Paper Title
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Benefits from R&D for D&D Projects - 15089
Christine Georges, CEA (France); Charly Mahe, CEA (France); Lionel Boucher, CEA (France); Frédéric Charton, CEA (France); Yves Soulabaille, CEA (France) |
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Knowledge Management Information Tool Web Analytics - 15182
Himanshu Upadhyay, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA); Leonel Lagos, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA); Walter Quintero, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA); Peggy Shoffner, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA); John De Gregory, US DOE (USA) |
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Radiological Mapping of Facilities under Dismantling Process by Digital Autoradiography - 15230
Florence Goutelard, CEA (France);
Pascal Fichet, CEA (France); Raphael Haudebourg, CEA (France) |
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Chemical Decontamination of a Primary Coolant System Using Hydrazine Based Solutions - 15215
Wang-Kyu Choi, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (South Korea); Hui-Jun Won, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (South Korea); Sang Yoon Park, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (South Korea); Seon Byeong Kim, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (South Korea); Jun -Young Jung, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (South Korea); Jei-Kwon Moon, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (Republic of Korea) |
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The Development and Initial Testing of the Ice Pig Cleaning Method for Nuclear Reprocessing Plants - 15363
Alex Jenkins, Sellafield Ltd (United Kingdom); Joe Quarini, University of Bristol (United Kingdom); Dan McBryde, University of Bristol (United Kingdom) |
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Submersible ROVs Pioneer Decommissioning of a Legacy Nuclear Fuel Storage Pond - 15368
Simon Pyne, James Fisher Nuclear Ltd (United Kingdom); Wayne Jones, James Fisher Nuclear Ltd (United Kingdom); Ian Crabbe, James Fisher Nuclear Ltd (United Kingdom); Eleanor Carr, James Fisher Nuclear Ltd (United Kingdom);
Scott Adams (Presenter only), James Fisher Technologies (USA) |
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Hanford Building 324 REC Hot Cell Decommissioning Approach - 15484
Matt Cole, Kurion, Inc. (USA); Bryan Flanagan, AREVA Federal Services LLC (USA); Steven Marske, Washington Closure Hanford (USA);
Stephen Riesenweber (Presenter only), Kurion (USA) |
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Experience in Remote-Operated Decommissioning with Electromechanical Equipment - 15354
Hubert Hafen, Wälischmiller Engineering GmbH (Germany); Jean-Michel Wagner, Wälischmiller Engineering GmbH (Germany); Claudia Reich, Wälischmiller Engineering GmbH (Germany) |