Waste Management Symposia 2015



Session 117 - Future Alternate Fuel Cycle HLW Management, Worldwide Experiences



Session Co-Chairs:   Robert Jubin (USA)
Keith Miller (United Kingdom)
Lead Organizer:   Keith Miller (United Kingdom)
Additional Organizer(s):   Robert Jubin (USA)
Steven Thomson (United Kingdom)
Paper Reviewer:   Keith Miller (United Kingdom)




Paper Title


Waste Management Approach for a Potential Future U.S. Closed Fuel Cycle - 16233
John Vienna, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Terry Todd, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); Kimberly Gray, US DOE (USA)


Hot Isostatic Pressing of Radioactive Nuclear Waste: The Calcine at INL - 16348
Anders Eklund, Quintus Technologies, LLC (USA); Regis A. Matzie, RAMatzie Nuclear Technology Consulting, LLC (USA)


Apatite Based Ceramic Waste Forms for Immobilization of Radioactive Iodine, An Overview - 16155
Charles Cao, Rutgers University (USA); Ashutosh Goel, Rutgers University (USA)


Media Effects on the Recycling of Rhodium from Spent Nuclear Fuel - 16364
Shalina Bottorff, Washington State University (USA); Ashton S. Powell, Washington State University (USA); Thomas R. Hayes, Washington State University (USA); Aurora E. Clark, Washington State University (USA); Stephen Mezyk, California State University, Long Beach (USA); Paul D. Benny, Washington State University (USA)


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