Waste Management Symposia 2015


Session Panel: US DOE ETTP Accelerated Gaseous Diffusion Plant (GDP) Cleanup Approaches - 019



Session Co-Chair(s):   Susan Cange (USA)
Kenneth Rueter (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Cathy Hickey (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Susan Cange (USA)
Betsy Child (USA)
Allen Schubert (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Patrick Timbes (USA)

This panel discussed the innovative cleanup and prioritization approaches underway to achieve the accelerated cleanup of the East Tennessee Technology Park (the former K-25 Gaseous Diffusion Plant (GDP)) located on the Oak Ridge Reservation. ETTP is undergoing risk-based cleanup to address environmental and human health risk issues to achieve a reindustrialized site end state. In an environment of declining budgets, the application of innovative approaches has resulted in the successful acceleration of D&D, providing many valuable lessons learned. Panelists discussed best practices in project planning, work execution techniques, workforce/labor relationships and regulatory relationships and contractual frameworks all anchored in an environment where safety is the highest priority.

Panelists include: Sue Cange, Manager, US DOE OREM; Kenneth Rueter, President and Project Manager, URS/CH2M Oak Ridge, LLC; Wendy Cain, East Tennessee Technology Park Portfolio Federal Project Director, US DOE; Heather Cloar, Contracting Officer, US DOE; and Kevin Adkisson, President, Knoxville Building and Construction Trade Council. 



Panel Report


Panelists with presentations:

Accelerated Gaseous Diffusion Plant Cleanup Approaches
Susan Cange, US DOE (USA)

Accelerated Gaseous Diffusion Plant Cleanup Approaches
Kenneth Rueter, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (USA)

D&D Planning and Execution Approaches
Wendy Cain, US DOE (USA)

Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Contracting Approach
Heather Cloar, US DOE (USA)

Partnering For Success
Kevin Adkisson, North America's Building Trades Unions (USA)


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