Waste Management Symposia 2015



Session 131 - Environmental Remediation Progress toward Closure of Contaminated Sites



Session Co-Chairs:   Mark Frei (USA)
Kurt Gerdes (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Kurt Gerdes (USA)
Additional Organizer(s):   Mark Frei (USA)
Robert Vellinger (USA)
David Wallace (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Kurt Gerdes (USA)




Paper Title


Completing the Cleanup of the DOE East Tennessee Technology Park Four Years Early - 16067
Allen Schubert, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA); Kelly Rhodes, CH2M HILL (USA); Kenneth Rueter, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA)


DOE Oak Ridge Cleanup History – Setting the Stage for Future Success - 16273
Dirk Van Hoesen, Strata-G (USA)


The Success of the River Corridor Closure Project - A Look at the Last 10 Years of Success - 16105
Megan Proctor, Washington Closure Hanford (USA); Theresa Howell, Washington Closure Hanford (USA)


Joint Regulatory Expectations for Land Quality Management at UK Nuclear Sites - 16596
Juliet Long, UK Environment Agency (United Kingdom); David Bennett, Environment Agency (United Kingdom); Jim Cochrane, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (United Kingdom); Joyce Rutherford, Office for Nuclear Regulation (United Kingdom); Simon Morgan, Office for Nuclear Regulation (United Kingdom); Stephen Hardy, Environment Agency (United Kingdom)


Endpoint Evaluation for 200-PW-1 Operable Unit Soil Vapor Extraction, Hanford Site, Washington - 16478
Mark Byrnes, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Virginia Rohay, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Sally Simmons, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Michael Truex, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Emerald Laija, US EPA (USA); Julie Reddick, US DOE (USA); Chris Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)


Evaluating Contaminant Transport in the Vadose Zone to Support Remedy Decisions at Aqueous-Waste Disposal Sites - 16195
Michael Truex, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Mart Oostrom, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)


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