Paper Title
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Integrating Decontamination Strategies into a Waste Estimation Support Tool for Radiological Incidents - 15284
Paul Lemieux, US EPA (USA); Timothy Boe, Eastern Research Group, Inc. (USA); Daniel Schultheisz, US EPA (USA); Thomas Peake, US EPA (USA); Colin Hayes, Eastern Research Group, Inc. (USA) |
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Sorption of Radionuclides to Building Materials and its Removal Using Simple Salts - 15452
Michael Kaminski, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Carol Mertz, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Nadia Kivenas, Argonne National Laboratory (USA); Luis Ortega, Argonne National Laboratory (USA) |
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Hanford Site Excavation Permit Application Automation Project - 15187
David Havens, Mission Service Alliance (USA); Boyd Hathaway, US DOE (USA);
Rick Moren (Presenter only), Mission Support Alliance (USA) |