Paper Title
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Effectiveness of an In-Situ Permeable Reactive Barrier in Removing Strontium-90 from Groundwater - 15418
Art Lee, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Virginia Rohay, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Bruce Williams, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Larry Hulstrom, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Bill Faught, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Vince Vermeul, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Mark Williams, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Jim Szecsody, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Michael Thompson, US DOE (USA);
Martin Doornbos (Presenter only), CH2M HILL PRC (USA) |
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Evaluation of a Low Cost Humate Solution as an In Situ Amendment to Enhance Attenuation of Uranium in an Acidic Plume - 15445
Miles Denham, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Margaret Millings, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Mark Amidon, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Brian Looney, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Warren Hyde, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Richard Walker, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Hansell Gonzalez Raymat, Applied Research Center - FIU (USA) |
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Dissimilatory Iodate Reduction by Hanford Microbial Isolates - 15226
Joshua Ellis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Alex Dodwell, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Danielle Saunders, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Brady Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA);
Hope Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |
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Finding Balance between Biological Groundwater Treatment and Treated Injection Water - 15237
Mark Carlson, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Eli Ludwig, Groundwater Partners, Inc. (USA); Sally Simmons, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Ken Martins, CH2M HILL (USA); James Geiger, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Kellin Nielsen, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Louis Watkins, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Phillip McFee, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); John Morse, US DOE (USA); Mark Byrnes, CH2M HILL PRC (USA);
Charles Miller (Presenter only), CH2M HILL PRC (USA) |
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A Performance Assessment Approach for Pump-and-Treat Systems - 15132
Michael Truex, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Chris Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Michael Nimmons, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Dave Becker, USACE (USA); Hope Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |
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Concluding a Steam Injection Remediation Project at a DNAPL Source Zone at the Savannah River Site - 15303
Branden Kramer, Savannah River Nuclear Solution (USA); James Kupar, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA); Jeffrey Ross, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA); Joao Cardoso-Neto, Savannah River Technology Co. (USA); Dennis Jackson, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Brian Looney, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Karen Adams, US DOE (USA);
Ashley Shull (Presenter only), Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA) |
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Groundwater Remediation at the Fernald Preserve, Cincinnati, Ohio (Modeling and Resulting 2014 Well Field Operational Changes) - 15324
Ken Broberg, Stoller Newport News Nuclear (USA); Gwen Hooten, US DOE (USA); William Hertel, Stoller Newport News Nuclear (USA) |
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The Long Road to Groundwater RODs on the ORR: Development of a Regional Groundwater Model - 15632
Samantha Pack, Leidos (USA); Alauddin Khan, Leidos (USA); Lynn Sims, Restoration Services, Inc/UCOR (USA); Steve Haase, Restoration Services, Inc/UCOR (USA) |