Waste Management Symposia 2015



Session 029 - Developments in Deep Borehole Disposal around the World



Session Co-Chairs:   Leif G Eriksson (USA)
Bertil Grundfelt (Sweden)
Lead Organizer:   Leif G Eriksson (USA)
Additional Organizer(s):   Geoff Freeze (USA)
Timothy Gunter (USA)
Stefan Mayer (Austria)
Paper Reviewer:   Leif G Eriksson (USA)




Paper Title


Deep Borehole Disposal: Options, Issues and Challenges - 16250
Fergus Gibb, University of Sheffield (United Kingdom)


Hydrogeologic Lessons Learned from Deep Drilling Projects Applied to Deep Borehole Disposal of Radioactive Wastes - 16133
Margaret Butzen, University of Wisconsin, Madison (USA); Bret Leslie, US Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (USA)


Cleaning-Up Hanford: A Deep Borehole Disposal Concept for the Cs/Sr Capsules - 16249
Karl Travis, University of Sheffield (United Kingdom); Fergus Gibb, University of Sheffield (United Kingdom)


Integrated Systems Analysis for a Regional Deep Borehole Repository for Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel - 16291
Robert Jeffrey Geringer, University of Illinois (USA); Casey D Trail, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); William Nutt, Argonne National Laboratory (USA)


Safety Case Considerations for Deep Borehole Disposal of Cs/Sr Capsules - 16294
Geoff Freeze, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Patrick Brady, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Ernest Hardin, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Robert MacKinnon, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Emily Stein, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Teklu Hadgu, Sandia National Laboratories (USA)


Deep Borehole Disposal Waste Emplacement Mode Cost-Risk Study - 16346
Ernest Hardin, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Karen Jenni, Insight Decisions LLC (USA); Andrew Clark, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); John Cochran, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); John Finger, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); David Sevougian, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Jiann Su, Sandia National Laboratories (USA)


Development of a Universal Canister for Disposal of High-Level Waste in Deep Boreholes - 16482
Laura Price, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Steven Gomberg, US DOE (USA)


Views on Long-Term Safety of Deep Borehole Disposal - 16657
Bertil Grundfelt, Kemakta Konsult AB (Sweden); Erik Setzman, SKB (Sweden); Lars Birgersson, Kemakta Konsult AB (Sweden)


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