Paper Title
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Validation Testing of the Canberra Mobile Feed Roll Assay System - 15404
Atsuo Suzuki, Canberra Japan KK (Japan); Frazier Bronson, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Gabriela Ilie, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Noboru Manabe, The University of Tokyo (Japan); Tomotsugu Takahashi, The University of Tokyo (Japan); Hirofumi Oshima, Japan Shield Technical Research Co.Ltd. (Japan) |
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Radiological Characterization of High Cs137 Waste Items at LANL Combining Cs137 NDA Results and Acceptable Process Knowledge - 15592
Randy Lucero, Pajarito Scientific Corporation (USA); Kathleen Gruetzmacher, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Roland Bustos, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Scott Ferran, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Lucas Gallegos, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) |
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Validation Testing of Canberra-Obayashi TruckScan Calculation Method - 15409
Atsuo Suzuki, Canberra Japan KK (Japan); Frazier Bronson, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Masaru Noda, Obayashi Corporation (Japan); Naoya Takada, Obayashi Corporation (Japan); Keizo Yamasaki, Obayashi Corporation (Japan) |
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Collated Experience of the Use of Multi-Group Analysis (MGA) in Non-Destructive Waste Assay Systems - 15257
Rosemary Lester, Canberra UK Ltd - AREVA Group (United Kingdom); Nicholas Clarke, Sellafield Ltd (United Kingdom); Colin Wilkins, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (United Kingdom); Andrey Bosko, IAEA (Austria); James Yeatman, University of Liverpool (United Kingdom); Kate Charles, Sellafield Ltd (United Kingdom);
Ludovic Bourva (Presenter only), Canberra UK Ltd - AREVA Group (United Kingdom) |
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Validation of General Purpose Mathematical Efficiency Modeling with ISOCS - 15579
Henrik Jäderström, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Rosemary Lester, Canberra UK Ltd - AREVA Group (United Kingdom); Frazier Bronson, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Ram Venkataraman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Valery Atrashkevich, Consultant (Russian Federation) |
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Minimum Detectable Activity for Tomographic Gamma Scanning System - 15648
Ram Venkataraman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Susan Smith, Canberra Industries Inc (USA);
John Kirkpatrick, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Stephen Croft, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) |
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Radium-226: An Inter-Method Comparison - 15447
Terry Romanko, TestAmerica Laboratories Inc (USA) |