Paper Title
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Integrated Program for Department of Energy Environmental Management Office of Soil and Groundwater Remediation - 15426
Kurt Gerdes, US DOE (USA); Skip Chamberlain, US DOE (USA); Hope Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Mark Freshley, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Michael Truex, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Amoret Bunn, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Paul Dixon, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA); Carol Eddy-Dilek, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Eric Pierce, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA); Patricia Lee, US DOE (USA); Justin Marble, US DOE (USA); Karen Skubal, US DOE (USA) |
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The SRNL Technical Assistance Program: Transferring Lessons Learned from Two Decades of Remedial Successes to the DOE Complex - 15438
Carol Eddy-Dilek, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Brian Looney, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Miles Denham, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA) |
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Progress Toward Cleanup of Operable Unit 1 Groundwater at the US DOE Mound, Ohio, Site: Success of a Phased-Combined Remedy - 15310
Rebecca Cato, S.M. Stoller Corporation (USA);
Gwen Hooten, US DOE (USA); Brian Looney, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Brent Huntsman, Terran Corporation (USA) |
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Fate and Transport of Contaminants at Soils Sites - 15512
Julianne Miller, Desert Research Institute (USA); Steve Mizell, Desert Research Institute (USA); Greg McCurdy, Desert Research Institute (USA); George Nikolich, Desert Research Institute (USA); Vic Etyemezian, Desert Research Institute (USA); Jenny Chapman, Desert Research Institute (USA) |
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Edible Oil and MicroCED Treatability Study for Enhanced Attenuation of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds at P Area, Savannah River Site - 15364
Mark Amidon, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA); Brian Riha, Savannah River National Laboratory (USA);
Ashley Shull, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (USA) |
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Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) Environmental Remediation Using EPA’s Model Evaluation Guidance to Move to Closure - 15588
Greg Ruskauff, Navarro-Intera, LLC (USA);
Nicole DeNovio, Golder Associates (USA) |
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Innovative Use of Cr(VI) Plume Depictions and Pump-and-Treat Capture Analysis to Estimate Risks of Contaminant Discharge to Surface Water at Hanford Reactor Areas - 15315
Charles Miller, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Kris Ivarson, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Matthew Tonkin, S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. (USA); James Hanson, US DOE (USA) |