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NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION DEDICATED TO EDUCATION AND INFORMATION IN RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT March 6-10 2016 PHOENIx CONVENTION CENTER PHOENIx ARIZONA 1 480-557-0263 Delivering Global Progress in Waste Management through Innovation Collaboration WM Symposia PO Box 27646 Tempe AZ 85285-7646 USA Address Service Requested CALL FOR AbSTRACTS Abstract Submission Due August 14 2015 The annual Waste Management WM Conference is the premier international conference for the management of radioactive material and related topics. Since 1974 this conference has been a forum for discussing cost-effective and environmentally responsible solutions to the safe management and disposition of radioactive waste and radioactive materials. Topics of interest include research development and operational experience over the complete spectrum of nuclear waste activities which are categorized by tracks listed below. In addition there will be featured panel and paper sessions focusing on special topics such as our featured country the United Kingdom our featured sites the US DOE site of Oak Ridge Tennessee and the US DOE site of Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico. There will also be special reserved sessions on the Fukushima Project and DD Procurement and Contracting Safety Clean-up of Legacy Sites Worldwide and IAEA Topics. The complete detailed WM2016 Topic Listing is available at The ten tracks are Track 1 Crosscutting Policies and Programs Track 2 High-Level Radioactive Wastes Spent Nuclear FuelUsed Nuclear Fuel and Long-Lived AlphaTransuranic Radioactive Waste Track 3 Low-Level Intermediate Level Mixed Waste NORM TENORM Track 4 Nuclear Power Plant Waste On-Site SNF Management Track 5 Packaging and Transportation Track 6 Decontamination Decommissioning Track 7 Environmental Remediation Track 8 Communications Involvement Education and Training Track 9 Special Topics Including Safety Security Safeguards Track 10 Miscellaneous Unassigned Late Abstracts Non-Paper Posters To submit an abstract you must select the topic from the list of Tracks and Topic Numbers listed in this document also available on the website that best corresponds to your abstract. Please note that WMS and the Program Advisory Committee PAC have the authority to re-categorize an abstract if an appropriate topic number is not selected. WM2016 ConferenCeDelivering Global Progress in Waste Management through Innovation Collaboration Presented by WM Symposia Inc. WMS March 610 2016 Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix Arizona 1 480-557-0263 HoW to SubMit an abStraCt for ConSideration Abstracts should be between 400 - 800 words and no more than 1000 words. Abstracts are to be submitted online at by August 14 2015 with the following information 1 A descriptive title that will reflect the paper and presentation content. 2 A summary of the problem it addressessolves its history the work conducted and results. 3 A brief description of its applicationbenefit to others. 4 Contact information for all authors including mailing address email addresses and phone numbers. The primary contact will be designated to represent the abstract draft final paper and collect the copyright forms for all authors. This primary contact will receive all email correspondence related to the abstractpaper and the conference. The primary contact may or may not be an author. The presenter however must be identified. Abstract submission for oral presentations is limited to two 2 abstracts per presenter. There is no limit on the number of abstracts one person can co-author. Registrants will be restricted to only presenting twice at the conference. All authors presenters and panelists are required to register and complete payment to attend the conference. Upon submission abstracts are reviewed and ranked by PAC volunteers and approved abstracts are selected for an oral or poster session. The criteria for determining conference placement is designed to ensure that each abstract is ranked and assigned to the best TrackSession for its content format and anticipated audience interaction. Abstract Rating Criteria is posted on the WMS website as a guide under the Presenters tab. Abstracts submitted after the due date or not meeting the acceptance