1 TRACK 1 - STUDENT POSTER WINNER - #17552, "Water Corrosion of Spent Nuclear Fuel: Radiolysis Driven Dissolution at the UO2/Water Interface", Author: Sophie Rennie, University of Bristol.
2 TRACK 2 POSTER WINNER: HLW/SNF/TRU - #17435 - "Computational Safeguards Analysis of PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel in Dry Storage", Authors: Wonyoung Jung (Pictured), Sung-Woo Kwak, Heo Chul, Jong-Ho Yoon, Heejun Chung, Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control.
3 TRACK 3 POSTER WINNER: LLW/ILW/MW & NORM - #17487 "Safe Packaging of Chemically Reactive Radioactive Waste – Addressing the Data Needs", Authors: Jim Blurelbach (Pictured), Elizabeth Raines, Martin Plys, Fauske & Associates.
4 TRACK 4 POSTER WINNER: NUCLEAR POWER PLANT - #17572 ""Subdrain Water Treatment Facility for Reduction of Accumulated Waste Water Amount at the Fukushima NPS Site"", Authors: Toshimasa Ohashi (Pictured), Yasuo Yoshii, Fumio Takahashi, Yuko Kani, Hitachi, Ltd., Takashi Asano, Kenji Noshita, Yusuke Kitamoto, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Ken Yamaguchi, Kei Kobayashi, Yuichi Kurosaki, Mitsuyuki Yamazak, TEPCO, Inc.
5 TRACK 5 POSTER WINNER: PACKAGING & TRANSPORATION - #17229 ""Personnel Qualification and Certification Program in Pressure Decay Leak Testing on the RT-100 Type (B) Cask:, Author: Abdulasalam Shakhatreh, Robatel Technologies.
6 TRACK 6 POSTER WINNER: DECONTAMINATION & DECOMMISSIONING - #17363 "How Useful Are Imaging and Remote Sensing Technologies in Decontamination and Decommissioning?", Authors: Alexey Stepanov (Pictured), Oleg Ivanov, Anatoly Volkovich, Victor Potapov, Vyacheslav Stepanov, Vitaly Lukyanov, National Research Centre - Kurchatov Institute.
7 TRACK 7 POSTER WINNER: ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION - #17368 ""Development of a Regional Groundwater Flow Model for the US DOE Oak Ridge Reservation: Numerical Model Using MODFLOW- USG"" Authors: Alauddin Khan, Leidos, Robert Gelinas, Restoration Services, Inc/UCOR (Pictured) Steve Haase, Richard Ketelle, Holly Clanceyo, Lynn Sims, Samantha Pack, Restoration Services, Inc/UCOR Dennis Mayton, US DOE Oakridge Environmental Management.
8 TRACK 8 POSTER WINNER: COMMUNICATION, EDUCATION & TRAINING - #17245 ""Savannah River Remediation Liquid Waste Operation Lifecycle Savings through a Lean Business System at the Savannah River Site"" Authors: Laurene Rowell (Pictured), Zachaery Todd, Savannah River Remediation.
9 TRACK 9 POSTER WINNER: SPECIAL TOPICS & MULTI-TRACK CROSS CUTTING - #17285 ""Proposal of Categorization of Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources with a View to Safety"", Authors: Paloma Suzane Cabrera (Pictured), Eduardo Ferreira, Julio Takehiro Marumo, Roberto Vicente, Nuclear & Energy Research Institute.