HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 59 - Status and Plans at the US DOE Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) - I
Chuan-Fu Wu, US DOE (USA) Wendell Weart, WD Weart Consulting (USA)
Opening the Doors at WIPP to RH TRU Waste - 8012
Robert Kehrman, Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services (USA); William Most, Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services (USA)
Shielded Payload Containers will Enhance the Safety and Efficiency of DOE's Remote Handled Transuranic Waste Operations - 8199
Roger Nelson, US DOE (USA); Sean White, Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services (USA)
Status of Planned Change Requests for the WIPP - 8139
Russell Patterson, US DOE (USA); Michael Gross, MG Enterprises (USA); Bill Thompson, Golder Associates Inc. (USA); Steve Kouba, Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services (USA)
WIPP Hazardous Waste Facility Permit Update - 2008 - 8011
Robert Kehrman, Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services (USA); William Most, Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services (USA)
The Use of Performance Assessment to Make Regulatory and Operational Changes in an Operating Nuclear Waste Repository
- 8339
Russell Patterson, US DOE (USA); Ross Kirkes, SNL (USA)
Proposed Changes to Simplify Review of the Next WIPP Compliance Recertification Application - 8138
Russell Patterson, US DOE (USA); Steve Kouba, Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services (USA); Mindy Kolander, Washington Regulatory and Environmental Services (USA)
It Just Keeps Getting Better - TRU Waste Inventory - 8426
Sheila Lott, LANL (USA); Beverly Crawford, LANL (USA); William McInroy, LANL-Carlsbad Operations (USA); Gregory Van Soest, LANL-Carlsbad Operations (USA); Jerri McTaggart, LANL-Carlsbad Operations (USA); David Guerin, LANL (USA); Russell Patterson, US DOE (USA)
Long-Term Environmental Monitoring of an Operating Deep Geologic Nuclear Waste Repository - 8184
James Conca, New Mexico State University (USA); Thomas Kirchner, New Mexico State University (USA); James Monk, New Mexico State University (USA); Sondra Sage, New Mexico State University (USA)