Paper Title
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NDA Challenges during Cleanup of the Hanford 618-10 Burial Ground Trenches - 15542
Bruce Gillespie, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA);
Timothy Southworth, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Daniel Haggard, Polestar Technical Services (USA) |
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Impact of Lump Characteristics on Self-Shielding Corrections of Active Neutron Interrogation on Fissile Material in Waste - 15405
Ludovic Bourva, Canberra UK Ltd - AREVA Group (United Kingdom); Daniel Murphy, University of Birminham (United Kingdom); Stephen Croft, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) |
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Model-Based Approaches to Calibration and Certification of Nondestructive Assay Systems - 15615
Joseph Wachter, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Sean Stanfield, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Ludovic Bourva, Canberra UK Ltd - AREVA Group (United Kingdom); Ram Venkataraman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Stephen Croft, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Joe Harvill, Washington TRU Solutions, LLC (USA); Patrick Chard, Canberra UK Ltd - AREVA Group (United Kingdom) |
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A Study of Differential Die Away Performance with Neutron Interrogation Pulse Width - 15407
Ludovic Bourva, Canberra UK Ltd - AREVA Group (United Kingdom); Rosemary Lester, Canberra UK Ltd - AREVA Group (United Kingdom); Ken Lambert, Canberra UK Ltd - AREVA Group (United Kingdom); Christophe Bedouet, SODERN (France); Bruno Vernet, SODERN (France) |