WM Symposia, Inc.   WM '99   .

Thursday AM   3/4/99
8:30:00 AM       SESSION   60       Turquoise Rm.
LLW/MW Technology Demonstration
Mikhail Ojovan, SIA "Radon"
Richard Thomason, Westinghouse Savannah River Company
1    Radioactive Liquid Waste Reduction at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
R. Demmer, K. Archibald, M. Argyle, L. Lauerhass, J. Tripp, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technology Co. (USA)
2    Development and Implementation of a Project to Provide a Waste Receipt, Assay, Characterization and Supercompaction Facility at UKAEA's Dounreay Site
M.I.G. Bundy, A.W. Manson, UKAEA (SCOTLAND/UK)
3    Studsvik Processing Facility - Pyrolysis/Steam Reforming Technology for Volume and Weight Reduction and Stabilization of LLRW and Mixed Wastes
J. B. Mason, T.W. Oliver, M.P. Carson, G.M. Hill, Studsvik, Inc. (USA)
4    The VALDUC Waste Incineration Facility Starts Active Operations (Iris Process)
H. Chateauvieux, Ph. Guiberteau, T. Longuet, J. Lannaud, CEA; M. Lorich, SGN (FRANCE)
5    Molten Salt Oxidation For Treating Low-level Mixed Wastes
P.C. Hsu, D.L. Hipple , K.G. Foster, T.D. Ford, R.W. Hopper, M.G. Adamson, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA)
6    Incineration of Wet Ion-Exchange Resins in Composition with Powder Metal Fuel
M.I. Ojovan, G.A. Petrov, S.A. Dmitriev, K.N. Semenov, V.L. Klimov, SIA "Radon" (RUSSIA), V. L. Tarasov, Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, (USA)
7    An Alternative Process to Immobilize Intermediate Wastes from LWR Fuel Reprocessing
Y. Hirose, T. Fukasawa, Hitachi Ltd.; D.K. Agrawal, B.E. Scheetz, Pennsylvania State University; S.Y. Limaye, LoTEC, Inc. (JAPAN/USA)
8    Use of a Sensitive Gamma Assay Instrument for Classification of Waste in a Plutonium Stabilization Facility
P.A. McClay, R. Thomason Westinghouse Savannah River Co. (USA)

Thursday AM   3/4/99
8:30:00 AM       SESSION   61       Crystal Rm.
Interim Storage of Spent Fuel
Ken Guay, GTS Duratek
Bernard Vigreux, Consultant, c/o SFEN
1    Impact Mitigation of a Multipurpose Transfer Cask During Spent Fuel Canisterization
P.W. Noss, Packaging Technology, Inc.; J. Witte, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (USA)
2    Heat Removal Tests for the High Performance Vault Storage System of Spent Nuclear Fuel
M. Oda, Hitachi Works Ltd. (JAPAN)
3    Repacking and Accountancy of HEU Dragon Fuel for Long Term Storage
S.J. Parkinson, R.C. Smallcalder, NUKEM Nuclear Ltd. (UK)
4    Multipurpose Dry Storage Facilities
C. Bonnet, M. Giorgio, SGN (FRANCE)
5    Owl Creek Energy Project - A Solution to the Spent Fuel Temporary Storage Issue
I.F. Stuart, NAC International (USA)
6    Trojan Spent Fuel Pool Debris Removal Project
K.P. Guay, R.D. Roberts, J.G. Wagner, GTS Duratek (USA)

Thursday AM   3/4/99
8:30:00 AM       SESSION   62       Gila Rm.
CERCLA Remedial or Removal Actions and D&D Integration
Douglass J. Kuhns, INEEL-LMITCO
Robert Montgomery, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company
1    Integrating Environmental Restoration and D&D Activities Across the DOE Complex
J. Reisenauer, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company (USA)
2    Enhancing Development of Non-Time-Critical Removal Actions Under Cercla through Value Engineering
S. Parikh, Bechtel Hanford, Inc. (USA)
3    Plug-In Record Of Decision: In-Situ Stabilization and Low-Permeability Soil Cover.
J. Ross, T. Rehder, Ed Mcnamee, BSRI; B. Aylward, WSRC, P. Prater, USDOE; K. Kytola, PPC (USA)
4    A Practical Example of the Integration of Environmental Restoration and Decontamination and Dismantlement Requirements at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
D.J. Kuhns, Lockheed-Martin Idaho Technologies Co.; C.L. Reese, Parsons Infrastructure and Technology Co. (USA)
5    Decommissioning of the DOE's "Oldest" Facility Via a CERCLA Removal Action
J.B. Price, A.W. Kleinrath, P.C. Lucas, D.G. Carfagno, R.F. Weston (USA)
6    Facility Waste Characterization for D&D – HEU, Mixed and LLRW – for CERCLA, RCRA, DOE and NRC Compliance
F. Gardner, G. Perry, S. LaBuy, L. Escue, Decon and Recovery Services, LLC; T. Hodgens, NFT, Inc.; D. Feireisel, USDOE (USA)

