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Analysis of Solid Phase Extraction Technology to Separate NORM from Oil and Gas Production Wastewater - 17632 Rose Pier, Mikael Nilsson, University of California - Irvine S32. In-Situ Water Quality Sampling and Flow Measurement to Support Hydrological Model Development for Savannah River Site,SC - 17633 Mohammed Albassam, Applied Research Center - FIU S33. In Situ Precipitation of Silver Chloride for Treatment of 129I-Contaminated Groundwater - 17638 Alejandro Hernandez, Applied Research Center - FIU S34. Drying Simulated Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel: Proving the Concept - 17637 James Goode, David Harbottle, Bruce Hanson, University of Leeds (United Kingdom) S35. Laboratory Analysis of the Spectral Induced Polarization Response of Biofilm Formation within Hanford Sediment - 17615 Alejandro Garcia, Applied Research Center - FIU S36. Silica Schiff Base Hybrid Sorbent Material for the Aqueous Sequestration of Actinyl Ions - 17645 Jaclynn Unangst, University of California - Irvine S37. Radiolytic Degradation of Solvent Extraction Ligands in the Presence of Metal Ions - 17643 Randy Ngelale, University of California - Irvine S38. Promoting the Creation of a Global Inventory for Radioactively Contaminated Sites - 17642 Christine Wipfli, Applied Research Center - FIU S39. Modeling of Radiolytic Production of Oxidants Relevant to Corrosion of a Used Fuel Container in DGR Environments - 17641 Ryan Morco, Jiju Joseph, David Shoesmith, J. Clara Wren, University of Western Ontario (Canada); David Hall, Nuclear Waste Management Organization (Canada) S40. The Gd Based Neutron Absorber for Spent Fuel Storage and Transport Cask - 17636 Mi Jin Kim, Hee-Jae Lee, Dong-Seong Sohn, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea) S41. End of the (Fuel) Cycle: What Can South Australia Learn from the World? - 17647 Peter Palmato, University College London (Australia) S42. Accumulated Metal Analysis for Watershed Toxicology Management in Tims Branch, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC - 17646 Juan Morales, Applied Research Center - FIU S43. Remote Inventory/Inspection in Hazardous Environments Containing Temporally Static Objects - 17655 Meredith Pitsch, University of Texas at Austin S44. Radiation Sensor Integration using the Robot Operating System (ROS) - 17656 Selma Wanna, University of Texas at Austin MARCH 8 – TUESDAY AM Session 34 08:25 - 10:05 Room 102BC Fukushima Daiichi NPP- Focus on 1F On-Site Decommissioning and Waste Management -(4/8) Session Co-Chairs: Paul Dickman, Argonne National Laboratory; Shigeo Nomura, NDF (Japan) Lead Organizer & Panel Reporter: Paul Dickman, Argonne National Laboratory Additional Organizer(s): Colin Austin, EnergySolutions (Japan) Masanao Moriwaki, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy; Mamoru Numata, Veolia Nuclear Solutions (Japan) This panel session focuses on the continuing cleanup efforts at Fukushima and will address the decommissioning strategy of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station as well as the wide range of support by foreign countries through examples. Panelists: Jun Matsumoto, Corporate Officer, Executive Vice President, CTO of Fukushima Daiichi D&D Engineering Company, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (Japan) Mamoru Hatazawa, Vice President and Head of Nuclear Business and Technology Power Systems, Toshiba (Japan) Koji Okamoto, Senior Advisor / Professor, Japan Atomic Energy Agency / The University of Tokyo (Japan) James Braun, President, AVANTech, Inc. Tim Milner, Fellow, Senior Vice President Technology Development, Atkins John Raymont, President, Veolia Nuclear Solutions Session 35 10:15 - 12:00 Room 102BC Panel: Fukushima Daiichi NPP - Focus on Off-site Cleanup and International Collaboration - (5/8) Session Co-Chairs: Mark Gilbertson, US DOE; Mamoru Numata, Veolia Nuclear Solutions (Japan) Lead Organizer: Steve Rima, Amec Foster Wheeler Additional Organizer(s): Mamoru Numata, Veolia Nuclear Solutions (Japan); Mark Triplett, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Panel Reporter: Jeffrey Lively, Amec Foster Wheeler This panel focuses on the Fukushima Daiichi off-site contamination resulting from the accident and on the present situation at and around Fukushima including progress of clean-up, interim storage of wastes and international cooperation. Panelists: Kazuo Yamada, Senior Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan) 53