criteria may not be approved for WM2016. Once the conference sessions are finalized the Primary Contact for each abstract is notified. Authors must complete and submit a draft paper for review by November 6 2015. If requested papers must be revised according to the designated paper reviewers instructions and submitted with all signed copyright forms by January 15 2016. Papers that are not revised as required by the designated paper reviewer missing copyright forms from any author or not presented at the WM2016 conference will not be published on the final conference proceedings. Letter of invitation viSa requeStS Should you require a Letter of Invitation to apply for a travel visa please complete the form located under the Presenters tab on our website by November 2 2015 and return to requeStS for finanCiaL aid WMS is able to offer a limited number of attendees a discounted registration rate andor housing support for the conference. To request financial aid to participate as a PresenterAuthor for the WM2016 conference please complete and return to the Financial Aid Request form located under the Presenters tab on our website by November 2 2015. All deadlines for authors must be met to be eligible for financial aid. Please note that the WM Symposia does not offer financial aid for travel costs. Financial aid is distributed onsite at the conference not prior to arrival at the conference. Student PoSter CoMPetition Full-time students enrolled in secondary educational programs in technical or policy fields with the objective of contributing to the safe management of nuclear materials and are under the age of 35 are eligible for the Student Poster Competition. The student poster session will be presented on Monday March 7 2016 posters will remain on display throughout the conference. The winner will be announced and presented with 500 cash at the Honors Awards Luncheon on Tuesday March 8 2016. Student poster abstracts consist of a 50-word summary of their work along with a short video highlighting their education goals and overview of their poster. Abstracts and videos are to be submitted online at by January 15 2016. Students participating in the Student Poster Competition may apply for complimentary conference housing for up to six nights. Requests must be made by January 15 2016. queStionS Please contact Amanda Tompkins Technical Program Coordinator at or by phone at 1 480-557-0263. WM2016 abStraCt PaPer SubMiSSion deadLineS August 14 2015 Abstract Submission Deadline October 2 2015 Authors Notified of Acceptance November 6 2015 Full-Length Draft Papers Due December 4 2015 Reviewer Comments to Authors January 15 2016 Final Full-Length Papers Due with Signed Copyright Authorizations traCk deSCriPtionS and ContaCtS 1 - CroSSCuttinG PoLiCieS and ProGraMS Ray Clark US EPA Lead Co-Chair V 202-343-9198 E Angie Jones AMEC Foster Wheeler Co-Chair V 865-218-1033 E John Mathieson UK NDA Co-Chair V 44-1925-802886 E This track includes overall crosscutting policies and major programs. Similar topics that are not track crosscutting and thus specific to a single waste type e.g. HLW SNF LLW etc. or program e.g. ER DD etc. should be submitted to the specific track for that waste type or program. Presentations of waste management programs and policies at the national multi-national and international level are particularly encouraged. Other potential crosscutting or general topics include crosscutting regulatory issues contracting legal aspects permitting licensing and compliance activities criteria and standards development privatization issues legislation enforcement agency and state issues including multiparty agreements interface and other high level crosscutting issues that involve multiple waste typesprograms or tracks. 