Thursday AM   3/4/99
8:30:00 AM       SESSION   63       Copper Rm.
Development, Demonstration and Application of New and Innovative D & D Technologies
Kevin Kostelnik, INEEL-LMITCO
J.F. Maechel, SGN
1    Dismantling the WAGR Pressure Vessel and Insulation
J. Halladay, F. Bazerque, Entech (UK)
2    Innovative Underwater Cutting Procedures for the Dismantling of Two German Nuclear Power Plants
H.H. Alba, ALBA Industries USA Inc.; N. Eickelpasch, VAK, Kahl; D. Schmidt, DETEC, and NUKEM Nuclear Technologies, H. Steiner, KGB mbH (GERMANY/USA)
3    A Deactivation and Decommissioning Focus Area's Triumph: The Oxy-Gasoline Cutting Torch
W.H. Snedaker, Jr., D.R. Krause, M.S. Peters, Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation (USA)
4    The Design, Construction and Commissioning of a Transportable Radioactive Sludge Dewatering Unit (TRSDU)
A. Bishop, P.H. Hopkins, NUKEM Nuclear Ltd.; R. Empsall, BNFL Magnox Generation (UK)
5    Practical Gaseous Co-Decontamination for CP, FP and TRU Based on Chemical Plasma Reactions
K. Tatenuma, Y. Hishinuma, S. Tomatsuri, Kaken Co. Mito Institute (JAPAN)
6    Modern Techniques for Contaminated Sites Remediation
S.V. Mikheikin, A. Yu. Smirnov, L.V. Pronina, A.N. Alekseev, P. Ogulnik, Ye. Laguzin, VNIINM, T.N. Bolysheva, G.P. Glazunov, A.D. Fless, Moscow State University (MSU) (RUSSIA)
7    High-Temperature Decontaminatin of Metal Scrap
L. Mamaev, S. Khrabrov, V. Tikhomirov, VNIINM, M. I. Ojovan, O.K. Karlina, V.M. Tyvansky, A.G. Petrov "Radon" (RUSSIA)

Thursday AM   3/4/99
8:30:00 AM       SESSION   64       Maricopa Rm.
US Community Investments
Ali Yazdi, Bechtel Environmental, Inc.
J. Schlatter, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC
1    Oak Ridge Waste Disposition, What to do When You Have No Place To Go
S. Stiger, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC; S. Riddle, C. Gist, USDOE (USA)
2    Watershed Strategy Facilitates Remedial Decision-Making
S.B. Garland, II, Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc; J. Pfeffer, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC; R. Sleeman, USDOE (USA)
3    Oak Ridge Environmental Management: The Transition from an M&O to M&I Contractor
J. Nemec, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (USA)
4    Subcontracting Challenges of the DOE Oak Ridge Management and Integration Contract
D. von der Linden, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC; P.D. Dayton, USDOE (USA)
5    Reindustrialization and Job Creation
S. Buckley, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC; R.J. Brown, USDOE-OR (USA)

Thursday AM   3/4/99
8:30:00 AM       SESSION   65       Mohave Rm.
Application of Innovative Methods and Technologies in ER
John Lehr, USDOE
Rudieger W. Koenig, NUKEM Nuclear Technologies
1    Evaluating In Situ Treatment Technologies for Buried Mixed Waste Remediation at the INEEL
D.K. Jorgensen, D.F. Nickelson, R.A. Hyde, R.K. Farnsworth, J.J. Jessmore, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company (USA)
2    Construction and Operation of a Chemical Extraction Soil Treatment Plant for the Remediation of Uranium Contaminated Soil at a DOE Facility
J. Kulpa, RMI Environmental Services (USA)
3    The Electrokinetic Approach of the Soil Clean-up from Radioactive Elements
L.B. Prozorov, M.Y. Shcheglov, V.V. Martyanov, V.B. Nikolaevsky, SIA "Radon" (RUSSIA)
4    Tritium Monitoring of Groundwater and Surfaces
D. MacArthur, P. Aamodt, J. Bounds, J. Koster, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)
5    Magnetic Adsorption Method for the Treatment of Metal Contaminated Aqueous Waste
G.B. Cotten, J.D. Navratil, Idaho National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory; H.B. Eldredge, University of Idaho (USA)
6    Effective Cleanup at LLNL: Common Sense, A Tool Box, and Innovative Technologies
A.L. Lamarre, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; K. Angleberger, M.G. Brown, USDOE (USA)

