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Technical Program
Thursday 2/28/02
8:30 AM      SESSION  59     Copper Room
Underground Research Facilities
Chuan F. Wu, USDOE (USA)
Jean-Louis Gaussen, ANDRA (FRANCE)

1   In Situ Copper Corrosion Experiments in ÄSPÖ Hard Rock Laboratory
L. O. Werme, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB; B. Rosborg, Rosborg Consulting; C. Taxén, Swedish Corrosion Institute; O. Karnland, Clay Technology; G. Quirk, InterCorr International (SWEDEN/UNITED KINGDOM)
2   The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: An Operating Repository with Unique Opportunities for International Research and Training
M. L. Matthews, USDOE-CBFO; L. G. Eriksson, GRAM, Inc. (USA)
3   International Co-operation and Partnerships at the HADES Underground Research Facility (Mol, Belgium)
A. Sneyers, G. Volckaert, B. Neerdael, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN; M. Demarche, E.I.G. EURIDICE; P. Lalieux, NIRAS/ONDRAF (BELGIUM)
4   French URL Project Context, Schedule and Contents
J.-L. Gaussen, ANDRA (FRANCE)