1. - Crosscutting Policies and Programs - Non-specified Abstracts 1.0 Crosscutting Policies and Programs - Posters 1.1 Student Posters The Next generation - Industry Leaders of Tomorrow 1.2 Worldwide Perspectives of Radioactive Waste Management - Challenges and Solutions 1.3 Worldwide Regulatory and Oversight for Waste Management and Disposal 1.4 Emerging Middle Eastern Nuclear States Status and Plans 1.5 global Insights into Disposal Site Selection 2 - HiGH-LeveL radioaCtive WaSteS HLW SPentuSed nuCLear fueL Snfunf and LonG-Lived aLPHatranSuraniC radioaCtive WaSte tru Keith Miller National Nuclear Laboratory Lead Co-Chair V 44-0192-5289960 E Grald Ouzounian Andra Co-Chair V 33-1461-18196 E Robert Jubin Oak Ridge National Laboratory Co-Chair V 865-574-4934 E Roger Nelson US DOE Co-Chair V 575-234-7213 E Roger.NelsonWipp.Ws Tom Brouns Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Co-Chair V 509-372-6265 E This track covers all long-lived alphaTRU waste SNFUNF and HLW operations from generation and storage through characterization treatment and disposal. It also covers associated technology development and deployment recyclingreprocessing strategies and technologies periodic progress updates oriented to specific achievements in waste removal and disposal activities and overlapping issues including interim and final disposition strategies for SNFUNF and HLW associated environmental permitting and monitoring of stored waste waste processing alternatives waste form deep geologic disposal and operating facility performance and risk assessment and the impacts of directly associated regulations and standards. 2. - HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU Waste - Non-specified Abstracts 2.0 HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU Waste - Posters 2.1 HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU Programs and Policies 2.2 Storage and Retrieval of SpentUsed Nuclear Fuel 2.3 Storage and Retrieval of HLW 2.4 Storage and Retrieval of TRU Treatment of HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU 2.5 ReprocessingRecycling and Separation of HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU 2.6 Future Alternate Fuel Cycle HLW Management 2.7 StabilizationImmobilization of HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU 2.8 geologic Disposal of HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU 2.9 Closure and Monitoring of HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU Facilities 3 - LLW-LeveL WaSte LLW interMediate LeveL WaSte iLW verY LLW MiXed WaSte MW bY ProduCt MateriaL tenorM norM reSidueS and dePLeted uraniuM du Gabriele Bandt TV NORD EnSys Hannover Lead Co-Chair V 49-5119-861551 E Frazier Bronson Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group Co-Chair V 203-639-2345 E Colleen Owens Advanced Technologies and Laboratories ATL Co-Chair V 303-638-9283 E The LLWILW track consists of many waste categories including LLW ILW Very LLW MW radioactive hazardous Enriched Uranium Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material NORM Depleted Uranium DU and Technologically Enhanced NORM TENORM. The track encompasses operations from generation through treatment and disposal technology development demonstration and deployment overlapping issues including waste minimization waste characterization and analysis effluent monitoring waste form and facility performance assessment regulations and standards and for all types of facilities from hospitals accelerators research reactors government facilities disposal sites etc. This track covers waste management of uranium or thorium ores as well as US NRC defined Greater than Class C - LLW byproducts or tailings NORM residues and waste and US NRC defined TENORM. This track also includes radioactive materials articles and consumer products. NPP Operational Waste is covered in track 4. TRU and similar long-lived alpha waste is covered in track 2. 3. - LLW ILW MW NORM TENORM and DepletedEnriched Uranium - Non-specified Abstracts 3.0 LLW ILW MW NORM TENORM and DepletedEnriched Uranium - Posters 3.1 Regulatory and Programmatic Issues and Solutions for LLWILW 3.2 Improvement of Sustainability Re-use and Recycling in Management of LLWILW 3.3 Waste Characterization and Data Analysis for LLWILW 3.4 Emerging Treatment Technologies for LLWILW 3.5 Operating Experience in the Treatment and Storage of LLWILW 3.6 Waste Certification Acceptance and Disposal for LLWILW 3.7 Performance Assessment of Disposal Systems Facilities and Sites for LLWILW WM2016 DelIverInG Global ProGreSS In WaSte ManaGeMent throuGh InnovatIon CollaboratIon 3.8 The Uranium Industry - Current Topics and Issues 3.9 Selected key Topics in US Commercial LLW Management 3.10 NORM Waste and Other Radioactive Material and Safety Issues in the Oil and gas Industry 3.11 Cementitious Waste Forms for LLWILW 4 - nuCLear PoWer PLant nPP WaSte ManaGeMent Mark Lewis EnergySolutions Lead Co-Chair V 803-758-1827 E Andreas Roth AMR German Products Services GmbH Co-Chair V 49-1719-335234 E Clint C. Miller Pacific Gas Electric Co-Chair V 805-545-4582 E The Nuclear Power Plant NPP Waste Management track encompasses waste characterization and minimization treatment packaging and management of NPP operational wastes and NPP SNFUNF storage and management. 