HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 66 - Worldwide Technical Innovations in HLW Treatment
Steve Krahn, DOE-EM (USA) Terri Fellinger, WSRC (USA)
Development of an Improved Sodium Titanate for the Pretreatment of High Level Nuclear Waste at the SRS - 8374
David Hobbs, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); May Nyman, SNL (USA); Michael Poirier, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Fernando Fondeur, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Mark Barnes, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Mary Thompson, Washington Savannah River Company (USA); Samuel Fink, WSRC (USA); Thomas P. Peters, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA)
Sodium Recycle Economics for Waste Treatment Plant Operations - 8341
Gary Sevigny, PNNL (USA); Adam Poloski, PNNL (USA); Matt Fountain, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)
Method to Reduce Molten Salt Penetration into
Bulk Vitrification Refractory Materials
- 8275
Larry Bagaasen, PNNL (USA); Pavel Hrma, Battelle, Pacific Northwest Division (USA); Michael Schweiger, Battelle, Pacific Northwest Division (USA); Dong-Sang Kim, Battelle, Pacific Northwest Division (USA); Josef Matyas, PNNL (USA); Carmen Rodriguez, PNNL (USA); Keith Witwer, AMEC Nuclear, GeoMelt Division (USA)
Development of a Rotary Microfilter for Radioactive Waste Applications - 8131
Michael Poirier, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); David Herman, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Samuel Fink, WSRC (USA)
Steam Reforming Technology Demonstration for Conversion of DOE Sodium-Bearing Tank Wastes at Idaho National Laboratory into a Leach Resistant Alkali Aluminosilicate Waste Form
- 8282
Kevin Ryan, THOR Treatment Technologies, LLC (USA); J. Mason, Studsvik, Inc. (USA); Brent Evans, THOR Treatment Technologies, LLC (USA); Vishal Vora, THOR Treatment Technologies, LLC (USA); Arlin Olson, Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC (USA)
Improved Alumina Loading in High-Level Waste Glasses - 8460
Dong-Sang Kim, PNNL (USA); John Vienna, PNNL (USA); David Peeler, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Kevin Fox, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Albert Aloy, Khlopin Radium Institute (Russia); Alexander Trofimenko, Khlopin Radium Institute (Russia); Kurt Gerdes, US DOE (USA)
Significant Progress in the Deployment of New Technologies for the
Retrieval of Hanford Radioactive Waste Storage Tanks
- 8102
Richard Raymond, CH2M HILL (USA); Ryan Dodd, CH2M HILL (USA); Keith Carpenter, CH2M HILL (USA); Mark Sturges, CH2M HILL (USA)
Feasibility Evaluation and Retrofit Plan for Cold Crucible Induction Melter Deployment in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at Savannah River Site - 8118
Allan Barnes, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Dan Iverson, WSRC (USA); Brannen Adkins, Liquid Waste Operations (USA); Eric Tchemitcheff, AREVA NC Inc. (USA)