This panel discussed options, technical approaches, and technical, regulatory, and non-proliferation/security issues important to evaluation and design of treatment, interim storage, transport and disposal of UNF/SNF and HLW. Uncertainty regarding the future of geologic disposal of UNF/SNF and HLW in the US and worldwide, the potential role of fuel recycling to reduce required disposal capacity, and expected increases in new nuclear power plants, has elevated the need for consideration of interim and retrievable storage and alternative disposal options for UNF/SNF and HLW. The panel covered options being considered worldwide for transport, consolidated storage, treatment and ultimate disposal of commercial and government UNF/SNF and immobilized HLW. (Utility UNF/SNF management and/or on-site storage at Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) abstracts are addressed in Track 4.
Panelists include: Bill Boyle, Director of the Office of Used Nuclear Fuel Disposition Research and Development, US DOE; Keith McConnell, Special Assistant to Director of Office of Nuclear Material Safety & Safeguards, US NRC; Frederic Bailly, Senior Vice President, International Projects, Back End Business Group, AREVA; Tim Tinsley, Business Leader, Spent Fuel Management Technology, UK NNL (United Kingdom); Claes Thegerstrom, SKB; and Andrew Sowder, Senior Technical Leader, Nuclear Fuel and Chemistry, EPRI.