HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 43 - Innovative Field Monitoring for Environmental Remediation
Joel Eacker, CH2M HILL (USA) Donna Guillen, Idaho National Laboratory (USA)
Advanced Assay Systems for Radionuclide Contamination in Soils - 8360
Michael Carpenter, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); John Giles, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); Chris Oertel, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); Jay Roach, Idaho National Laboratory (USA)
Innovative Direct Push Technologies for Characterization
of the 216-Z-9 Trench at DOE's Hanford Site
- 8235
Wes Bratton, Vista Engineering Technologies, LLC (USA); Ken Moser, Vista Engineering Technologies (USA); Rochelle Holm, Vista Engineering Technologies, LLC (USA); Arlene Tortoso, US DOE (USA); John Morse, US DOE (USA)
Development of a Characterized Radiation Field for Evaluating Sensor Performance - 8427
Charles Waggoner, Mississippi State University (USA); Donna Rogers, Mississippi State Univeristy ICET (USA)
Alternative Sample Preparation of Soils for Gamma Spectroscopy - 8249
Heath Downey, MACTEC (USA); Paul Jung, Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc. (USA); Rebecca Scarborough, Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc. (USA)
To Sample or Not to Sample: An Investigation into the Comparative Benefits of Sampling Followed by Laboratory Analysis Versus In-Toto Gamma Spectroscopy for Situations of Non-Uniform Radioactivity Distribution - 8211
Frazier Bronson, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA)
Integration of Omics Technologies for Characterization of Complex Microbial Ecosystems - 8119
Ann Miracle, PNNL (USA); Vanessa Bailey, PNNL (USA); Scott Baker, PNNL (USA); Amoret Bunn, PNNL (USA); Jon Magnuson, PNNL (USA); Bobbie-Jo Webb-Robertson, PNNL (USA)