Waste Management Symposia 2015


Session Panel: US DOE WIPP: Lessons Learned and Return to Operations Following 2014 Operational Incidents - 016



Session Co-Chair(s):   Jose Franco (USA)
Robert McQuinn (USA)
Lead Organizer:   Roger Nelson (USA)
Add'l Organizer(s):   Jose Franco (USA)
Panel Reporter:   Roger Nelson (USA)

This panel discussed the WIPP equipment fire and airborne radiation release incidents in February 2014, lessons learned, ongoing recovery activities, and impacts on affected DOE TRU waste complex sites. WIPP recovery officials from the field and headquarters discussed the recovery plans, status and plans for resumption of TRU waste operations across the DOE complex.

Panelists include: Sean Dunagan, Recovery Manager, Carlsbad Field Office, US DOE; Mark Senderling, Headquarters Recovery Manager, US DOE - EM; Jim Blankenhorn, Recovery Manager, Nuclear Waste Partnership; J.R. Stroble, TRU Sites and Transportation Division Director, Carlsbad Field Office, US DOE; Jim Malmo, TRU Operations Manager, Idaho Operations Office, US DOE; Ben Roberts, US DOE; Dave Nickless, TRU Programs Manager, Los Alamos Field Office, NNSA; Terrel Spears, TRU Operations Manager, Savannah River Site Office, US DOE; and Laura Wilkerson, TRU Operations Manager, Oak Ridge Site Office, US DOE.



Panel Report


Panelists with presentations:

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Recovery Update
Sean Dunagan, US DOE CBFO (USA)

WIPP Recovery “It’s all about safety”
Jim Blankenhorn, Nuclear Waste Partnership - AECOM (USA)

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Recovery Update - Underground Ventilation System
Mark Senderling, US DOE - EM (USA)

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant TRU Waste Characterization
J.R. Stroble, US DOE (USA)

TRU Waste Disposition at LANL and Plans for Resumption
David Nickless, US DOE (USA)

Impacts of Delaying Transuranic Waste Disposition and Plans for Resumption
Terrel Spears, US DOE (USA)

WIPP - Idaho Impacts
Ben Roberts, US DOE Idaho Operations (USA)

WIPP Suspension Impacts at Oak Ridge
Laura Wilkerson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)


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