4. - Nuclear Power Plant NPP Waste Management - Non-specified Abstracts 4.0 Nuclear Power Plant NPP Waste Management - Posters 4.1 Management of Nuclear Power Plant Dry Waste 4.2 Management of Nuclear Power Plant Liquid and Wet Waste 4.3 Nuclear Power Plant Onsite SNFUNF StorageISFSI 5 - PaCkaGinG and tranSPortation Olaf Oldiges Daher-NCS Lead Co-Chair V 48-6181-501100 E Paul Jones Ameriphysics Co-Chair V 865-591-8632 E The Packaging and Transportation track includes all activities and issues related to the safe secure economical packaging and transportation of radioactive materials. This includes HLW TRU LLW ILW and MW fresh and irradiated nuclear fuel contaminated media and debris isotopes and radioactive sources uranium hexafluoride etc. Topic areas include international regulatory activities issues and initiatives packaging development and related issues logistics and transportation operations including large items from decommissioning integrated planning and scheduling status and issues for large shipping campaigns stakeholder and public interactions and issues. 5. - Packaging and Transportation - Non-specified Abstracts 5.0 Packaging and Transportation - Posters 5.1 Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive and Other Hazardous Materials and Wastes 5.2 Radioactive Material Packaging and Transportation Regulatory Issues 5.3 Packaging for Interim Storage Transport and Disposal 5.4 State Tribal and Regional groups Involvement in Resolving Radiological Transportation Issues 5.5 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Packaging and Transportation Lessons Learned 5.6 Success Stories and Lessons Learned in Transportation 5.7 Packaging Design 6 - deContaMination and deCoMMiSSioninG dd Jas Devgun Sargent Lundy LLC Lead Co-Chair V 312-269-2283 E Fred Sheil Sheil Consulting Ltd. Co-Chair V 44-1946-813342 E Al Freitag Consultant Co-Chair V 914-475-1170 E This track includes all aspects of DD from shutdown and planning to license termination andor greenfield including characterization decontamination storageSAFESTOR dismantling demolition waste handling final survey and associated new technology development for both government and commercial nuclear power and non-power facilities. It also includes DD technologies and program strategies worldwide as well as the regulatory aspects. 6. - DD - Non-specified Abstracts 6.0 DD - Posters 6.1 DD of Nuclear Facilities Non-Power generating FacilitiesLarge and Small Nuclear Facilities 6.2 DD of Nuclear Power Plants 6.3 DD of US DOE Facilities 6.4 Stakeholder Role in Decommissioning 6.5 Planning for Transition to Decommissioning 6.6 Waste OptimizationMinimization and Harmonization during DD 6.7 Application of Innovative DD Technologies 6.8 Fast Track Technology Demonstration and Assessment 7 - environMentaL reMediation er Kurt Gerdes US DOE Lead Co-Chair V 301-903-7289 E John Kristofzski CH2M HILL Inc. Co-Chair V 509-420-6013 E Tjalle Chuck Vandergraaf Consultant Co-Chair V 204-753-8402 E This track includes all activities associated with the assessment cleanup and closure of contaminated sites. The topics will explore how to restore and protect human health and the environment through investigation cleanup closure and long-term site management. The focus is on above and below ground remedial actions and cleanup activities including site inspection characterization and evaluation sampling and analysis compliance monitoring resolving regulatory issues that impact cleanup aquifer and soil remediation managing waste resulting from cleanup activities remedial design and implementation accelerating cleanup through technological or process improvements closure sustainable green remediation processes and legacy managementlong-term stewardship. 