Paper Title
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Development of a Groundwater Transport Simulation Tool for Remedial Process Optimization - 15316
Charles Miller, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Kris Ivarson, CH2M HILL PRC (USA); Matthew Tonkin, S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. (USA); Steve Baker, Umtanum Enterprises (USA); James Hanson, US DOE (USA) |
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Development of Ion Specific Media to Treat Sr-Contaminated Water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant - 15486
Joshua Mertz, Kurion (USA); Brett Simpson, Kurion, Inc. (USA); Wesley Bratton, Kurion, Inc. (USA); Carly Nelson, Kurion, Inc. (USA) |
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NNSS Environmental Remediation: Large-Scale Multi-Well Aquifer Tests Used to Define Flow Systems - 15589
Greg Ruskauff, Navarro-Intera, LLC (USA);
Nicole DeNovio, Golder Associates (USA) |
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Functional Diversity in Oxic Sediments from the Hanford 200 West Area and Implications for Remediation - 15425
Brady Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Elsa Cordova, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Joshua Ellis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Sabrina Saurey, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Danielle Saunders, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA); Hope Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) |
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3D Sonar for Tank Waste Quantification - 15430
Martin Williams, NuVision Engineering (USA); Stephen Lainson, Fortis Remote Technology (United Kingdom); Erich Keszler, NuVision Engineering Inc. (USA) |
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Hexavalent Chromium Sensor for Real Time In Situ Measurement of Ground Water Contamination - 15433
Kimberly Schuyler, Freestone Environmental Services Inc (USA);
Kenton Rod, Freestone Environmental Services (USA); Stephen Hall, Freestone Environmental Services Inc (USA) |