HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 75 - Waste Characterization Methodologies - II
Larry Camper, US NRC (USA) Frazier Bronson, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA)
The Contribution of and Uncertainty Associated with Self-Multiplication when Assaying Plutonium in Waste by Passive Neutron Coincidence Counting - 8386
Stephen Croft, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Sasha Philips, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Robert McElroy, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); A Bosko, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA)
Passive and Active Neutron Matrix Correction for Heterogeneous Distributions Utilizing the Neutron Imaging Technique - 8253
Marcel Villani, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Colin Wilkins, Canberra Industries Inc (United Kingdom); Eloisa Alvarez, Canberra Industries Inc (United Kingdom); Gianluca Simone, Nucleco SpA (Italy); Alessandro Ambrifi, Nucleco SPA (Italy); Stephen Croft, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Ludovic Bourva, IAEA (Austria); John Fisher, Canberra Industries Inc (); Dave Stamp, Canberra Harwell, Ltd. (United Kingdom)
A New Neutron Multiplicity Deadtime Scheme - 8383
Stephen Croft, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); John Kirkpatrick, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Robert McElroy, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); N Menaa, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Sasha Philips, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA)
Experimental Determination of the Multiplicity Deadtime Parameter - 8384
Marcel Villani, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); N Menaa, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Stephen Croft, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Louise Evans, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom); Susan Kane, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Sasha Philips, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA)
Simulation of Rate-Related (Dead-Time) Losses in Passive Neutron Multiplicity Counting Systems - 8084
Louise Evans, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom); Stephen Croft, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Paul Norman, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom); Sasha Philips, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Thomas Leadbeater, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)
A Non-Destructive Investigation of Pu Reference Items used for Calibration - 8385
Debbie Curtis, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (United Kingdom); Stephen Croft, Canberra Industries Inc - AREVA Group (USA); Colin Wilkins, Canberra Industries Inc (United Kingdom)
Radiochemical Sensor for Continuous and Remote Liquid Effluents Monitoring - 8223
Gemma Rauret, University of Barcelona (Spain); Alex Tarancon, ADASA Sistemas (Spain); Jose F. Garcia, University of Barcelona (Spain)