7. - Environmental Remediation - Non-specified Abstracts 7.0 Environmental Remediation - Posters 7.1 Environmental Remediation Progress Towards Closure of Contaminated Sites 7.2 Technical Innovations in Environmental Remediation and Site Closure 7.3 Innovative Field Monitoring for Environmental Remediation 7.4 ER Challenges - Alternative Approaches to Achieving End State 7.5 ER Post Closure Challenges and Long Term Stewardship Legacy Management 7.6 Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program FUSRAP and US Army Corp of Engineers Projects 7.7 groundwater Remediation Projects 7.8 Progressive Learning in Environmental Remediation Projects 7.9 Deep vadose Zone Characterization and Remediation Technologies 7.10 Sustainable Remediation Processes 7.11 Environmental Remediation in Urban and Suburban Environments 8 - CoMMuniCation of teCHniCaL iSSueS and iMPaCtS eduCation and traininG Cet W.T. Sonny Goldston EnergySolutions Lead Co-Chair V 803-292-1079 E Judith Connell Fluor Co-Chair V 509-376-6808 E Robert Berry Foxfire Scientific Inc. Co-Chair V 44-1612-927990 E This track covers communication public involvement and education and training for technical and management issues in the nuclear waste- management industry such as used nuclear fuel and high-level low-level and TRU waste management. Track 8 has five objectives capture various perspectives for effective communication among waste-management practitioners policy makers regulators and implementers including advisory boards and technical experts enhance public involvement to ensure decisions reflect stakeholder and community perspectives advance ideas for knowledge sharing among nations highlight innovative approaches for information communication and knowledge management approaches that develop the next generation of nuclear leadership and improve effective workplace management coordination and performance. 8. - Communications Involvement Education and Training - Non-specified Abstracts 8.0 Communications Involvement Education and Training - Posters 8.1 Communication of Technical Issues 8.2 Engaging Citizens - Lessons Learned from Around the World 8.3 The Stakeholders voice - The Impact that Citizens and Regulators on Radioactive Waste Issues 8.4 Preservation of Cultural ResourcesArtifacts the Use Development of visitor Centers Museums 8.5 From Community Closure Perspectives to Web-based Tools for ER Cleanup Programs 8.6 National and International Sharing on Nuclear Licensing Environmental Regulations for WM 8.7 The Effectiveness of Advisory boards the US DOE EM Site- Specific Advisory board Experience 8.8 Workplace Management and Performance Solutions 8.9 Decision Making Tools and Frameworks for ER Cleanup Programs that Enhance Communication 8.10 Records knowledge and Memory RkM for geologic Repositories of Nuclear Waste 8.11 Communicating with Stakeholders before During and After a Nuclear Emergency 8.12 Social Sciences as a Resource for Improving Public Involvement of HLW Siting Decisions 9 - SPeCiaL toPiCS and MuLti-traCk CroSS CuttinG teCHnoLoGY toPiCS St Ming Zhu US DOE Lead Co-Chair V 301-903-9240 E Kim Auclair KD Auclair Associates LLC Co-Chair V 360-609-0627 E This track includes all special topics including the aspects of US and non-US international safety security and safeguards and US Homeland security issues. It also includes technical track crosscutting topics or special WM topics on programs associated with orphan and sealed sources integrated risk management and decision support analysis in support of program management and project management inclusive of but not limited to modeling compliance activities criteria and standards development Natural Resource Damage Assessment NRDA Technology Deployment and Technical Risk Management instruments filtration advanced technologies extreme environment operations enabling technologies technology driven program implications and drivers andor other technical crosscutting issues that involve multiple waste forms or radioactive materials andor risk management. 