Waste Management Symposia 2015



Session 086 - Experience in Waste Treatment and Process Updates, an International Perspective



Session Co-Chairs:   Christian Ladirat (France)
John Vienna (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Sharon Marra (USA)
Additional Organizer(s):   Christian Ladirat (France)
Mark Shepard (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Mark Shepard (USA)




Paper Title


Waste Treatment & Immobilization Plant, a Leader in the International Glass Community - 16003
Albert Kruger, US DOE (USA); William Hamel, US DOE (USA)


Transitioning from Construction to Startup at WTP from a Plant Engineering Perspective - 16461
Ryan Covert, URS - AECOM (USA); Jeffrey Markillie, URS - AECOM (USA); David Green, Bechtel National, Inc. (USA); Steven Churchil, URS-AECOM (USA); Roger Wahlquist, Bechtel National, Inc. (USA); Gregory Laine, URS-AECOM (USA); Ronald Nargi, Bechtel National, Inc. (USA)


Progress Update for the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Project - 16281
William Hamel, US DOE (USA); Joanne Grindstaff, US DOE (USA)


Progress on Resuming Full Construction on the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant’s High-Level Waste Facility - 16283
William Hamel, US DOE (USA); Langdon Holton, US DOE (USA); Isabelle Wheeler, US DOE ORP (USA); Wahed Abdul, US DOE (USA)


Progress Update on the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Pulse-Jet Mixed Vessel Testing Program - 16286
Langdon Holton, US DOE (USA); Isabelle Wheeler, US DOE ORP (USA); Bradley Eccleston, US DOE (USA)


Aging Infrastructure: Application of System Health Monitoring at the Defense Waste Processing Facility - 16069
Aaron Staub, Savannah River Remediation (USA)


UMo Solutions Processing in La Hague Cold Crucible Induction Melter: the Feedback from the First Years of Operation - 16376
Régis Didierlaurent, AREVA (France); Jean Francois Hollebecque, CEA (France); Olivier Pinet, CEA Marcoule (France); Eric Leveel, AREVA (France); Catherine Veyer, AREVA (France); Isabelle Trévisan, AREVA (France); Céline Roussel, AREVA NC (France); Stephane Philippe, AREVA (France)


Progress on Resolution of Technical Issues at the Hanford Waste Treatment And Immobilization Plant Project - 16285
Langdon Holton, US DOE (USA); Isabelle Wheeler, US DOE ORP (USA)


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