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Rem. 8: Commun., E & T 9: Special Topics Japan Robiotics/Remote Tuesday Afternoon, March 7 54 Panel: Featured Country Japan: Doing Business in Japan-(6/8) 13:50 Ex-Hall X X 55 Panel: Fukushima NPP - Revitalization of the Local Area and Economy-(7/8) 15:15 Ex Hall X X 56 Panel: DOE Featured Site: Richland Operation Office, Hanford, Washington-(2/2) 13:50 105AB X 57 MERGED WITH SESSION 56 58 Panel: NNSA Complex Wide Infrastructure Challenges & Lessons Learned 13:50 103AB X 59 Panel: EFCOG - DOE Performance Assurance, Metrics & Governance 15:15 103AB X 60 Panel: US Nuclear Power Plant Waste Management - US LLW Disposal Issues 13:50 104AB X 61 Panel: Key US NRC Regulatory Topics in Radioactive LLW Management 15:15 104AB X 62A Panel - Nuclearized Robotics - International Perspectives on Use and Need-(3/5) A 13:50 102BC X X 62B Panel - Nuclearized Robotics - International Perspectives on Use and Need-(3/5) B 15:15 102BC X X 63 Developments in Deep Borehole Disposal Around the World 13:50 101B X 64 US DOE Hanford Direct Feed Low Activity Waste-(1/3) 13:50 102A X 65 High Level Radioactive Waste Form Studies 13:50 101C X 66 HLW Inspections and Sampling 15:15 101C X 67 Assessment of Worldwide Disposal Systems, Facilities and Sites for LLW-(2/2) 13:50 105C X 68 Plans for and Experience in Transitioning From Operations to Decommissioning 13:50 106A X 69 US DOE EM Risk-Informed Performance Based Decision Making 13:50 106B X 70 ER in Urban and Suburban Environments - Examples from Around the World 15:15 106B X 71 Preservation of Cultural Resources/Artifacts & Use of Visitor Centers & Museums 13:50 106C X 72 Decision Making Tools/Frameworks that Enhance ER Cleanup Programs 15:15 106C X 73 Posters: Packaging and Transportation 13:50 1-Foyer X 74 Posters: Environmental Remediation 13:50 1-Foyer X 75 Posters: Communications, Involvement, Education and Training 13:50 1-Foyer X Wednesday Morning, March 8 76 Panel: Disposal of Greater-Than-Class C and TRU Waste: What Happens Next 08:25 102BC X 77 Panel: Dealing with Problematic DOE Mixed Waste Streams and Policy Changes 10:15 102BC X 78 Regulatory and Programmatic Issues and Solutions for LLW/ILW Worldwide 08:25 102A X 79 Panel: Challenges & Lessons Learned in Packaging, Transportation & Receipt 08:25 104AB X 80 Panel: Challenges in Package Certification – International Perspectives 10:15 104AB X 81 Panel - Deep Borehole Disposal of Radionuclides (focused on SNF and HLW) 08:25 105AB X 82 Select Papers of WM2017 Featured Country – Japan - (8/8) 08:25 105C X X X 83 Worldwide Regulatory and Oversight for Waste Management and Disposal 08:25 103AB X 84 Panel: US DOE Procurement and Contracting Trends and Opportunities 10:15 Ex Hall X 85 Geologic Disposal of HLW, SNF/UNF and Long-lived Alpha/TRU 08:25 101C X 86 Hanford Direct Feed Low Activity Waste-(2/3) 08:25 101B X 87 Hanford Direct Feed Low Activity Waste-(3/3) 10:15 101B X 88 International Experience in Waste Optimization and Harmonization During D&D 08:25 106A X 89 Panel: Status and Update of D&D NPP and Material Facilities and Issues 10:15 103AB X 90 The Stakeholder’s Voice - The Impact of Citizens and Regulators on WM Issues 08:25 106C X 91 ER Post Closure Challenges and Long Term Stewardship/Legacy Management 08:25 106B X 92 Characterization and ER Technologies for Complex and Comingled Contaminants 10:15 106A X 93 D&D - Posters 08:25 1-Foyer X X 94 Special Topics and Track Cross Cutting Technology Topics -Posters 08:25 1-Foyer X X Wednesday Afternoon, March 8 95 Panel: Wednesday - US DOE Featured Site: West Valley New York 13:25 102BC X 96 Panel: Korean WM Update & Vendor Problem Solving Matchmaking 13:25 104AB X 97 Panel: Progress on Deep Repository Programs Around the World 13:25 103AB X 98 Global Insights into HLW/ Used Fuel Disposal Site Selection and Development 15:15 103AB X 99 Panel: DOE HLW Tank Management: Making Progress: Stakeholder/Regulatory 13:25 105AB X 100 Spent or Used Nuclear Fuel: Approaches and Technologies 13:25 102A X 101 Global Use of Cementitious Waste Forms for LLW/ILW 13:25 101C X 102 Radioactive Material Transport Packaging Design 13:25 101B X 103 Key Aspects of D&D of Nuclear Power Plants - Worldwide 13:25 105C X 104 FUSRAP and US Army Corp of Engineers Projects 13:25 106A X 105 Global Experience of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) 13:25 106B X 106 Panel: Engaging the Public through Interpretation at Legacy Sites 15:15 105AB X 107 Robotics and Remote Systems –Nuclear- S/W & OS, Sensors & Key Drivers-(4/5) 13:25 106C X X 108 NPP Waste Characterization Onsite SNF/UNF Storage and Failed Fuel Handling 15:15 106B X 109 Non-Paper Poster Topic for Emerging Issues 13:25 1-Floor X 38