Thursday AM   3/4/99
8:30:00 AM       SESSION   66       Greenlee Rm.
Ethics and Equity in Waste Management
Linda Ulland, MN Pollution Control Agency
Mervyn Tano, Tano and Associates
1    Stakeholder Report on Stewardship for the Oak Ridge Reservation
L. Sigal, Oak Ridge Reservation Environ. Mgmt Site Specific Advisory Board (USA)
2    A Stakeholder View on Equity in Environmental Management of DOE Sites
W.M. Pardue, Charles A. Washington Sr., Oak Ridge Reservation Environ. Mgmt Site Specific Advisory Board (USA)
3    Environmental Equity: State Implementation of Environmental Justice Requirements
Linda M. Ulland, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (USA)
4    Ethical Assumptions in Public Participation
P. Fleming, Creighton University (USA)
5    Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage On Indian Lands: Can It Be Just?
M. Tano, N. Ishiyama, International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management (USA)
6    A Proposal to Use Mediation Techniques in the Field of Nuclear Waste Management
M. Forsyth, Consultant (USA)
7    Uranium Mining and Indigenous Communities: Cross-Cultural Dispute Resolution in Australia and Canada
S. Ali, MIT (USA)
8    The Historical Roots of Tribal Involvement in the Development, Operation and Cleanup of DOE's Weapons Complex
B. Petrasek, USDOE; A. Wing, Council of Energy Resource Tribes; M. Tano, International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management (USA)

Thursday PM   3/4/99
1:30:00 PM       SESSION   67       Copper Rm.
Methodologies Used To Assess and Evaluate Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Options
Ken Guay, GTS Duratek
Detlef Schmidt, DETEC/NUKEM Nuclear Technologies
1    Meaningful Environmental Restoration Performance Measurements
L. Murphy and E.S. Bognar, Kaiser-Hill Company, LLC (USA)
2    An Optimized Investigation Strategy for the Decision on Remediation of Mining Relics in Germany
K. Gehrcke, Federal Office for Radiation Protection (GERMANY)
3    Systems Engineering Approach to the Alternative Selection for the Resolution of the Benzene Generation Problem Associated with the In-Tank Precipitation (ITP) Faciity at SRS
J.D. Carlson, High Level Waste Salt Disposition Systems Engineering Team (USA)
4    Deployment Evaluation Methodology for the Electrometallurgical Treatment of DOE-EM Spent Nuclear Fuel
R. Ramer, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technology Co. (USA)
5    Assured Isolation Facilities: Solving the Problem of Safely Managing Low Level Radioactive Waste
D.V. LeMone, University of Texas at El Paso; T. Kerr, National Low-Level Waste Management Program; L.R. Jacobi, Jr., Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority (USA)
6    Ensuring a Value Adding Focus for Technology Development in a Global Waste Management Business
M. Sharp, L. Wike, B. Holmes, British Nuclear Fuels plc (UK)
7    Internationally Standardised Cost Items for the Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations
K. Pflugrad, EC; L. Teunckens, Belgoprocess; C. Chan-Sands, IAEA; T. Lazo, OECD/NEA (BRUSSELS/BELGIUM/AUSTRIA/FRANCE)

Thursday PM   3/4/99
1:30:00 PM       SESSION   68       Crystal Rm.
Regulation, Criteria, and Standards
Finis Southworth, INEEL-LMITCO
Donald Wood, GaeaTech Services
1    WIPP Waste Characterization: Implementing Regulatory Requirements in the Real World
C. Wayman, USDOE; Barry Goldstein, Sandia National Laboratories (USA)
2    Development of Regulatory Framework for Implementing Radiological Exemption/Clearance Based on ALARA Principles and Current Practices in Korea
J.H. Cheong, H.T. Kim, T.W. Suk, S.H. Park, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (REPUBLIC OF KOREA)
3    DOE Complex and SRS Issues Associated with Implementation of DOE Order 435.1 "Radioactive Waste Management"
W.T. Goldston, Westinghouse Savannah River Co./BNFL (USA)
6    Development of New NRC Regulations for the Proposed Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
J.P. Kotra, T.J. McCartin, K.I. McConnell, M.J. Bell, USNRC (USA)-----this paper is in Workshop Yucca Mountain

