HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management
February 24 -28, 2008 Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Theme - Phoenix Rising: Moving Forward in Waste Management
WMSymposia is a non-profit dedicated to education and opportunity
Session 56 - New Nuclear Power Plant - Radioactive Waste Systems and Design
This panel focused on discussions from reactor vendors and architect/engineers on radioactive waste challenges facing the licensing and operation of new nuclear plants in the United States. The new generation of new plants that will be built in the US incorporate many design improvements, included advancements in radioactive waste processing. Reactor vendors discussed radioactive waste system aspects of designs certified by the US NRC. Architect / Engineers will address aspects of new radioactive waste system operations described in combined license (COL) applications. Panel members included representatives from AREVA (EPR), Electric Power Research Institute, General Electric (ESBWR), Mitsubishi (US-APWR) and Westinghouse (AP-1000).
Chair(s): Jay Maisler, Enercon Services, Inc (USA)
Sean Bushart, EPRI (USA)