Paper Title
1 |
A Regulatory Perspective on the Response Function Method for Determining Allowable Content of Radioactive Materials Transportation Package and Storage Cask - 15023
Zhian Li, US NRC (USA); Meraj Rahimi, US NRC (USA) |
2 |
Comparison of German and American Fabrication Standards for Transportation and Storage Containments of High Level Radioactive Material Type B Packages - 15055
Edward Russell, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA); Brian Anderson, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA) |
3 |
New Container Development for the International Market - 15656
Wolfgang Steinwarz, Siempelkamp Nukleartechnik (Germany) |
4 |
3-60B Type B Shipping Cask Enhanced Operational Features to Facilitate Leakage Rate Testing - 15585
William Acton, EnergySolutions (USA);
Steven Sisley, EnergySolutions (USA); Paul B Shaw, Leak Testing Specialists (USA) |
5 |
MP197HB; First Licensed Transportation Package with Canistered High Burnup Fuel after Dry Storage - 15580
Jayant Bondre, AREVA Transnuclear (USA);
Zhaojuan He (Presenter only), AREVA TN (USA) |
6 |
Shortage of Type B LLRW Casks in the US to Serve Nuclear Plants and National Labs - 15663
Aleksandr Gelfond, EnergySolutions (USA) |
7 |
French Management Model for Sustainable Transportation of Used Fuel - 15376
Catherine Shelton, AREVA (USA) |