HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 18 - Underground Research Laboratories and Demonstration Facilities: An Update
Chuan-Fu Wu, US DOE (USA) Louis Londe, ANDRA (France)
Repository Drift Backfilling Demonstrator - 8010
Louis Londe, ANDRA (France); Jean-Philippe Dubois, ANDRA (France); Corinne Bauer, ANDRA (France)
Evaluation of Incident Risks in a Repository for Radioactive Waste - 8343
Dubravko Maric, Institute of Safety Technology (Germany); Detlef Grundler, Institute for Safety Technology (Germany); Joerg Thiel, Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (Germany); Wolfgang Mueller, Institute for Safety Technology (Germany); Wilma Boetsch, Institute for Safety Technology (Germany)
Welding Robot and Remote Handling System for the Yucca Mountain Waste Package Closure System - 8372
Mary Barker, PaR Systems, Inc. (USA); David Pace, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); Kevin Croft, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); Todd Holt, PaR Systems, Inc. (USA); Colleen Shelton-Davis, Idaho National Laboratory (USA); Dean LaValle, PaR Systems, Inc. (USA)
Long-Term Stability Testing Results for Savannah River Site Organic and Aqueous Wastestreams - 8116
Jody Bickford, MSE Technology Applications, Inc (USA); Martin Foote, MSE Technology Applications, Inc (USA); Heather Burns, Washington Savannah River Company (USA)
Using Fuzzy Sets for Data Interpretation in Natural Analogue Studies - 8451
Francisco De Lemos, National Nuclear Energy Commission (Brazil); Terry Sullivan, Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA); Karl-Heinz Hellmut, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland)