This panel discussed the strategic and operational management of used nuclear fuel (UNF) both nationally and internationally to include long-term planning for the storage and disposal of used nuclear fuel often referred to as spent nuclear fuel. The panel also addressed operational issues impacting the management of used nuclear fuel such as fuel pool management, storage cask design and storage pad management. Emerging issues such as high burn up fuel will be addressed and long-term permanent disposal solutions were discussed. Experience with stakeholder outreach to clarify the various strategic and operational issues were also be addressed.
Panelists include: Frederick Bailly, Vice-President, Integration and Strategic Development, AREVA (France); Timothy A. Frazier, Director, Nuclear Waste Initiative, Bi-Partisan Policy Center; William C. Ostendorff, Commissioner, US NRC; Andrew Griffith, Acting Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fuel Cycle Technologies (NE-5), Office of Nuclear Energy; Everett Redmond II, Senior Director, Policy Development, NEI and Carl Reinhold Brakenhielm, Chair, Swedish National Council for Nuclear Waste, (Sweden).