HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 67 - Global Advances in Repository Science & Engineering
Bill Coons, Time Solutions Corp (USA) Gérald Ouzounian, ANDRA (France)
Yucca Mountain: How do Global and Federal Initiatives Impact Clark County's Nuclear Waste Program? - 8066
Irene Navis, Clark County (USA); Babs McGehee, Clark County (USA)
French Geological Repository Project for High Level and Long-Lived Waste: Scientific Programme - 8016
Patrick Lebon, ANDRA (France); Patrick Landais, ANDRA (France); Gérald Ouzounian, ANDRA (France)
Fluid (Air/Water) Cushion Transportation Technology for Emplacing Heavy Canisters
Into Horizontal Disposal Drifts
- 8094
Jean-Michel Bosgiraud, ANDRA (France); Louis Londe, ANDRA (France); Stig Pettersson, Swedish Nuclear Fuel & Waste Management Co (Sweden); Erik Thurner, SKB (Sweden); Wolf Seidler, ANDRA (France)
Constructing Hydraulic Barriers in Deep Geologic Formations - 8278
Ernie Carter, Carter Technologies Co. (USA)
Excavation Damaged Zones in Rock Salt Formations - 8172
Klaus Wieczorek, GRS (Germany); Norbert Jockwer, GRS mbH (Germany)
Gas Migration in the Opalinus Clay as a Function of the Gas Pressure - 8169
Klaus Wieczorek, GRS (Germany); Norbert Jockwer, GRS mbH (Germany)
A New Approach for Direct Disposal of Spent Fuel
into Deep Vertical Boreholes in a Salt Repository
- 8232
Jobst Wehrmann, DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH (Germany); Wolfgang Filbert, DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH (Germany); Wilhelm Bollingerfehr, DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH (Germany)
Current Status of the Romanian National Deep Geological Repository Program
- 8393
Maria Radu, CITON (Romania); Rodica Nicolae, CITON (Romania); Dumitru Nicolae , CITON (Romania)