9. - Special Topics and Track Cross Cutting Technology Topics - Non-specified Abstracts 9.0 Special Topics and Track Cross Cutting Technology Topics - Posters 9.1 global Management of SpentUsed Radioactive Sealed Sources HEU and Orphan Materials and Controls 9.2 Crosscutting Subsurface Mass Transport and Environmental Assessment of geological Disposal Systems 9.3 Integrated and Crosscutting Performance and Risk Assessments Decision Analyses and Risk Management 9.4 Radiological Dispersion Devices and Weapons of Mass Destruction Detection Response and Recovery 9.5 Advances in Nuclear Safety Management 9.6 Crosscutting Filtration Systems in the Nuclear Industry 9.7 Project Management Improvements-Planning through Completion-Scope Cost Schedule Control 9.8 Productive Uses for Radionuclides 9.9 Waste Management and Other Issues of Small Modular Reactors SMRs 9.10 Deep borehole Disposal 9.11 Research Reactor Waste in Developing Countries 10 - MiSCeLLaneouS and non-SPeCified abStraCtS PendinG toPiC or traCk aSSiGnMent Gary Benda WM Symposia Lead Co-Chair V 803-345-2170 E Linda Lehman CH2M HILL Inc. Co-Chair V 612-867-9725 E This track serves two independent miscellaneous functions MISC. First authors unsure of the best topic number can assign their abstract to Track 10 where it will be reviewed and reassigned by the PAC Chair to the appropriate topic. The second function is to assimilate late abstracts for the only WM poster topic 10.0 besides the Student Poster topic 1.1 that doesnt require a full paper. It will also accept abstracts where the authors do not want to prepare a paper or are delinquent in meeting the deadlines. All other poster topics will require an accompanying paper. 10. Miscellaneous and Non-specified Abstracts Pending Topic or Track Assignment 10.0 Non-Paper Poster Topic for Emerging Issues and Late Abstracts WM2016 tHurSdaY afternoon featured PaneL SeSSion A special Thursday afternoon panel on International Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning will be held in the afternoon of March 10. The session will provide the current status of those various worldwide activities and will consist of both US and non-US experts with audience participation followed by an evening reception. WM2016 will also feature an embedded topical session on this theme all week that will culminate in this Thursday panel. It will link the management technical regulatory legal and stakeholder involvement in the process and the 5 year anniversary of Fukushima. All tracks have topics that will support the decommissioning and management of radioactive waste from nuclear power plant decommissioning. Please arrange your schedule for this and other Thursday sessions along with the WM2016 evening reception. WM2016 DelIverInG Global ProGreSS In WaSte ManaGeMent throuGh InnovatIon CollaboratIon PAC CHAIRDEPUTy MANAgINg DIRECTOR Gary Benda AVANTech Inc. DEPUTy PAC CHAIR Linda Lehman CH2M Hill Inc. PAC REPRESENTATIvE W.T. Sonny Goldston EnergySolutions TRACk CO-CHAIRS - TRACk NUMbER Kim Auclair KD Auclair Assoc. 9 Gabriele Bandt TV NORD EnSys Hannover - 3 Robert Berry Foxfire Scientific Inc. - 8 Frazier Bronson Canberra Industries - 3 Tom Brouns PNNL - 2 Ray Clark US EPA - 1 Judith Connell Fluor Govt Group - 8 Jas Devgun Sargent Lundy - 6 Al Freitag Consultant 6 Kurt Gerdes US DOE - 7 W.T. Sonny Goldston EnergySolutions -8 Angie Jones AMEC Foster Wheeler 1 Paul Jones Ameriphysics 5 Robert Jubin ORNL - 2 John Kristofzski CH2M HILL Inc. - 7 Mark Lewis EnergySolutions - 4 John Mathieson UK NDA 1 C. Clint Miller PGE 4 Keith Miller Natl Nuclear Lab - 2 Roger Nelson US DOE - 2 Olaf Oldiges Daher-NCS - 5 Grald Ouzounian Andra- 2 Colleen Owens ATL 3 Andreas Roth EnergySolutions - 4 Fred Sheil Sheil Consulting Ltd. 6 Tjalle Chuck Vandergraaf Consultant - 7 Ming Zhu US DOE - 9 ADDITIONAL PAC MEMbERS Rateb Abu Eid US NRC Sue Aggarwal New MillenniumNuclear Technologies Nithin Akuthota CRC Technologies Ed Alperin Solutions - IES Inc. Mark Arenaz US DOE Harry Babad Consultant and Author Anthony Banford NNL Del Baird Pro2Serve Helen Belencan Consultant Remi Bera AREVA Federal Services Ned Bibler Consultant Dale Bignell Portage Inc. Enrique Biurrun DBE Technology GmbH Dick Blauvelt Portage Inc. Peter Booth Hylton Environmental Joseph Boucau Westinghouse Elizabeth Bowers Consultant Paul Bredt PNNL Jonathan Bricker SRR Steven Brown SHB Inc. Lisa Burns Consultant Connie Callan Natl Educational Technology Solutions LLC Larry Camper US NRC Chris Chadwick Porvair Filtration Group Grant Charters New Millennium Nuclear Technologies Michelle Claggett Project Enhancement Corporation Hans Codee COVRA N.V. Retired John Coffman ReNuke Svcs Michael Connolly INL Rick Dearholt Information International Associates Rick Demmer INL George Dials Pajarito Scientific Paul Dickman Argonne National Lab David Eaton CH2M-WG Idaho LLC Russel Edge IAEA Robert Edmonds AREVA Federal Svcs Mike Eisenhower Materials Energy Corporation Leif Eriksson Nuclear Waste Dispositions Erich Evered