Thursday PM   3/4/99
1:30:00 PM       SESSION   69       Turquoise Rm.
D&D - DOE Facility Deactivation
David Stewart, Bechtel Savannah River, Inc.
Andrew Szilagyi, Office of Nuclear Material and Facility Stabilization
1    National Facilities Deactivation Initiative (NFDI)
A. Szilagyi, USDOE; C. Negin, Project Enhancement Corporation, G. L. Brin, Science Applications International Corporation (USA)
2    Accelerating Deactivation
J. Hayfield Jr., W.A. Peiffer, B&W Hanford Company (USA)
3    Deactivating N Reactor Basin at the Hanford Site
R.S. Day, G.M. Duncan, H.R. Trumble, Bechtel Hanford, Inc. (USA)
4    Deactivating a Major Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Facility Cost Effectively
G.J. LeBaron and J.P. Hayfield Jr., B&W Hanford Company (USA)
5    Recent Deactivation Activities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
L. Duquella, USDOE (USA)
6    A Case History-Savannah River Site Reactor Placed in Long Term Storage with Zero Future Surveillance and Maintenance Costs
D.E. Stewart, C.W. Bruns, Bechtel Savannah River, Inc. (USA)
7    D&D Compliance with Facility End-point Specifications Through Independent Verification
D. R. Quayle, E. W. Abelquist, Oak Ridge for Science and Education; L.M. Bishop, T. L. Mims, USDOE (USA)
8    Stabilization and Disposition of Excess Facilities and DOE's Life Cycle Asset Management Order
A. Szilagyi, USDOE; G. Brin, SAIC; G. Pomeroy, T. Eng, USDOE (USA)

Thursday PM   3/4/99
1:30:00 PM       SESSION   70       Mohave Rm.
Environmental Restoration Risk Technologies
Patti Kroupa, USDOE
1    Multimedia Modeling of Environmental Restoration Risks at Rocky Flats
J.L. Regens, K.O. Obenshain, Tulane University Medical Center; C. Travis, Informatica International; J.T. Gunter, V. Miller, Tulane University Medical Center (USA)
2    Industrial Hazardous Waste Characterization Using DUST Code
F. Luiz de Lemos, Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN); W. C. Baptista, Centro de Assistencia Industrial para o Meio Ambiente (CAIMA); T. Sullivan, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BRAZIL/USA)
3    Characterization to Support Watershed Scale Decision Making for the Bear Creek Valley Watershed at the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
P.D. Moss, S.R. Pack, SIAC.; K.P. Catlett, D.G. Adler, USDOE; S.P. Kucera, Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC (USA)
4    Screening Risks to Terrestrial Vertebrates from Radionuclide Contamination in Soil and Water
R.C. Morris, Environmental Science and Research Foundation, Inc.; R. VanHorn, INEEL-LMITCO (USA)
5    Evaluation of Bioaccumulation Models for Terrestrial Ecological Risk Assessment
C.L. Fordham, Terra Technologies; C.M. Marsh, Rust Environment and Infrastructure; R. Grover, Environomics Risk Group; M.E. Maly, U.S. Army Environmental Center (USA)

Thursday PM   3/4/99
1:30:00 PM       SESSION   71       Maricopa Rm.
Sample Management and DOE's National Analytical Management Program
Cliff Watkins, INEEL-LMITCO
Lea Ekman, USDOE
1    The National Analytical Management Program
S. Morton, USDOE (USA)
2    Development and Implementation of Information Systems for DOE's National Analytical Management Program (NAMP)
W.E. Streets, P.C. Lindahl, Argonne National Laboratory; J.R. Dahlgran, J.S. Morton, L. Ekman, USDOE (USA)
3    NELAC and the DOE Complex
H. Harrison, Department of Energy National Analytical Management Program (USA)
4    DOE's Radiological Traceability Program for Radioanalytical Measurements: Work in Progress
D.E. McCurdy, J.S. Morton, USDOE
5    DEEMS 1995 to 1999
R.D. Murray, FETC (USA)
6    Asking for an Electronic Data Deliverable is Easier than Getting It
T. McCracken, LMITCO (USA)
7    Comparison of Pricing in DOE-EM Based Contracts for Commercial Environmental Analytical Services, 1999
C.H. Reece, DynCorp (USA)

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