 16191
Thomas Klein, AECOM - Technical Services- WIPP (USA); Abraham Van Luik, US DOE (USA); Russell Patterson, US DOE (USA)


Markers and Beyond: Categorizing Human Intrusion Situations to be Addressed in Sub-surface Marking Concepts - 16378
Stephan Hotzel, GRS gGmbH (Germany); Simon Wisbey, Radioactive Waste Management Limited (United Kingdom)


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