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queStionS Please contact Amanda Tompkins Technical Program Coordinator at or by phone at 1 480-557-0263. WM2016 abStraCt PaPer SubMiSSion deadLineS August 14 2015 Abstract Submission Deadline October 2 2015 Authors Notified of Acceptance November 6 2015 Full-Length Draft Papers Due December 4 2015 Reviewer Comments to Authors January 15 2016 Final Full-Length Papers Due with Signed Copyright Authorizations traCk deSCriPtionS and ContaCtS 1 - CroSSCuttinG PoLiCieS and ProGraMS Ray Clark US EPA Lead Co-Chair V 202-343-9198 E Angie Jones AMEC Foster Wheeler Co-Chair V 865-218-1033 E John Mathieson UK NDA Co-Chair V 44-1925-802886 E This track includes overall crosscutting policies and major programs. Similar topics that are not track crosscutting and thus specific to a single waste type e.g. HLW SNF LLW etc. or program e.g. ER DD etc. should be submitted to the specific track for that waste type or program. Presentations of waste management programs and policies at the national multi-national and international level are particularly encouraged. Other potential crosscutting or general topics include crosscutting regulatory issues contracting legal aspects permitting licensing and compliance activities criteria and standards development privatization issues legislation enforcement agency and state issues including multiparty agreements interface and other high level crosscutting issues that involve multiple waste typesprograms or tracks. 1. - Crosscutting Policies and Programs - Non-specified Abstracts 1.0 Crosscutting Policies and Programs - Posters 1.1 Student Posters The Next generation - Industry Leaders of Tomorrow 1.2 Worldwide Perspectives of Radioactive Waste Management - Challenges and Solutions 1.3 Worldwide Regulatory and Oversight for Waste Management and Disposal 1.4 Emerging Middle Eastern Nuclear States Status and Plans 1.5 global Insights into Disposal Site Selection 2 - HiGH-LeveL radioaCtive WaSteS HLW SPentuSed nuCLear fueL Snfunf and LonG-Lived aLPHatranSuraniC radioaCtive WaSte tru Keith Miller National Nuclear Laboratory Lead Co-Chair V 44-0192-5289960 E Grald Ouzounian Andra Co-Chair V 33-1461-18196 E Robert Jubin Oak Ridge National Laboratory Co-Chair V 865-574-4934 E Roger Nelson US DOE Co-Chair V 575-234-7213 E Roger.NelsonWipp.Ws Tom Brouns Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Co-Chair V 509-372-6265 E This track covers all long-lived alphaTRU waste SNFUNF and HLW operations from generation and storage through characterization treatment and disposal. It also covers associated technology development and deployment recyclingreprocessing strategies and technologies periodic progress updates oriented to specific achievements in waste removal and disposal activities and overlapping issues including interim and final disposition strategies for SNFUNF and HLW associated environmental permitting and monitoring of stored waste waste processing alternatives waste form deep geologic disposal and operating facility performance and risk assessment and the impacts of directly associated regulations and standards. 2. - HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU Waste - Non-specified Abstracts 2.0 HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU Waste - Posters 2.1 HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU Programs and Policies 2.2 Storage and Retrieval of SpentUsed Nuclear Fuel 2.3 Storage and Retrieval of HLW 2.4 Storage and Retrieval of TRU Treatment of HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU 2.5 ReprocessingRecycling and Separation of HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU 2.6 Future Alternate Fuel Cycle HLW Management 2.7 StabilizationImmobilization of HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU 2.8 geologic Disposal of HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU 2.9 Closure and Monitoring of HLW SNFUNF and Long-lived AlphaTRU Facilities 3 - LLW-LeveL WaSte LLW interMediate LeveL WaSte iLW verY LLW MiXed WaSte MW bY ProduCt MateriaL tenorM norM reSidueS and dePLeted uraniuM du Gabriele Bandt TV NORD EnSys Hannover Lead Co-Chair V 49-5119-861551 E Frazier Bronson Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group Co-Chair V 203-639-2345 E Colleen Owens Advanced Technologies and Laboratories ATL Co-Chair V 303-638-9283 E The LLWILW track consists of many waste categories including LLW ILW Very LLW MW radioactive hazardous Enriched Uranium Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material NORM Depleted Uranium DU and Technologically Enhanced NORM TENORM. The track encompasses operations from generation through treatment and disposal technology development demonstration and deployment overlapping issues including waste minimization waste characterization and analysis effluent monitoring waste form and facility performance assessment regulations and standards and for all types of facilities from hospitals accelerators research reactors government facilities disposal sites etc. This track covers waste management of uranium or thorium ores as well as US NRC defined Greater than Class C - LLW byproducts or tailings NORM residues and waste and US NRC defined TENORM. This track also includes radioactive materials articles and consumer products. NPP Operational Waste is covered in track 4. TRU and similar long-lived alpha waste is covered in track 2. 3. - LLW ILW MW NORM TENORM and DepletedEnriched Uranium - Non-specified Abstracts 3.0 LLW ILW MW NORM TENORM and DepletedEnriched Uranium - Posters 3.1 Regulatory and Programmatic Issues and Solutions for LLWILW 3.2 Improvement of Sustainability Re-use and Recycling in Management of LLWILW 3.3 Waste Characterization and Data Analysis for LLWILW 3.4 Emerging Treatment Technologies for LLWILW 3.5 Operating Experience in the Treatment and Storage of LLWILW 3.6 Waste Certification Acceptance and Disposal for LLWILW 3.7 Performance Assessment of Disposal Systems Facilities and Sites for LLWILW WM2016 DelIverInG Global ProGreSS In WaSte ManaGeMent throuGh InnovatIon CollaboratIon