Paper Title
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Applications Using the Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management Toolset - 16335
Mark Freshley, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Greg Flach, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Haruko Wainwright, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA); Mark Rockhold, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA);
Vicky Freedman, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); David Moulton, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Paul Dixon, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); John Morse, US DOE (USA) |
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PHOENIX – Web-Based Application for Accessing Hanford Tank Monitoring - 16157
Patrick Royer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Thomas Fletcher, US DOE (USA); Jeremy Johnson, US DOE (USA); Alicia Gorton, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Mitch Pelton, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Mark Triplett, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); David J. Watson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |
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A Paradigm Shift Continued: Structured Decision Making for Sustainable Waste Management: Part 1 – Decision Model Structuring - 16486
Paul Black, Neptune & Company Inc. (USA); Kelly Black, Neptune & Company Inc. (USA); Tom Stockton, Neptune & Company Inc. (USA) |
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Strategic Planning and Decisions Tools to Enhance EM Mission Execution - 16552
Jeannette Hyatt, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA);
Rudy Goetzman, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) |