Waste Management Symposia 2015



Session 057 - Worldwide Perspectives of Radioactive Waste Management - Challenges and Solutions



Session Co-Chairs:   Ray Clark (USA)
Stratis Vomvoris (Switzerland)
Lead Organizer:   John Mathieson (United Kingdom)
Paper Reviewer:   Leif G Eriksson (USA)




Paper Title


Canada's Nuclear Legacy Liabilities Program - Ten Years of Progress and Achievements - 16456
Doug Metcalfe, Natural Resources Canada (Canada); Catherine Badke, Natural Resources Canada (Canada); Dave McCauley, Natural Resources Canada (Canada)


Addressing the Legacy Waste Challenge – IAEA Activities in Support of Member States - 16304
Rebecca Robbins, IAEA (Austria); Michael Ojovan, IAEA (Austria)


Site Selection in Germany - Status of the Evaluation of the Site Selection Law - 16122
Frank Charlier, RWTH Aachen University, NET (Germany); Bruno Thomauske, RWTH Aachen University, NET (Germany)


Progress of the Czech Republic Deep Geological Repository Program - 16255
Jiri Slovak, Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (Czech Republic); Frantisek Woller, Consultant (Czech Republic)


A National Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste for Iraq - 16610
Enrique Biurrun, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Bernt Haverkamp, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany); Thilo Von Berlepsch, DBE Technology GmbH (Germany)


Developing a New National Programme for the Management and Disposal of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste in Romania - 16391
Bill Miller, Amec Foster Wheeler (United Kingdom); Florin Tatar, Agentia Nucleara si Pentru Deseuri Radioactive (ANDR) (Romania); Alice Mariana Dima , Agentia Nucleara si Pentru Deseuri Radioactive (ANDR) (Romania); Florian Glodeanu, Amec Foster Wheeler (Romania); Sorin Patrascoiu, Amec Foster Wheeler (Romania)


The Joint Convention, Its Global Impact and US Continuing Involvement - 16645
Lisa Phillips, US DOE (USA); Daniel Schultheisz, US EPA (USA); Mathews George, US NRC (USA); Janet Gorn, U.S. Department of State (USA)


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