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Technical Program
Monday 2/25/02
8:00 AM      SESSION  1     TCC, Music Hall
Plenary Session
William T. Gregory III, Vinculum (USA)
Bob W. Benedict, Argonne National Lab. (USA)

1   The Decision to Recommend Yucca Mountain and the Next Steps Towards Licensed Repository Development
Lake Barrett, Acting Director, USDOE (USA)
2   "A Decision-Making Processes in Radwaste Management for Confidence Building: The French Approach and the International Context"
Yves Le Bars - President of ANDRA (FRANCE)
3   A Quarter Century of Nuclear Waste Management in Japan
Sumio Masuda, Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO) (JAPAN)
4   Nuclear Energy 2002: Solid Value…Significant Upside
Rod McCullum, Nuclear Energy Institute (USA)
