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Field site and headquarters representatives will discuss challenges, approaches, results, and lessons learned in defining and executing tank waste cleanup under different regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations. Panelists: Daniel Sullivan, Federal Project Director, West Valley Demonstration Project, US DOE Jean Ridley, Director, Waste Disposition Programs Division, Savannah River Site, US DOE Glyn Trenchard, Deputy Assistant Manager for Tank Farms, Office of River Protection, US DOE Graham Jonsson, Head of Independent Performance Assurance Group, Sellafield Ltd (United Kingdom) John Zimmerman, Deputy Manager for Idaho Cleanup Project, US DOE Session 100 13:25 - 17:00 Room 102A Spent or Used Nuclear Fuel: Approaches and Technologies Session Co-Chairs: Edward Ketusky, Savannah River National Laboratory; Tom Michener, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Lead Organizer: John Gregory, AREVA Federal Services, LLC Additional Organizer: Tom Michener, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Paper Reviewer: Mark Shepard, Los Alamos National Laboratory 13:30 A Proposed Path Forward for Standardization - 17131 Josh Jarrell, Robert Joseph, Riley Cumberland, Robert Howard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; William Nutt, Argonne National Laboratory 13:55 Extended Storage of High Burn-up Fuel Cask R&D Project - 17145 Don McGee, Gary Clark, AREVA Federal Services, LLC 14:20 Material Investigation and Long-term Sealing Behavior of Helicoflex® Metal Seals used in Containers for Spent Nuclear Fuel - 17135 Tobias Grelle, Dietmar Wolff, Ulrich Probst, Matthias Jaunich, Holger Völzke, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Germany) 14:45 Integrated Solutions for Interim Used Fuel Management: From Pool Unloading to Safe Delivery to Recycling or Repository Facilities - 17235 Jayant Bondre, TN AMERICAS LLC (AREVA TN); Catherine Shelton, Dennis Lang, AREVA TN 10 Minute Break 15:20 Drying Model for Fukushima Fuel Debris - 17489 Martin Plys, James Burelbach, Fauske & Associates, LLC; Sung Jin Lee, Robert Apthorpe, Fauske & Associates, LLC 15:45 New Approach in Fissile Assay Using LSDS - 17076 YongDeok Lee, KAERI (South Korea); Ju Young Jeon, KINAC; Yaron Danon, RPI 16:10 Further Development of an Execution Strategy Analysis (ESA) Capability and Tool for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) - 17146 Natalia Saraeva, William Nutt, Argonne National Laboratory; Alan Keizur, Alyssa Neir, Golder Associates; Ralph Stoll, John Greeves, James Voss, Ian Miller, William Mozingo, Predicus LLC 77