Session No. |
Title |
Weekday |
Time |
1 |
Plenary Session |
Monday |
8:00 AM |
2 |
Panel Session: The DOE Senior Managers' Panel |
Monday |
10:30 AM |
3 |
Decommissioning Program Status, Standards &
Planning |
Monday |
10:30 AM |
4 |
Panel Session: Low-Level Radiation Health Effects:
Biological Science and Medical Applications Research on Using Low Dose
Radiation (LDR) |
Monday |
10:30 AM |
5 |
Panel Session: Democracy in Long-Term Waste
Management and Disposal |
Monday |
10:30 AM |
6 |
Poster D&D/TRU/HLW I |
Monday |
1:30 PM |
6A |
Monday |
1:30 PM |
6B |
D&D |
Monday |
1:30 PM |
6C |
HLW & Fuel Transportation I |
Monday |
1:30 PM |
7 |
Progress in Achieving the Office of River Protection
Mission Goals |
Monday |
2:00 PM |
8 |
Panel Session: Status of the Yucca Mountain Candidate
HLW Repository |
Monday |
2:00 PM |
9 |
Savannah River Site's Programs & Achievements
(Invited Session) |
Monday |
2:00 PM |
10 |
Panel Session: Low Level Radioactive Health Effects:
Challenging Radiation Protection Policy, and Constraints on Applying Low-Dose
Radioactive (LDR) Radiation to Stimulate Health and Medical Benefits |
Monday |
2:00 PM |
11 |
Innovative Treatment Technologies for Low Level,
Intermediate Level, Mixed and Hazardous Waste |
Monday |
2:00 PM |
12 |
Lessons Learned in Environmental Restoration Case
Studies |
Monday |
2:00 PM |
13 |
Disposal Site Design, Operation & Process
Improvement |
Monday |
2:00 PM |
14 |
Decommissioning and Lessons Learned...Nuclear
Facilities |
Monday |
2:00 PM |
15 |
Nuclear Power Plant Waste Management |
Monday |
2:00 PM |
16 |
Roundtable: EM's Science and Technology
Implementation Plan |
Monday |
2:00 PM |
17 |
Poster-Low Level, Intermediate Level, Mixed and
Hazardous Waste |
Tuesday |
9:30 AM |
18 |
HLW, ILW and Mixed Waste Vitrification |
Tuesday |
8:30 AM |
19 |
Development, Demonstration, Application of New and
Innovative D&D Technologies |
Tuesday |
8:30 AM |
20 |
Determination of Contaminant Migration |
Tuesday |
8:30 AM |
21 |
Treatment and Disposal of TENORM |
Tuesday |
8:30 AM |
22 |
Nuclear Power Plant Waste Processing |
Tuesday |
8:30 AM |
23 |
Panel Session: The Current Status of Mixed Waste
Disposal, The DOE Sites Perspective |
Tuesday |
8:30 AM |
24 |
Progress Towards Closure of DOE Sites |
Tuesday |
8:30 AM |
25 |
Enhancement of Vital Safety Systems and Operational
Safety at DOE Sites |
Tuesday |
8:30 AM |
26 |
Global Perspectives (1) |
Tuesday |
8:30 AM |
27 |
Technology Success in HLW Management: Tanks Waste
Storage and Retrieval |
Tuesday |
8:30 AM |
28 |
Poster-ER |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
28A |
ER Modeling |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
28B |
Contaminated Media |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
28C |
Waste Disposition |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
28D |
Program Planning & ER Management Tools |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
28E |
Migration and Special Wastes |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
29 |
Technology Success in HLW Management: Advancements in
HLW Processing |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
30 |
RH TRU Waste: How it Should Be |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
31 |
Nuclear Material-The Critical Path to Site Closure |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
32 |
Decommissioning Cost Estimation & Issues Related
to Decommissioning Funds |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
33 |
Partnering for Success: Environmental Clean Up and
Waste Management Experience at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
34 |
Workshop: DOE Prime Contractor Roundtable |
Tuesday |
1:00 PM |
35 |
Low Level, Intermediate Level, Mixed and Hazardous
Waste Characterization, Certification and Acceptance |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
36 |
Risk and Performance Assessment Issues |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
37 |
Long-Term Performance Analysis of the Yucca Mountain
Candidate HLW Repository Site |
Tuesday |
1:30 PM |
38 |
Utility Roundtable |
Tuesday |
3:00 PM |
39 |
Poster-Nuclear Materials and HLW Technology |
Wednesday |
9:30 AM |
39A |
Nuclear Materials |
Wednesday |
9:30 AM |
39B |
HLW Treatment and Disposal |
Wednesday |
9:30 AM |
40 |
Remediation Technology-On and Under the Ground
Success |
Wednesday |
8:30 AM |
41 |
Regulatory Framework for Siting a Repository at Yucca
Mountain |
Wednesday |
8:30 AM |
42 |
Progress in Integrated Nuclear Materials Management |
Wednesday |
8:30 AM |
43 |
Operating Experience in the Treatment and Storage of
Low Level, Intermediate Level and Mixed Waste |
Wednesday |
8:30 AM |
44 |
Reactor Decommissioning Experiences |
Wednesday |
8:30 AM |
45 |
Progress and Challenges at FUSRAP Sites |
Wednesday |
8:30 AM |
46 |
Global Perspectives (2) |
Wednesday |
8:30 AM |
47 |
Plans and Issues in Long-Term Stewardship of DOE
Sites |
Wednesday |
8:30 AM |
48 |
Optimizing U.S. TRU Waste Management |
Wednesday |
8:30 AM |
49 |
International TRU Waste Management |
Wednesday |
1:30 PM |
50 |
Safety and Security Challenges in Managing HLW and
Spent Fuel |
Wednesday |
1:30 PM |
51 |
Workshop/Panel Session: Environmental Cost
Engineering and Project Management |
Wednesday |
1:30 PM |
52 |
Mixed Waste Programmatic and Regulatory Issues |
Wednesday |
1:30 PM |
53 |
Pollution Prevention for Low-Level, Intermediate
Level Mixed and Hazardous Waste |
Wednesday |
1:30 PM |
54 |
Wednesday |
1:30 PM |
55 |
Priority Issues in Packaging and Transportation of
Radioactive Materials |
Wednesday |
1:30 PM |
56A |
International Management of Radioactive Materials
& Sources |
Wednesday |
1:30 PM |
56B |
HLW Repository Issues |
Wednesday |
3:30 PM |
57 |
Cultural, Community and Equity Issues |
Wednesday |
1:30 PM |
58 |
Performance and Monitoring Strategies for Long Term
Cap and Cover Systems |
Thursday |
8:30 AM |
59 |
Underground Research Facilities |
Thursday |
8:30 AM |
60 |
Packaging and Transportation |
Thursday |
8:30 AM |
61 |
Achieving Stakeholder Consensus for Openness and
Transparency |
Thursday |
8:30 AM |
62 |
HEPA Filters-Treatment, Testing, Management and New
Operations |
Thursday |
8:30 AM |
63 |
D&D Characterization and Clearance of Materials |
Thursday |
8:30 AM |
64 |
Lessons Learned from Implementing Roadmapping and
from Applying the Process for Environmental (EM) Management Activities |
Thursday |
8:30 AM |