HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 58 - Operating Experience and Progress at the Hanford Reservation, Idaho National Laboratory and Savannah River Sites
Harry Harmon, Consultant (USA) Carol Jantzen, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA)
Assessing Technological Readiness and Maturity of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant - 8271
Garth Duncan, Bechtel National, Inc. (USA); Donald Alexander, US DOE (USA); Craig Myler, Bechtel Systems and Infrastructure, Inc. (USA); Langdon Holton, PNNL (USA)
Technical Basis for Certification of Seismic Design Criteria for the
Waste Treatment Plant - Hanford, Washington
- 8188
Tom Brouns, PNNL (USA); Alan Rohay, PNNL (USA); Bob Youngs, Geomatrix Consultants, Inc. (USA); Carl Costantino, CJC & Associates, Inc. (USA); Lew Miller, US DOE (USA)
Pretreatment Engineering Platform-Reducing Technical Risks for the Waste Treatment Plant Pretreatment Facility through Scaled Process Testing - 8365
Steven Barnes, URS Washington Division (USA); Jim Huckaby, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Gary Josephson, PNNL (USA); Rob Gilbert, US DOE (USA)
High Level Waste Remote Handling Equipment in the Melter Cave Support Handling System at the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant - 8208
Mike Bardal, PaR Systems, Inc. (USA); Neil Darwen, Bechtel National, Inc. (USA)
Large-Scale Testing of Effects of Anti-Foam Agent on Gas Holdup in Process Vessels in the Hanford Waste Treatment Plant - 8280
Lenna Mahoney, PNNL (USA); Charles Stewart, PNNL (USA); Consuelo Guzman-Leong, PNNL (USA); Stuart Arm, PNNL (USA); Lynette Jagoda, PNNL (USA); Jim Alzheimer, PNNL (USA); Satoru Yokuda, PNNL (USA); Beric Wells, PNNL (USA)
Full Scale Cross-Flow Filter Testing in Support of the Salt Waste Processing Facility Design - 8430
Alan Stephens, General Atomics (USA); Ron Gallego, General Atomics (USA); Alois N. Singer, EnergySolutions (USA); Brad Swanson, EnergySolutions (USA); Kevin Bartling, Parsons (USA)
Caustic-Side Solvent Extraction Full-Scale Test (CSSX FST) - 8431
Ryan Lentsch, General Atomics (USA); Alan Stephens, General Atomics (USA); Alois N. Singer, EnergySolutions (USA); Kevin Bartling, Parsons (USA)