Waste Management Symposia 2014


Session 088 - The Aging US DOE Infrastructure- Critical Investments/Alternatives to Get to the Finish Line



Co Chair(s):   Andrew Szilagyi (USA)
Robert Vellinger (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Karen Flynn (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Andrew Szilagyi (USA)
Paper Reviewer:   Robert Vellinger (USA)




Paper Title


Finishing an Era: Accelerated Decontamination and Decommissioning at the K-25 Building, East Tennessee Technology Park, Oak Ridge, Tenn. - 14141
Steven Dahlgren, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA)


Supporting the Largest D&D Project with Innovative Waste Management Approaches Oak Ridge, Tennessee - 14628
John Wrapp, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA); Scott Anderson, UCOR (USA); Mike Ferrari, UCOR (USA); Roland Weiskettel, UCOR (USA)


Administrative and Engineering Controls for the Operation of Ventilation Systems for Underground Radioactive Waste Storage Tanks - 14197
Bruce Wiersma, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Adam Hansen, Savannah River Remediation, LLC (USA)


Translating the Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) Data into Risk Management Criteria and into a Risk Ranking Process for Disposition Projects - 14135
Richard Nevarez, NNSA, US DOE (USA)


NNSA’s Risk-Based Nuclear Security Enterprise-wide Facility Disposition Program - 14108
Deborah Couchman-Griswold, NNSA, US DOE (USA); Jefferson Underwood, US DOE (USA)


Structured Planning and Preparation Leads to Safe Open-Air Demolition of Contaminated Facility - 14520
Cynthia Dayton, CH2M HILL Babcock Wilcox LLC (USA); Thomas Dogal, CH2MHill Babcock & Wilcox, LLC (USA); Kirk Winterholler, CH2MHill Babcock & Wilcox, LLC (USA); Catherine Bohan, US DOE - West Valley Demonstration Project (USA)


Understanding Mechanisms of Radiological Contamination - 14054
Rick Demmer, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); John Drake, US EPA (USA); Ryan James, Battelle (USA)


Value Engineering Study Yields Immediate Results for Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant - 14429
Mike Swartz, CH2M HILL PRC (USA)


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