Waste Management Symposia 2015



Session 114 - Investigations of Problematic Wastes and New Candidates for Immobilization



Session Co-Chairs:   Andrew Fellinger (USA)
Leslie Jardine (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Sharon Marra (USA)
Additional Organizer(s):   Leslie Jardine (USA)
Mark Shepard (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Andrew Fellinger (USA)




Paper Title


Scientific Investigations on the Chemical Reactivity of Los Alamos Remediated Nitrate Salt Wastes - 16540
David Clark, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); David Funk, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Bruce Robinson, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)


Synroc Wasteforms for Immobilization of Advanced Reprocessing Wastes - 16167
Yun-Hao Hsieh, Imperial College London (United Kingdom); Denis Horlait, Imperial College London (United Kingdom); Samuel Humphry-Baker, Imperial College London (United Kingdom); Eric (Lou) Vance, ANSTO (Australia); Daniel Gregg, ANSTO (Australia); Lyndon Edwards, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (Australia); David Waite, The University of New South Wales (Australia); William Lee, Imperial College London (United Kingdom)


Hydrothermal Synthesis and Analysis of Iodine-Containing Sodalite - 16153
Saehwa Chong, Washington State University (USA); Jacob Peterson, Washington State University (USA); Brian Riley, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); John McCloy, Washington State University (USA)


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