Jacobs Christine Fahey Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd Ella Feist CH2M HILL Inc. Terri Fellinger SRR Kapila Fernando ANSTO Jim Fiore Fiore Consulting Lauire Ford Critical Path Management Jenny Freeman Strata-G Mark Frei Longenecker Associates James Gallagher Gallagher Consulting April Gil US DOE Sal Golub US DOE Kapil Goyal LANL Anja Graf WAK GmbH John Greeves Talisman International John Gregory AREVA Federal Services LLC William Gregory Vinculum Marketing Karen Guevara Consultant Lawrence Harmon Project Enhancement Corporation Bob Hiergesell SRNL Cathy Hickey CH2M HILL Inc. Steven Houser Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises Betty Humphrey Weston Solutions Jeannette Hyatt SRNL James Hylko ENERCON Services Inc Vijay Jain Savannah River Remediation Moses Jaraysi CH2M HILL PRC Daniel Jordan ENERCON Services Inc Ashok Kapoor US DOE Edward Ketusky SRNL Heather Klebba NFT Eric Knox AECOM Heinz Kroeger TV NORD EnSys Hannover Simon Kwong NNL Christian Ladirat CEA Marcoule Leonel Lagos FIU Christine Langton SRNL Martin Letourneau Consultant Maria Lindberg Studsvik Nuclear AB Larry Ling Savannah River Remediation John Longenecker Longenecker Assoc. Todd Lovinger LLW Forum Inc. Con Lyras ANSTO Paul Macbeth US DOE Margaret MacDonell ANL Sharon Marra SRNL Mark Matthews Matthews Inc. Jack McElroy McElroy Consulting Irena Mele IAEA Roger Merrick EngineeringRemediation Resources Group Inc. Lance Mezga ORNL Sue Mitchell MS Technology Inc. Sitakanta Mohanty Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses Mike Nolan Energy Northwest Columbia NNP Mamoru Numata NDF Patrick OSullivan IAEA Michael Ojovan University of Sheffield Corhyn Parr Nuclear Enterprise Ltd Russell Patterson US DOE Bernard Poncet EDF-CIDEN Kenneth Redus Redus and Associates Larry Regens OU Health Sciences Center Karlan Richards Bechtel National Inc. Allen Roos USACE Terry Sams WRPS Elizabeth Saris Leidos Inc. Detlef Schmidt Nuclear Projects Consultancy Malgorzata K. Sneve Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority Joy Shoemake Jacobs Engineering Mike Snyder EPRI Sergey Stefanovsky SIA Radon Hans-Jrgen Steinmetz Forschungszentrum Jlich GmbH Roger Stigers PPL Susquehanna Karthik Subramanian WRPS Linda Suttora US DOE Andrew Szilagyi US DOE Kazuhiro Suzuki NDF Erich Tiepel Golder Associates Inc Holger Tietze-Jaensch Forschungszentrum Jlich GmbH Christopher Timm PECOS Mgmt Svcs Julia Tripp INL Chi-Fung Tso ARUP Esko Tusa Fortum Power and Heat Oy Vanessa Vanover Hatfield E2 Consulting Engineers Inc. Leo van Velzen NRG-Arnhem Robert Vellinger TerranearPMC LLC Bernard Vigreux SFEN Thilo Von Berlepsch DBE Technology GmbH James Voss Predicus LLC Charles Waggoner Mississippi State University David Wallace Lockheed Martin Corp. Nelson Walter AMEC Susan Walter AECOM Wendell Weart Weart Consulting Kirste Webb PQC Solutions Julia Whitworth LANL Terry Wickland Nuclear Filter Tech. William Wilmarth SRNL James Wright Rio Technical Services Chuan-Fu Wu ESH Solutions Loong Yong Spectra Tech Inc. Ming Zhang Geological Survey of Japan AIST International PAC Members INTERNATIONAL PROgRAM ADvISORy COMMITTEE IPAC LEADERS China Chuan-Fu Wu Canada Tjalle Vandergraaf France Gerald Ouzounian Germany Andreas Roth Japan Ming Zhang Korea Kun Jai Lee Scandinavia Esko Tusa Russia Leslie Jardine United Kingdom Keith Miller WMS CORPORATE OFFICERS ExECUTIvE COMMITTEE James Gallagher Gallagher Consulting - Chairman of the Board James Fiore Fiore Consulting - President Steven Kadner Aquila Technologies - Treasurer John Mathieson NDA UK Secretary Larry Camper US NRC - Member At-Large George Dials Pajarito Scientific- Member At-Large Fred Sheil Sheil Consulting Ltd. UK - Member At-Large John Longenecker Longenecker Associates - Member At-Large James W. Voss Predicus LLC Managing Director Gary Benda AVANTech Inc. Deputy Managing Director PAC Chairman WMS ADDITIONAL bOARD OF DIRECTORS Bob Cochran CBI William Gregory Vinculum Marketing Solutions Larry Harmon Project Enhancement Corporation Angie Jones AMEC Foster Wheeler Jack McElroy McElroy Consulting Greg Meyer Fluor Corporation Lance Mezga Oak Ridge National Laboratory Sue Mitchell MS Technologies Mamoru Numata NDF Olaf Oldiges Daher-NCS Susan Stiger Bechtel NSE Robert Weiler AREVA Federal Services LLC Mark Gilbertson US DOE Liaison James Glasgow Pillsbury Winthrop General Counsel