Paper Title
1 |
The New TN-MW® Cask System Focused on Facilities’ End-of-Life Waste Management - 16627
Bruno Dumont, AREVA TN (France); Jay Thomas, AREVA TN (USA); Sandrine Toupiol, AREVA TN (USA);
Florence Lefort-Mary, AREVA (France); Gilles Clement, AREVA NC (France); Christine Lamouroux, AREVA (USA) |
2 |
Inerting of Casks Cavity Atmospheres - The GNS Approach to Treat Hydrogen Generation in Sealed ILW Packages - 16043
Linus Bettermann, GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH (Germany); Uwe Spielmann, GNS mbH (Germany); Torsten Kahl, GNS mbH (Germany) |
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Transportation Cask for Bare High Burnup UNF - 16362
Sven Bader, AREVA Federal Services, LLC (USA); Slade Klein, AREVA Federal Services, LLC (USA); Charles Temus, AREVA Federal Services, LLC (USA) |
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Packaging for Transport of the ILW-LL of EDF First Generation Power Plant Dismantling - 16517
Aurelie Brasch-Serres, EDF DP2D (France); Mathias Chazot, ROBATEL Industries (France) |