Paper Title
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Load Planning in the Dark: RH-TRU Waste Container Load Planning at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico - 15116
Randell Salyer, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Jesse Bland, Weston Solutions, Inc. (USA);
Betty Humphrey, Weston Solutions Inc (USA); Michael Spoerner, Sandia National Laboratories (USA); Warren Strong, Sandia National Laboratories (USA) |
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Lessons Learned in the Hot Cell at the Transuranic Waste Processing Center - 15336
Jeff Prince, Intervention Design Engineering (USA); Ronald Gentry, Wastren Advantage Inc (USA) |
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Managing TRU Waste Processing and Storage Issues/Challenges - 15487
Ronald Gentry, Wastren Advantage Inc (USA); Laura Wilkerson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Frederick Heacker, Wastren Advantage Inc (USA) |