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Technical Program
Tuesday 2/26/02
1:30 PM      SESSION  28E     Exhibit Hall A,B,C
Migration and Special Wastes

24   Spectroscopic Investigation of the Formation of Radiolysis By-Products By 13/9 MeV Linear Accelerator of Electrons (LAE) in Salt Solutions
P. Paviet-Harmann, J. Dziewinski, S. Marczak, T. Hartmann, N. Lu, LANL; M. Walthall, Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring Research Center; A. Rafalski, Z. Zagorski, The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (USA/POLAND)
25   Parameter Identification of a Numerical Transport Code
G. Danko, A. Jain, Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada (USA)
26   A Study on the Tritium Behavior in the Rice Plant after a Short-Term Exposure of HTO
D.-S. Yook, K. J. Lee, Kaist; Y.-H. Choi, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KOREA)
27   The Environmental Significance of Cadmium in Contaminated Soils
I. A. A. Saad, K. Arof, A. H. Yahaya, University of Malaya (MALASYSIA)
