HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 61 - Environmental Remediation Progress Towards Closure of Contaminated Sites
Steven Houser, TN & Associates (USA) Sal Golub, US DOE, Office of Nuclear Energy (USA)
Improving Remedial Effectiveness at US DOE Through Optimization Review and Performance Basis - 8209
Beth Moore, US DOE (USA)
Remediation of the Melton Valley Watershed at ORNL: An Accelerated Closure Success Story - 8449
Charlie Johnson, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (USA); Vince Adams, US DOE (USA); Ralph Skinner, US DOE (USA); Jeff Cange, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (USA)
Hydraulic Isolation of Waste Disposal Areas at ORNL - 8452
Frank Cater, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (USA); Robert Spurling, B&W Technical Services Group (USA); Jon Julius, US DOE Oak Ridge Operations (USA); Jeff Cange, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (USA); Ralph Skinner, US DOE (USA); Richard K. Lambert, Bechtel Jacobs Company LLC. (USA)
Excavation and Repackaging of Retrievably-Stored, Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste at ORNL - 8454
David Bolling, Washington Safety Management Solutions (USA); Ralph Skinner, US DOE (USA); Doug Turner, Visionary Solutions, LLC (USA); Charlie Johnson, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (USA); Jeff Cange, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (USA)
In-Situ Stabilization of Inactive Low Level Waste Pipelines in the Melton Valley Watershed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory - 8455
Jeff Cange, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (USA); Steven Coye, Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc. (USA); Ralph Skinner, US DOE (USA); John Cox, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (USA); Suzanne McGinley, Pro2Serve, Inc (USA); Kevin Shaw, Restoration Services, Inc. (USA)